Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2019

Greg Hardy UFC Gave Me "New Lease On Life" ... New Attitude


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Greg Hardy UFC Gave Me "New Lease On Life" ... New Attitude

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Lil Tay Cops Attitude Over "Million Dollar Headphone Deal"

Lil Tay shaded our photog for daring to asking  about her rumored million-dollar deal with Tunes Audio Headphones. We got the 9-year-old hitting up Nice Guy Saturday in WeHo, where we dared to ask about her supposed score.  By the way,…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Tonya Harding Blasted for Fake Crying, Diva Attitude on DWTS!

On the most recent episode of Dancing With The Stars, infamous Olympics legend Tonya Harding pulled off the Foxtrot.

Her performance was pretty good, but it wasn’t perfect. And Tonya broke down in tears afterwards.

An insider’s report says that Tonya’s competition think that her tears are fake, and are more than ready for her to go.

RadarOnline reports that Tonya Harding’s fake tears were the last straw for the other dancers.

“Tonya’s tears just did not sit well with the other contestants.”

They were not charmed. And she was apparently already on their last nerve.

“And they are already getting fed up with her theatricals.”

Okay, so “theatricals” is a nonsense word. A person is theatrical. A theatrical person might display theatrics.

“Everyone is saying that she completely faked her crying episode on-screen during the premiere.”

And apparenlty they all know what she’s really like, behind the scenes.

“Because she is not that emotional in real life.”

It was more than just crocodile tears that rubbed them the wrong way.

“She is such a huge drama queen and it seems that she believes she is the star of the show already.”

And the insider says that she believes that for a not-too-bad reason.

“The producers seem to agree.”

They’ve been putting her front and center in their promos.

“Because they are using her imagery for most of the promotion of this current season.”

Weird, consider that Adam Rippon is the huge star from, you know, this century.

But that’s none of our business, we guess.

Apparently, Tonya’s “theatricals” and other antics have people thoroughly exhasperated.

“Everyone is already just so sick of her.”

Perhaps they wouldn’t mind her so much if she were dominating the competition?

But she hasn’t been doing too badly. She hasn’t been sent home, anyway. Yet.

“And the other contestants all agree that they all need to up their game.”

They apparently have one goal in mind — aside from victory.

“And get her eliminated as soon as possible.”

Hey, it’s a competition. This sounds like fair motivation.

We will play devil’s advocate for a moment.

Let us consider, for example, that it is easy for people to hold a negative opinion of Tonya.

She is, of course, implicated in the infamous attack on Nancy Kerrigan.

Honestly, among younger people, many would not even remember her name were it not for that legacy — and the recent I, Tonya film on the subject.

So it is easy to see how people might view Tonya through the filter of their preconceptions.

At the same time … Tonya’s reputation probably didn’t come out of nowhere.

Tonya Harding has been disgraced ever since Nancy Kerrigan’s attack.

She’s had a number of less-than-ideal moments in terms of public relations and optics. She may have been hoping that Dancing With The Stars would be her redemption arc.

But the show itself will thrive on drama.

The drama of her winning or losing will work just as well. And if she’s poorly behaved behind the scenes … that honestly helps drive up interest in the show.

But if Tonya continues to be seen as difficult to work with … she could be looking at the end of her TV career.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Jill Duggar on Baby Israel: The Kid"s Got an Attitude!

Jill Duggar has long been viewed as one of the more quiet, serious-minded Duggar siblings.

She was the first Duggar daughter to get married and start a family, and she’s spent much of the past year performing missionary work in El Salvador with her husband and 1-year-old son, Israel.

Everything seems to be going exactly according to plan – but if anyone knows that life is full of unexpected challenges, it’s Jill.

The 24-year-old has had to make a lot of adjustments in recent months, what with becoming a mom, moving to a new country, and coping with the fallout from the Josh Duggar sex scandals, but we rarely hear her complain.

So perhaps it’s not surprising when Jill feels the need to issue the mildest gripe about her rapidly-changing life:

“He has started developing a little more of an attitude recently to try to tell us when he doesn’t like certain things,” Jill recently Us Weekly when asked about her son.

Then, as if trying to dial back her comments, she added, “For the most part, as long as he is entertained, he stays happy…He has a very sweet personality.”

If you’re thinking that it’s a bit early for Jill to be complaining about her son’s “attitude,” you’re absolutely right.

Israel just turned one earlier this month, and we don’t know how much time you’ve spent with infants, but they’re generally not the most even-keeled lot.

Don’t get us wrong, Jill seems to be enjoying motherhood, and we’re sure her love for her son runs deep, but it was a bit of an odd comment to make in a public forum, and Jill seemed to realize it, as she compensated by heaping on the praise:

“He has such a cute big smile with slight dimples (from Daddy!) and big baby teeth. He melts our hearts,” she told the tabloid.

“It’s hard to tell who he will be most like as a kid, but as far as a baby, I’d say he is a lot like both of us, since from what I hear we were both pretty good babies.”

Yes, yes…an entire family of good babies, that’s it. All is well in Duggar Land!

We can’t help but wonder if a change came over Jill’s face as she switched back into PR mode.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more of Jill maintaining a perma-grin as she copes with the challenges of raising her fist child.

Monday, April 18, 2016

LeAnn Rimes Responds to "Kardashian Attitude" Criticism

Last week, songwriter and radio personality Billy Mack slammed LeAnn Rimes for what he called her “Kardashian attitude” after she was allegedly rude to audience members (including Billy’s father, country legend Bill Mack) at a performance in Texas.

LeAnn has more haters than fans these days (due in no small part to her notorious ego), and she can’t really afford any more negative press.

So instead of just ignoring Mack’s comments in hopes that the story would go away, LeAnn got in front of it.

Or more accurately, she had her publicist get in front of it with a lame, awkwardly-worded statement in LeAnn’s defense:

“In hindsight, Bill Mack and his son’s desire to see LeAnn on their time frame with no regard for the time frames that are part of every artist’s protocol before shows was the only ‘diva’ attitude going on,” the statement reads.

“LeAnn and her family love Bill Mack. She has no idea why he would harbor such intense ill feelings about her and why he could talk as if he knew anything about her personal life.”

Well, if she’s trying to prove that she’s above the drama, calling out an aging country icon as a “diva” is probably not the way to go about it.

Reports of LeAnn delaying a flight with her bratty behavior don’t help either. 

Perhaps Ms. Rimes should just give up on touring and stick to something she’s better at – like feuding with Brandi Glanville.

LeAnn Rimes Responds to "Kardashian Attitude" Criticism

Last week, songwriter and radio personality Billy Mack slammed LeAnn Rimes for what he called her “Kardashian attitude” after she was allegedly rude to audience members (including Billy’s father, country legend Bill Mack) at a performance in Texas.

LeAnn has more haters than fans these days (due in no small part to her notorious ego), and she can’t really afford any more negative press.

So instead of just ignoring Mack’s comments in hopes that the story would go away, LeAnn got in front of it.

Or more accurately, she had her publicist get in front of it with a lame, awkwardly-worded statement in LeAnn’s defense:

“In hindsight, Bill Mack and his son’s desire to see LeAnn on their time frame with no regard for the time frames that are part of every artist’s protocol before shows was the only ‘diva’ attitude going on,” the statement reads.

“LeAnn and her family love Bill Mack. She has no idea why he would harbor such intense ill feelings about her and why he could talk as if he knew anything about her personal life.”

Well, if she’s trying to prove that she’s above the drama, calling out an aging country icon as a “diva” is probably not the way to go about it.

Reports of LeAnn delaying a flight with her bratty behavior don’t help either. 

Perhaps Ms. Rimes should just give up on touring and stick to something she’s better at – like feuding with Brandi Glanville.

Monday, April 11, 2016

LeAnn Rimes Called Out For Diva Antics, "Kardashian Attitude"

These days, LeAnn Rimes is best known as the woman who mistook Eddie Cibrian for husband material, but there was a time not that long ago when she was a famous country singer.

LeAnn still tours, but she’s gone from playing packed stadiums to performing for small crowds at clubs and county fairs.

Over the weekend, the songstress-turned-social-media-star sang at Billy Bob’s Texas in Fort Worth, a venue that’s often referred to as “the world’s largest honky tonk.”

Apparently it was a little too large for LeAnn, as only about half the tickets sold for her Saturday night concert.

Worse, songwriter and radio DJ Billie Mack – who penned LeAnn’s 1996 hit single “Blue” – was in attendance, and his scathing takedown of LeAnn’s haughty behavior went viral this morning:

“So funny @leannrimes had the lowest attendance @BillyBobsTexas and still acts like a Diva. What a shame,” Mack tweeted. “Go back to LA.#Sellout #Hasbeen”

Mack went into greater detail on Facebook, where he posted the following account of his interaction with Rimes:

“My dad and I go to Billy Bob’s Texas (Which is a whole other story) to see a LeAnn Rimes and wish her the best (which by the way the lowest attendance I’ve seen there in a long time) No need to wonder why she is a has been in this industry.

“Her lack of humility, to her fans, my dad, Curb Records, or anyone else who has ever been in her corner in the early part of her career is hard, but a lil cute to watch.

“Sometimes it’s best to stay in LA. Don’t crawl back to Texas with a Kardashian attitude, expecting a Texas size applause. I wish her the best, but you can’t fool the fans. I speak only for me, and nobody else on this matter.”

Needless to say, Mack is not a fan.

Of course, as we said, LeAnn is better known for her personal life and her social media presence than for her music these days.

Her 100,000 followers likely won’t be surprised by Mack’s revelations about Rimes, as her constant bikini selfies and customized stepmom jewelry don’t exactly suggest a woman who would fit right it in at a Fort Worth honky tonk.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Snooki & JWOWW Moms With Attitude Trailer: Yes, This Is Real

For those of us who assumed anyone from Jersey Shore used up their 15 minutes of fame, there are two broads who managed to defy the odds and find themselves – yet again – in front of the camera.

The trailer for Snooki & JWOWW: Moms With Attitude (premiering November 13th), is motherhood at its absolute best.  There"s wine, there"s a birthday party that probably didn"t go as planned, there are makeup artists contouring noses.  Something for everyone, really.

“I"m thrilled to have the opportunity to work with my best friend again and to show our lives as moms, because we"re kick ass," Snooki said in a statement.  "It"s so much fun being able to work both in front of the camera and behind as a producer and can’t wait to show everyone what we have been up to!”

Farley, who announced her second pregnancy at her October wedding to longtime love Roger Mathews, had this to say:

“I am so excited to be back in our new series with my bestie, Nicole. Being producers of this project and working together again has been such a fun experience, and we can’t wait for everyone to see our new show!”

Because the network is geared towards everyone"s favorite generation, the Head of Awestruck, Sarah Penna, saw an opportunity.

“Our audience grew up with Snooki and JWOWW and now they can share in their motherhood experience.  

"Moms With Attitude is a great example of Awestruck’s style- unapologetically imperfect, relatable, playful, full of attitude yet never short of heart.”

This is wonderful news for everyone who isn"t a millennial.  

Snookie and jwow moms with attitude trailer yes this is real

Thursday, September 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Brandi Glanville Dishes On Supporting Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump"s "Balls To The Wall" Attitude & Celebrity Apprentice"s New Host!

Brandi Glanville has A LOT to say!

Nothing was off the table, including Donald Trump‘s presidential bid.

And considering the former Celebrity Apprentice contestant was on his last season of the show, we’re not too surprised she was spilling all!

Related: Brandi Is Flirty In Florals At The Launch Of Her Own Wine

We EXCLUSIVELY chat with the blonde beauty at the All Star Mixology Competition in WeHO on Wednesday night, where she confessed her thoughts on him running for Prez.

Brandi shared:

“I’m normally a Democrat. But I say go for it. I kinda love that he’s balls to the wall and says whatever the heck he wants. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are like, ‘Oh my god, did you say that?’ But it’s refreshing that he’s not afraid. He’s not afraid to say, ‘This person is not a 10’ [referencing his comments about Heidi Klum]. I feel that people are so overly sensitive right now, it’s nice to have someone who is so unapologetic.”

Ooh, does this mean Donald can count her vote??

Related: Trump Goes After Rand Paul’s Looks During The GOP Debate

If anything, she’s at least a fan of his approach!

As for Celebrity Apprentice‘s next season, Brandi doesn’t seem to have any issues with Donald’s replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger. She revealed:

“I’m so excited. Arnold is so different than Donald. I’m so excited that the show is going on, because I was told it wasn’t. I’m just glad the show is continuing.”

Though if they ever need a new CEO, the former Real Housewives starlet is all for it, saying:

“I told Mark Burnett, if you need someone, I’m available!”

Loves it! She’d definitely shake things up!

Though when asked if she would return to the show for Arnold’s season, she divulged:

“No! It was amazing. But it was stressful, and a long time away from my children. They did come and visit a few times but it was so time consuming. I have too many other things going on, too many businesses to run and need to focus on that right now.”

Well, we can’t see what’s in store for Brandi next!!

In the meantime, you can pick up her line of Unfiltered Blonde chardonnay in select stores and restaurants. For a full list click HERE.

[Image via WENN.]