Thursday, September 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Brandi Glanville Dishes On Supporting Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump"s "Balls To The Wall" Attitude & Celebrity Apprentice"s New Host!

Brandi Glanville has A LOT to say!

Nothing was off the table, including Donald Trump‘s presidential bid.

And considering the former Celebrity Apprentice contestant was on his last season of the show, we’re not too surprised she was spilling all!

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We EXCLUSIVELY chat with the blonde beauty at the All Star Mixology Competition in WeHO on Wednesday night, where she confessed her thoughts on him running for Prez.

Brandi shared:

“I’m normally a Democrat. But I say go for it. I kinda love that he’s balls to the wall and says whatever the heck he wants. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are like, ‘Oh my god, did you say that?’ But it’s refreshing that he’s not afraid. He’s not afraid to say, ‘This person is not a 10’ [referencing his comments about Heidi Klum]. I feel that people are so overly sensitive right now, it’s nice to have someone who is so unapologetic.”

Ooh, does this mean Donald can count her vote??

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If anything, she’s at least a fan of his approach!

As for Celebrity Apprentice‘s next season, Brandi doesn’t seem to have any issues with Donald’s replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger. She revealed:

“I’m so excited. Arnold is so different than Donald. I’m so excited that the show is going on, because I was told it wasn’t. I’m just glad the show is continuing.”

Though if they ever need a new CEO, the former Real Housewives starlet is all for it, saying:

“I told Mark Burnett, if you need someone, I’m available!”

Loves it! She’d definitely shake things up!

Though when asked if she would return to the show for Arnold’s season, she divulged:

“No! It was amazing. But it was stressful, and a long time away from my children. They did come and visit a few times but it was so time consuming. I have too many other things going on, too many businesses to run and need to focus on that right now.”

Well, we can’t see what’s in store for Brandi next!!

In the meantime, you can pick up her line of Unfiltered Blonde chardonnay in select stores and restaurants. For a full list click HERE.

[Image via WENN.]