Showing posts with label Dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dishes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

50 Cent Dishes on Life After "Power" Now That His Character is Dead

50 Cent will only be showing up on “Power” from here on out in flashbacks — if at all — but don’t think that’s got the guy down … he’s still reaping what the series sows. We got Fiddy on the streets of NYC — where his own character Kanan…


Friday, June 1, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Angelina Pivarnick Dishes on JWoww Feud

‘Jersey Shore’ outcast Angelina Pivarnick’s made her return and, even though it got a little nasty with the crew, she says they went out on good terms … until JWoww started running her mouth again. Angelina tells TMZ … despite a heated…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Olivia Munn Finally Dishes on Aaron Rodgers Family Drama

It has been over a year since Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn split. They had been together for three years.

Time has passed. Aaron is dating again. And Olivia is opening up about what she knows about his family situation.

"I"ve kind of avoided speaking about him for a long time, but …"

As you"ll hear in the video below, Olivia Munn appeared on the SiriusXM show, Andy Cohen Live.

"I met one brother, the one who was on The Bachelorette. I was friendly with Jordan."

She sounds nervous to be addressing such a touchy subject.

"I met the parents only a couple of times."

Only a couple of times in three years? That … is more or less what we"ve expected, given all that we"ve heard.

"Before he and I started dating he had not spoken to one of the brothers and his parents for eight months."


While some rumors suggested that Aaron broke up with Olivia for his family"s sake, she says that, if anything, she encouraged them to be closer.

"My last day on ‘The Newsroom’ I spent my day in the trailer just encouraging him to have an open conversation with his parents."

And she says that it worked.

"And they had a really nice conversation and then they started coming out my first year in Green Bay in 2014."

She talks about how delicate the relationship between fame and the family can be.

"I do believe that family and fame and success can be really complicated if their dreams are connected to your success."

And there"s more than a little overlap between Aaron"s career and his family.

"They [the Rodgers family] are all into sports and Aaron is one of the best, if not the best, quarterbacks to play the game."

I"m not personally sure how to rank a quarterback or any professional athlete, but I"ll take her word for it.

"Their work has a direct connection to what he does."

Aaron"s father played football, as Olivia mentions, and now works as a sports chiropractor. 

"There’s a lot of complications."

She doesn"t spill every last detail.

"I don’t think either side of the road is clean."

While she"s not willing to say that either Aaron or his family are free of wrongdoing, she does ultimately pick a side.

"But I do think it’s not OK if you try to stand on someone’s shoulders then throw dirt in their face, that’s what I think."

It sounds like she"s Team Aaron, in the end.

In general, the conversation between Andy and Olivia was about complicated families and what changes when one of them is thrust into the spotlight as a celebrity.

It has been a widespread topic of conversation in recent weeks, given the Royal Wedding and Meghan Markle"s horrifying extended family.

(To be clear, MegMar"s mother is amazing)

Olivia talks about how there"s no real parallel to Aaron"s family troubles within her own family, because their worlds don"t collide.

She talks about her mother being a tiny Asian woman who exists totally outside of the sphere of Olivia"s work.

J.K. Rowling"s husband is a doctor.

Chris Evans" father is a dentist.

A lot of celebrities make it work with their families. But some, inevitably, cannot handle being thrust into the spotlight. It can bring out the worst in people.

it is so sweet to hear that Olivia tried to get Aaron and his family to mend fences.

Obviously, some people"s issues with their parents transcend family feuds; if someone is toxic or abusive, you have every right to cut them off.

it sounds like, in this case, the bad blood arose from a number of complicated factors.

As Aaron"s brother Jordan revealed on The Bachelorette:

"It’s just kind of the way he’s chosen to do life, and I chose to stay close with my family, my parents, and my brother."

That mess sounds too complicated to be fixed by any one person. Olivia included.

Hear her describe all of that and more in this video:

Olivia munn dishes on aaron rodgers family drama

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Demi Lovato Dishes on "Fluid" Sexuality... and More!

Demi Lovato is not shy about sharing photos of her massive cleavage online.

And, as she’s made more and more clear in a handful of recent interviews, the singer isn’t shy about admitting that this cleavage is no longer reserved for the opposite sex, either.

If a woman wants to fondle it, hey… Lovato might be down!

“I’m very fluid, and I think love is love,” Lovato says in the new issue of InStyle, adding very simply:

“You can find it in any gender. I like the freedom of being able to flirt with whoever I want.”

The artist, of course, famously dated Wilmer Valderrama for six years.

She was then linked to MMA fighter Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos.

But just because Lovato is yet to officially date a female, the artist has said many times now that she’s bisexual and would consider it.

“I am open to human connection,” Demi said in her YouTube documentary, “Simply Complicated,” adding very basically in this video:

“I love who I love.”

Right now, however, Lovato is single. She is not actively loving anyone.

But this doesn’t mean she’s sad or regretful or lonely or anything like that.

“I’m not suffering because I’m alone,” she tells the magazine, explaining her evolution as follows:

“There were many years I was in a relationship and I wasn’t learning about myself. Now I’m learning about what I like, what I need, and what I want.”

In other words: Demi has matured.

She’s just had to do it at times in the spotlight, which can be a challenge for anyone, let alone someone with a history of drug abuse and who has been diagnosed as bipolar.

“You have to speak out about stuff. You have to use your voice for good,” the star says.

This is certainly something Lovato has done, getting very deep and very personal with how she formerly abused her body.

She continues:

“I didn’t have anybody who was doing that when I was younger. I grew up in the era of really, really skinny celebrities. That was the look.

“And it was cool to be seen partying. Drugs were glamorized, and when I was 12 or 13, nobody [I looked up to] was talking about mental illness.

“Nobody was talking about eating disorders. Nobody was talking about cutting. I wanted somebody for my little sister to look up to.

“I took on that role because I knew it was important.”

We’ve said so many times that we admire Lovato for her candor and the way she has handled these kinds of struggles.

But it really can’t be said enough, can it?

Demi also appreciates her status as a role model.

She has often answered questions from fans and has always encouraged them to turn to her with any issues to which she can relate.

“They’re very emotional. A lot of times people use that opportunity to dump their problems on me because they don’t know who else to talk to,” Lovato says of her meet and greets, concluding:

“They show me their cuts. I’ve had people come up to me and say, ‘I was going to kill myself until I got this meet and greet.’ And you’re just like, ‘What?’

“Sometimes I’ll meditate afterwards. Sometimes I’ll just kind of breathe. I used to sage myself. It’s very heavy.”

We can only imagine.


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Khabib Nurmagomedov Dishes on Meeting Ronaldo: He LOVES the UFC (And Me)

How big of an MMA fan is Cristiano Ronaldo?   So massive, that Real Madrid brought UFC star Khabib Nurmagomedov to meet him in Spain so the 2 could bro down … this according to Khabib himself. “He know everything about…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Matt Barnes Dishes on Business Meeting with Joe Montana

Matt Barnes’ next move towards becoming a billionaire?? Settin’ up business meetings with Hall of Famer Joe Montana!! TMZ Sports spoke with the retired NBA star — who recently told us he has a plan to join the 3 comma club by age 50 — and he…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

19 Famous Side Dishes These Stars Should Not Have Tasted

This just in:

Not all famous people are loyal.

Some cheat. Many cheat, in fact.

And, in turn, the people with whom they cheat become famous themselves.

Below, for example, is a rundown of well-known men and women who allegedly slept with celebrities while those celebrities were in relationships…

1. Sara Leal

Sara leal us weekly cover

Sara Leal was the 22-year old who told Us Weekly all about the time Ashton Kutcher had sex with her in a hot tub…while he was still wed to Demi Moore.

2. Rachel Roy

Rachel roy picture

She sort of outed herself as Jay Z’s mistress after Beyonce released an album titled “Lemonade” that clearly accuse her husband of cheating. (We said Rachel Roy, people. Not celebrity chef Rachael Ray.)

3. Rachel Uchitel

A rachel uchitel photograph

Patient zero of the Tiger Woods scandal. She later went on to serve as David Boreanaz’s side-piece.

4. Ava London

Ava london video still

London’s dalliance with Hank Baskett is still stirring up drama. We hope for her sake that she’s working on scoring a reality show deal.

5. Cady Groves

Cady groves photo

Cady Groves was a little-known singer songwriter…until she (allegedly) broke up the biggest marriage in country music. We don’t know if Cady is any good when it comes to writing country songs, but she sure knows how to live one!

6. Chloe Bartoli

Chloe bartoli hot on the beach

Photos of Chloe canoodling with Scott Disick led to the reality star getting dumped by Kourtney Kardashian. She still says the pics were misleading, and nothing happened between them.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amber Portwood: Ex Gary Shirley Dishes on Her New Boyfriend!

Amber Portwood sure seems to love shoving her new boyfriend down our throats, huh?

She’s been dating him for right about a month now, and we’re already sick to death of hearing about the guy.

But, to recap, her new beau’s name is Andrew Glennon, and he lives out in L.A., where he’s been working for several years in the television industry.

He had a gig on the most recent season of Marriage Boot Camp, and that’s where Amber met him — she was there trying to repair her ridiculously toxic relationship with Matt Baier.

They didn’t get together then, but a couple of weeks after filming wrapped up, he reached out to her.

After chit-chatting for a minute, he flew out to Indiana to visit her, and it seems like they’ve been attached at the hip ever since.

It’s a little alarming, considering that this is a lot like how her relationship with Matt began.

He approached her, she was receptive, he came to visit and he never, ever left.

But for now, we’ll have to go ahead and give Andrew the benefit of the doubt.

After all, it’s not like he could possibly be worse than Matt. Right?

(Please let that be right.)

Though they haven’t been together very long, Amber is moving pretty fast with this guy.

He’s already met her daughter, Leah, and she brought him out to Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards.

And according to Amber’s ex and the father of Leah, Gary Shirley, she may be moving a little too fast.

“I don’t know him enough,” Gary says in a new interview with In Touch.

“I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated.”

We’re not exactly sure what that part means, but he also reveals that “I think the last time they talked — I don’t know what they’re doing — but I think he was trying to relocate or something.”

Wait, so they’re already talking about him moving out to Indiana?!

Forget the fact that they’ve only been dating for a month — she’s known him for three months, at best.

After everything that happened with Matt, all the stealing and manipulating and possible cheating, she’s really willing to bring a relative stranger across the country and into her home?

And on top of that, what’s wrong with Andrew that he’d be willing to leave his whole career behind to be with Amber?

Last we heard, the film industry in Indiana isn’t exactly booming.

There are no words for how ridiculous this is turning out to be — but don’t worry, Gary’s got a few more.

“I think she should’ve stayed single longer and really gotten to know herself and get over someone before getting with someone else because that’s how you do it, man,” he wisely states.

“The correct way.”

He adds that “You don’t need someone to make you feel like you’re living.”

When did Gary Shirley become Teen Mom’s voice of reason?

It’s hard to say — but probably sometime around the time that he dug up the truth about Matt’s many, many children and all the child support he’d been failing to pay.

It feels kind of weird to say this, but Team Gary.

Team Gary all the way.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Ahman Green Allegedly Punched Daughter Over Dirty Dishes

Ahman Green’s 15-yr.-old daughter told police her dad punched her in the face after an argument over doing the dishes — but Green says that’s not the whole truth … this according to the criminal complaint obtained by TMZ Sports. The ex-GB Packers…


Monday, April 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 19 Recap: Side Dishes and Side Pieces

Was Kandi and Todd’s restaurant venture a colossal failure? 

That was one of the more pressing questions as we went into The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 19, but it was actually just the tip of the iceberg. 

When the episode got underway, Todd was letting Kandi know they were way behind schedule if they wanted the restaurant opening to have an impact. 

Kandi, however, felt the best way to ensure they were not left red-faced was to put as much work in while they still could. More on that in a little. 

We switched gears to Kenya and Sheree talking about their recent breakups. 

“I just feel like I’ve been protecting [Bob] for so many years,” Sheree claimed. She felt that Bob’s comments in Hawaii helped her get over him. 

Kenya then opened up about her failed relationship with Matt. Yeah, the guy who seems to smash objects when he gets pissed with Kenya. 

“His desire to marry me has never gone away,” Kenya revealed, before saying she still loved him. 

“The more he revealed himself, the more I realized that he was not the one for me.”

Are these two women going to remain friends for more than two weeks? Time will tell. 

Things took a shocking turn when Todd received a phone call from Apollo Nida. Yes, he made an escape from jail and needed a place to crash. 

Of course, we’re kidding! The phone call from Nida was to boast about having a new girlfriend, who was “an upgrade” from Phaedra. 

He then said that Phaedra was trying to fleece him and divorce behind his back, so he said things were going to get ugly for her. 

With Phaedra’s divorce very much up in the air, Cynthia was ecstatic her own divorce was over, but it was a bittersweet affair. 

“Peter changed the course of my life, and for all of the great things that came out of that, I’ll always be grateful,” she revealed to the camera.

“I’m going to be 50 years old, and I feel like this first 50 was for the people around me that I love and this next 50 is for me.”

The day of the restaurant opening finally arrived, but Kandi worried Todd was not going to be able to pull it off. Todd then dropped the bomb that he was $ 100,000 over budget. 

That’s a lot of extra money to spend on a business venture that looked set to fail. Porsha never made the guest list, so Phaedra went to her house and spent the night. 

Things took a crazy turn when Sherien walked in with an attitude. 

“Boom, I’m here!”

With everyone shocked to the core, Sherien claimed she was only there to represent Apollo because he was in prison. 

“What am I supposed to do with this chick?” Kandi asked the camera.

“I don’t want any problems.”

Kandi then asked questions about the relationship and Sherien did not hold back. 

Wifey wasn’t around, so I was there more than she was,” Sherien replied with a smile. “He’s been away for two years. She’s only been there twice.”

Apollo then made a phone call and revealed that the divorce was not finalized. That made everyone question whether anything Phaedra said was actually true. 

It did seem like Sherien said anything she could to cause some drama and succeeded. 

What did you think of the developments?


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wolfgang Puck Dishes Up F-Bomb on HSN (VIDEO)

Wolfgang Puck dropped the f-bomb like it was fresh meat on a grill while he was live on HSN. Wolfgang was promoting his own 14-piece cookware, and it’s low low price … when he expressed shock at how much the competition charges. It was quick, and…


Wolfgang Puck Dishes Up F-Bomb on HSN (VIDEO)

Wolfgang Puck dropped the f-bomb like it was fresh meat on a grill while he was live on HSN. Wolfgang was promoting his own 14-piece cookware, and it’s low low price … when he expressed shock at how much the competition charges. It was quick, and…


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Holly Madison Dishes Even More Playboy Dirt In "The Vegas Diaries"

Hugh Hefner’s former #1 girlfriend had us all fooled.

Throughout the entire run of E!’s Girls Next Door, Holly Madison managed to convince viewers that she and Hef were the real deal, despite the age difference and the fact that there were at least two other girlfriends at all times.

Either Madison is the world’s greatest actress, or she’s bitter that things ended without an engagement ring/baby/cash prize, because Madison has penned yet another tell-all about her time at the Playboy Mansion.

The Vegas Diaries (HarperCollins, 2016) picks up where Down The Rabbit Hole​ left off, though the cover bills it instead as Madison’s “road to reinvention.”

Radar Online features excerpts from the book, which are just as scathing as Madison’s first tell-all.

In one chapter, Madison recalls breaking up with her boyfriend in 2009, the “controlling” hipster magician, Criss Angel.  

Hef had invited Madison back to the Mansion in Los Angeles to film season six of The Girls Next Door.

“I was told it was what the network wanted. It was what the viewers wanted. It was what Hef wanted,” Madison wrote.

“But no one seemed to care that it wasn’t what I wanted,” adding that Hef was “not so subtly rooting for” his ex “to fail.”

Instead, Madison joined Dancing With The Stars and landed her own reality show, Holly’s World, which centered around her new life in Las Vegas.

Madison wrote that fans of The Girls Next Door “never saw any of the dark side: how we were treated, how we treated each other, or what people thought of us.”

Hef didn’t have a relationship with the females in his home beyond each one’s name, age, hometown “and how well she behaved and followed the rules.”

Hef exercised control and kept “everyone on their toes by playing favorites.

“How else could he stay in control of seven women?” she wrote.

“It prevented us from banding together and staging a coup. He needed to somehow maintain the upper hand.”

Madison saved room in the book to kick the crap out of her former roommate/arch nemesis, Kendra Wilkinson, who has defended Hefner against Madison’s claims.

Madison took Wilkinson to task for writing her own tell-all “the second” she left the mansion.

“In Kendra’s case, her tales were used to spawn countless tabloids bits to draw interested in her TV show, and the show in turn was used to push the book.”

Thursday, September 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Brandi Glanville Dishes On Supporting Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump"s "Balls To The Wall" Attitude & Celebrity Apprentice"s New Host!

Brandi Glanville has A LOT to say!

Nothing was off the table, including Donald Trump‘s presidential bid.

And considering the former Celebrity Apprentice contestant was on his last season of the show, we’re not too surprised she was spilling all!

Related: Brandi Is Flirty In Florals At The Launch Of Her Own Wine

We EXCLUSIVELY chat with the blonde beauty at the All Star Mixology Competition in WeHO on Wednesday night, where she confessed her thoughts on him running for Prez.

Brandi shared:

“I’m normally a Democrat. But I say go for it. I kinda love that he’s balls to the wall and says whatever the heck he wants. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are like, ‘Oh my god, did you say that?’ But it’s refreshing that he’s not afraid. He’s not afraid to say, ‘This person is not a 10’ [referencing his comments about Heidi Klum]. I feel that people are so overly sensitive right now, it’s nice to have someone who is so unapologetic.”

Ooh, does this mean Donald can count her vote??

Related: Trump Goes After Rand Paul’s Looks During The GOP Debate

If anything, she’s at least a fan of his approach!

As for Celebrity Apprentice‘s next season, Brandi doesn’t seem to have any issues with Donald’s replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger. She revealed:

“I’m so excited. Arnold is so different than Donald. I’m so excited that the show is going on, because I was told it wasn’t. I’m just glad the show is continuing.”

Though if they ever need a new CEO, the former Real Housewives starlet is all for it, saying:

“I told Mark Burnett, if you need someone, I’m available!”

Loves it! She’d definitely shake things up!

Though when asked if she would return to the show for Arnold’s season, she divulged:

“No! It was amazing. But it was stressful, and a long time away from my children. They did come and visit a few times but it was so time consuming. I have too many other things going on, too many businesses to run and need to focus on that right now.”

Well, we can’t see what’s in store for Brandi next!!

In the meantime, you can pick up her line of Unfiltered Blonde chardonnay in select stores and restaurants. For a full list click HERE.

[Image via WENN.]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mindy Kaling Dishes On What She Learned From Kim Kardashian & Why Actors Who Hate Filming Sex Scenes Are Lying!

We couldn’t love Mindy more!

Mindy Kaling‘s new book, Why Not Me?, hit shelves yesterday and has already given us a few AH-Mazing highlights!

In Kaling’s second book she has quite a bit to talk about including some of her fears as well as getting drunk at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Related: Mindy Takes A Stand Against Body Shaming Insults!

But probably two of the most interesting tidbits she reveals in the book are what she learned from Kim Kardashian West and why actors who say they hate sex scenes secretly love them!

The Mindy Project star revealed that:

“The most valuable thing I learned from Kim Kardashian is that your arm must never lie flat against your body. I remember hearing her say that when you put your hand on your hip, it makes your arm look thinner and draws attention to your waist. I tried it and I loved it! So I started doing it whenever I was getting my picture taken.”

As for those steamy on camera sex scenes, Mindy isn’t buying it when actors talk about how awkward they are and that they hate filming them! She says:

“There must be lots of other actors who love doing sex scenes too, right? Wrong. If you interview any actor about having to do sex scenes, you always get the same answer: they ‘hate’ doing them. I am here to tell you they are all lying. Every last one of ’em. Obviously on-screen sex is not actual penetrative sex, but as any religious high schooler will tell you, simulating sex can be pretty damn enjoyable as well.”

This isn’t too surprising as Mindy’s character has dated QUITE a few studs including James Franco, Tim Daly, and her Office co-star B.J. Novak! Speaking of studmuffins, the actress has an AH-Mazing anecdote about drunkenly meeting Bradley Cooper at the Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. She remembers:

“I saw John Kerry talking to Bradley Cooper. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m friends with Ed Helms, so I figured I had hit the conversational jackpot with these two. I was drunk and feeling a little important, so I wandered over and interrupted them. ‘Hi! I’m Mindy Kaling. I’m from Massachusetts. Ed Helms was in The Hangover and was also on my old show, The Office,’ I said cockily…’Yes,’ Bradley responded. ‘I know Ed.’ I would give our interaction a solid B-minus.”


She’s never afraid to speak her mind which pretty much sums up exactly why we love her!

Definitely check out her new book Why Not Me? and don’t miss The Mindy Project‘s fourth season which is currently airing on Tuesdays on HULU!

[Image via Brian To/La Niece/WENN.]