Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mindy Kaling Dishes On What She Learned From Kim Kardashian & Why Actors Who Hate Filming Sex Scenes Are Lying!

We couldn’t love Mindy more!

Mindy Kaling‘s new book, Why Not Me?, hit shelves yesterday and has already given us a few AH-Mazing highlights!

In Kaling’s second book she has quite a bit to talk about including some of her fears as well as getting drunk at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Related: Mindy Takes A Stand Against Body Shaming Insults!

But probably two of the most interesting tidbits she reveals in the book are what she learned from Kim Kardashian West and why actors who say they hate sex scenes secretly love them!

The Mindy Project star revealed that:

“The most valuable thing I learned from Kim Kardashian is that your arm must never lie flat against your body. I remember hearing her say that when you put your hand on your hip, it makes your arm look thinner and draws attention to your waist. I tried it and I loved it! So I started doing it whenever I was getting my picture taken.”

As for those steamy on camera sex scenes, Mindy isn’t buying it when actors talk about how awkward they are and that they hate filming them! She says:

“There must be lots of other actors who love doing sex scenes too, right? Wrong. If you interview any actor about having to do sex scenes, you always get the same answer: they ‘hate’ doing them. I am here to tell you they are all lying. Every last one of ’em. Obviously on-screen sex is not actual penetrative sex, but as any religious high schooler will tell you, simulating sex can be pretty damn enjoyable as well.”

This isn’t too surprising as Mindy’s character has dated QUITE a few studs including James Franco, Tim Daly, and her Office co-star B.J. Novak! Speaking of studmuffins, the actress has an AH-Mazing anecdote about drunkenly meeting Bradley Cooper at the Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. She remembers:

“I saw John Kerry talking to Bradley Cooper. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m friends with Ed Helms, so I figured I had hit the conversational jackpot with these two. I was drunk and feeling a little important, so I wandered over and interrupted them. ‘Hi! I’m Mindy Kaling. I’m from Massachusetts. Ed Helms was in The Hangover and was also on my old show, The Office,’ I said cockily…’Yes,’ Bradley responded. ‘I know Ed.’ I would give our interaction a solid B-minus.”


She’s never afraid to speak her mind which pretty much sums up exactly why we love her!

Definitely check out her new book Why Not Me? and don’t miss The Mindy Project‘s fourth season which is currently airing on Tuesdays on HULU!

[Image via Brian To/La Niece/WENN.]