Showing posts with label Learned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learned. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Breaking News
Ex-Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson says he’s “really f*cking upset” with Kareem Hunt — saying the young NFL star should have learned lessons from the terrible mistakes LJ made. 
Remember, Johnson — who was a great running back for the ...
Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Breaking News
Ex-Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson says he’s “really f*cking upset” with Kareem Hunt — saying the young NFL star should have learned lessons from the terrible mistakes LJ made. 
Remember, Johnson — who was a great running back for the ...
Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Yankees Star Luis Severino Learned English From Watching "Friends"

Aaron Boone owes Matt LeBlanc some tickets … ‘cause the “Friends” star is the reason the Yankees manager can now speak to his ace pitcher without an English-speaking translator. And, we’re dead serious. NY stud Luis Severino went on “The Jim Rome…


Yankees Star Luis Severino Learned English From Watching "Friends"

Aaron Boone owes Matt LeBlanc some tickets … ‘cause the “Friends” star is the reason the Yankees manager can now speak to his ace pitcher without an English-speaking translator. And, we’re dead serious. NY stud Luis Severino went on “The Jim Rome…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Audrey Roloff: I"ve Learned FIVE Things as a Mother

Audrey Roloff is still pretty new at this whole motherhood thing.

She gave birth to daughter Ember Jean in September of 2017 and has since written plenty about the amazing experience on Instagram.

Roloff has gotten into occasional trouble for some of the stuff she has said about having a child, but for the most part, she has simply gushed over her daughter and her family.

Now, via an Instagram post she posted in May of 2018, Audrey has shared with followers five lessons she has learned from being a parent.

Some may be obvious, others less so.

But perhaps you can relate to one or two of these tidbits?

1. Lesson #1:

Happy mommy and daughter

This is how Amber opened her informative and sort of fascinating post: “To love the body God gave me and to embrace its strength and beauty with gratefulness” is something she has learned.

2. How So?

Audrey roloff jeremy roloff and ember jean in maui

“Watching my body change and witnessing its ability to deliver a child taught me to appreciate my physical body in all of its God-designed complexities on a whole new level,” Audrey details.

3. A Lesson of Importance and Priorities

Audrey roloff and ember jean in maui

Concludes Audrey in this case: “Motherhood has taught me focus less on body-image and more on being an image-bearer. I am also now capable of getting myself ready in less than 5 mintes, which is an added bonus.”

4. Lesson #2:

Audrey and ember photo

“GRACE,” writes Audrey, expounding a bit as follows: “Motherhood has taught me to give myself loads of grace for all the things I see other mothers doing that make me feel less-than.”

5. Forget Social Media, She Adds

Audrey ember adorable

Yes, this is very ironic for a social media post to say, but Roloff continues on this point: “My standard for motherhood is rooted and established in the the Word [of] God not the world of Instagram.”

6. Let’s Turn to the Bible, Shall We?

With ember

Audrey often uses this as source material. In this instance, she wrotes: “Motherhood sure has a way of revealing my failures and flaws, but I’m refusing to let these discoveries steal my confidence in the grace of God who’s power is made perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9).”

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Monday, May 7, 2018

G-Eazy: I Learned My Lesson! Don"t Brawl When You Have Coke On You!

In certain circles, G-Eazy is known for many things.

He’s a rapper; he’s the boyfriend of singer Halsey; and he’s got a Charlie Sheen-like reputation for raising hell and getting into trouble.

The emcee – real name Gerald Gillum – suffered the consequences of his wild ways in Stockholm last week when he was arrested for assault and possession after getting into a fight with a nightclub bouncer.

Gillum was taken into custody and held for 24 hours before being released on bail.

Onlookers who witnessed the incident say that Gillum lunged at a fan who took his photo in the club’s VIP area.

He reportedly missed his target and struck the club’s security detail by accident.

Of course, the old “whoops, wrong guy!” excuse doesn’t really fly when you clock a bouncer in the head, so G-Eazy was arrested on the scene.

And his situation quickly went from bad to worse when police discovered 1.5 grams of cocaine and a rolled up dollar bill on the rapper’s person.

It’s been several days since Gillum was released from prison several days ago, but until today he’s remained silent on the scandal/

This morning, Gillum addressed his arrest on social media, and not surprisingly, it seems he’s contrite and deeply ashamed.

“Embarrassed & apologetic beyond words about the incident, but above all I’m so f–king grateful they let me go, craziest experience of my life, awful night with a lot of bad luck and some even worse decisions,” he wrote on Instagram. 

“But like I said I’m grateful as f–k to be a free man, back on tour performing for the fans,” he added.

“Thank you to everyone who’s held me down along the way and supported this journey,” Gillum continued.

“I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.”

Gillum was forced to pay a $ 9,000 fine and about $ 850 in restitution to the victim of the assault, a Stockholm nightclub bouncer

We’re sure Gillum is deeply embarrassed by the incident, but there’s a silver lining here:

He’ll no longer be best-known in the press for trying to kiss Britney Spears and getting shot down at the VMAs!


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Katie Couric: I Hope That Matt Lauer Has Learned His Lesson

Disgraced television host Matt Lauer has been fired for sexual harassment and Today Show ratings are higher than they’ve been in years.

Now, months later, Katie Couric is speaking out about Lauer and what it was like to work with him and how she insulated herself against harassment.

She also speaks about what she hopes for Matt Lauer’s present and future.

While speaking at TheWrap’s Power Women Breakfast at SXSW, Katie Couric discussed the #MeToo movement and what it’s been like as a woman in her position to experience that for these past months.

And, very naturally, she also speaks about her fallen former colleague, Matt Lauer.

First, she acknowledges that she’s been immersed in this perilous world since long before the #MeToo movement came about.

“I certainly dealt with sexist environments and environments that marginalized and didn’t give women their due, and didn’t treat women as intellectual equals.”

Katie says, however, that the accusations against Matt Lauer and ensuing scandal were much more personal.

“But it’s hit very close to home with Matt Lauer and what happened there.”

Katie elaborated about how listening to #MeToo stories has been illuminating for her.

“It’s been an important experience for me because I never faced this kind of treatment.”

A lot of people — men and women — are discovering for the first time just how perilous the world can be.

Katie knows why predatory men were wary of her.

“I was one of the lucky ones — I think I am harassable and I’m not harassable in that sense, and I think it is because I was in a position of power early in my career.”

To be clear, she’s not saying that there’s something special about her demeanor that makes people unwilling to harass her. Women who are targeted for harassment do not “invite” it.

Rather, she’s saying that securing a position of power as early as she did made men like Matt Lauer treat her as a colleague rather than as a potential target.

Here comes what’s probably her most controversial line.

Katie Couric speaks about what she hopes that Matt Lauer is up to now.

“I hope he’s trying to figure out and understand his behavior and why he did it and why it was so wrong.”

So she hopes that he learned his lesson. Does she imagine that Matt Lauer might have a career after this?

Even in this context, she can’t help but sound like she’s singing his praises.

“We had a wonderful working relationship.”

Perhaps she’s trying to speak of how 

She says that she’s still reeling from the revelations about Matt Lauer.

“It’s shocking, honestly, and disturbing, disorienting, disheartening — all of those d-words.”

She points out that there are others, probably countless men who are still employed, who are predatory wolves in sheep’s clothing.

“But I think, he’s not the only one who behaves in this way …”

That has been made abundantly clear since the autumn of 2017.

“Cultures have existed in the media, and in every arena, where behaviors were tolerated, people looked the other way, it was an accepted way of doing business.”

She says that, regrettably, most people looked the other way.

“I don’t think people paid much attention to it.”

Some accuse Katie Couric of hypocrisy.

She took part in a secret roast of Matt Lauer back in 2008. The content of that roast was said to have mentioned his alleged sexual exploits.

But there’s a difference between someone cheating on his wife (obviously, Annette Roque has finally filed for divorce) and someone preying upon colleagues who don’t feel like they can say no.

And then there was the woman who accused him of locking her in his office, bending her over, and sexually assaulting her — and of only stopping and unlocking the door when she passed out.

It’s probably safe to say that most colleagues who didn’t know the truth chalked up rumors about him as exaggerations and didn’t realize how sinister their colleague’s alleged activities really were.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Raiders" Gareon Conley: Rape Allegations Were Hurtful & Wrong, But I Learned Something

Oakland Raiders rookie Gareon Conley is speaking for the first time since he was cleared in his rape case — saying he knows he’s 100% innocent but “could’ve exercised better judgment.” As we previously reported, a grand jury decided to NOT move…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Grandpa Ball: LaVar Learned Everything From Me!

Here he is … the man who REALLY created the Big Baller empire – Grandpa Ball — and he’s spilling some family secrets to TMZ Sports!  LaVar’s dad was at LAX after returning from the NBA Draft — and says LaVar treated the entire Ball…


Grandpa Ball: LaVar Learned Everything From Me!

Here he is … the man who REALLY created the Big Baller empire – Grandpa Ball — and he’s spilling some family secrets to TMZ Sports!  LaVar’s dad was at LAX after returning from the NBA Draft — and says LaVar treated the entire Ball…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Lyle Menendez: 9 Things We Learned About the Parent Killer

On August 20, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez shot their parents in their bedroom, firing away at Mom and Dad with shotguns they purchased just days prior to the killings.

In court, they admitted to the crime and claimed that their father had abused them for years, arguing for self-defense.

The siblings were convicted and are serving consecutive life terms in prison.

On Thursday night, however, ABC aired a two-hour special titled "Truth And Lies: The Menendez Brothers."

It featured an interview with Lyle (from Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, California) and the following revelations about the brothers; their grisly crime; and what life has been like for them ever since.

Here is what we learned:

1. Prior to the Murders…

Lyle menendez

Lyle and Erik committed many home robberies when they lived in Calabasas. According to ex-family frind Karen Ferrell, who was interview for the special, the teenagers “were bored.… Robbing houses was a challenge.… They didn’t think they’d be caught.”

2. After the Murder…

After the murder

A jury believed that the brothers showed no remorse for the actions, one of the main reasons they were convicted. Five weeks after the murder, Erik and Lyle received $ 400,000 in life insurance money and used it to go on a spending spree. ABC journalist Terry Morgan recalled: They were having a grand ole time spending the money of a dead man.” They purchased Rolexes and a Porsche, among other items.

3. Lyle Felt Pressure from His Dad

Lyle felt pressure from his dad

Jose Menendez was a successful businessman, and his influence and attitude affected his kids: “My father was like a force of nature and you look up to that,” Lyle told ABC. “You are expected to be competitive to a fault. He began to sort of try to groom me to be hypercompetitive and succeed.”

4. He’s Not in Denial About What Happened, But…

Hes not in denial about what happened but

“I’m a more fully formed adult now. Of course looking back it’s shocking to think about that that happened. That I could have been involved in taking anyone’s life and my parents’ life… It seems unimaginable because it seems so far removed from who I am and who I was.”

5. How Was This an Act of Self-Defense?

How was this an act of self defense

Lyle and Erik shot their defenseless parents in their bedroom, yet said in court they acted in self-defense. We learned in the documentary that Lyle said back at the time: “I thought they were going ahead with their plan to kill us.” (The jury did not believe this line of defense, of course.)

6. What is the Relationship Between the Brothers Now?

What is the relationship between the brothers now

They have not seen each other since 1996. They keep in touch via letters and even play chess, one move at a time, through the mail.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

12 Things We Just Learned About Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey was a guest on Bravo"s Watch What Happens Live on Tuesday, May 17.

What did the singer have to say about her upcoming wedding to James Packer? About endangered animals? About Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez?

Scroll down to find out!

1. She’ll Holler for a Prenup

Mariah carey on bravo

In response to Cohen asking whether Carey and Packer (an Australian billionaire) will sign a prenup, she quotes lyrics from Kanye West’s “Gold Digger” to confirm, adding: “Look, everybody’s valuable.”

2. Will She Have a Circus-Themed Wedding?

Will she have a circus themed wedding

What? Huh? NO! “That really made me mad,” she said of the rumor. “These people really want to tell me I want endangered animals at my wedding? I mean, I have several dogs.”

3. Is She Cool with Jennifer Lopez?

Is she cool with jennifer lopez

Not really: “I don’t know her. What am I supposed to say? I’m not going to put on a thing like ‘Oh we’re all Hollywood and let’s all pretend we’re best friends’ because we’re in that land.”

4. She’s Definitely NOT Cool with Nicki Minaj

Shes definitely not cool with nicki minaj

During her Plead the Fifth segment, Carey was asked to say three nice things about her former American Idol colleague. She responded with silence and a stare into the camera.

5. She Didn’t Love Her Stint on American Idol

She didnt love her stint on american idol

A caller asked how she felt to be left out of the series finale montage, prompting Carey to reply with sarcasm: “I was heartbroken that I couldn’t be there. I was at home crying. Andy, what am I supposed to do when these things happen?”

6. Would She Ever Work with Beyonce?

Would she ever work with beyonce

“I would LOVE to do a collaboration with her!”

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Memoir: 6 Things We Learned

Khloe Kardashian has a lot to share with the world.

The reality star has come out with a memoir titled "Strong Looks Better Naked," passing along advice to fans that range from weight loss techniques to relationship goals.

What are the book"s main takeaways?

To save you time and money, we"ve already read the book and we"ve taken away the following six lessons from it…

1. Khloe Hated Kris Humphries

Khloe hated kris humphries

At one point, she references her “least favorite” ex of sister Kim and writes of how this person started “started complaining about life at home,” adding: ‘Why don’t you cook for me?’ he told Kim. ‘Khloe cooks for Lamar all the time.’ This happened in front of me, and it really upset me. I told him, ‘That is so rude! How dare you compare our relationships? And why are you being so aggressive? The right thing to do is to ask Kim if she’d consider cooking for you from time to time.’ He didn’t treat Kim with respect; he wasn’t kind, and unfortunately, he didn’t get my point, which I guess is one of the many reasons he is an ex.”

2. She Couldn’t Accept Her Father’s Death

She couldnt accept her fathers death

She was in denial about her dad’s death: “At the funeral, though, when I saw my father in his casket, I completely fell apart. I don’t remember the details, but apparently I was an emotional wreck, and I’m told that I was so distraught I actually passed out. At one point I fell to the floor kick and screaming, and I had to be sedated. It was really intense. I refused to believe my father was gone. I just wanted to believe it was all just a bad dream.”

3. She Went Through a Wild Phase

Khloe kardashian cleavage on the red carpet

Following the previously-listed entry, Khloe wrote: “That’s when the partying started.” She goes into detail about her hard-drinking ways not long after her dad’s passing.

4. She Loves Rob, But…

Khloe kardashian and rob kardashian pic

“I love him and he knows I love him, but he fell into a deep, dark place and couldn’t find his way back. I’ve tried to help him, as has the entire family, but our efforts have largely been in vain. From time to time, though, he decides he’s going to fix things his way, and he plunges in headfirst. Inevitably, it doesn’t work.”

5. She Sympathized with Her Stepfather, But…

She sympathized with her stepfather but

Upon learning Bruce wanted to become CAITLYN Jenner, Khloe struggled to accept the change: “I had lost my father, and now I was losing Bruce. Bruce wanted to be a woman and I could only imagine the battle raging inside of his soul. My heart went out to him. But, I saw the transformation as a huge loss.”

6. She Will Always Love Lamar Odom

Khloe and lamar on the red carpet

We all know ups and major downs she’s been through with Lamar Odom, but she ended the book with this acknowledgement: “Thank you to Lamar for giving me some of the best years of my life and for everything you taught me about being strong. Before I met you I felt invisible, and after I felt seen.”

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Taylor Swift Has Learned an Important Lesson

Taylor Swift knows she may have bad blood again in the future with a fellow celebrity.

But she tells the latest issue of NME that she’s learned how to handle it now.

Speaking to the British fashion magazine, Swift was reticent to talk about her recent feud with Nicki Minaj.

It went down in August after Swift took offense to Minaj Tweeting about how the MTV Video Music Awards only honor singers who “celebrate women with very slim bodies.”

Taylor took offense to the comment, believe Minaj was referring to her and the stars went back and forth for a bit on Twitter.

They buried the hatchet to the point where they actually appeared together on stage at the 2015 VMAs, but still.

“I send text messages now,” Swift says. “If there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, I go to someone’s management, I get their number and I text them.”

Regarding the dangers of social media and how it can lead to some misunderstandings, Swift added:

“It’s an important lesson for anyone to learn in 2015.”

Overall, though, Swift has gotten pretty good at smoothing things over with one-time rivals.

Consider how far she has come with Kanye West, who notoriously interrupted her speech at the 2009 VMAs to say she won a trophy that ought to have gone to Beyonce.

“Me and Kanye are on such good terms now,” Swift said, explaining that she had dinner with the rapper a week after the Grammy Awards this year.

We assume she sent him a text message about where to meet up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mindy Kaling Dishes On What She Learned From Kim Kardashian & Why Actors Who Hate Filming Sex Scenes Are Lying!

We couldn’t love Mindy more!

Mindy Kaling‘s new book, Why Not Me?, hit shelves yesterday and has already given us a few AH-Mazing highlights!

In Kaling’s second book she has quite a bit to talk about including some of her fears as well as getting drunk at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Related: Mindy Takes A Stand Against Body Shaming Insults!

But probably two of the most interesting tidbits she reveals in the book are what she learned from Kim Kardashian West and why actors who say they hate sex scenes secretly love them!

The Mindy Project star revealed that:

“The most valuable thing I learned from Kim Kardashian is that your arm must never lie flat against your body. I remember hearing her say that when you put your hand on your hip, it makes your arm look thinner and draws attention to your waist. I tried it and I loved it! So I started doing it whenever I was getting my picture taken.”

As for those steamy on camera sex scenes, Mindy isn’t buying it when actors talk about how awkward they are and that they hate filming them! She says:

“There must be lots of other actors who love doing sex scenes too, right? Wrong. If you interview any actor about having to do sex scenes, you always get the same answer: they ‘hate’ doing them. I am here to tell you they are all lying. Every last one of ’em. Obviously on-screen sex is not actual penetrative sex, but as any religious high schooler will tell you, simulating sex can be pretty damn enjoyable as well.”

This isn’t too surprising as Mindy’s character has dated QUITE a few studs including James Franco, Tim Daly, and her Office co-star B.J. Novak! Speaking of studmuffins, the actress has an AH-Mazing anecdote about drunkenly meeting Bradley Cooper at the Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. She remembers:

“I saw John Kerry talking to Bradley Cooper. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m friends with Ed Helms, so I figured I had hit the conversational jackpot with these two. I was drunk and feeling a little important, so I wandered over and interrupted them. ‘Hi! I’m Mindy Kaling. I’m from Massachusetts. Ed Helms was in The Hangover and was also on my old show, The Office,’ I said cockily…’Yes,’ Bradley responded. ‘I know Ed.’ I would give our interaction a solid B-minus.”


She’s never afraid to speak her mind which pretty much sums up exactly why we love her!

Definitely check out her new book Why Not Me? and don’t miss The Mindy Project‘s fourth season which is currently airing on Tuesdays on HULU!

[Image via Brian To/La Niece/WENN.]