Showing posts with label Hurtful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurtful. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Kanye West"s Support of Trump is Hurtful to Chicago, Says City Alderman

Kanye West has upset Chicago, but if he really wants to help the city, he can start by calling out President Trump instead of being his pal … so says one city official. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Chicago’s 35th Ward Alderman, tells TMZ his people…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Kim Zolciak Slams Marlon Wayans for Hurtful "White Chicks" Joke

Marlon Wayans made a joke at Kim Zolciak’s expense.

She hit back at him in the comments.

Is this mean, is this funny, or is it … both?

So, The Real Housewives of Atlanta had its reunion special. As usual, there was drama.

This time, as NeNe Leakes had previously hinted, Kim was at the center of a vortex of criticisms from various Housewives.

(All of this despite having been reduced to a mere Friend of the Housewives!)

You know how sometimes makeup and lighting and a facial expression can have a really unflattering effect on an otherwise attractive person?

There may have been some of that going on with Kim’s look.

And Marlon Wayans could not resist making this joke.

Coupled with a less-than-flattering screenshot of Kim Zolciak from the Reunion Special, he wrote:

“No we are not in production on White Chicks 2. The f–k?!”

White Chicks, of course, was a widely lampooned 2004 comedy about two black male FBI agents who go undercover … as white women.

Part of the running joke for that film was that the two men did not look convincing in their disguises.

The effect of the makeup on their faces made them look more like horrifying androids. There were some uncanny valley elements to their look.

As you can see in this image:

Obviously, comparing an actual white woman to White Chicks was very unkind.

And the 39-year-old reality star thought so, too.

Kim took the comments to share her displeasure with Marlon, writing:

“Was always a super big fan of yours and my kids loved you.”

She continues, and shows a bit of vulnerability.

“This hurts but I guess its all for laughs.”

“You should hope & pray that one day a grown man never takes this kind of dig at the expense of your daughter,” Kim concluded.

That’s sort of odd to say, since his joke didn’t target one of Kim’s daughters, but Kim herself.

“Grow up dude”

It can be easy to forget that reality stars are real people with real feelings.

Kim’s lips may be fake, but her heart is 100% organic.

A celebrity like Marlon Wayans should know that celebrities can see and be saddened by cruel things posted to social media. Especially if the one doing the posting is also a celebrity.

It was, to be clear, a bad photo.

Was Marlon being awful by posting it?

Or does Kim’s status as a reality star and the fact that the image is real and undoctored make it fair game?

Different people will have different opinions, of course.

But it looks like Marlon is standing by his joke. Because that post is, as of Monday afternoon, still up.

It should be of no surprise to anyone following Kim’s feud with NeNe Leakes to learn that NeNe found the post hilarious, and replied with a number of emojis to express that.

One imagines that NeNe would be less amused if Marlon had decided to make a joke at her expense.

But that would be true of most people.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Raiders" Gareon Conley: Rape Allegations Were Hurtful & Wrong, But I Learned Something

Oakland Raiders rookie Gareon Conley is speaking for the first time since he was cleared in his rape case — saying he knows he’s 100% innocent but “could’ve exercised better judgment.” As we previously reported, a grand jury decided to NOT move…
