Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Colton Underwood: All That Virginity Talk Triggered Something in Me!

If you’re following The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know how this season ends. But even so, the Men Tell All special was a real treat for the Bachelor Nation.

But it was also awkward, and not just for Becca. Colton Underwood’s famous virginity came up.

Now, he’s revealing how he really felt about about the discussion, and how the conversation surrounding his v-card “triggered something.”

Entertainment Tonight spoke to Colton Underwood about his virginity and the discourse surrounding it.

“Some comments caught me off guard and really triggered something in me and I felt like I spoke my truth tonight,” Colton said.

“It took a lot of self-restraint to stay seated,” he admits, referring to Jean Blanc’s comment.

“I can’t even understand where that comment comes from,” Colton says. “And in the manner that it came off was so disrespectful.”

Some people are uncomfortable with the sexual choices of others and lash out. Some people … just can’t resist trolling, unfortunately.

Colton says that he understands that not everyone can wrap their head around why a handsome, famous adult man might not have had sex yet.

“I can respect that they have their opinion,” Colton says.

“I hope that at least I started a dialogue and I started a conversation in which they can understand what makes me, me,” he states.

“And I’m not here to prove a point,” Colton notes, adding: “I’m not here to defend myself, I’m not here to say I’m better than anybody else.”

Having sex or not having it is a personal choice, and should never be grounds to attack someone else. Not for having a thousand partners and not for having zero.

“What I am here to do is be true to who I am, and The Bachelorette has helped me do that,” Colton says. “So I can’t thank them enough.”

“This has been so good for me and so therapeutic for me,” he adds.

Even Chris Harrison observed that there’s a huge and gendered double-standard when it comes to virginity.

“There’s a double standard, isn’t there?” Chris noted.

He’s right.

“Why is it different that when a woman talks about it,” Chris notes, referring to a decision to remain a virgin. “It’s respected.

“And then,” Chris continues. “When a guy talks about it, he should be shamed?”

The answer is that patriarchal cultural values encourage men to make sexual “conquests” while women are seen as property. That is changing, but underlying prejudices and double-standards still linger.

Conversely, men who have had a lot of sex are likely to be praised. Women who have had a lot of sex are more likely to be insulted.

“We will probably be talking about this now because of Colton,” Chris says, crediting Colton for starting a nationwide conversation.

Colton says that, behind the scenes, the response has been overwhelming and positive.

“I can’t tell you how many athletes and players and former teammates have reached out to me,” Colton says.

They made contact, Colton explains, “and said, ‘Man, I wish I knew you were going through this."”

“‘I was going through something similar.’ And for me to hear that means the world,” Colton explains. “Because that is where I felt the deepest and the darkest is at those times.”

There is something very toxic going on in the world if adult men feel pressured to lie about their sex lives in order to appease their peers.

Colton isn’t planning on avoiding sex forever — or even until marriage.

Colton says that he is “waiting for the right heart.”

That is such a good way of putting it. 

“It sounds a little cheesy,” Colton admits. “I’m waiting for someone to match my intensity, someone that’s going to be into me as much as I am into them.”

He’s saving his v-card for “somebody that I am so madly in love with and that I can share that special moment with.”

Virginity is a social construct with varying definitions, but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to find it significant. This is very sweet.

“That’s what I’m waiting for,” Colton explains. “And that’s what I’m looking forward to.”

Colton Underwood also took to Instagram to reflect upon the conversation about what he has or has not done sexually.

“Behind my smile are layers of insecurities, scars from my past, & feelings that have been buried for years,” Colton begins.

“It’s easy to show only the good/happy times on social media,” he writes. “I do that.”

“I love shedding light on positive/impactful events in my life, but the truth is I have had struggles,” Colton confesses. “For years I hid my feelings, including depression & anxiety.”

“You see a portion of my life and a select few scenes that help portray a picture of who I am,” he cautions his followers.

“I’m here to tell you that I am not perfect,” Colton says. “And that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.”

Colton says: “If I have to continue to take cheap shots about my virginity — which is only a small part of who I am — so that others like me can feel comfortable & relate — Bring it on!”

“While I didn’t plan on breaking down or speaking about my virginity on tonight’s episode,” Colton writes. “it is clearly something that I struggle talking about.”

“When I heard the comments made by some of the other guys,” Colton admits. “it triggered a response from me that was unexpected.”

Colton says: “While I respect their opinions, I’m not here to prove a point, say I’m better than anyone else, or gain sympathy.”

“It is what it is,” he writes. “my virginity shouldn’t have to be defended or used to describe me as a person.”

He’s right. Please be nice.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Are They Hiding Something From Fans?

It’s been almost a year since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, and for the most part, the young couple has stuck to the Duggar script.

Kendra got pregnant on her honeymoon, and she’s happily played the role of doting wife in a number of promotional videos the Duggars have posted online.

The couple even participated in the making of a TLC special about Kendra’s delivery, granting more access to the network’s camera crews than any of Joseph’s siblings ever had.

But even though Joe and Kendra haven’t shied away from participating in the family business, they don’t seem to enjoy the spotlight as much as other Duggars.

In fact, the newlyweds have raised eyebrows with their refusal to interact with fans on social media.

For past Duggar couples, Instagram profiles have been regarded as a sacred privilege.

Duggar kids aren’t permitted to engage in social media until after they’re engaged, and usually, they take advantage of their new freedom as soon as possible.

But Joe and Kendra have yet to create accounts either as individuals or as a couple.

And fans can’t help but wonder why that is.

The answer might have something to do with the fact that Joe and Kendra are deeply conservative in their beliefs — even by Duggar standards.

Like his siblings, Joe is an adherent to the teachings of disgraced minister Bill Gothard and his Institute for Basic Life Principles.

But unlike the others, Joe took his devotion to the organization step farther in his youth by attending the Gothard-founded ALERT Academy, a sort of faith-based boot camp for fundamentalist young men.

“This drove me to depend even more on God,” Joseph recently wrote of his experience.

“As a young man, I can say this was one of the greatest things God used to strengthen and build my faith in Him.”

Joe is commonly regarded as one of the more practical and serious Duggars and his stringent devotion to his parents’ belief systems was evident during his courtship with Kendra.

The Duggar courtship rules are already notoriously strict, but Joe and Kendra held themselves to an even higher standard of behavior.

Joe recruited his siblings to serve as chaperones and ensure that he and Kendra stuck to their own rules.

The couple limited themselves to periods of physical contact that lasted no longer than three seconds and only allowed themselves to “side-hug” and say “I love you” after they got engaged.

For all the recent talk of “Duggar rebels,” it looks as though at least one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring has gone in the opposite direction by being even more conservative than his parents.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight’s season premiere.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cheryl Cole Has Something to Say About Her Split from Liam Payne (Attention, You Trolls!)

Yes, it’s sad but true:

As reported in detail on The Hollywood Gossip, Cheryl Cole and Liam Payne have broken up.

No one is quite certain just when the split was finalized, but chatter over a split had been running rampant online for multiple months now.

Payne turned these rumors into an unfortunate reality on Instagram Sunday night when he posted the following:

“Cheryl and I are sad to announce that we are going our separate ways. It’s been a tough decision for us to make. We still have so much love for each other as a family.”

He then referenced the couple’s son, who was born in March of 2017 and who has both an odd name and a very cute face:

“Bear is our world and we ask that you respect his privacy as we navigate our way through this together.”

No reason was given for the break-up.

So you know what this means, don’t you?

Yup: the Internet was free to print basically anything it wanted to about what transpired between the beautiful Brits.

For whatever reason, talk that Cole’s mother, Joan Callaghan, did not approve of Payne has become a hot topic among celebrity gossip followers.

There have been reports that she drove a wedge between the artist and encouraged them to go their separate ways.

Entering the spotlight in order to address these reports, Cole took the rare step this afternoon of speaking in public about her private life.

“I hate responding to stuff esp at such difficult times but I cannot sit here and listen to such nasty, false articles regarding my mam,” Tweeted Cole to her 6.4 million followers.

She then got to the point, in understandably irritated fashion:

“I don’t know why they involve her in stories about me.

“I can assure you she has absolutely nothing to do with any of it. I am a grown woman who is capable of dealing with my own life.

“She is a soft and kind woman who doesn’t deserve to be dragged into something that has nothing whatsoever to do with her.”


With that, Cheryl Cole dropped the mic.

Figuratively speaking, that is.

The Daily Mail was the main outlet who wrote this morning that Callaghan posed a “problem” in the relationship between her daughter and Liam, writing simply that she got “in the way.”

The attractive and talented singers started dating in 2015.

They rarely discussed their romance in magazines or on social media, but they had been the target of split rumors throughout their relationship, especially toward the end.

Consider what the 24-year old ex-One Direction member said to ES Magazine in March…

“You know, we have our struggles.

“Like, of course I’m not gonna sit here and say that everything’s absolutely fine and dandy, because of course you go through different things, and that’s what a relationship is.”

He elaborated:

“This part of our relationship was never not going to happen; there was always going to be a little bit of tenseness in the way we sort ourselves out. But tell me a relationship in the world that doesn’t go through a spot like that?

“It’s about whether you make it through or not, together, is the main point there, I guess.”

That’s a fair and realistic assessment of a relationship.

But it wasn’t a ringing endorsement for his future with Cole, either.

We somehow have a feeling neither will have trouble finding anyone new.

(Call us, Cheryl!)


Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Queen & Meghan Markle"s First Solo Outing Together Is Something to Laugh About

Meghan Markle is the Duchess of Sussex, but she also took on the role of royal jester during her first official solo outing with Queen Elizabeth. Meghan accompanied Liz Thursday on several engagements near Liverpool. It’s kind of a big deal since…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Richie Incognito"s Victim"s Blow-By-Blow: "I Knew Something Was Off"

The man who was attacked by Richie Incognito tells TMZ Sports he isn’t mad at the NFL star — he just wants the guy to get help.  We spoke with Mark … who tells us he was working out in a turf area in the outside area of his gym in Florida…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Chris Paul On Texas School Shooting, "We Gotta Do Something About It"

Chris Paul is speaking out about the Texas school shooting that happened roughly 35 miles from Houston on Friday … and he’s calling for change to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. “First and foremost, aside from the playoffs…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will Someone Please Pay David Eason For SOMETHING?!

If you"re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you"re probably well aware that David Eason is unemployed.

For a while there, he was making a nice six figures in exchange for allowing an MTV camera crew to document his life of inactivity, but Eason was fired because no amount of money could convince him to keep his homophobic views to himself.

So now David has been forced to rejoin the working world.

Fortunately, he has his residual reality TV fame to help him drum up publicity for his latest business venture.

Unfortunately, he seems utterly clueless about the fact that his marriage to a woman who"s been arrested more times than Pablo Escobar hasn"t really done any wonders for his reputation.

As much as we can"t stand David, we"re sort of hoping MTV gives him a spinoff about his little scuba diving company because this promises to be wildly entertaining …

1. Scuba Dave

Scuba dave

David Eason has purchased a business in which he’ll provide “diving and underwater services” to locals in the Jacksonville, North Carolina area. But will anyone be willing to hire him?

2. Buying In

David eason on insta

Based on the company’s page Facebook page, it seems David and Jenelle purchased Elite Marine Diving & Underwater Services for an undisclosed sum and are hoping to hold on to existing clients, as well as attract some new ones.

3. Smart Move

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

Wisely, the day-to-day operations of the business are being left up to David. From what we’ve seen, Jenelle doesn’t have the temperament for customer service.

4. An Interesting Strategy

Jenelle evans david eason kids easter

The best thing that David could do would be to downplay his marriage to Jenelle and his involvement with Teen Mom 2. But of course, he’s not doing that…

5. Facepalm Moment

Facepalm moment

Yes, Dave is making sure his potential customers know he’s the same David Eason whose wife has been arrested dozens of times for charges ranging from heroin possession to assault.

6. Guilty By Association

Jenelle pointing fingers

Jenelle is currently in another legal mess thanks to an incident in which she allegedly brandished a weapon and threatened a strangers life after being cut off in traffic. Not the sort of thing that’s great for business …

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Condom Challenge is Something That"s Actually Happening

We have good news, readers:

Teens across the country are using condoms more than ever before.

But we also have some bad news:

These teens are not necessarily using the condoms for safe sex.

Instead of wrapping the condom around their penis or their partner"s penis, these people are sucking the prophylactics through their noses and then taking them out of their mouths.

No, really.

We"re not kidding:

Just like past idiotic trends such as the Tide Pods challenge, something called the "Condom Snorting Challenge" is sadly sweeping the nation.

Videos of teens doing taking this ridiculous action have been on the Internet for years, but there"s been a new proliferation in recent days.

Needless to say, although we will anyway, condoms can be a choking hazard; they can also cause appendicitis if swallowed.

Moreover, they can cause an allergic reaction… and it’s even possible that nasal passages and/or sinuses could get infected because nothing but air is supposed to pass through them.

They really are not meant to be a corridor for condoms is the point here.

Does this look remotely enjoyable?

Or comfortable? 

Or worth doing just so you can gain a few new followers on social media?

We guess the answers have to be yes, for some people out there at least.

For others, it"s simply enjoyable to sit back and make fun of these individuals.

To wit:


Check out the video below for more on this condom challenge and to try and understand why it"s actually happening:

Condom challenge is something thats actually happening in americ

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 Recap: Still Gotta Mean Something

Jadis is probably one of the smartest survivors in the wasteland that is The Walking Dead. 

When The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 kicked off, we learned just how Jadis managed to survive the attack Simon ordered on her people a few weeks back. 

She played dead when the kills were coming fast and furious before deciding it was time to find and kill the leader of the Saviors: Negan. 

Negan tried to tell Jadis he was not the one who gave the order to kill her people. 

“That was the work of someone not following the program,” the villain said as Jadis prepared to take him down. 

Jadis threatened to destroy Lucille because she was the one in control and it was time to dole out a nice dose of revenge to those who had wronged her. 

Negan managed to overpower her in one of the most predictable scenes of the entire series. 

“You took away everything — you took away me,” Jadis wailed at Negan, but in a rare moment, Negan opened up about how he named the bat after his wife when she died. 

Things took a dramatic turn when the chopper appeared once again, and Jadis tried to send a flare towards it. But Negan stopped her from doing anything … even killing him. 

Jadis was all talk, but very little action and that’s what was more frustrating. She let Negan leave after he asked her to join his cause, but he said he would return. 

Negan picked someone up from the side of the road, and we never got to see who it was, but the pair returned to the Sanctuary and went into hiding. 

Meanwhile, Rick continued to struggle in the aftermath of Carl’s death. Michonne admitted that she moved from place to place after the death of her kids, and Andrea stopped her. 

Michonne wanted to be that person for Rick. Ultimately, Rick went on a mission to round up the escapees with Morgan, and they both struggled to come to terms with everything. 

They were caught by the inmates, and while things were more subdued than we expected, the inmates decided to cut the crap and talked to the men. 

But Rick and Morgan were not taking any chances and murdered them all without so much as a second thought. 

Rick and Morgan chatted a lot about what had been happening to them over the years and how they were different now. It seemed to foreshadow Morgan’s exit as he moves over to Fear The Walking Dead. 

All told, “Still Gotta Mean Something” was all about character development, but it set up the final two episodes really well. Negan looks set to change things up at the Sanctuary and that might include killing Simon for going behind his back. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC. 


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Aubrey O"Day Has Something to Say About Her Haters

Aubrey O’Day has made her first public statement since news of her affair with Donald Trump Jr. went viral.

But it’s not exactly a formal statement.

Far from it, in fact.

The former Danity Kane singer and Celebrity Apprentice cast member allegedly slept with the President’s son for many months in 2011, while Donald Jr. was married to wife Vanessa.

(Who was pregnant with her third child at the time, it should be noted.)

Multiple outlets have confirmed this relationship, with many sources claiming this was the opposite of a fling.

The feelings on both sides were apparently quite serious, with O’Day convinced Trump was going to leave his wife for her.

Heck, one recent report alleged that O’Day and Trump had discussed having a baby together!

Despite O’Day not having talked about this affair, and despite Trump being the one who was married at the time of their banging, Aubrey is the one who has been getting flak online.

And we mean A LOT of flak.

She’s been slammed across social media, referred to as every mean name in the book… and now O’Day is fighting back.

Sort of.

To some small extent at least.

“embrace the shade,” the 34-year-old singer captioned the first photo we shared in this article, making it clear just how she plans on handling the hate.

Simply put, she will embrace it.

An O’Day insider recently told Us Weekly that when this affair started, the stars were “very serious all of a sudden,” adding that “he told her it was over with his wife, that they were separated and he didn’t love her – all of that stuff.”

Eventually, however, Vanessa Trump discovered emails between Donald and O’Day.

She supposedly called O’Day and made her feel guilty about the romance by having her two kids on the line.

Sort of weird. But effective, we guess.

In the end, however, it was Donald Trump Sr. who reportedly learned of the affair and told his son to cut it out.

(We’re shocked The Donald didn’t shake his son’s hand and congratulate him instead. But that’s another story.)

Earlier this month, six years after this affair ended, Vanessa Trump filed for divorce.

Said the Trumps in a joint statement:

“After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways.

We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority.

We ask for your privacy during this time.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Mike Fisher Has Something to Say About His Marriage to Carrie Underwood

As a professional hockey player, Mike Fisher is going to let negative rumors about his marriage just skate by unremarked upon.

Words can have power and Fisher wants to make sure the public is not being played by this chatter.

Having exhausted our knowledge of hockey-related terms, we’ll now get to the issue at hand:

Last week, a report emerged online that claimed Fisher and Carrie Underwood were headed for a divorce.

This wasn’t the first time we had heard that the stars may be splitting, either.

In this case, however, a source told In Touch Weekly that hectic schedules for the athlete and the singer were making it difficult to connect.

They share a son together, but they rarely share the same bed.

“Just by the very nature of their jobs, Carrie is gone on long concert tours and Mike was away playing for the team a lot,” wrote this tabloid, adding that Fisher’s decision to return to hockey is creating a lot of tension.

Says this anonymous insider:

“If Carrie and Mike continue to grow apart, it will surely end in divorce for them. And that would be heartbreaking.”

We totes agree! They seem SO happy together!

Thankfully, Fisher is here to assure us that he and the former American Idol champion plan to remain happy… together.

On Sunday, he shared a verse from from Psalm 139:23-24 on Instagram that read as follows:

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Followers interpreted this as confirmation that his relationship was in trouble, prompting Fisher to issue a follow-up on Wednesday.

In response to a fan who said she was praying for the couple, Fisher wrote:

“We’ve never been better. Thanks.”

PHEW, right?!?

That was a close one, folks.

According to Us Weekly, things are going so well for Underwood and Fisher that they are hoping to expand their family in the near future.

“Everyone around her knows she wants a big family, and they’re always trying for another baby,” a friend of the Grammy winner tells this publication.

Fisher, though, is planning a return to the Carolina Panthers following a five-month retirement, so the timing isn’t ideal.

For her part, Underwood is still recovering from a horrific fall she suffered last November.

Both clearly have a lot going on in their lives.

Both those lives still include each other and, based on these most recent quotes, always will.

Concludes Us Weekly:

“Carrie and Mike have a great life and a very strong marriage – one that their friends envy.

“They are completely committed to each other and in it for the long run.”

Hooray! That’s more exciting than something very exciting that sometimes happens in the sport of hockey!


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NHL"s Devante Smith-Pelly on Racist Heckling: "Something Needs to Change"

Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly is glad the fans who heckled him for being a black hockey player were dealt with … but he says it ain’t enough. “I don’t really have all the answers, but something needs to change,” Devante…


NHL"s Devante Smith-Pelly on Racist Heckling: "Something Needs to Change"

Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly is glad the fans who heckled him for being a black hockey player were dealt with … but he says it ain’t enough. “I don’t really have all the answers, but something needs to change,” Devante…


Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy: Is Something Wrong?!?

Khloe Kardashian is expecting her first child any week now.

And we really hope the little boy or girl is as healthy as can be.

We find ourselves being a little worried, however, considering the content featured in the following clip from this Sunday"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

The preview is brief, but that doesn"t make it any less frightening.

It features Khloe lying on the couch and talking to sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian, trying not to panic as she explains to her siblings just what"s going on with her body.

"Literally, I can"t walk," Khloe says.

“Can you text your doctor right now?” suggests Kourtney.

(We must interject here and comment on how very telling this comment is of today"s generation. Can you TEXT your doctor?!? Yo, ladies around the world Heck, men, too:

If you ever find yourself unable to walk, do not text your doctor. Place an actual phone call.)

We also quickly cut to Khloe at said doctor"s office, although it isn"t made clear whether she or her impending baby are okay or not.

Kardashian is about 33 weeks along with her first child.

The father is Tristan Thompson and, despite no plans for the couple to marry, they are very committed to each other and very psyched to become parents.

Unlike half-sister Kylie, who chose to remain almost entirely quiet while expecting, Khloe has been very open about all details of her pregnancy.

She even opened up about pregnancy sex in an interview, talking about the experience of doing it in your third trimester.

"It became harder to have sex and a little more uncomfortable and limiting," Kardashian said of this topic, adding that Thompson has been "amazing" in every way.

That"s good to hear.

Check out this Keeping Up with the Kardashians teaser now:

Khloe kardashian faces major pregnancy scare i cant walk

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jackson Roloff Has Something Amazing to Show Off

Attention, Little People, Big World fans:

Tori Roloff has something to say about her son.

Actually, first Tori Roloff has something to show on her son.

And here it is:

Did you catch it? Do you see it?

We’re not talking about Jackson’s adorable robe, which includes two ears atop the boy’s head and which is positively precious.

No, right now, we’re talking about two things down below those pretend ears, two things Jackson seems very excited to now have in his mouth…

… a pair of teeth!

You see them now, right?

Can you believe Tori and Zach’s first child is already old enough to have his own chompers?!?

In her affiliated caption for the image above, Tori doesn’t really mention her son’s teeth.

But she does gush (and gush and gush!) over her affection for Jackson, writing:

There are not enough hours in the day. Not because I didn’t get to the dishes or finish the laundry. But because there aren’t enough hours in the day to hang with this guy.

I actually miss him when he goes to bed and literally can’t wait for him to wake up. I love you so much you toothy grin mister mister.

So very sweet.

And we’re sure many new moms out there can relate.

Tori and Zach welcomed Jackson into the world on May 10, 2017.

Just a few days ago, Tori updated Instagram followers in regard to where Jackson is at the age of eight months.

She says he can now sit up for about 20 seconds at a time… that he actually has four teeth total… and that he’s crawling around!

Okay, not exactly, Tori says: Jackson is “scooting.” But still. He’s moving around a bit on his own!

It’s a very exciting time for this couple, only exacerbated by the fact that Tori is also opening up her own Etsy shop.

That’s a business decision, of course.

Many Little People, Big World viewers are wondering about something personal when it comes to Tori – and that something is this:

Could she be pregnant again?!?

This speculation was fueled solely by Tori referencing kids (plural, as opposed to kid) in a recent Instagram caption.

What was likely a harmless typo, or merely a harmless word choice, sparked chatter around social media about the status of Tori’s womb.

As far as we know, it is empty at the moment.

We don’t think a sibling is on the way any time in the next few months for Jackson.

He already has a cousin with whom he can play, in the former of Audrey and Jeremy Roloff’s daughter, Ember Jean.

And he most definitely has two very loving parents at home, along with two very loving grandparents living not too far away.

Oh, and did we mention that he is just SO GOSH DARN CUTE!!!!

See what we mean below:


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tori Roloff Has Something to Say About Motherhood

Tori Roloff is not exactly known as an outspoken individual.

From what we gather when we watch Little People, Big World online and when we follow her on social media, Tori is relatively quiet and extremely kind.

Her usual Instagram photos and messages?

They mostly consist of family snapshots such as the one above, along with harmless captions such as the affiliated one below:

“Sun…? At the beach…? In December…? Dream.”

But Roloff appears to have finally been pushed too far.

She just took her 634,000 Instagram followers by surprise after sharing a somewhat pointed message (at least by her standards) aimed at critics of parenthood.

Or at least at those who have a misguided notion of what being a parent entails.

Along with the extremely sweet picture below of her husband and son, Tori penned the following speech on Thursday night:

One thing I’ve heard a lot lately on social media, and tv, and even in person has me a little upset… I hear people talking about how “life is over” when you have a kid. I think this is such a lie.

She went on to explain why she objects so strenuously to this notion:

I have found life after having a kid. I’ve found something I can completely pour my soul in to and something that gives me purpose.

I hear people tell others that “ah it’s all over from here”… what is? The fact that I can’t stay out all night partying (that’s cool my bedtime is 9 anyway).

Having a kid is honestly a gift I know i don’t deserve from God. Life isn’t over when you have a kid… it’s only just beginning!

Amen, right?!?

Tori rarely takes such a stance online and she rarely brings up her faith in this sort of manner.

But having a child can change you.

Tori and Zach Roloff welcomed son Jackson Kyle into the world on May 10 and have not been able to stop gushing over him ever since.

“I am so obsessed with every move he makes,” Roloff flat out said last week about her first child.

She added at the time:

“His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile. He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves.”

Jackson has the same gene for dwarfism as his father, but both Tori and Zach have made it clear this won’t really have an impact on the way they raise him.

“Whatever he wants to do in life, we’re going to find a way to help him do it. That’s our job in life now,” Zach told People Magazine shortly after he became a father.

What a great attitude.

And what a terrific couple.

Tori and Zach are likely as “real” as it gets for a husband and wife featured on reality television.

We completely agree with Tori’s take here on parenthood and we continued to wish them good luck and happiness.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Meryl Streep Wants to Make Something Clear About Harvey Weinstein

Late last week, Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual harassment and misconduct by The New York Times.

In a bombshell report that cited eight settlements over the years, and which quoted multiple alleged victims, the newspaper detailed how the movie producer spent decades preying on young women in Hollywood.

But here’s the thing about this bombshell report:

It wasn’t really a bombshell. Not to those remotely familiar with rumors over Weinstein’s boorish behavior throughout the 1990s and 2000s.

The producer himself even basically acknowledged his sordid past… via a weird and rambling pseudo apology.

Over the weekend, meanwhile, Weinstein was fired from the company he helped build.

In light of these serious allegations, legendary actress Meryl Streep issued a statement to The Huffington Post through her longtime publicist.

It reads:

“The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us whose work he championed, and those whose good and worthy causes he supported.

“The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes.”

Streep worked with Weinstein on August: Osage County and The Iron Lady.

And she’s adamant that she didn’t just keep her mouth shut when it came to chatter over his abhorrent ways with women.

She was not complicit in any of this, Streep insists.

“One thing can be clarified. Not everybody knew​, she writes, adding:

“Harvey supported the work fiercely, was exasperating but respectful with me in our working relationship, and with many others with whom he worked professionally.

“I didn’t know about these other offenses: I did not know about his financial settlements with actresses and colleagues; I did not know about his having meetings in his hotel room, his bathroom, or other inappropriate, coercive acts.

“And if everybody knew, I don’t believe that all the investigative reporters in the entertainment and the hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it.”

Among the most damning and public accusations:

Ashley Judd says Weinstein answered his hotel room door in a bathrobe and asked her to watch him shower.

A reporter claims Weinstein masturbated in front of her.

The behavior is inexcusable, but the abuse of power familiar,” Streep says, adding that “each brave voice that is raised, heard and credited” in the media “will ultimately change the game.”

Elsewhere, Judi Dench once said she has a tattoo on her butt in honor of Weinstein.

But she has also come out in strong terms against him.

“Whilst there is no doubt that Harvey Weinstein has helped and championed my film career for the past twenty years, I was completely unaware of these offences which are, of course, horrifying,” the 82-year-old actress told The Sun.

“I offer my sympathy those who have suffered, and wholehearted support to those who have spoken out.”

Weinstein and his lawyer have said they will sue The New York Times for $ 50 million due to the publication making “false and defamatory statements.”

The guy just really sucks.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kylie Jenner Wears a Barely-There White Robe ... Or Dress ... Or Something

Kylie Jenner isn’t really known for her subtlety, so it’s good to be reminded that she knows more way to be seductive than posing in a fishnet bra.

Even when she’s just advertising things on Instagram, it’s great to see her wearing a dress!

Well … sort of. You’ll see.

Kylie Jenner posed in these two photos below.

She’s wearing what first looks like a very short bathrobe.

Now, Kylie is a SoCal girl through and through, meaning that she finds 60 degrees Fahrenheit to be “bitter cold.”

So as much as this girl likes to take off her clothes for the camera, we imagine that whatever bathrobe she wears off camera is probably one of those super thick ones so that she stays warm.

Don’t get us wrong, Kylie looks phenomenal in both photos, but it didn’t look like something that she’d choose to wear in her everyday life.

Well, we naturally looked at the captions.

We weren’t surprised to find that it was an ad.

We were surprised to learn something else, though.

Like we said, she looks great.

But this isn’t a robe at all, allegedly.

According to the company that sells these (and Kylie is definitely modeling in this as an ad, even tagging it as ad, which is great since other stars are getting in trouble with the FTC for posting Instagram ads without the tag), this is a dress.

Yes, really.

(We’re not defending that Fashion Nova choose to call this a dress, mind you, just … assuring you that this is the label that they have chosen)

Specifically? This is called the “Sugar Free Dress.”

But whatever they choose to call it, we wouldn’t recommend wearing this to a job interview or trying to wear it to prom.

Kylie looks great in it, but it really does look like it’s just one slight slip away from baring … something.

But hey, there are some parties where an adult would look great in this.

Kylie’s been doing a lot over the past couple of years to shed her imagine of being a kid.

She’s been very successful, despite being the youngest member of a celebrity family and despite growing up in front of the eyes fo millions of viewers.

(Also, she’s just been very successful, period — she’s a makeup mogul whose business could be worth a billion dollars in just a few years)

Life of Kylie didn’t get the best ratings.

There are no guarantees that it will be renewed for another season, no matter how inexpensive reality shows are to film.

Part of that is because the popularity of specific types of reality shows waxes and wanes.

Part of that is because nobody wants to sit around and listen to Kylie whine about being famous for a half hour.

But these pics are as good of a reminder as any that Kylie can still share bits of her life and monetize it through social media.

So even if her show never again sees the light of day, Kylie’s clearly not going anywhere.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dallas McCarver 911: "There"s Something In His Throat"

TMZ Sports has obtained the Dallas McCarver 911 call — made by a friend who found the 26-year-old bodybuilder passed out in his apartment … after apparently choking on food.  The friend tried like hell to help McCarver — performing CPR and…
