Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will Someone Please Pay David Eason For SOMETHING?!

If you"re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you"re probably well aware that David Eason is unemployed.

For a while there, he was making a nice six figures in exchange for allowing an MTV camera crew to document his life of inactivity, but Eason was fired because no amount of money could convince him to keep his homophobic views to himself.

So now David has been forced to rejoin the working world.

Fortunately, he has his residual reality TV fame to help him drum up publicity for his latest business venture.

Unfortunately, he seems utterly clueless about the fact that his marriage to a woman who"s been arrested more times than Pablo Escobar hasn"t really done any wonders for his reputation.

As much as we can"t stand David, we"re sort of hoping MTV gives him a spinoff about his little scuba diving company because this promises to be wildly entertaining …

1. Scuba Dave

Scuba dave

David Eason has purchased a business in which he’ll provide “diving and underwater services” to locals in the Jacksonville, North Carolina area. But will anyone be willing to hire him?

2. Buying In

David eason on insta

Based on the company’s page Facebook page, it seems David and Jenelle purchased Elite Marine Diving & Underwater Services for an undisclosed sum and are hoping to hold on to existing clients, as well as attract some new ones.

3. Smart Move

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

Wisely, the day-to-day operations of the business are being left up to David. From what we’ve seen, Jenelle doesn’t have the temperament for customer service.

4. An Interesting Strategy

Jenelle evans david eason kids easter

The best thing that David could do would be to downplay his marriage to Jenelle and his involvement with Teen Mom 2. But of course, he’s not doing that…

5. Facepalm Moment

Facepalm moment

Yes, Dave is making sure his potential customers know he’s the same David Eason whose wife has been arrested dozens of times for charges ranging from heroin possession to assault.

6. Guilty By Association

Jenelle pointing fingers

Jenelle is currently in another legal mess thanks to an incident in which she allegedly brandished a weapon and threatened a strangers life after being cut off in traffic. Not the sort of thing that’s great for business …

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