Showing posts with label Please. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Please. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Maci Bookout: Please Pray For My Sick Daughter!

Maci Bookout and her husband, Taylor McKinney, are considered one of the quieter couples of the Teen Mom world.

Sure, the McKinneys have endured their fair share of ups and downs over the years, but most of it has had to do with Ryan Edwards" addiction issues.

Left to themselves without any drama-prone exes interfering, the couple keeps things pretty low key.

And so, when Maci revealed that her daughter had been hospitalized, fans knew this was no cry for attention of the sort some of her castmates are prone to.

In fact, many have jumped to the conclusion that whatever left 3-year-old Jayde laid up must have been something serious.

Take a look:

1. Maci In the Hospital

Maci in the hospital

Maci Bookout revealed this week that her daughter Jayde has been hospitalized. Maci and her family have enjoyed an outpouring of support from Teen Mom 2 fans.

2. Jayde Recovers

Jayde recovers

“Everything went good, now just recovering. #MissJaydeCarter,” Taylor captioned a series of Instagram photos of his daughter.

3. Father and Daughter

Father and daughter

Jayde famously has her doting father wrapped around her finger. Maci seems to enjoy documenting their close relationship on social media.

4. Instagram Star

Instagram star

Jayde is a fan favorite on Instagram, where every adorable pic posted by Maci quickly racks up tens of thousands of likes.

5. Maci and Kids

Maci and kids

Jayde is Maci and Taylor’s only daughter. The couple also has a 2-year-old son named Maverick. Maci has a 9-year-old son named Bentley from her relationship with Ryan Edwards.

6. From Day One

Maci bookout baby jayde photo

Like the McKinney clan, Maci’s followers fell in love with Jayde on the day she was born, so the news that she was recently hospitalized has been greeted with a tremendous amount of shock and concern.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: I"m Not Racist! Please Watch Me on Teen Mom OG!

Like it or not, Cheyenne Floyd has joined the cast of Teen Mom OG.

And, as it turns out, most people don’t seem to like it.

This is for many reasons.

One, Cheyenne is already kind of celebrity from appearing on other MTV reality shows like Are You the One? and The Challenge.

Does she really need to be on a third show?

Two, she gave birth to her daughter when she was 24 years old, so she is not nor has she ever been a teen mom.

And since that’s the title of the show, it seems like one of the most basic requirements for the main cast members.

Three, the show is called Teen Mom OG, with the “OG” standing for “Original Girls.”

Up until last season, the cast consisted of Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, Maci Bookout, and Farrah Abraham, all girls from the first season of 16 and Pregnant and all girls who have been the Teen Moms from very first episode of the franchise.

Sure, Farrah got herself fired, but still, lots of fans thought the show would be just fine going forward with only Maci, Amber, and Catelynn.

Adding anyone else would take the OG out of Teen Mom OG, and that’s just not cool.

Still, it seems like MTV got super into the five girl format of Teen Mom 2 since Briana joined that show, and so they went and added two new cast members.

That’s how we have not only Cheyenne starring on the show when the season premieres on October 1st, but also Bristol Palin.

What did we do to deserve this?

And on top of all those other reasons why so many people don’t want to see Cheyenne, there’s still a great big one left …

Remember those super weird racist tweets of hers?

She posted them several years ago, but they resurfaced earlier this summer when reports began circulating that she’d be joining the show.

One from 2011 read “My mom said I can’t see The Help, she knows I already have a problem white people.”

Later, she followed that one up with “Last night I saw it and I wanted to kill every white person I saw.”

A few months later, she retweeted a friend who wrote that she and another friend “are the only nazi-loving, black power-having, ‘kill-a-white-baby-if-I-could’ people i can accept and adore.”

It goes without saying that tweeting about killing people, and specifically babies, is not great, no matter what race these imagined murder victims happen to be.

Since MTV hadn’t announced the big news about Cheyenne at that point, there was some speculation that they’d just let her go quietly without having to make a big statement about it.

But since they made the news official earlier this month, clearly they’re still going through with it.

And now, at long last, Cheyenne is speaking out about those infamous tweets.

In a written statement she shared in an Instagram Live post, she explained that “As a mom of a baby, with a biracial Dad and a member of a new blended mix-raced family, I am so sorry that these messages resurfaced and they do not represent me at all.”

“They came from a shared social media account (with many users), during my teenage/college years,” she continued.

“Although I didn’t write them, they were in poor taste and hurtful.”

She finished things out with “Through this experience I have grown up so much and thank God everyday for the woman I am becoming.”

So … hmm.

It’s kind of hard to imagine a teenage girl sharing a Twitter account with many other people, because who does that?

And even if that’s true, her friend still tagged her specifically in the tweet about killing white babies, and by the wording of the tweet, it’s very clear she wasn’t talking about a group of people.

It’s also interesting that she kept quiet about the scandal until she officially became a Teen Mom, isn’t it?

In another post, Cheyenne wrote “I know I was not a teen mom, as did MTV when the reached out to me.”

“As a young mom, I have had to overcome many struggles and face similar issues. It was my hope that my willingness to do the show and share my personal life and struggles could possibly help someone else.”

She said that she also wants “to bring awareness to my daughter’s medical condition, which has very little funding and research.”

(Her daughter has VLCAD deficiency, a condition that makes her body incapable of breaking down certain fats into energy, and it can be serious.)

That’s fine, we guess, but the whole situation is still pretty weird.

But, like we said, she’s going to be on the show whether we like it or not.

Guess we’ll see how everything turns out soon enough!


Friday, June 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Please Don"t Hate Me for Meeting with Trump!

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian did a good deed.

And it didn’t have anything to do with gratuitous nudity, believe it or not.

Nope, while Kim usually brightens the world with selfies or fashion or mindless reality television trash, she used her powers for good by going to the White House to meet with Donald Trump about a woman named Alice Johnson.

You probably know the details on this already — the story and the photo of Kim meeting Trump were pretty widely mocked.

But just in case you missed it, Alice Johnson is a 63-year-old grandma who was sentenced to life in prison without parole for non-violent drug charges — her first arrest, even — all the way back in 1996.

Kim took an interest in Alice, who was obviously unbelievably failed by the justice system, and she used her voice to help take the issue directly to the president.

It worked: Trump granted Alice clemency, and she was released from prison on Wednesday.

After hearing the good news, Kim tweeted that she was “grateful” to Trump, Jared Kushner, and to everyone who helped achieve the goal, because “her commutation is inspirational and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.”

“I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition,” she added.

So that’s really nice, right?

It was weird to see Kim at the White House with Donald Trump who is somehow still the president, of course, but it’s an undeniably good thing that Alice Johnson was able to be released.

But still, lots and lots of people have been mocking Kim for what happened, and she acknowledges that in a new interview she did with Van Jones.

For one, she admitted she was starstruck — not by Trump, but by the White House itself.

“I never get starstruck,” she said. “I was starstruck over the Oval Office … It really felt powerful, and felt like, you can just feel the history in there.”

“I just took a second to take it all in, and then we talked about it.”

As for Trump, she explained that he told her that the situation with Alice “just isn’t fair,” and that “he knew that this is the right thing to do, and he said that from the start after he had heard her whole story and situation and he knew it was the right thing to do.”

When it was mentioned to her that many other celebrities have been avoiding the White House these days, she said that “Kanye’s already given him legitimacy … you know, in that way.”

Yeah, he has.

Kim didn’t think she would be “used” in any kind of weird way for her celebrity, but “at the end of the day, he heard me out. We got the job done.”

“I juat have to stay focused, and I have to know that if he is the only person in the world that could have done this for her, why wouldn’t I go talk to that person, if I had the opportunity to?” she asked.

“Forget about my fears. Forget about my life. That was the right thing to do.”

That’s actually pretty admirable, right?

She’s been open about her dislike of Trump and his platforms and his ideals and pretty much everything he stands for, and we’ve heard several times that she struggles with how much Kanye likes him.

So after all that, she still met with Trump, despite knowing how hard she’d be mocked and ridiculed, because Trump was the person who could help Alice, and she knew that was more important than her own image.

We’re proud of you, Kimmie!


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Eric Dickerson Would Stand For Anthem, "Can"t Please Everybody"

Eric Dickerson says the fact players now have a choice to stay in the locker room for the national anthem is a “good thing” … but says he would stand if he was still in the league.  “This gives you a choice. I think that’s a good thing,”…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will Someone Please Pay David Eason For SOMETHING?!

If you"re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you"re probably well aware that David Eason is unemployed.

For a while there, he was making a nice six figures in exchange for allowing an MTV camera crew to document his life of inactivity, but Eason was fired because no amount of money could convince him to keep his homophobic views to himself.

So now David has been forced to rejoin the working world.

Fortunately, he has his residual reality TV fame to help him drum up publicity for his latest business venture.

Unfortunately, he seems utterly clueless about the fact that his marriage to a woman who"s been arrested more times than Pablo Escobar hasn"t really done any wonders for his reputation.

As much as we can"t stand David, we"re sort of hoping MTV gives him a spinoff about his little scuba diving company because this promises to be wildly entertaining …

1. Scuba Dave

Scuba dave

David Eason has purchased a business in which he’ll provide “diving and underwater services” to locals in the Jacksonville, North Carolina area. But will anyone be willing to hire him?

2. Buying In

David eason on insta

Based on the company’s page Facebook page, it seems David and Jenelle purchased Elite Marine Diving & Underwater Services for an undisclosed sum and are hoping to hold on to existing clients, as well as attract some new ones.

3. Smart Move

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

Wisely, the day-to-day operations of the business are being left up to David. From what we’ve seen, Jenelle doesn’t have the temperament for customer service.

4. An Interesting Strategy

Jenelle evans david eason kids easter

The best thing that David could do would be to downplay his marriage to Jenelle and his involvement with Teen Mom 2. But of course, he’s not doing that…

5. Facepalm Moment

Facepalm moment

Yes, Dave is making sure his potential customers know he’s the same David Eason whose wife has been arrested dozens of times for charges ranging from heroin possession to assault.

6. Guilty By Association

Jenelle pointing fingers

Jenelle is currently in another legal mess thanks to an incident in which she allegedly brandished a weapon and threatened a strangers life after being cut off in traffic. Not the sort of thing that’s great for business …

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Monday, May 7, 2018

John McCain: Please Keep Donald Trump Away From My Funeral

About 10 months ago, Senator John McCain revealed his brain cancer diagnosis. It is grim news for the season politician’s loved ones and his many admirers.

McCain reportedly has a final request that is turning heads.

Whenever his funeral may be, he does not want Donald Trump to attend.

John McCain doesn’t know how much longer his extraordinary life will last.

Final requests are a tradition for those who know that their end may be near. Whenever reasonable, they should be respected.

McCain’s final wish … is bound to ruffle some political favors.

Friends and loved ones have been visiting him at his home in Arizona.

Multiple outlets, including The New York Times, have reported that John McCain doesn’t want Trump at his funeral.

Some have seen this as McCain disliking Trump so much that he doesn’t even want him around his remains.

McCain has often voted along with Trump’s agenda. Though he tends to speak out when he disagrees with his party’s efforts and policies, he usually votes along party lines.

But, dating back to before Trump dissed McCain’s military service saying that he prefers soldiers who weren’t captured, there has been no love lost between the two.

So, is this request meant to be “McCain throwing shade” at Trump?

It seems more likely that McCain is thinking of his family and other loved ones. His wife and daughters should not have to deal with the attention-grabbing maelstrom that is Trump, especially on such a solemn day.

Especially since McCain has apparently asked that Mike Pence be sent in Trump’s stead.

That, many feel, speaks more to a man hoping for an uneventful funeral than it does to a man sending a political middle finger.

McCain has reportedly been receiving visitors. Longtime friends and loved ones have come to see him in recent months.

Despite his prognosis — and things do look grim — visitors are apparently not telling him “goodbye” just yet.

McCain is apparently not a fan of what he considers excessive sentimentality.

Some of us may find that shocking, but McCain is a War Hero who survived years of captivity and torture.

He’s tough.

Besides, we think that it is safe to say that the “goodbye” is understood.

McCain’s critics would like to remind people that he is not blameless in the current political crisis.

In 2008, McCain’s team picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, hoping to capitalize on her charismatic appeal to the Republican base in a way that would compete with then-Senator Obama’s “star power.”

Palin, who quickly demonstrated that she was woefully unprepared to be President if needed and lacked a great deal of policy knowledge as well as what some consider to be basic information, changed the political landscape.

She “went rogue” repeatedly during the McCain campaign.

It is not difficult to see the easy parallels between Palin’s lack of preparation, impulsive statements that are contrary to fact, and galavanizing effect on the GOP base with Trump’s campaign.

Many say that, had McCain made a wiser choice in 2008, the Trump Presidency would never have happened.

Many have brought up McCain’s voting record.

Satirical news source The Onion published a headline:

“Lindsey Graham Vows To Uphold John McCain’s Legacy By Blindly Supporting GOP Agenda After Grumbling For A  Few Minutes”

Some consider that headline to be harsh. Others say that it’s a fair assessment. It’s arguably both.

Whatever one thinks of McCain’s political career, voting history, or status as an alleged “maverick” in D.C. … this is a man who has led an extraordinary life of public service to the United States.

His family and loved ones will miss him, as will countless colleagues. Even those who knew him from across the aisle.

And we can all agree that most people would probably prefer that Trump not attend their funerals, either.

Let’s hope that McCain outlives Trump’s political career.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Erika Girardi: Quitting The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Please, No!

On the heels of last week’s shade-filled reunion, many fans of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are concerned about cast shakeups.

Someone tweeted a rumor that Erika Girardi might be leaving the series — of her own volition!

This could be devastating to her fans.

This heartbreaking rumor was broadcast on Twitter.

“Hearing that @erikajayne has quit #RHOBH and that a statement will be published after this season airs.”

Even the tweeter acknowledges that this dire prediction is not confirmed.

“Could just be a rumor.”

But she thinks that it’s the real deal.

Here is the tweet itself:

Erika Girardi rumor

The tweet continues, this time with less rumor and more opinion.

“However after this season plus Reunion Part 1, I would not be surprised if this [were] true.”

Clearly, not everyone would be sorry to see Erika go.

“And I can’t say I would care either, bye girl!”


It’s understandable that people might believe that this is a sensible time for Erika to leave.

After all, Erika seemed to be a little “checked out” during recent The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episodes. Including the reunion.

Normally not one to half-ass anything, particularly in defense of herself or of others, she’s limited responses to lines like “I am so confused.”

What’s the most heated that Erika has been on the show lately? The confrontation over “fake amnesia?”

Additionally, look at Erika’s career.

She’s still popular, and her recent memoir made the New York Times Bestseller’s list.

There’s a wisdom in quitting while you’re ahead.

What’s more, Reality Blurb says that their source close to production says that Erika has been threatening to quit.

But … threats aren’t the same as follow-through.

At time same time … Erika might make a mistake if she leaves.

For example, not every Real Housewife gets to become a meme that’s used by people who don’t even know that it’s from a Real Housewives show.

The above gif has been widely used for years across social media platforms. Meme status is something to treasure.

Additionally, though Erika was famous before she ever became a Real Housewife, she might expect for her visibility to fall if she leaves the show.

Just as people might point to her recent book sales making this a great time to leave, it could also be a reminder that being a Real Housewife has its advantages.

If you want to sell something, being on a show makes that a lot easier.

Just saying.

The best evidence that Erika probably isn’t leaving the franchise doesn’t come from speculation about the timing or whatnot.

Recently, Erika was seen doing promo work with Cynthia Bailey and Kandi Burruss.

It would be very strange to be taking promo photos with fellow Real Housewives (especially from a different series) if you’re not, you know, staying with the show.

It sounds to us like Erika threatened to quit, which created rumors that she’s leaving the show, but ultimately stuck with it.

But that’s just our guess, based upon these reports. You never know.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Lamar Odom to Khloe Kardashian: Can I Please See Baby True?!?

Khloe Kardashian likely feels very alone right now.

Yes, the reality star has a number of family members in her corner, but she just gave birth to a little girl while living in a foreign city (Cleveland), which she moved to in order to be close to Tristan Thompson.

And then she found out that Thompson had been cheating on her. A lot.

We feel terrible for Khloe.

We can’t imagine what she has been going through over the past few weeks.

But we’re comforted by the knowledge that she isn’t truly going through it alone.

No, aren’t talking about Khloe’s famous sisters or her mother.

We’re actually talking about her ex-husband, Lamar Odom.

“Lamar’s been texting Khloe, checking on her and the baby and making sure she’s good,” an insider tells Life & Style, adding:

“He just wants to be a bed of comfort to her.”

First: LOL. Who actually talks like that?

It makes us question whether this supposed insider exists.

Second: Odom actually wants to be more than a “bed of comfort.”

The same source goes on to say the following:

“He’s hopeful to meet baby True soon. Like her mother, he knows that True will be absolutely gorgeous and he’d love the honor of holding her in his arms.

“He’s adores that name and only wishes he could have lived up to her name when he was with Khloe.”

This last part has been fairly well-documented.

Ever since he and Kardashian divorce many years ago, Odom has made it clear that he wishes he had acted differently during their marriage.

By the end of the four-year union, Lamar had fallen off the wagon and was back to using drugs.

Sadly, he also admitted to cheating on Khloe during this difficult period of his life.

But that was a long time ago.

Just a day after Thompson’s cheating scandal became public knowledge, Odom supposedly dialed up Khloe and said he wanted to get back together.

We somehow doubt this will happen, despite the strong feelings that still exist between the stars, but a reconciliation with Odom would certainly be a worthy act of revenge on Khloe’s part.

She could really stick it to Tristan that way, sort of how he’s been sticking it to many random women over the past several months with his penis.

Lamar really wants to be part of Khloe and True’s life,” says this same tabloid source, concluding:

“He still loves her and doesn’t want her to have to be a single mother given the state of her relationship with Tristan. He really feels heartbroken for her.”

So do we.

We also feel sort of bad because for her daughter because, well… True Thompson?!?

Where did that name come?

An explanation is below:


Friday, April 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Fans: Please Stop Sending David Eason Death Threats!

Jenelle Evans’ reputation has hit rock bottom so many times that we’re not even remotely surprised when she sinks to a new low.

The past week has seen Jenelle drawn into an ugly conflict with her castmates that began with an unprovoked remark from her unemployed husband, David Eason.

For reasons that defy explanation, Eason commented on a photo of Leah Messer’s 8 -year-old daughter, and it was every bit as creepy as it sounds.

David thought the girl was wearing too much makeup, and because it’s not at all weird AF for 30-year-old men to sit around thinking about young girls’ makeup, he decided to let the world know.

But David apparently got upset when people said mean things in response, so now he’s enlisted his wife to defend him:

“Now to me, it looked pretty heavy. To my friends, it looked heavy. So David was the only one who commented on it,” Jenelle said in a video posted to Instagram today.

“He commented on some cheerleading makeup and you guys are sending him death threats. Do you understand how wrong that is?”

Oh, the irony of a woman complaining that people are being mean to her grown-ass husband because he thought it would be smart to publicly to bully a child.

Proving once again that she hasn’t the foggiest notion of how normal people think, Jenelle went on to “defend” Eason by admitting that his main motivation for trash-talking a third grader was revenge against the girl’s mom:

“He doesn’t hate Leah, but when you go on someone’s podcast talking pure shit and when you go on Snapchat talking pure shit, people don’t forget that Leah,” she continued.

“So David decided to comment on it, he didn’t have to go onto her Instagram and comment on it, but you know what, he did and I mean whatcha gonna do about it?”

You almost have to admire the lack of self-awareness here.

Jenelle absolutely lost it when David got fired from Teen Mom 2 for spewing idiotic comments on social media, but now that he’s back at it, she’s trying to act like a nonchalant badass about the whole thing.

The question, Jenelle, is what are you gonna do about it, and this time, it’s not rhetorical.

You see, as long as you’re employed by the network and easily butthurt by fan comments, you’re far from impervious, so you might want to exercise your authority as the sole breadwinner and rein David’s ass in a little bit.

Evans concluded her video with a sarcastic apology to Leah:

“I’m so sorry if my husband got on your account and commented on your Instagram, maybe you should block him or delete him and then you won’t see his comments anymore. Problem solved.”

Does Jenelle remember that she was the one who sent cease and desist letters to her castmates because they made jokes about her on Twitter?

If not, we’ll be happy to remind her,

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just what an absurd human being Jenelle is.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Britney Spears: Exercising Herself to Death to Please Sam Asghari?

As you will see in the steamy video below, Britney Spears is keeping fit with the help of her boyfriend, Sam Asghari.

But … has she become too preoccupied with health and fitness?

A new report claims that Britney is keeping her body in perfect condition because she"s afraid of losing her young, hot boyfriend.

Britney spears works out

RadarOnline reports that Britney is consumed with a fitness addiction in an effort to maintain her relationship with Sam Asghari.

The source acknowledges that Britney "looks amazing and she’s got her best body ever."

She sure does and she sure does, respectively. So … what"s the problem?

"But she’s letting her obsession with diet and fitness rule her life to an unhealthy degree."

Sometimes, there can be a slippery slope between healthy habits and a destructive perseveration.

"She’s so self-conscious and can’t go five seconds without talking about cleanses or weight training."

Sam ashgari shirtless photo

The source continues to express concern, saying:

"Even though she looks incredible, she still Photoshops her selfies all the time."

Lots of people touch up their selfies, but it looks like this person is suggesting that it"s an obsession.

"It’s as if she’s on a weird mission to constantly look picture perfect."

That also ties in with rumors that Britney got a boob job recently.

"She’s always scrutinizing her reflection in the mirror and sometimes takes 50 photos before she’ll post one to Instagram."

Is that an unhealthy preoccupation or just careful use of social media?

Britney spears is a boss

The source also claims that Britney is projecting her alleged fixation with fitness onto others.

This has reportedly taken the form of her discouraging others from partying and indulging themselves on tour.

More to the point, it sounds like some of her loved ones are concerned that she"s denying herself.

"People are happy that Britney is taking care of herself, but now it’s getting in the way of her having fun."

That is a somewhat troubling report.

Sam asghari lifts weights

Is it possible that the source is jumping to conclusions, though?

Britney has always been dedicated to her personal fitness. Her body is part of her brand, and has been since she rose to fame as a teen sex symbol.

It"s true that she"s older than Sam Asghari, who is 24 years old.

But while he"s definitely young and hot, she is not only intensely attractive, but she"s Britney Freaking Spears. Despite rumors to the contrary, she has a good head on her shoulders and knows her worth.

Most people take multiple photos before choosing which picture to post on social media.

The fact that Britney posts makeup-free selfies should be enough to show that fears that she"s obsessed with looking more perfect than she actually is are probably unfounded.

Britney spears gym selfie

As for her relationship with Sam Asghari, whom she began dating about a year ago, things are looking good for the two of them.

Just last week, Britney brought Sam as her date to the GLAAD Awards.

Social media shows that the two of them share a love of fitness activities, but that doesn"t mean that she"s depriving herself of joy.

Playing tennis with your boyfriend isn"t exactly wallowing in misery.

And neither is dancing, which is what the two of them are doing in this steamy video.

Watch and decide for yourself how Britney is faring:

Britney spears fixated on fitness to please sam asghari

Friday, April 13, 2018

Wendy Willams: Please, I Don"t Feel Bad for Khloe Kardashian

Wendy Willams has responded to the Tristan Thompson cheating by scandal by throwing some serious shade…

… at Khloe Kardashian?

Yes, at Khloe Kardashian.

Indeed, most folks out there who have been reading about the multiple times Thompson stepped out on Khloe think the Cleveland Cavaliers rebounding machine is a dirtbag.

They think he’s a no good lying jerk. A total douche canoe.

Considering Khloe was more than eight months pregnant at the time of Tristan’s most recent sexual escapade, these same people feel very sorry for Kardashian.

Seriously, can you imagine what she’s going through?!?

But not Williams.

The talk show host – who makes a living by spouting one misguided and cruel opinion after another about various celebrities – said on Thursday morning that Khloe has basically dug her own grave here.

“Hearing all this stuff, I felt bad for Khloé at first, until I realized, wait a minute. Wasn’t Tristan expecting a baby with his girlfriend Jordan Craig?” Williams asked on air.

As background to this question:

Yes, Thompson was dating a lifestyle blogger named Jordan Craig when he met Khloe.

She was pregnant with their son.

Thompson and Kardashian got together around September of 2016 and Craig gave birth in December of that same year.

As a result, Williams figures Khloe deserves all the pain she’s experiencing right now.

“The only person I feel bad for is the baby,” Wendy added, making it clear:

“I don’t feel bad for Khloe. Khloe, you knew when you pulled up on him that he had a girlfriend named Jordy Craig and Jordy was 5 months pregnant.”

This is one way to look at the situation, of course.

One mean and cold-hearted way.

Another version would be that Thompson truly fell in love with Khloe and that he could not pretend otherwise.

Another version would be that Thompson and Craig weren’t really together at the time he met Khloe, so he didn’t actually cheat on her, she was simply pregnant with their baby.

Another version would be that Khloe wanted to believe things were real between her and Tristan and that the latter had learned from his previous mistake and even if she was blinded by love or a desire to start a family…

… whatever. Who cares?!? Why kick the new mother when she’s down?!?

Because Khloe is now officially a mother.

She welcomed a little girl into the world early Thursday, with Thompson allegedly in the room throughout the process.

Does this mean Khloe has forgiven Thompson and all is well?

We doubt it.

She probably just figured Tristan still is the baby’s father and deserved to see his child be born.

Or that all of this has exploded in her face rather quickly, while she was on the verge of giving birth, and she can’t exactly think too far ahead at the moment.

Either way, Williams is sure she knows what is best and that Kardashian should have known so much better from Day One.

“Just a little note to women out there, when you’re dating and you know a guy is expecting a baby with a woman, here’s the thing.

“It might be over but the fact is – and only people who have babies know – when a baby enters the world, everyone goes to mush,” explained Williams yesterday, concluding:

“Khloe, you jumped in some mess you didn’t need to be involved with from the beginning.”

We don’t even know what this means.

We’re pretty sure it doesn’t apply at all to what’s going on.

But, by this logic, wouldn’t Thompson therefore by loyal and committed and true to Khloe going forward, now that the pair themselves have a baby together?


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paris Hilton to Kris Jenner: PLEASE Let Me Be on Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

Remember back in the day when Paris Hilton was the most talked-about celebrity of them all?

Man, how times have changed …

Many, many years ago, you couldn’t look at a tabloid or a gossip site without hearing all about Paris and her shenanigans.

Everyone watched The Simple Life, everyone used her “that’s hot” catchphrase, and believe it or not, there were quite a few people who looked up to her.

But at a certain point, a little over ten years ago or so, all that began to change.

And that was because Kim Kardashian hit the scene hard.

If you know your Kardashian history, you know that back in Paris’ heyday, she and Kim were very close. Kim tagged along to many of Paris’ events, and she even worked for her for a while.

It was common to see paparazzi photos featuring Paris with Kim there in the background, but when Kim’s sex tape was leaked, things began to change.

A few months after that, Kim got her own show, and she started becoming the more popular one, because let’s be real, there’s only so many reality stars the average person can care about at any given time.

So after that, Kim didn’t need to work for Paris anymore, and she didn’t need her by her side to get attention.

At some point during Kim’s big rise to reality show glory, they had a falling out, and they’ve been enemies for years.

Like, their friendship was so dead that Paris once compared Kim’s ass to “cottage cheese inside a big trash bag.” The bad blood ran deep.

In 2014, they posed for a photo together, and many of us thought it was a sign that they’d made up, but in 2015, Paris was back to making shady quotes about Kim in interviews, so it was pretty hard to tell what was going on between them.

Until now!

Last week, photos from Kanye’s latest fashion campaign were released, and in some of the photos, Paris was featured looking pretty much exactly like Kim.

Eerily so.

Kim shared some of the photos on Instagram with the hashtag “forever the OG,” and Paris shared them as well, writing that it was “so much fun being a #KimClone.”

It certainly seems like their friendship is back on track now, right?

And according to a new report, that may be because Paris is looking to gain a little something from a renewed friendship with the Kardashian family.

“Paris really wants to appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a regular, or even as a friend role,” a source close to the family claims.

“Kim and Kris feel bad for her and are considering offering her a contract to appear on the next season.”

That sounds absolutely amazing, doesn’t it? Just imagine: Paris back where she belongs, on reality television, being her gloriously ridiculous self.

It’s also a little sad if they’re offering her a contract out of pity — but it does sound like Paris is cool with it.

As the source says, “Paris thinks that they only have what they have because of her and has made this crystal clear to Kris.”

We’d argue that they “have what they have” because of Kim’s sex tape, and also because of the late Robert Kardashian’s O.J. Simpson connection, but Paris probably did help a bit.

On a bit of a happier note, the insider adds that “Paris and Kim are tight again in the sense that Paris has been kissing her butt lately.”

“The two of them have made amends for talking so much sh-t about each other. Paris even invited the whole family to her upcoming wedding.”

All’s well that ends well, we suppose.

And if it ends in Paris Hilton herself bringing her special brand of nonsense to Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

Even better.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

6LACK to ATL Falcons: Please Don"t Break My Heart Again

“Atlanta broke my heart” … so says 6LACK, who tells TMZ Sports he’s rooting for the Falcons in the NFL playoffs — but he doesn’t want his soul crushed again!  6LACK is from Atlanta and grew up a Falcons fan … but says he’s being guarded…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Tyler Baltierra to Catelynn Lowell: Please Come Home Soon!

Last month, Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab after publicly revealing that she’d been battling suicidal thoughts and severe depression.

Lowell has remained at the faciity ever since, and while she’s been unable to update her many social media followers, her husband, Tyler Baltierra, assures fans that she’s making steady progress and hopes to be home soon.

“My wife is incredibly strong & courageous,” Tyler tweeted earlier this week.

“She inspires me to just be a better human being all around & I’m so honored to share my life with such a selfless soul. I love her so much & can’t wait for her to be home.”

He added the hashtag” #CatelynnStrong,” which Teen Mom: OG fans have been using to discuss their own battles with mental illness and the strength that they’ve gained from seeing Lowell be so candid about her struggles.

The weeks since Catelynn checked into treatment have not been without their fair share of drama, but thankfully, Lowell has been shielded from it for the sake of her mental health.

Just this week, Catelynn’s cast mate Farrah Abraham attacked her on Twitter, claiming that she still smokes pot regularly (despite her claims to the contrary) and that Baltierra is secretly gay.

Tyler dealt with the situation himself on Twitter.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment #makeChesterProud @TalindaB #KeepTalkingMH #thiswontlast,” Catelynn tweeted just prior to entering treatment back in November.

She referenced the late Linkin Park Chester Bennington, who took his own life in July, and tagged the Linkin Park singer’s wife, Talinda.

“I’m taking the time I need right now to take care of myself for good,” Lowell told Us Weekly in a statement issued later that day.

“On November 17th I thought of every possible way to commit suicide … From wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER … thank god I am self-aware,” she added.

“I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better … anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason … Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

There’s no word yet on when Catelynn will receive treatment, but Baltierra says her treatment has been going smoothly, and 

“We’ve been in Arizona for the past 2 weeks visiting her every Sunday,” Tyler recently wrote on Instagram.

“I have taken a break from everything & chose to really take this time for me and Nova … Without her mom around, she needs me & my devoted attention. Family always comes first!”

Here’s hoping Catelynn continues to receive the love and support she needs.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more on Lowell’s valiant struggle.
