Showing posts with label Virginity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginity. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

School Employee Admits to Losing Her Virginity to 15-Year-Old Student

This is yet another story of a school employee having sex with a minor.

A former middle school employee was arrested after she confessed to police.

The woman claims that she “fell in love” with her underage victim … and that she lost her virginity to him.

Hannah Siboyeh mugshot

Hannah Siboyeh is a former employee of Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

In July of 2017, she was 23 when she began an elleged sexual relationship with an underage student.

The student has not been identified, of course, as he is both a minor and the victim.

But it sounds like the former Labay Middle School student was 15 at the time.

According to court documents, Siboyeh has acknowledged that what she did was the result of “one mistake after another.”

Hannah Siboyeh Gif 01

Authorities learned about this on April 5th, 2018, after another student came forward to an assistant principal.

They had apparently been at the student’s home and they noticed that Siboyeh was allegedly in bed with the student.

Court documents state that the student reported the two “lying in bed together and that weird noises would be coming from the room.”

That is, emphatically, not appropriate for any adult and minor. Good for that student for recognizing that and having the bravery to come forward.

When investigators spoke to witnesses, they confirmed that the boy and Siboyeh were engaged in a “boyfriend girlfriend” type relationship.

Hannah Siboyeh Gif 02

Court documents say that Siboyeh didn’t exactly hold out under interrogation.

When confrontated by law enforcement at the middle school, she is said to have “started crying and stated that she lost her virginity to” the victim.

“She admitted that she loved [the teen] with all of her heart,” the documents read.

“She described the relationship as one mistake after another,” the documents say. “And admitted that it was her fault because she was the grownup and was older.”

Not that it makes anything else okay, but it’s good that she is at least not blaming the minor. It is always the adult’s responsibility.

Hannah Siboyeh

Siboyeh posted the $ 10,000 bond on Friday and was able to go free.

She is of course instructed to avoid any contact with her victim or his family.

Additionally, she is to avoid going within 200 feet of any sort of school or child care center, and she is also to give that clearance to the boy’s home.

She has been instructed to avoid contact with anyone under the age of 17.

A little less intuitively, she has been forbidden from accessing the internet. Presumably so that she does not contact her vicitm … or any new ones.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Colton Underwood: All That Virginity Talk Triggered Something in Me!

If you’re following The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know how this season ends. But even so, the Men Tell All special was a real treat for the Bachelor Nation.

But it was also awkward, and not just for Becca. Colton Underwood’s famous virginity came up.

Now, he’s revealing how he really felt about about the discussion, and how the conversation surrounding his v-card “triggered something.”

Entertainment Tonight spoke to Colton Underwood about his virginity and the discourse surrounding it.

“Some comments caught me off guard and really triggered something in me and I felt like I spoke my truth tonight,” Colton said.

“It took a lot of self-restraint to stay seated,” he admits, referring to Jean Blanc’s comment.

“I can’t even understand where that comment comes from,” Colton says. “And in the manner that it came off was so disrespectful.”

Some people are uncomfortable with the sexual choices of others and lash out. Some people … just can’t resist trolling, unfortunately.

Colton says that he understands that not everyone can wrap their head around why a handsome, famous adult man might not have had sex yet.

“I can respect that they have their opinion,” Colton says.

“I hope that at least I started a dialogue and I started a conversation in which they can understand what makes me, me,” he states.

“And I’m not here to prove a point,” Colton notes, adding: “I’m not here to defend myself, I’m not here to say I’m better than anybody else.”

Having sex or not having it is a personal choice, and should never be grounds to attack someone else. Not for having a thousand partners and not for having zero.

“What I am here to do is be true to who I am, and The Bachelorette has helped me do that,” Colton says. “So I can’t thank them enough.”

“This has been so good for me and so therapeutic for me,” he adds.

Even Chris Harrison observed that there’s a huge and gendered double-standard when it comes to virginity.

“There’s a double standard, isn’t there?” Chris noted.

He’s right.

“Why is it different that when a woman talks about it,” Chris notes, referring to a decision to remain a virgin. “It’s respected.

“And then,” Chris continues. “When a guy talks about it, he should be shamed?”

The answer is that patriarchal cultural values encourage men to make sexual “conquests” while women are seen as property. That is changing, but underlying prejudices and double-standards still linger.

Conversely, men who have had a lot of sex are likely to be praised. Women who have had a lot of sex are more likely to be insulted.

“We will probably be talking about this now because of Colton,” Chris says, crediting Colton for starting a nationwide conversation.

Colton says that, behind the scenes, the response has been overwhelming and positive.

“I can’t tell you how many athletes and players and former teammates have reached out to me,” Colton says.

They made contact, Colton explains, “and said, ‘Man, I wish I knew you were going through this."”

“‘I was going through something similar.’ And for me to hear that means the world,” Colton explains. “Because that is where I felt the deepest and the darkest is at those times.”

There is something very toxic going on in the world if adult men feel pressured to lie about their sex lives in order to appease their peers.

Colton isn’t planning on avoiding sex forever — or even until marriage.

Colton says that he is “waiting for the right heart.”

That is such a good way of putting it. 

“It sounds a little cheesy,” Colton admits. “I’m waiting for someone to match my intensity, someone that’s going to be into me as much as I am into them.”

He’s saving his v-card for “somebody that I am so madly in love with and that I can share that special moment with.”

Virginity is a social construct with varying definitions, but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to find it significant. This is very sweet.

“That’s what I’m waiting for,” Colton explains. “And that’s what I’m looking forward to.”

Colton Underwood also took to Instagram to reflect upon the conversation about what he has or has not done sexually.

“Behind my smile are layers of insecurities, scars from my past, & feelings that have been buried for years,” Colton begins.

“It’s easy to show only the good/happy times on social media,” he writes. “I do that.”

“I love shedding light on positive/impactful events in my life, but the truth is I have had struggles,” Colton confesses. “For years I hid my feelings, including depression & anxiety.”

“You see a portion of my life and a select few scenes that help portray a picture of who I am,” he cautions his followers.

“I’m here to tell you that I am not perfect,” Colton says. “And that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.”

Colton says: “If I have to continue to take cheap shots about my virginity — which is only a small part of who I am — so that others like me can feel comfortable & relate — Bring it on!”

“While I didn’t plan on breaking down or speaking about my virginity on tonight’s episode,” Colton writes. “it is clearly something that I struggle talking about.”

“When I heard the comments made by some of the other guys,” Colton admits. “it triggered a response from me that was unexpected.”

Colton says: “While I respect their opinions, I’m not here to prove a point, say I’m better than anyone else, or gain sympathy.”

“It is what it is,” he writes. “my virginity shouldn’t have to be defended or used to describe me as a person.”

He’s right. Please be nice.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Says He"s Not Faking His Virginity

Recently dumped ‘Bachelorette’ star Colton Underwood is shooting down Corinne Olympios’ claim that he lied about his virginity, because he says he’d never admit it on national television if it weren’t true. Colton was a guest Tuesday on San Diego…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jasmin: 26-Year-Old Auctions Virginity, Accepts $1.5 Million Bid

Jasmin is a 26-year-old woman who lives in London.

In the video that you can see below, she announced that she is auctioning off her virginity to the highest bidder — because she is tired of waiting for the right man and, hey, who couldn"t use some extra money?

Well, she"s apparently accepted a final bid … for around $ 1.5 million dollars.

Jasmin 01

Virginity isn"t a biological state — it"s a social construct. But that doesn"t mean that it isn"t real.

Like … money is also a social construct. Either can be traded away to someone who values it.

And Jasmin knows that there are absolutely men out there who value the idea of virginity … and would jump at the chance to be the one to "take" it from a beautiful woman.

So she has offered her first time up for auction with hopes of raising the funds to secure her future and perhaps travel the world.

Jasmin 02

Jasmin us using a German company to facilitate the auction.

""I would like to sell my virginity on Cinderella Escorts because I want to travel the world and visit America and various other places."

She has real ambitions.

"My future plans include starting my own business and this is something that requires money. Doing this will allow me to move forward with my life. I will be able to have a future free of financial worries."

She has been saving herself for marriage, but become disillusioned with that idea.

"Traditional views regarding virginity are so outdated. I believe that its my choice what I do with my body and I am sick and tired of waiting for the right person to come along."

This is certainly one way to attain financial independence.

"After 26 years I still haven’t found him so I decided a positive alternative would be selling my virginity."

Jasmin 03

She tells prospective buyers that her breasts are real.

She goes on to describe her interest in activities like traveling, reading, and movies.

Jasmin tells The Sun that:

"I really respect ladies who are traditional and want to wait for sex after marriage. I was one of them. I really wanted to wait for the right one. But I don"t want to wait any longer."

She"s reminding us all that one can be forthright about sexuality without condemning others who are more reserved about sex.

"So I chose another way which will make me happy. I am sure about my decision."

Good for her.

Jasmin 04

The Daily Mail reports that Jasmin has received a final offer of 1.2 million euros, which translates to about $ 1.5 million.

The tryst is planned for April and will take place in a hotel room.

The man representing Jasmin"s interests on behalf of Cinderella Escorts says that Jasmin can of course back out of the arrangement at any time, and that he will personally see to her safety.

Jasmin dined with top bidders before she decided to accept.

Honestly, she sounds like a real inspiration. Though we should mention, of course, that others have auctioned their virginities in the past.

Jasmin 05

She made headlines last year with her declaration that she was putting her virginity up for auction like this.

Some may try to sex-shame her (many have, actually), but people sell their labor every day of the week.

Watch the video that she made in order to pitch this offer to the world.

When she first made it, do you think that she imagined that it could make her a millionaire?

Jasmin 26 year old auctions virginity accepts 15 dollars million

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Colton Haynes Clears Up Confusion About His Virginity and a Threesome

Colton Haynes had some folks confused about his virginity story … but he cleared it up for us once and for all. We got the “Teen Wolf” and “Arrow” star with his fiance, Jeff Leatham, at LAX — and immediately asked for some clarity on the…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Colton Haynes: Here"s When I Lost My Virginity!

Virginity may just be a social construct, but discussing how you lost it can be awkward enough when you’re just playing a drinking game with buddies.

It’s considerably more awkward when you’re famous and being interviewed.

But Colton Haynes, who only officially came out as gay last year, opened up about his first time — and it is not what you’d expect.

Recently, Colton Haynes did a SiriusXM interview with Andy Cohen, who inquired if Colton was a “gold star gay” — a kind of controversial term meaning that he’d never had sex with a girl.

Colton clarified that over the course of his life, he’s slept with four different girls — starting with his very first time.

“I lost my virginity at 13 to a girl and a guy.”

While some degree of sexual activity isn’t uncommon in middle school, that sort of scenario is pretty rare.

Also he definitely hadn’t mentioned that publicly before.

“I’ve never said that before. The girl was two years older than me, and the guy was, I would say, around 16.”

We know that technically that’s just a few years apart and that they were all teenagers … but that age difference makes us cringe in ways that it wouldn’t if he’d been 14 and hooked up with a 17-year-old fellow high schooler, you know?

“It was a real first time. It was exciting.”

Now, three people hooking up sounds like a threesome, but Colton clarifies that it wasn’t, although “everyone participated.”

Of threesomes, he says:

“We’ve all had them, but it wasn’t that time.”

Colton went on to describe a pattern where he’d move somewhere, immediately find a girlfriend — since he’s shockingly attractive, though that’s not how he explained it — and then only later work up the courage to come out … only for his family to move again.

But, as he commented to Andy, he’s broken that pattern and is living his best life.

We’re trying to wrap our heads around three people participating in sex without it being a threesome.

Maybe we’re just lacking creativity, but all that we can conclude is that someone involved — maybe Colton — was a “Lucky Pierre.”

(That’s just a goofy term for when one person’s the center of attention while the other two in a threesome essentially ignore each other)

But that would still 100% be a threesome, so … we’re kind of at a loss.

Maybe Colton has a really strict definition of what constitutes a threesome?

Studies have shown that sexual activity tends to start increasing around age 12, which makes sense, as that’s when puberty starts, but it also makes a lot of parents uncomfortable.

And Colton’s parents were clearly very uncomfortable with their son’s sexuality, though we’re sure that they didn’t know all of the details.

As for his comment about threesomes, we would have agreed that everybody’s had them, but it’s not true.

Amber Rose didn’t have her first threesome until relatively recently — and apparently didn’t enjoy it.

If one of the most sex-positive folks out there doesn’t have them, then people who’ve never had them probably shouldn’t feel bad.

It’s not actually uncommon for gay guys, even those who come out relatively young like Colton, to have hooked up with girls, especially when they were younger.

Factors like denial, self-loathing, social pressure, a desire to remain closeted, politeness, close friendships, and just the general weirdness of teenage hormones can lead to a lot of that.

A big part of that is society’s homophobia. Another big part of that is just heteronormativity, where everybody assumes that people are straight by default.

Like those gross baby shirts that say “ladies man” that people put on their babies for unknowable reasons.

As for hooking up at such a young age, that has a huge deal to do with personal preference, bravery, what sorts of parents are involved, and a lot of luck. 

Colton was closeted for the longest time, even though we sort of always knew.

Like, not just with gaydar — though that’s how we knew when he was on The Gates, which is where we first saw him.

We’d seen old photos of him from his modeling days circulated on Tumblr, circa when he was on Age-Appropriate Wolf Teen Wolf, and some of them were him hanging out with a boyfriend.

And then he was on Arrow and we kept forgetting that he wasn’t out yet. And then he was off Arrow for a while, and then he came out.

And now he’s so, so much happier.

He’s living honestly as himself and that’s exactly the recipe for contentment.

In fact, he’s now engaged

For a guy who was told from day one in Hollywood that he “couldn’t be gay” or he wouldn’t get work, he’s come a long way from depression spirals and general misery.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kit Harington: When Did He Lose His Virginity?!?

Jon Snow may know nothing.

But the actor who portrays Jon Snow apparently knows a little something about getting his rocks off at an early age.

Indeed, in an interview with Elle, the typically tight-lipped Kit Harington opens up about a number of personal issues, not the least of which is when he first inserted his penis into a woman’s vagina.

On Game of Thrones, of course, Harington’s character was famously a virgin until he was unable to resist the allure of Rose Leslie’s Ygritte inside of a cave.

How did this fictional experience compare to the actual way in which Harington first had sex with a woman?

“Mine was a little less left-field than in a cave,” the actor told Elle. “It was a typical sort of teenage thing, at a party. I was probably too young.”

Just how young, the magazine asked as a follow-up, 13 years old?

“No, but you’re not far off. I think the girl and I just kind of wanted to. You either hold on and do it right, or you’re young and decide to get the monkey off your back.”

At least that monkey probably didn’t have to hold on for too long prior to getting hurled off Harington’s back… if you know what we mean.

But while the Internet has focused on Harington’s virginity admission as the basis for its headline related to this interview, the exchange actually revealed something just as interesting about the handsome star.

Is it true that one of his ancestors invented the first flushing toilet for Queen Elizabeth I?

Yes! It is!

“That’s 100 percent true. It’s called “the John Harington,” Kit replied.

So you know what this means, right?

Many folks out there refer to the bathroom as “the john” because of Harington’s family!

“I’m glad it’s not called “the Harington,” Kit laughed when this topic was broached, adding:

“[My family] also wrote the queen a lot of bad poetry. I’ve inherited the bad poetry genes, but not the inventor genes.”

Among other Kit Harington revelations we learned from this fascinating interview:

  • He plays the board game Risk.

  • He was a “massive” Sesame Street fan as a child.

  • He often cries on airplanes because there’s “something romantic” about “being at that altitude.”

Game of Thrones returns with new episodes this summer.

We don’t want to say too much about what’s to come right here and now, but follow the proceeding link for an extensive look at the Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers that leaked online late last year.

Jon Snow is prominently involved in many key storylines.

On a similar note, the celebrities featured above were prominently involved in sexual intercourse at ages that might surprise you.

Click around to see what we mean!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jon Hamm on Losing Virginity: My Big D Wasn"t Ready!

Jon Hamm – very, very well-endowed Mad Men actor – wasn’t ready to lose his virginity. 

His story – a common one – is pretty cringeworthy, too. 

During an interview with Elle, Hamm was asked about what he’d do differently about losing his all-important V-card. 

His response? 

Approximately the same response from any number of people who could be polled. 

“I don’t know,” he laughed. “Everything.” 

“There’s no version of it that’s not awkward.” 

“Let’s put it this way: as much as I had practiced, I was still not quite ready for game time.”

Been there, Hammdong. 

He went on to admit that he didn’t lose his virginity at a young age, like many of his contemporaries.  

“I was in college,” he revealed. 

“I was 19 [years old].”

As for his current love life, Hamm broke up with his long-time ex, Jennifer Westfeldt a year ago.

However, he has been linked to January Jones (AKA She of the Icicle Vadge) several times, so that might contribute to his awkwardness in talking about sex. 

With regard to his college days, though, it wasn’t just the sex that was bad. 

Hamm was arrested for a frat hazing, which left its victim “brutally beaten and molested.” 

The victim was said to have endured a paddling to his genitals (OMG NO) more than 30 times and “suffered great pain.” 

As for Hamm’s part, he reportedly “hooked a claw hammer under the pledge’s genitals. 

Then he lit the victim’s pant leg on fire, and refused the pledge to put the fire out.  

In 2015, prior to his breakup with Westfeldt, Hamm completed a 30-day stint in rehab for alcohol addiction. 

About rehab, Hamm released a statement, which read “With the support of his long-time partner, Jennifer Westfeldt,” John Hamm recently completed treatment for his alcohol addiction.” 

Hamm had been candid in the past about his “chronic” struggle with depression, which could have led to his substance abuse issues. 

About his depression, Hamm said, “I struggled with chronic depression.”

“I was in bad shape.” 

“Anti-depressants help!” he said.

“if you can change your brain chemistry enough to think, ‘I want to get up in the morning; I don’t want to sleep until four in the afternoon. I want to get up and go do my s–t and go to work.’ “

Good to see Hammdong’s working through his demons.  

Now if we could just see more of him … both literally and figuratively. 


Thursday, October 13, 2016

8 Celebrities Who Lost Their Virginity to Other Celebrities

The list of celebrities who went alllllll the way for the first time with other stars is surprisingly long. Or perhaps not surprisingly if you think about it.

Whatever you think about it, take a look! Would you have ever guessed that these stars got it on? Okay … some of them obviously, but the rest?

1. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez in bed

Selena Gomez famously lost her virginity to a guy who all know (and some of us used to love), and this we know after he bragged about it. He being ….

2. Justin Bieber!

Justin bieber crotch grab pic

Yup. Justin Bieber took her v-card. Then he broke her heart.

3. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift in glamour

One of Taylor Swift’s many famous boyfriends got her to go all the way, then dumped her via text after no-showing at her 21st birthday party! He is …

4. Jake Gyllenhaal!

Jake gyllenhaal in a tux

Yes. That brief relationship with Taylor Swift really rocked the singer to the core after he deflowered her, then bailed. It allegedly inspired much of her album Red.

5. Joe Jonas

Joe jonas at the vmas

Joe Jonas once wore a purity ring and vowed he wouldn’t have sex until he was married. So much for that. The singer recently revealed, among other interesting personal details in a hilarious Reddit AMA, that he traded in his v-card to the lovely, gorgeous …

6. Ashley Greene!

Ashley greene at breaking dawn part 2 premiere

Yes, the Twilight actress was the first one to get a Jonas Brother into bed. “I lost my virginity to this girl named Ashley,” Joe saod. “You can probably just Google it. It’s pretty easy to figure out. I dated a girl named Ashley, so just Google it to figure out which Ashley that is. It’s quite the great story because I didn’t have any condoms, so I went to our drummer, Jack’s room, who was my roommate at the time and I demolished his room looking for them. Found them underneath his underwear drawer. When he came home, he thought somebody broke into his room because his whole room was demolished because I was in dire need. Needed to happen then and now. Safety first, kids.” Good PSA right there.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Joe Jonas Lost His Virginity to WHICH Famous Actress?!

Joe Jonas will likely spend the remainder of his adult life trying to make the world forget that he started his career as a purity ring rockin’ product of the Disney machine.

He gyrates on stage while singing sexually-charged lyrics, and he happily courts a reputation as a Hollywood playboy.

But it seems even that’s not enough to wipe the memory of the squeaky-clean Jo Bros from the minds of some fans.

Perhaps that’s why in recent months, Joe has been more open than ever about his many dalliances with famous women.

He’s talked about dating Gigi Hadid in interviews (despite the fact that the relationship lasted all of three months).

He’s even played shag, marry, kill with a trio of his best-known exes.

Last night, he took things a step further during a revealing Reddit AMA session, in which he candidly responded to questions on topics ranging from his virginity to his man crush to which of his brothers has the biggest dong.

Yes, really.

Enjoy learning far more about Joe Jonas than you ever wanted to know:

On how if he has a bigger penis than his brothers: “I like to think so. Although, it’s not often that I’m in a locker room or shower with my brothers, so I couldn’t really tell you. But, I’d like the Internet to believe that I’m still killin’ it.”

On banging fans: “Of course I have. Ultimately, I hope the person I’m into or date would like the music I create. Are you asking if I’ve hooked up with somebody that’s been to one show before? Yes.”

On losing his virginity to Ashley Greene: “I lost my virginity to this girl named Ashley. You can probably just Google it. It’s pretty easy to figure out. I dated a girl named Ashley, so just Google it to figure out which Ashley that is.

“It’s quite the great story because I didn’t have any condoms, so I went to our drummer Jack’s room, who was my roommate at the time and I demolished his room looking for them.

“Found them underneath his underwear drawer. When he came home, he thought somebody broke into his room because his whole room was demolished because I was in dire need. Needed to happen then and now. Safety first, kids.” 

On his brother’s nipples (?!):  “Nick’s nipples are not as big as they may appear. It did take multiple surgeries to get them down to a normal size. I think it was like 30 to 40 surgeries to just get them to a little quarter shape.”

On his man crush: “I have a few,” he admitted. “One being Daniel Craig. I have had multiple Daniel Craig birthday cakes in my life. One was a photo of him coming out of the water from Casino Royale, and they made it into a cake.

“Obviously, Matthew McConaughey is one too. I think he’s the man. So, between those two, there’s a lot of man crushing going on. Also, I’m pretty into this guy, Ken Bone, recently, tbh.”

Yes, Joe is a fan of the man Ken Bone!

We’re totes with him on that one.

We tried to make “Boners” happen as a term for fans of Kenneth’s but it hasn’t caught on.

Hit us up in the comments if you have any idea as to why,


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Farrah Abraham Unveils Where She Lost Her Virginity, Is the Worst

As is often the case when Farrah Abraham shares something on social media, we"re dumbfounded.

Her latest WTF post comes in the form of a video in which she shows off the bed where she lost her virginity.

In the words of one puzzled Instagram follower, "What the absolute f**k?"

The Teen Mom OG star appears to be super excited and claims she"s here because May is the month in which most people lose their virginity, and something about a "national campaign."

We"ll just share her message and see if you can figure it out.

“Hi everyone, happy month of May,” she says with a wave.

“And I just want to share for the national campaign, that May is one of the top months that people lose their virginities or get pregnant."

While Farrah neglects to mention what "national campaign" she"s talking about, upon some digging we discovered that May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.

"So I wanted to show you, because I had the opportunity, to be back in the house that you saw 16 & Pregnant in and Teen Mom and this is where I lost my virginity," she continues.

Farrah then unveils the virginal bed in which she received her first penis.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh," she sings, as though uncovering some sort of never-before-seen sacred temple.

"It’s still in its fashion and form. I love it, it’s so darling to me and that’s where I lost my virginity.”

Good god. 

In her little self-promo disguised as a good deed, Farrah seems to be glorifying teen pregnancy rather than warning adolescents about its inherent dangers.

She manages to plug her book before finally, yet oh-so cheerfully, chimes in about teen pregnancy.

"Read my book My Teenage Dream Ended, the New York Times best seller, where I give you all the details and we can rekindle and share with someone else so that they hopefully don"t lose their virginity and don"t become a teen parent."

Rekindle what? The idea that this woman barely understands basic English yet somehow wrote a book makes me want to hurl myself in front of a runaway train.

On the other hand, if Farrah"s epic idiocy can serve as birth control to even one youngster, I suppose we"ve found our silver lining.

Farrah abraham unveils where she lost her virginity is the worst

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

16 Stars Who Lost Their Virginity By Age 16

For the record, we are passing no judgment on the celebrities listed below.

We are simply quoting the following stars and relaying information they volunteered regarding the first time they had sex.

With that said, these famous men and women all gave away their V-Cards by the age of 16…

1. Britney Spears

Work bitch britney spears gif

Sorry, Justin Timberlake, but Lynne Spears wrote in her memoir that her daughter was not a virgin when she started dating Timberlake at age 16. That’s because she had previously lost her virginity while still living in Kentwood, sleeping with a high school football player.

2. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel radcliffe at a premiere

Said the Harry Potter star to Elle: “I’m one of the few people who seem to have had a really good first time. It was with somebody I’d gotten to know well. I’m happy to say I’ve had a lot better sex since then, but it wasn’t as horrendously embarrassing as a lot of other people’s were – like my friend who got drunk and did it with a stranger under a bridge.”

3. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian at hakkasan las vegas

“When I did want to have sex for the first time, I was almost 15,” Kim told Oprah in 2012. She added at the time that her mother, Kris Jenner, put her on birth control right away.

4. Johnny Depp

Johnny depp drunk

The actor told Rolling Stone, seriously we believe, that”I haven’t done anything this collaborative since I lost my virginity at 13,” while promoting Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd in 2008.

5. Kelly Osbourne

The new kelly osbourne

She was only 13 years old when she first got intimate with a man. According to US Magazine, even though Osbourne hadn’t even gotten her period yet, afterward, “I convinced myself I was pregnant.”

6. Katy Perry

Katy perry 51st academy of country music awards

Perry was 16 when he first had sex. She admitted to GQ that her first time was “in the front seat of a Volvo sedan while listening to Jeff Buckley’s album “Grace.” Thanks for the details, Katy!

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