Showing posts with label Auctions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auctions. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Man Jokingly Auctions Girlfriend on eBay, Bid Reaches $119,000

A man attempting to auction off his girlfriend on the internet sounds like a horror story, but this man did it as a joke — and she laughed, too.

But they were both absolutely shocked when bids and lews messages poured in.

And they were shocked again when the bid reached over $ 119,000 in 24 hours. Whoops.

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Dale Leeks is a London resident.

He decided to play a cheeky prank on his girlfriend, 37-year-old Kelly Greaves.

The two had been dating for a year, and he took to eBay to, in jest, put her up for auction.

He included her photo and a joking description of why he wanted to trade her in, for parts or for a “newer model.”

Though we would never, ever suggest that anyone do this, Kelly was apparently amused when Dale told her.

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Dale wrote that Kelly “starts OK but after that there’s a constant whining noise that I can’t seem to stop.”

“Bodywork is fairly tidy but close up shows signs of wear,” he joked on the eBay ad.

“No serious damage,” he continued. “But you can see that she’s been used.”

“Please [bear] in mind when bidding she’s 37 years old,” Dale jokingly plead with prospective buyers.

At the time, he had no idea that anyone but Kelly herself would see it.

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In general, the fake auction ad was basically just a roast of his girlfriend. Again, we don’t recommend trying this out for yourself.

“Basically first thing in the morning she can be very temperamental,” Dale warned.

He wrote that “once warmed up the whining noise lessens but I would be lying if I said it goes away completely.”

“The rear end leaks a bit but nothing that can’t be plugged,” he joked.

“Any offers considered,” he concluded, adding that he “would be interested in a part exchange with a younger model. Sold as seen, no returns.”

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It was only after Dale and Kelly went to dinner that evening that his phone began to go “crazy’ with notifications.

The listing was generating a lot of attention.

Some of that attention came in the form of very lewd messages.

But there were also bids, and those bids began to go up and up and up.

In the end, the listing was seen over 81,000 times, and bids reached the equivalent of about $ 119,000.

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Fortunately, human trafficking is illegal, so it’s not like Kelly was going to have to pack her bags.

In fact, the listing was removed by eBay after 24 hours — because the site has a policy against the sale of human body parts or remains.

While Dale and Kelly had a good laugh about it, we strongly advice against this.

Placing a woman’s picture on the internet without her consent in advance can put her in danger or attract unwanted attention.

Besides, roasting your girlfriend while pretending to auction her off might not go over well with every girlfriend.

We’re glad that Dale and Kelly were able to laugh about this, even though we’re seriously wondering (no offense to Kelly) how in the world the bids got so high.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jasmin: 26-Year-Old Auctions Virginity, Accepts $1.5 Million Bid

Jasmin is a 26-year-old woman who lives in London.

In the video that you can see below, she announced that she is auctioning off her virginity to the highest bidder — because she is tired of waiting for the right man and, hey, who couldn"t use some extra money?

Well, she"s apparently accepted a final bid … for around $ 1.5 million dollars.

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Virginity isn"t a biological state — it"s a social construct. But that doesn"t mean that it isn"t real.

Like … money is also a social construct. Either can be traded away to someone who values it.

And Jasmin knows that there are absolutely men out there who value the idea of virginity … and would jump at the chance to be the one to "take" it from a beautiful woman.

So she has offered her first time up for auction with hopes of raising the funds to secure her future and perhaps travel the world.

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Jasmin us using a German company to facilitate the auction.

""I would like to sell my virginity on Cinderella Escorts because I want to travel the world and visit America and various other places."

She has real ambitions.

"My future plans include starting my own business and this is something that requires money. Doing this will allow me to move forward with my life. I will be able to have a future free of financial worries."

She has been saving herself for marriage, but become disillusioned with that idea.

"Traditional views regarding virginity are so outdated. I believe that its my choice what I do with my body and I am sick and tired of waiting for the right person to come along."

This is certainly one way to attain financial independence.

"After 26 years I still haven’t found him so I decided a positive alternative would be selling my virginity."

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She tells prospective buyers that her breasts are real.

She goes on to describe her interest in activities like traveling, reading, and movies.

Jasmin tells The Sun that:

"I really respect ladies who are traditional and want to wait for sex after marriage. I was one of them. I really wanted to wait for the right one. But I don"t want to wait any longer."

She"s reminding us all that one can be forthright about sexuality without condemning others who are more reserved about sex.

"So I chose another way which will make me happy. I am sure about my decision."

Good for her.

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The Daily Mail reports that Jasmin has received a final offer of 1.2 million euros, which translates to about $ 1.5 million.

The tryst is planned for April and will take place in a hotel room.

The man representing Jasmin"s interests on behalf of Cinderella Escorts says that Jasmin can of course back out of the arrangement at any time, and that he will personally see to her safety.

Jasmin dined with top bidders before she decided to accept.

Honestly, she sounds like a real inspiration. Though we should mention, of course, that others have auctioned their virginities in the past.

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She made headlines last year with her declaration that she was putting her virginity up for auction like this.

Some may try to sex-shame her (many have, actually), but people sell their labor every day of the week.

Watch the video that she made in order to pitch this offer to the world.

When she first made it, do you think that she imagined that it could make her a millionaire?

Jasmin 26 year old auctions virginity accepts 15 dollars million

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kim Kardashian eBay "Charity" Auctions Are BOGUS AF

Kim Kardashian may enjoy pretending to be generous by running a “charity” auction of her hand-me-downs on eBay, but who’s really making out here?

Tax records obtained by Radar Online reveal that the selfie queen pocketed nearly $ 200,000 in 2014 from her eBay auction – which included a pink thong onesie, Balini leggings, and a Burberry coat – while her charity received just over $ 23,000.

The auction site states that sellers can give anywhere from 10 to 100 percent of proceeds to a nonprofit organization of their choice – and what does Kim choose to donate?

The minimum: 10 percent.

Hey, that $ 200 grand is another fur-lined thong, Kim likely rationalizes. Why should a bunch of poor people get anything when I’M the one who took all those belfies?

Unfortunately, it’s not exactly the impoverished who are benefiting from Kim’s marginal magnanimity.

The reality star launched another so-called charity auction in March, and the big 10 percent is going to a Miami-based boutique church named Vous, which is run by the pastor who married Kim and husband Kanye West.

The 31-year-old pastor, Rich Wilkerson, Jr., lives in a penthouse duplex in Miami, is buddies with Justin Bieber and stars in a reality show on Oxygen called “Rich in Faith,” according to the New York Post

He and his wife lead a “high-end, materialistic lifestyle filled with designer clothing, luxury cars and yachts, and upscale parties, restaurants and nightclubs,” according to a lawsuit filed against the church. 

Alms for the poor, not so much.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time Kim has come under fire for her questionable eBay auctions. 

In 2013, she reportedly earned $ 400,000 in pocket change while 10 percent went to the Life Change Community Church – a ministry founded by her mom, Kris Jenner.

Perhaps Kim could’ve chosen more worthy recipients of her “generosity,” or expand her coffer of giving to the full 100 percent. We’re fairly certain she can afford it.

But it sounds like Kim is one kash kow who really doesn’t GAF.

Kim Kardashian eBay "Charity" Auctions Are BOGUS AF

Kim Kardashian may enjoy pretending to be generous by running a “charity” auction of her hand-me-downs on eBay, but who’s really making out here?

Tax records obtained by Radar Online reveal that the selfie queen pocketed nearly $ 200,000 in 2014 from her eBay auction – which included a pink thong onesie, Balini leggings, and a Burberry coat – while her charity received just over $ 23,000.

The auction site states that sellers can give anywhere from 10 to 100 percent of proceeds to a nonprofit organization of their choice – and what does Kim choose to donate?

The minimum: 10 percent.

Hey, that $ 200 grand is another fur-lined thong, Kim likely rationalizes. Why should a bunch of poor people get anything when I’M the one who took all those belfies?

Unfortunately, it’s not exactly the impoverished who are benefiting from Kim’s marginal magnanimity.

The reality star launched another so-called charity auction in March, and the big 10 percent is going to a Miami-based boutique church named Vous, which is run by the pastor who married Kim and husband Kanye West.

The 31-year-old pastor, Rich Wilkerson, Jr., lives in a penthouse duplex in Miami, is buddies with Justin Bieber and stars in a reality show on Oxygen called “Rich in Faith,” according to the New York Post

He and his wife lead a “high-end, materialistic lifestyle filled with designer clothing, luxury cars and yachts, and upscale parties, restaurants and nightclubs,” according to a lawsuit filed against the church. 

Alms for the poor, not so much.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time Kim has come under fire for her questionable eBay auctions. 

In 2013, she reportedly earned $ 400,000 in pocket change while 10 percent went to the Life Change Community Church – a ministry founded by her mom, Kris Jenner.

Perhaps Kim could’ve chosen more worthy recipients of her “generosity,” or expand her coffer of giving to the full 100 percent. We’re fairly certain she can afford it.

But it sounds like Kim is one kash kow who really doesn’t GAF.