Showing posts with label Reaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reaches. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Venus Williams Reaches Settlement In Fatal Car Crash

Venus Williams has reached a settlement with the family of the man who died in the Florida car accident she had last year … TMZ Sports has learned.
According to court docs filed in Palm Beach County, Jerome Barson‘s estate and the tennis star reached an agreement last week....
Venus Williams Reaches Settlement In Fatal Car Crash

Monday, October 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Reaches Out to Selena Gomez Following Breakdown

Back in July, Demi Lovato was hospitalized following a heroin overdose that nearly claimed her life.

Last week, Selena Gomez checked into rehab in the wake of what’s been described as a “devastating” emotional breakdown.

Demi Lovato-Selena Gomez

Having found career success at roughly the same time, Demi and Selena are more than just friends — they share a unique understanding of the pressures of fame and the ways in which a fan base of millions can be both a blessing and a burden.

In many ways, tens of millions can relate to Selena’s plight, as anxiety, depression, and addiction are astonishingly prevalent afflictions in modern America.

But in some respects, Demi is one of only a handful of people who can truly understand what Selena is going through right now.

So it’s something of a comfort to know that Demi has reportedly reached out to Selena to offer support during this tremendously

“This just breaks Demi’s heart but she definitely understands what Selena is going through more than anyone right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She has spoken to her and will continue to be there for her just as Selena was there for Demi following her overdose.”

Yes, it seems Selena was an invaluable source of love and support in the early days of Demi’s latest stint in rehab.

Of course, this is a trying time not only for Demi and Selena but for their worried loved ones, as well.

Thankfully, it seems Selena and Demi’s mothers have found solace in one another as they attempt to guide their children through the rough waters of addiction and mental illness.

“Demi’s mom Dianna and Selena’s mom Mandy have been close friends forever too, and Dianna has definitely been a huge source of support and strength for Mandy this week, just as Mandy has always been for her,” says the source.

“It’s just been so hard to watch their kids suffer right now, especially after they were so sure that Selena and Demi had overcome their demons.”

Sadly, the singers’ current situations serve as painful reminders that recovery is a lifelong process.

The majority of the millions of Americans who have struggled with these issues may never have recorded a platinum record, but they can certainly relate to Demi and Selena in that respect.

Our thoughts go out to both young women and their families during this painful time.

We’ll keep you updated on both situations as more information becomes available.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Man Jokingly Auctions Girlfriend on eBay, Bid Reaches $119,000

A man attempting to auction off his girlfriend on the internet sounds like a horror story, but this man did it as a joke — and she laughed, too.

But they were both absolutely shocked when bids and lews messages poured in.

And they were shocked again when the bid reached over $ 119,000 in 24 hours. Whoops.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 01

Dale Leeks is a London resident.

He decided to play a cheeky prank on his girlfriend, 37-year-old Kelly Greaves.

The two had been dating for a year, and he took to eBay to, in jest, put her up for auction.

He included her photo and a joking description of why he wanted to trade her in, for parts or for a “newer model.”

Though we would never, ever suggest that anyone do this, Kelly was apparently amused when Dale told her.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 04

Dale wrote that Kelly “starts OK but after that there’s a constant whining noise that I can’t seem to stop.”

“Bodywork is fairly tidy but close up shows signs of wear,” he joked on the eBay ad.

“No serious damage,” he continued. “But you can see that she’s been used.”

“Please [bear] in mind when bidding she’s 37 years old,” Dale jokingly plead with prospective buyers.

At the time, he had no idea that anyone but Kelly herself would see it.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 02

In general, the fake auction ad was basically just a roast of his girlfriend. Again, we don’t recommend trying this out for yourself.

“Basically first thing in the morning she can be very temperamental,” Dale warned.

He wrote that “once warmed up the whining noise lessens but I would be lying if I said it goes away completely.”

“The rear end leaks a bit but nothing that can’t be plugged,” he joked.

“Any offers considered,” he concluded, adding that he “would be interested in a part exchange with a younger model. Sold as seen, no returns.”

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 03

It was only after Dale and Kelly went to dinner that evening that his phone began to go “crazy’ with notifications.

The listing was generating a lot of attention.

Some of that attention came in the form of very lewd messages.

But there were also bids, and those bids began to go up and up and up.

In the end, the listing was seen over 81,000 times, and bids reached the equivalent of about $ 119,000.

man auctions girlfriend on ebay 05

Fortunately, human trafficking is illegal, so it’s not like Kelly was going to have to pack her bags.

In fact, the listing was removed by eBay after 24 hours — because the site has a policy against the sale of human body parts or remains.

While Dale and Kelly had a good laugh about it, we strongly advice against this.

Placing a woman’s picture on the internet without her consent in advance can put her in danger or attract unwanted attention.

Besides, roasting your girlfriend while pretending to auction her off might not go over well with every girlfriend.

We’re glad that Dale and Kelly were able to laugh about this, even though we’re seriously wondering (no offense to Kelly) how in the world the bids got so high.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jenelle Evans Reaches Out to Demi Lovato: I Almost Died From Drugs!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that resulted in the singer being hospitalized on Tuesday.

The singer is now in stable condition and recovering in the presence of her family.

Many in Hollywood have reached out to Demi via social media to offer words of encouragement and support.

Jenelle Evans is one such star, but her message to Demi was more poignant than most.

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you’re probably aware that Jenelle has also struggled with addiction throughout much of her life.

In the wake of yesterday’s frightening news, Jenelle took to Twitter to offer a very personal message of hope:

“If you need help or support in time of immediate need, please seek it,” Evans tweeted.

“Hearing this news about @ddlovato breaks my heart. I hope she’s okay. You’re strong girl, don’t let the devil drag you down.”

For all of her many faults — and those faults are profound and plentiful, to be sure — Jenelle deserves credit for being so open about her past struggles with addiction in recent years.

She revealed the depth of her struggles in a recent memoir:

“I won’t glamorize the drug by going into the long details of why people love it so damned much,” Jenelle wrote.

“Before I knew it, I was shooting up four or five times a day. I was hooked.” She continued, “The first thing I lost to the drug was my family.” 

Jenelle and Demi are about the same age; they both found fame while still in their teens; and they’ve both struggled with addiction and emotional issues during their years in the spotlight.

So while they may seem like unlikely bedfellows, Jenelle can probably relate to Demi’s plight more than just about everyone.

Demi’s story is a familiar one, but sadly, many of the celebrities who have traveled down her current path didn’t live long enough to turn things around.

So while it’s hard to imagine Jenelle being a source of inspiration to anyone, she may be just the sort of role model Demi needs.

Fortunately, reps for Lovato say she’s currently and ready to begin the long and painful process of recovery:

“She is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers, and support,” says one insider.

We wish Demi and her family all the best during this incredibly difficult time.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Pamela Anderson Reaches Out to Kanye West to Help Julian Assange

Pamela Anderson’s throwing a Hail Mary to Kanye West to help her friend, Julian Assange — who she claims is being tortured. The former “Baywatch” star penned a letter, which TMZ obtained, to the rapper asking what he thinks about the WikiLeaks…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

T.J. Miller Reaches Settlement with Driver for Alleged Beatdown

T.J. Miller and his driver — who he allegedly beat up after the 2 had an argument over Donald Trump — are letting bygones be bygones … because they reached a settlement. According to new legal docs … the “Silicon Valley” star and Wilson Deon…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Derick Dillard"s Homophobia Reaches New Heights

Remember when Derick Dillard was fired by TLC for making bogoted coments on Twitter?

Well, apparently he doesn’t!

Or at the very least he remains totally unconcerned with the effect his views might have on his career and public reputation.

Earlier this week, Derick took to social media to promote a spesking engagement by Ricky Chelette a controversial preacher who’s a big proponent of the appalling practice of attempting to turn gay teens straight through “conversrion therapy.”

“Tomorrow night we will have an opportunity to hear from Rickey Chelette on same-sex attraction,” Derick wrote.

“7:30 pm in the Arvest Building!”

Fans were quick to remind Derick of what a widely-reviled figure Chelette is.

Someone quickly commented, “Isn’t this the ‘pray away the gay’ guy???”

Derick typically isn’y one to shy away from conflict, but he’s been doing his best go dodge questions about Chelette’s more revolting beliers:

“Our church invites ALL to come. I’m open to all who would join our family,” he replied to one fan.

Yes, the Duggars invite “ALL to come.”

So stay tuned for next week’s keynote address from Rupaul.

Here’s the thing:

It’s easy for Derick to be glib about his beliefs now, when he still has a bank account full of reality star money.

But soon enough, the Dillards will be 100% reliant on donations from fans in order to keep food on the table.

They already lost a lot of fans thanks to Derick’s transphobic views, and now he’s doubling down and alienating what few faithful followers he has left.

The Duggars have always espoused abhorrent views, but they’re usually more social media savvy than this.

If he keeps this up, he may soon suffer a fate worse than being exiled like the Duggars elsest son, Josh.

That’s right: Derick will soon be forced to get … a real job!!!

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kanye West Reaches Out to Fan Dying of Cancer for Last Wish

Kanye West provided a little joy in a fan’s final hours … chatting with and rapping for her before she died. We’re told Kanye recently became aware of a young fan who was battling cancer. The fan’s family tried hard to get in touch with him…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Eric LeGrand Reaches Out to Ryan Shazier, I Can Help You!

It’s unclear if Pittsburgh Steelers LB Ryan Shazier will ever walk again — but he’s got a new ally who knows EXACTLY what he’s going through … Eric LeGrand.  LeGrand — a former Rutgers football player — was paralyzed in 2010 while making…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Phaedra Parks Finally Reaches Divorce Settlement With Apollo Nida

Phaedra Parks can finally move on with her life, while Apollo Nida can continue to move on with new romance, Sherien Almufti

Yes, Parks and Nida have finally reached a divorce settlement. It only took them around three years, but it’s finally over. 

It sure seemed like the divorce was going to be raging on until the end of time, but we’re happy to report they have now found a way to end their marriage. 

According to TMZ, the settlement includes a parenting plan, so at least the former couple is covering all bases when it comes to bidding adieu to one another. 

It was reported previously that Phaedra had a prenup. Prenups are generally in place to protect one or both parties from destroying their net worth if the marriage goes south. 

The couple decided via the legal document how they would divide everything. That was in 2009, and now things are obviously not very good between the former power couple. 

It was also reported just a few weeks ago that Apollo wanted the prenup voided. Now, it’s entirely plausible that his wealth has taken a nose dive in the aftermath of him being put in the slammer for money fraud. 

Considering the fact that Phaedra became a fixture on The Real Housewives of Atlanta shortly after the marriage, and the drama surrounding Apollo’s money fraud scam, it seems evident Apollo is trying to ensure he has a decent pay packet to come out of the slammer with. 

Obviously, we have no clue about what they did in the end. No details have been revealed, but what we do know is that they can move on with their lives. 

Interestingly, with Phaedra Parks out of the show that made her a household name, there is no need for Sherien Almufti or Apollo Nida to appear on it again. 

Let’s just say the new couple will probably go the Marriage Boot Camp route before long. 

We have no idea what Phaedra will get up to now, but we’re sure she’ll be feeling a sigh of relief right about now. 

What do you think about all of this?


Friday, May 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian Reaches Instagram Milestone, Sharing Shocking Pics

Kim Kardashian really is a changed woman.

And this is very bad news for horny young men around the globe.

Just over two years ago, Kardashian crossed the 27 million follower mark on Instagram and celebrated with a seductive photograph of herself in bed.

“27 mil!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I love you all!!!!!” Kim captioned the very sexy snapshot in February of 2015.

When her follower count subsequently climbed to 42 million, Kardashian dropped a MASSIVE cleavage selfie on fans in recognization of the achievement.

When she hit 45 million not long afterward?

You guessed it: more cleavage!

But that was before Kim was a mother of two.

It was before she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris this past October and forced to truly re-evaluate nearly every aspect of her life.

Kardashian has understandably become far more guarded since this incident and, by extension, far more clothed.

Earlier this week, she accomplished a true Instagram feat, becoming just the sixth person to reach 100 million followers.

However, she didn’t strip down in celebration. She didn’t show off her boobs. She chose to show off her family instead.

kim thanks

“I CAN’T BELIEVE I’VE REACHED 100 MILLION FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM, THANKS TO YOU GUYS!!!” she wrote as a caption to the above family portrait on her official website.


On Instagram itself, meanwhile, Kardashian not only didn’t reward followers with a new naked selfie.

She didn’t even feature a new picture of herself!

She went with the following image of daughter North West and wrote as another caption:

“She has no clue what 100 million followers means but she’s excited cause i’m excited lol thanks for the follows and the love.”

This brand new Kim Kardashian is probably good for the reality star’s mental health.

But is it good for her future as an actual reality star? Can a buttoned-up, responsible, conservative, more private Kim Kardashian remain a legitimate A-Lister?

No. Not if the failing ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians are any indication.

After the aforementioned robbery in Paris, Kim stepped fully away from the spotlight.

She didn’t share anything at all on social media and she didn’t go out in public.

Following several weeks of being on a self-imposed lockdown, however, Kim re-emerged little by little, posting various pictures of her husband and children at home.

“It was time for Kim to get back on social media and back to work,” an insider told Entertainment Weekly in January, explaining:

“That is a huge part of her career. She has obligations to support her family and has an entire team working for her. It was time to get back to normal.”

Well, not normal.

Normal would have previously meant a Kim Kardashian nude spread in honor of this social media milestone. 

The new Kim Kardashian normal is a portrait of her loved ones.

We’re sorry, fellas. But you had to know this day was coming sooner or later, robbery or no robbery.

As for where Kardashian stands in the grand scheme of Instagram, she still has a ways to go before she can threaten Selena Gomez as the most popular user.

That singer is the most followed person on the platform by far, with approximately 120 million fans.

She is followed by: Ariana Grande at 105 million; Taylor Swift at 102 million; Beyonce and Cristiano Ronaldo, both at 101 million; and then Kim.

Kardashian is a solid 20 million followers ahead of the next person in her family, however, although we could actually see Kylie Jenner catching up someday.

She has her own reality show coming out and she remains very open to taking nearly everything off on a weekly basis.

That’s a tough combination. It’s one Kim can’t really compete with these days.

We’ll be keeping a close eye on both Instagram accounts to see if Kylie can someday usurp her sibling. Stay tuned!


Monday, March 20, 2017

Chance the Rapper Reaches Child Support Agreement with Baby Mama

Chance the Rapper isn’t just hip-hop’s favorite new artist … he owns up to his responsibility in the child support department too. Chance struck an agreement with Kirsten Corley over how much he’ll ante up in child support for their…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Melania Trump -- Slovenian Prez Reaches Out ... She"s a Homeland Hero

Soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump is the biggest thing to come out of Slovenia since craft beer … and we’ve learned the leaders of that country has already tried establishing a relationship with her and her hubby. An official from the…


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Selena Gomez Reaches Major Instagram Milestone

Anyone who thought Selena Gomez would simply fall apart without Justin Bieber, please stand up.

Okay. Thank you. Now sit back down… and hang your head in shame.

Because not only is Selena’s career red hot at the moment, but the singer has proven that her popularity was clearly not tied to her famous ex-boyfriend.

Need proof of this statement? This says it all:

Selena Gomez is now the most popular person on all of Instagram.

The “Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself” crooner has amassed 69.4 million followers as of this writing, a massive figure that helped her secure the title of Most Followed from best friend Taylor Swift (a measly 69.2 million).

Rounding out the top five are the following well-known stars:

  • Kim Kardashian (63.7 million followers).

  • Beyoncé (63 million followers).

  • Justin Bieber (61.6 million).

Indeed, by this metric Selena is now most popular than Bieber.

Did anyone see that coming?

Gomez’s Instagram page is a fun mix of picture that feature the A-Listers spending time with friends… strolling through the streets in expensive outfits… rocking out on stage… and throwing it back to her younger days.

There’s even a snapshot of her and Brad Pitt just sitting and chilling that you can find in the above photo gallery.

This, of course, may be a temporary honor for Selena.

Swift is right on her Instagram heels and we’re just one more Kim Kardashian nude photo away from that former sex tape star sky-rocketing back up the chart.

But Gomez ought to still take an enormous amount of pride from the fact that she’s single, ready to mingle and also ready to laugh in the face of anyone who thought she was simply Justin Bieber’s Girlfriend.