Thursday, July 13, 2017

Phaedra Parks Finally Reaches Divorce Settlement With Apollo Nida

Phaedra Parks can finally move on with her life, while Apollo Nida can continue to move on with new romance, Sherien Almufti

Yes, Parks and Nida have finally reached a divorce settlement. It only took them around three years, but it’s finally over. 

It sure seemed like the divorce was going to be raging on until the end of time, but we’re happy to report they have now found a way to end their marriage. 

According to TMZ, the settlement includes a parenting plan, so at least the former couple is covering all bases when it comes to bidding adieu to one another. 

It was reported previously that Phaedra had a prenup. Prenups are generally in place to protect one or both parties from destroying their net worth if the marriage goes south. 

The couple decided via the legal document how they would divide everything. That was in 2009, and now things are obviously not very good between the former power couple. 

It was also reported just a few weeks ago that Apollo wanted the prenup voided. Now, it’s entirely plausible that his wealth has taken a nose dive in the aftermath of him being put in the slammer for money fraud. 

Considering the fact that Phaedra became a fixture on The Real Housewives of Atlanta shortly after the marriage, and the drama surrounding Apollo’s money fraud scam, it seems evident Apollo is trying to ensure he has a decent pay packet to come out of the slammer with. 

Obviously, we have no clue about what they did in the end. No details have been revealed, but what we do know is that they can move on with their lives. 

Interestingly, with Phaedra Parks out of the show that made her a household name, there is no need for Sherien Almufti or Apollo Nida to appear on it again. 

Let’s just say the new couple will probably go the Marriage Boot Camp route before long. 

We have no idea what Phaedra will get up to now, but we’re sure she’ll be feeling a sigh of relief right about now. 

What do you think about all of this?
