Showing posts with label Nida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nida. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Apollo Nida Reunites With Fiancee From Behind Bars

If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from Phaedra Parks’ ex-husband Apollo Nida in a while, then you may be in for a bit of a shock.

Back in 2014, Nida was convicted of fraud charges and sentenced to eight years in prison.

These days, Apollo is behind bars, but he’s not letting the pesky peculiarities of his living arrangement interfere with his social life.

To the surprise of many (ya know, because of the whole “being in prison” thing) Nida got engaged to a woman named Sherien Almufti last year.

The news came as a shock, because in addition to the fact that he’s locked up (Have we mentioned that?), Apollo had only been divorced from Phaedra for a few months when he put a ring he made himself on Sherien’s finger.

(We suppose “I’m in prison” is a pretty good excuse for not shelling out for a diamond.)

The news that Sherien is an aspiring famous person who was promised a spot on The Real Housewives of Atlanta helped to shed some light on the mystery of why she rushed headlong into a relationship with a convict.

Sadly, it seems there was more than just Plexiglass coming between Apollo and Sherien, and the couple broke up earlier this year.

Maybe it was the forced separation.

Maybe Sherien realized that marrying Apollo wouldn’t be her ticket to the A-list, after all.

Or maybe she simply got sick of Nida blathering on about his hobbies all the time (shiv-sharpening, ramen based-cookery, hanging posters of decade-appropriate film starlets over the ever-deepening tunnel in the wall of his cell).

Whatever the case, Apollo and Sherien called it quits.

For about two weeks.

Yes, as suddenly as they began their romance, Apollo and Sherien have reconciled.

Almufti even celebrated her birthday by visiting Nida in the clink last week:

Yes, Sherien and Apollo enjoyed a jailhouse embrace – presumably after assuring the nearest C.O. that they wouldn’t be passing anything to one another.

Almufti seemed to briefly address the breakup in her caption for the photo, acknowledging that things “haven’t always been peachy” as of late.

“God has blessed me with another year. I am so thankful for every single thing in my life,” she wrote.

“Although it hasn’t always been peachy, I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Thank you God for every mistake I have made and for every lesson I have learned. I am stronger today than I was yesterday!”

She later praised Nida, hailing him as “an amazing person inside and out,” who will someday get his due.

You may now commence being depressed about prison inmates having healthier relationships than you do.

Watch The Real Houseives of Atlanta online to relive Apollo’s many ups and downs.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Phaedra Parks Finally Reaches Divorce Settlement With Apollo Nida

Phaedra Parks can finally move on with her life, while Apollo Nida can continue to move on with new romance, Sherien Almufti

Yes, Parks and Nida have finally reached a divorce settlement. It only took them around three years, but it’s finally over. 

It sure seemed like the divorce was going to be raging on until the end of time, but we’re happy to report they have now found a way to end their marriage. 

According to TMZ, the settlement includes a parenting plan, so at least the former couple is covering all bases when it comes to bidding adieu to one another. 

It was reported previously that Phaedra had a prenup. Prenups are generally in place to protect one or both parties from destroying their net worth if the marriage goes south. 

The couple decided via the legal document how they would divide everything. That was in 2009, and now things are obviously not very good between the former power couple. 

It was also reported just a few weeks ago that Apollo wanted the prenup voided. Now, it’s entirely plausible that his wealth has taken a nose dive in the aftermath of him being put in the slammer for money fraud. 

Considering the fact that Phaedra became a fixture on The Real Housewives of Atlanta shortly after the marriage, and the drama surrounding Apollo’s money fraud scam, it seems evident Apollo is trying to ensure he has a decent pay packet to come out of the slammer with. 

Obviously, we have no clue about what they did in the end. No details have been revealed, but what we do know is that they can move on with their lives. 

Interestingly, with Phaedra Parks out of the show that made her a household name, there is no need for Sherien Almufti or Apollo Nida to appear on it again. 

Let’s just say the new couple will probably go the Marriage Boot Camp route before long. 

We have no idea what Phaedra will get up to now, but we’re sure she’ll be feeling a sigh of relief right about now. 

What do you think about all of this?


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Apollo Nida to Phaedra Parks: Tear Up Our Prenup! Gimme Some Loot!

Every reality series thrives on drama, and Real Housewives is no exception.

Real Housewives Of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks is getting her share of drama … but it’s of the courtroom variety.

That doesn’t always translate well to reality TV’s ever-present cameras, especially when one of the parties is behind bars.

But legal drama is always a treat to follow.

Even if we don’t know how much of this can make it onto the small screen.

Apollo Nida and Phaedra have a prenup, but we can get to that in a moment because that is its own thing.

So, just a few days before the couple got married back in 2009, Apollo and Phaedra signed a prenup. Apparently, in addition to an agreement on how to divide their shared property, the prenup specified that neither of them would receive alimony in the event of a divorce.

Sounds simple, right?

We don’t have the luxury of looking over their detailed financial histories, but it stands to reason that, when they got married, Apollo was confident that he’d be the one paying alimony if the two of them ever split.

The guy’s in prison for money fraud, so he probably believed all sorts of things about wealth.

As it turns out, crime doesn’t always pay. Who knew?

Well, now TMZ reports that Apollo Nida wants his and Phaedra’s prenup voided. Because of course he does.

It sounds like Apollo legal troubles — to put it mildly — have adversely impacted his finances, and like he’s hoping to be supported by his ex, Phaedra.

It wasn’t long at all after their marriage that Phaedra was cast on RHOA, and that must have turned their financial situation on its head in the best way.

Except, of course, Phaedra’s not interested. Just because she became the breadwinner while his life collapsed doesn’t mean that she owes him a thing, and she wants the prenup upheld.


We have to talk about prenups themselves, though.

Sometimes they’re a great idea — to prevent, like, nightmare universe versions of Cinderella from marrying rich and then filing for divorce in a quick grab for half of somebody’s assets.

They’re usually assumed to be legal tools to “protect” husbands from manipulative femme fatales, but that’s because men are generally valued by their success while women are in so many cases still valued by their looks.

Isn’t sexism fun?

But it looks like those sexist stereotypes and how they must have influenced his own assumptions are coming back to bite Apollo Nida in the you-know-where, because Phaedra’s the one rolling in dough.

There’s no sure way to know how this case is going to end — there’s some extra drama around Phaedra spelling Apollo’s name wrong on the prenup, so for the first time ever, your kindergarten teacher’s insistence that correct spelling matters is actually sounding kinda real.

But it seems to us that a prenup is a binding contract. Unless it was made under duress or false pretenses, and it doesn’t sound like either of those were the case, shouldn’t it be every bit as ironclad as Phaedra believes it to be?

Legal cases can surprise you, though. We may never know the whole story with this messy pair of exes.

Maybe if Apollo had spent less time on money fraud and more time working on his relationship with his wife, he wouldn’t need a court battle to enjoy some of her wealth.


Apollo Nida Wants to Tear Up Prenup with Phaedra, "RHOA" Changed Everything

Apollo Nida’s now taking aim at “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” in his quest to get his prenup with Phaedra Parks rendered null and void. Apollo filed docs saying the court should scrap the prenup he signed in October 2009 because several…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Apollo Nida On the Hunt for Millions in Phaedra Parks Divorce

Apollo Nida is thrilled a judge nullified his divorce from Phaedra Parks, because he’s suspicious she hasn’t disclosed all of their assets, and he wants his cut. TMZ broke the story … the judge decided the divorce was unfair because he wasn’t…


Phaedra Parks" Divorce to Apollo Nida on Hold: Find Out Why!

Phaedra Parks is not getting rid of Apollo Nida for the foreseeable future. 

Even though Nida has moved on to a new woman since separating from Phaedra, he is technically still married. If you’ve been watching The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you probably know Phaedra is trying to move on. 

That’s why it came as a surprise to hear the divorce was placed on hold by a judge. The reason? Apparently, Nida’s surname had incorrect spelling on the legal documents. 

In addition to that, he was apparently under the impression he would get to leave jail to attend any court dates, but that appears to be wishful thinking on his part. 

Phaedra’s representative, Steve Honig chatted to Page Six about these crazy developments and what he thinks about them. 

“It’’s very confusing why a man who is engaged and enjoys frequent visits with his fiancée would work so aggressively to avoid ending his marriage,” Honig revealed.

“Regardless, Phaedra is reviewing her options with her attorney to determine the most efficient path toward ending this marriage so she can move forward and focus on raising strong, healthy and happy children.””

It was announced in October 2014 that the couple was parting ways. The announcement came just days after Nida went to jail to serve an eight-year sentence after he was convicted of several fraud charges. 

It sure sounds like this clerical error could be a tactic on Nida’s part to stay married to his former lover for longer, but it sure seems silly when you consider the fact that he proposed to Sherien Almufti from behind bars. 

He made her a ring from the inside so that just shows how much of a gentleman he is … NOT.

Wannabe Z-lister Sherien took to social media to confirm the news that she was engaged. 

Bizarrely, she had pictures taken of her kissing her new man. Yes, it was pretty desperate. People would do anything these days for fame, apparently. 

It should be interesting to find out what happens next in the divorce. It’s already been going on for almost three years. Yes, it’s pretty long winded. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Apollo Nida -- First Pics of New Fiancee from Prison Photo Shoot! (PHOTOS)

Apollo Nida and his new chick celebrated their engagement by posing like a couple of kids at prom … while he’s doing hard time in a federal prison, and TMZ got the pics. Nida slipped into his best prisoner khakis this past November during a…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Apollo Nida Insists Phaedra"s Divorce Docs Are Invalid

Apollo Nida refuses to accept his divorce from Phaedra Parks is a done deal, and his reason — spelling counts. Apollo points out his ex’s legal name is Phaedra Parks Nida, but in her divorce docs it’s spelled “Nita” — ditto for the spelling…


Monday, December 5, 2016

Apollo Nida Made His Fiancee an Engagement Ring in Prison

Former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida is serving an 8-year prison sentence on fraud charges, but bizarrely, his inmate status doesn’t seem to be interfering with his love life.

No, Apollo hasn’t entered into a romance with his cellmate (that we know of).

Rather, he recently got engaged to a woman he met shortly before beginning his sentence.

At first, the identity of Apollo’s new fiancee was a mystery, but we now know that Sherien Almufti is the lucky woman.

And yes, we use the word “lucky” in the most sarcastic way possible.

Sherien shared her news with the world in the least subtle way possible, plastering her social media pages with photos of herself kissing pictures of Apollo and referring to herself as Mrs. Nida.

Given her level of thirst, we suppose it’s not surprising that Sherien has landed a spot on the upcoming season of RHOA.

It’s also not surprising that she’s been feverishly documenting her relationship with Nida on Instagram.

The latest update is simultaneously kind of funny and kind of sad:

Sherien posted the above photo over the weekend, along with the following caption:

“Awe my baby @apollonida03 finally gave me a ring, it’s made out of the finest prison paper towels in chocolate brown. #CantGetMyHandsWet #LoveHimStill #LOL”

Look, we understand making the best of a bad situation, but we can’t help but take issue with those hashtags:

#CantGetMyHandsWet: Is she actually planning on wearing that every day? That might be taking thirst to new heights.

#LoveHimStill: You guys have been engaged for like a week. Don’t pull any muscles patting yourself on the back for your loyalty yet.

#LOL: We can’t help but think Sherien doesn’t comprehend the gravity of her situation.

Even if he qualifies for early release (a big if, given the reports of Apollo’s bad behavior behind bars), he’ll still be spending the remainder of this decade behind bars.

The circumstances would put the strongest of relationships to the test.

Sherien and Apollo didn’t start dating until a few weeks before he began serving his sentence.

Add to the weirdness the fact that Apollo just finalized his divorce from Phaedra Parks last month, and she and Sherien will soon be coworkers, and you’ve got a recipe for one of the most combustible celebrity relationships in recent memory.

But hey, at least it’ll be fun to watch!


Friday, December 2, 2016

Apollo Nida -- Phaedra Parks Can"t Divorce Me, I"m Divorcing HER!

Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are getting divorced — for REAL this time, according to Apollo, who filed docs from prison. Apollo filed his divorce petition in Georgia on Thursday … requesting joint legal custody of their 2 children and an…


Apollo Nida -- Phaedra Parks Can"t Divorce Me, I"m Divorcing HER!

Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are getting divorced — for REAL this time, according to Apollo, who filed docs from prison. Apollo filed his divorce petition in Georgia on Thursday … requesting joint legal custody of their 2 children and an…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sherien Almufti: Apollo Nida Fiancee Revealed?!

Earlier this week, we reported that former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida is engaged, despite the minor issue that he’s currently serving an eight-year prison sentence for fraud.

At the time, the identity of Nida’s presumably thirsty fiancee was unknown, but the Internet’s done some sleuthing, and we now though the luckly lady who will soon be Mrs. Nida!

(…or is it Mrs. Prisoner #478920574830?)

That’s Sherien Almufti, a New Jersey real estate agent who, for some reason, has her own talent agent, and who is newly betrothed to Nida. 

Apollo (or whoever runs Apollo’s social media accounts while he’s locked up) confirmed the news that he’s engaged on Instagram, but still declined 

So how do we know this?

Well, Shirien apparently figured that since most of tea was already spilled she’d go ahead and dump the rest:

Ms. Almufti posted the above photo to Instagram this week, along with a caption reading:

“Oh how much I miss this MAN!”

In case there was any lingering doubt that Almufti is the former mystery woman who will soon be appearing on RHOA Season 9, Almufti also shared a photo of TMZ’s headline about Nida being engaged. 

She captioned it:

“That’s the thing about destiny, people meet at the worst time of their lives…” and added the hashtag “#summerthirteen,” seemingly to confirm that she met Nida before he went away, so that no one would think she’s some sort of ultra-thirsty fame hound.

Naturally, everyone who has any interest in this story still thinks that, anyway.

Also, “people meet at the worst time of their lives”?

Is that some sort of saying we’ve never heard of, or is that just Almufti’s way of getting involved with a married dude who was headed to prison.

Anyway, if the hashtag is an indication of when they met, then it seems those rumors about Nida cheating on Phaedra Parks are absolutely true.

In fact, the Apollo and Phaedra’s divorce only became final after he started serving his sentence.

We’re sure Ms. Parks is absolutely thrilled to be sharing screentime with Sherien on the show’s upcoming ninth season.

On the plus side, it should make some pretty compelling viewing for the rest of us.

Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online to get caught up in time for what could be the show’s best season to date.

It’s not every day that we say that about a show creeping up on the decade mark.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Apollo Nida: Engaged Behind Bars!

Well, here’s some unexpected news.

Former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida is officially engaged.

And what’s so surprising about that, you ask?

Well, there’s the small matter of the fact that Apollo is currently in prison.

Yes, as you may already know, Nida is serving an 8-year sentence for fraud.

Earlier this month, we learned that Phaedra Parks has finalized her divorce from Nida, and the man is already taking advantage if his newfound … freedom?

That doesn’t feel like the right word in this situation.

TMZ is reporting that Nida recently popped the question to an unnamed woman whom he met shortly before beginning his sentence.

Kind of an odd time to start a new relationship, but who are we to judge?

It seems her identity won’t be a mystery for much longer, however, as Nida and his fiancee will both participate in the upcoming season of RHOA.

We’re not exactly sure how that will work, but production insiders insist that Nida will continue to play a role in the show.

Typically, prisons don’t allow filming for non-journalistic purposes, but maybe the folks at Bravo were able to convince the warden that RHOA is a serious documentary series?

Whatever the case, the mystery woman in Apollo’s life has reportedly signed on for a recurring role on the show.

Sources say she lives in New Jersey and visits him in prison twice a week.

Even if he qualifies for early release, Nida will likely serve another 3-4 years, so the woman is definitely committed.

Whether she’s committed to him or to the idea of becoming a minor reality star is unclear.

Phaedra has yet to comment on the situation, and we’ll probably have to wait until the new series premieres to get her reaction.

We doubt she’s too bothered by the fact that her imprisoned ex has found someone new.

Being forced to share her show with the other woman, however, might be a different story.

Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online to relive Apollo and Phaedra’s rocky relationship.


Apollo Nida -- Engaged In Prison!

Apollo Nida will appear on ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ from prison and he’s bringing his new mystery fiancée along for the ride too … TMZ has learned. Sources close to production tell us Apollo started dating the woman 2 years ago…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Phaedra Parks Divorces Apollo: I No Longer Nida Be Married!

Back in September of 2014, Apollo Nida turned himself in to begin serving an eight-year on fraud charges.

At the time, the sketchy reality star was estranged from Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks, and we think it’s safe to say she didn’t have any second thoughts about calling it quits before he started his sentence.

Nida was late to report to prison because he stopped by Parks’ house to have one last screaming match before heading off to prison.

Needless to say, it wasn’t long before Nida began his sentence that Phaedra filed for divorce.

Of course, these things can take a while, particularly when there a lot of assets it stake, and one party rockin’ a federal-orange jump suit.

Reps for Phaedra claimed that the divorce was officially over back in 2014, but Parks never confirmed that she was legally single.

That all changed in an interview for TMZ’s YouTube channel posted moments ago:

Asked if she’s talked to Apollo recently, Phaedra replies:

“We are parents together, so we talk frequently.”

Parks added, however, that her divorce is definitely final, and she’s not looking back.

Asked if she misses Nida, Parks replied simply, “No.”

Asked if she can imagine the two of them getting back together, Parks was similarly blunt:

“I never say never, but in this case, I don’t think that would be a possibility,” she said.

“At the end of the day, we have our kids together. We’ll always have our kids together, so we’ll always be friends.”

At one point Apollo complained about not seeing his kids for several months at a time, but for now at least, it seems he’s out of luck.

When Phaedra was asked about the possibility of biringing the kids for another visit, she replied:

“I can’t say what I’m gonna do, but at this point in time, it’s not in our schedule.”


But hey, recent reports indicate Nida may qualify for early release.

In fact, he could be hanging with his kids on the outside as early as … 2018.

We guess the lesson here is don’t mess with Phaedra.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Apollo Nida Prison Update: Is the Reality Star Causing Trouble Behind Bars?

It’s been almost ten months since Apollo Nida reported to prison to serve an eight-year sentence on fraud charges.

Obviously, Nida isn’t the first star of the Housewives franchise to epically fail at white collar crime.

In fact it was briefly rumored that Apollo and Joe Giudice would serve time in the same prison.

Sadly, that never came to pass. (Would’ve made a great spinoff!)

But that doesn’t mean that Nida isn’t bringing the drama in his own way during his time in federal lockup.

His sentence started inauspiciously when Nida failed to report to prison on time.

Instead of turning himself in, Apollo was reportedly harassing his estranged wife, Phaedra Parks, and recording bizarre farewell videos like this one:

Now several sources are reporting that Nida is behaving like a diva behind bars, expecting special treatment from guards and fellow inmates alike due to his D-list celebrity status.

“Apollo thinks he’s better than everyone else because he’s famous,” says one insider.

“Obviously, his behavior doesn’t win him any friends.”

Generally, celebrity inmates are able to secure protection with the promise of transferred funds.

Unfortunately for Nida, he was locked up in large part because he was too broke to pay off the creditors he defrauded.

As his case was highly publicized, it’s likely the other prisoners are aware that Nida doesn’t have the means to buy their friendship.

To make matters worse, Nida continues to alienate Parks by accusing her of refusing to allow him to see his son in interviews.

As a result, Parks has reportedly refused to visit Nida in prison.

Sounds like it’s lonely times for Apollo these days.

Hopefully, for his sake, there’s some truth to those rumors that he’ll be getting out of prison early.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Apollo Nida: BUSTED Cheating on Phaedra Parks Before Prison; Will She Finally Divorce Him?

Back in September of 2014 Apollo Nida turned himself in to authorities to begin serving an eight-year prison sentence on bank fraud on identity theft charges. 

Rather than spending his final months as a free man bonding with his children and attempting to reconnect with his wife, Phaedra Parks, Nida ditched his family for an epic pre-prison bender.

And now it seems that the sordid details of his wild final weeks on the outside are being revealed for the first time in a tell-all memoir penned by a former stripper named Cashaun Sidney.

In the book – titled Sordid Panties: Celebrities, Thots, Money & Scandal – Sidney details a booze and drug-fueled weekend that she spent with Nida while Parks seemse

“Inside the house I started rolling the blunt of pot and just kept my mouth shut as I looked around the woman’s house in awe,” she writes. “I couldn’t believe in were in Phaedra’s house.”

“Apollo poured shots of tequila for us and we proceeded to the of the house where we sat by the pool and smoked the pot.”

Despite writing as though she’s providing court testimony, Sidney spins a bizarre tale that includes Apollo taking her friend into his baby’s room so that they could both “take a shower.”

“Were they both in the baby’s room taking a shower?” she asks. “I don’t know.”

We’re guessing they didn’t go into the room to get clean, if ya know what we mean.

Despite she was estranged from her husband long before he began his prison sentence, Parks has not filed for divorce from Nida

Perhaps Sidney’s account of Apollo’s misbehavior will give Phaedra the nudge she needs to finally file the papers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Joe Giudice and Apollo Nida to Serve Time in SAME Prison?!

It looks like two of the Real Housewives franchise’s most notorious husbands will soon be swapping stories of the Bravo-lebrity life behind bars.

According to Radar Online, Apollo Nida and Joe Giudice might soon be cellmates, as Apollo has reportedly been transferred from a Kentucky prison to FCI Fort Dix in New Jersey, where Joe is set to begin serving time next year.

As you may recall, Nida turned himself in in September of 2014 to begin serving an eight-year sentence for bank fraud and identity theft.

According to the Bureau of Prisons, with good behavior, Apollo can qualify for early release in 2020.

Giudice was sentenced to 41 months for bankruptcy fraud last year, but a judge allowed him to delay the start of his sentence until his wife, Teresa Giudice, finishes her own prison bid, so that their children wouldn’t need to be placed in foster care.

Nida transferred to the Jersey facility “about two weeks ago,” a source tells Radar, and he’s reportedly adjusted well to the the more relaxed atmosphere of the minimum security prison.

Interestingly, in Apollo’s first prison interview, he offered advice to the soon-to-be-incarcerated Joe, saying, “Stay humble and don’t act better than anyone; just observe your surroundings.”

Now it looks like he’ll be able to impart his words of jailhouse wisdom in person! 

If only camera crews were allowed behind prison walls. This could make one hell of a spinoff!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Apollo Nida: Will He Get Out of Jail Early?

The estranged husband of The Real Housewives of Atlanta’s Phaedra Parks, Apollo Nida, has had sh*tty year.

Mostly, his drama is his own fault.  The volatile reality star proved himself to be a troublemaker on the show.  Not only did he start an infamous physical altercation with a group of “friends” at a pajama party, he later landed himself in jail.

In September 2014, Apollo reported to prison in Kentucky, where he will serve an eight year sentence for fraud and identity theft.

According to the U.S. attorney, Apollo ran a fake debt collection agency to gain access to databases full of individual’s information. After acquiring the information, he would steal IDs and find unclaimed funds, refunds from HUD, treasury checks, and U.S. income tax returns.

But now, only a little over a year into his sentence, Apollo revealed that it “won’t be long” until he is released.

In a jailhouse letter, Apollo wrote to Radar Online, “I’ll hold your contact info and reach out to you upon my release—which won’t be long.”

Apollo might be better off in jail.  Though Phaedra used to support him, he is on his own now.  In fact, Phaedra won’t even visit Apollo in jail.

And without her financial support, he is f—ked.  Apollo owes $ 1.9 million in restitution for his crimes against JP Morgan Chase and the IRS.