Showing posts with label Serve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serve. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bill Cosby Sentenced to Prison; How Long Will He Serve?

Bill Cosby may spend the rest of his life in prison.

The disgraced comedian was sentenced to three-10 years behind bars on Tuesday, following his conviction in April on charges of drugging and raping Andrea Constand in 2004.

He will serve this time in state prison.

Cosby is currently 81 years old, so you can do the math in terms of whether he ever walks out of the big house a free man.

But many people will say this is the justice he deserves.

After more than 60 women came forward over the past few years and accused him of sexual assault, the public outcry was intense.

Heck, many people will say he deserves a far harsher punishment than he was handed today, but it’s no slap on the wrist.

Prior to his sentencing, Cosby was officially labeled a “sexually violent predator.”

This means his name will appear on a sex-offender registry, which is sent to neighbors and schools.

He also must commit to lifetime counseling and has been ordered to report quarterly to authorities.

Also in court Tuesday, prosecutors released Constand’s complete victim impact statement.

It was five pages in length and it detailed the harrowing experience of being sexually assaulted by Cosby, along with how this incident continued to plague her through life… up to and including today.

“I wasn’t sure what had actually happened but the pain spoke volumes,” she wrote of what transpired, adding:

“The shame was overwhelming. Self-doubt and confusion kept me from turning to my family or friends as I normally did.”

“I felt completely alone, unable to trust anyone, including myself…”

“The psychological, emotional and financial bullying included a slander campaign in the media that left my entire family reeling in shock and disbelief,” continued Constand in a lengthy message that we’ve excerpted below.

Focusing on the period shortly after the rape, during which she still had to work with Cosby in the Temple University athletic department, Constand wrote:

“The sound of his voice over the phone felt like a knife going through my guts.

“The sight of the man who drugged and sexually assaulted me coming into the basketball office filled me with dread…”


Following a mistrial in the summer of 2017, Cosby’s re-trial lasted 13 days this past spring.

It included testimony from Constand and five other women who claim they were also drugged and sexually assaulted by the disgusting star.

Despite the influx of women who have accused him of these heinous crimes, Cosby has maintained his innocence.

He’s even joked about the allegations and said at times that the women (like, ALL the women) were simply racist and had it out for him; a very famous African-American role model.

Seriously, Cosby has to be one of the worst handful of people on the planet.

Over two days in mid-April, however, Constand testified that Cosby gave her wine and three blue pills to “take the edge off” before he sexually assaulted her at his home near Philadelphia in January of 2004.

“When the sexual assault happened, I was a young woman brimming with confidence and looking forward to a future bright with possibilities,” she wrote the aforementioned impact statement.

“Now, almost 15 years later, I’m a middle-aged woman who’s been stuck in a holding pattern for most of her adult life, unable to heal fully or to move forward.”

Throughout this entire ordeal, Cosby’s wife, Camille, and his daughters – Erika, Errin and Evin – have stood by the star’s side.

Camille even released a lengthy, blistering statement after her husband’s conviction five months ago, in which she said in part:

“This is mob justice, not real justice.”

That was her say at the time.

But Judge Steven T. O’Neill got the final say in court this afternoon, stating simply:

“It is time for justice in a court of law. The day has come. The time has come.”

UPDATE: Cosby was denied bail in court, handcuffed and taken straight to jail.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Kim Kardashian Tasks Crew Member to Serve as "Selfie Assistant"

Kim Kardashian is a liar, folks.

Kim Kardashian is a faker.

Kim Kardashian is dishonest and misleading and she has now admitted as much hereslf.

On tape, no less!

Are we being a tad bit dramatic? Maybe.

But the Keeeping Up with the Kardashians clip featured here depicts Kim sitting around with sister Khloe and mother Kris and explaining that her wrist hurts and she forgot her brace.

The social media mainstay must snap a few selfies, though, however. She simply must.

So… what does Kim do about it?

She asks E! crew member Paxy to take a mini break from her duties and to hold Kim"s phone in the air to make it appear as if she is snapping a selfie.

See! We told you she was a liar!

Khloe and Kris initially scoff at this set-up, but then the latter comes around a bit.

"It"ll protect Kim"s hand without missing a beat on social media," Kris tells the camera. "I"m definitely gonna poach Paxy to be my selfie assistant."

Be sure to watch the clip all the way through in order to hear a pretty funny comment about why Kris is encouraging her daughter to keep taking these kindsof photos.

Elsewhere on this Sunday"s new episodes, Scott Disick will yell at Kourtney and lots of other things will happen that were definitely not pre-arranged and written by producers.

Click PLAY on this page"s video to watch Kim make someone else snap her selfie.

For shame, right?

Kim kardashian tasks crew member to serve as selfie assistant

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ryan Edwards to Serve 3 YEARS In Prison?!

Earlier this week, we reported on the news that Ryan Edwards was arrested for the second time in less than six months.

The troubled Teen Mom 2 star is currently behind bars awaiting trial for heroin possession and a probation violation, and legal experts say it’s unlikely that he’ll walk away with another slap on the wrist.

For one thing, the judge isn’t taking any chances that by allowing Ryan another opportunity to mess up.

His trial isn’t until August 6, but Edwards will remain in jail until then, having been denied bail at his arraignment.

As for what awaits him in court — well Ryan has squandered multiple “second chances” in the past, so he should probably prepare himself for the worst this time around.

“It really depends on the case, as far as whether somebody would be going to jail or to rehab after getting busted for heroin possession,” Nashville-based criminal defense attorney Ben Raybin tells Hollywood Life.

“Usually in this state we do try to send people to treatment for when they’re found with drugs, but a lot of times once they’ve given them multiple chances, like in this case where Ryan is violating probation, then at that point sometimes the judge says enough is enough and says they are going to jail and at that point they can put all the offender’s sentences into effect.”

Yes, it seems that Edwards — who recently got fired from Teen Mom 2 along with his wife, Mackenzie Standifer — will almost certainly spend at least a few months locked up.

And the situation could wind up being far worse than that:

“In Ryan’s case I can tell you he is facing up to 11 months and 29 days in jail just on this most recent charge of simple heroin possession,” Raybin says.

“But that’s not all because he has a prior suspended sentence as well as probation that the judge could choose to add to his sentence,”

“To break it down, Ryan has the 6 months of probation he was sentenced to (in March 2018) as well as a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days stemming back to his very first arrest.”

It’s a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo that adds up to one thing — Ryan has demonstrated time and again that he’s incapable of remaining sober, which means, the state will likely keep him under lock and key in one way or another:

“They could potentially put those things together with the year he is facing on this most recent arrest,” says Raybin.

“Worst case scenario he could actually be looking at 2 1/2 years in jail.”

Raybin adds that he believes it’s “unlikely” that Edwards will received the maximum sentence, but it’s certainly not unheard of.

Edwards wife, Mackenzie Standifer is pregnant with his child and set to give birth in October.

Sadly, it’s looking more and more likely that Ryan will not be on hand for the occasion.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

MLB"s Bruce Maxwell: Pro-Trump Waiter Wouldn"t Serve Me Over Kneeling Protest

Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell — the only MLB player who took a knee this season — tells TMZ Sports he was confronted by a pro-Trump waiter at an Alabama restaurant who refused to serve him. “He was like, ‘You’re the guy who took the knee? I…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner to Serve Prison Time For Sexting Teen Girl

The strange case of Anthony Weiner has taken yet another shocking turn.

While the consensus amongst legal experts seemed to be that Weiner would be able to avoid jail time by accepting a plea deal and probation, today, the disgraced former congressman was sentenced to 21 months behind bars for exchanging illicit text messages with a minor.

It was around this time last year that news of Weiner “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl went public.

Back in May, Weiner pled guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor and memorably broke down in tears before a judge.

Today, he was back in court to receive a sentence that shocked many.

Prosecutors in the case lobbied hard for prison time, arguing that Weiner’s interactions with the youth go beyond the mere exchange of explicit words.

“Transmitting obscenity to a minor to induce her to engage in sexually explicit conduct by video chat and photo—is far from mere ‘sexting,’” prosecutors wrote.

“Weiner, a grown man, a father, and a former lawmaker, willfully and knowingly asked a 15-year-old girl to display her body and engage in sexually explicit conduct for him online,” they continued.

“Such conduct warrants a meaningful sentence of incarceration.”

Weiner’s downfall began in 2011, when he resigned from Congress after accidentally tweeting a lewd photo that he had apparently intended to send to a woman with whom he was engaged in an affair.

Weiner attempted a political comeback in 2013, running for mayor of New York City in a campaign that was eventually derailed by yet another sexting scandal.

After initially announcing that she had forgiven her husband and hoped to move forward with their marriage, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin filed for divorce from Weiner earlier this year.

Attorneys for Weiner argued that the 53-year-old was a slave to his own compulsive behavior, but no longer presents a threat to others, following several months of intensive therapy.

The judge didn’t see it that way, handing down a sentence only slightly less harsh than the 27 months recommended by prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Weiner’s legal team says they will appeal the sentence.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Abby Lee Miller to Serve Her Sentence WHERE?!

Is there a specific German word for the feeling of righteous glee that one feels when remembering that Abby Lee Miller is going to prison? Because we’d have cause to use it pretty regularly.

Until she actually goes to prison, anyway. Which is tomorrow.

But we have some new information, and it’s about where she’s going to serve her sentence. And it’s not exactly what the world expected.

Abby Lee Miller, the Dance Moms star who traumatized her students for years, was convicted of bankruptcy fraud in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Normally, you’d assume that the location of her conviction would determine where she serves out her sentence.


We don’t know if this is fame working for her or how white collar crimes are treated or white privilege in action, but Abby Lee Miller requested to be sentenced somewhere else.

(You know, like prison is a hotel and you can just ask for a different room)

And her request was granted.

On 2pm on Wednesday, she must report to the FCI Victorville facility in Victorville, California to begin serving her sentence of 366 days.

That’s right.

Abby Lee Miller will serve a sentence close to her home in San Bernardino.

You know, because she asked.

The drive from Victorville to San Bernardino is about 40 miles.

With speed limits being what they are, she’s less than an hour from home.

We can’t help but think of how many people are in prison who didn’t do anything wrong.

(Some who are innocent, and others who committed crimes but no wrongdoings, like people convicted of drug possession)

Some of those people have children and spouses and loved ones who never get to see them.


Because they’re imprisoned three hours away, and most single parents work and can’t take six hours plus a visit out of a day, let alone put their young child through that.

Meanwhile, Abby Lee Miller is going to be practically a stone’s throw from her house.

The world is terribly unfair.

By all reports, Abby Lee Miller is terrified about entering prison.

First of all, who wouldn’t be?

But she’s probably going to a facility for white collar criminals, so we really shouldn’t imagine an Orange is the New Black setting.

The FCI Victorville II facility houses under 2,000 inmates, so population-wise, it’s like a small high school.

It’s a medium-security facility, so it might not feel like a summer camp for the inmates.

But there are certainly less pleasant prisons out there, even in the US.

And since she apparently did the crime and doesn’t even have to do a lot of time, it’s weird that she’s out there complaining about how scared she is.

Especially when she got to cherry-pick where she’d get locked up.

She might be “rattled” by all of this (and most people would be), but it doesn’t look like this has changed anything about the reality show monster.

Abby Lee Miller still responds to criticism by lashing out, recently telling Cheryl Burke to “watch her mouth.”

The world enjoyed watching her cry in the newest Dance Moms promo.

But for the little girls whom she terrorized for years and years, that must have been positively cathartic.

And the girls is really where our focus should be.

Maybe now that they’re out from under Abby’s tyrannical rule, the aspiring dancers and their ridiculous mothers can be the stars oi the show.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" Extra Sues Show, They Didn"t Serve Me Food Because I"m Asian

A “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” background actor was picked on and refused breakfast because he was the only Asian extra on set … at least according to the lawsuit he just filed. Kwon Kang claims he was working as extra in a cop uniform in January when he…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Donald Trump to Serve as Celebrity Apprentice Producer WHILE PRESIDENT

We may finally have reached Peak Donald Trump.

No, the President-Elect did not re-Tweet any toddlers last night.

Nor did he get caught on tape talking about how he can’t wait to grab the private parts of women across America.

But news did break that Trump will continues to serve as an executive producer on Celebrity Apprentice while he’s also serving as President of the United States.

The popular reality show returns on January 2 with new episodes.

It will be hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Trump’s name will air after that of Apprentice creator Mark Burnett and before Schwarzenegger in the credits.

In confirming the news, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks made it sound like no big deal, like business as usual, noting that the President-Elect has a “big stake” in the program, which has licensed several international editions.

“Mr. Trump has a big stake in the show and conceived of it with Mark Burnett. Additional details regarding his business interests will be shared December 15th,” Hicks said.

But why is this so NOT business like usual for the Time Person of the Year?

It’s not just the optics. It’s not just the hilarious/depressing nature of our President also being prominent involved in reality television while in office.

It’s the massive conflict of interest this could create.

Trump will be paid (by MGM, not NBC) in the low five-figures, according to those associated with the show.

Celebrity Apprentice, of course, airs on NBC… which is a major broadcast network with an influential news division.

Will they talk about Trump’s affiliation with Celebrity Apprentice? If so, isn’t that a form of publicity for the program? 

And wouldn’t this therefore mean that a network is actually helping put money in the pocket of a sitting President? It’s ridiculous, unprecedented, dangerous and ridiculous (again) to think about.

NBC also airs Saturday Night Live, a sketch comedy show Trump has criticized over and over again for its unflattering depiction of him.

Moreover, NBC is owned by Comcast, a corporation that was recently slapped with a major fine by the Federal Communications Commission… an entity that will soon be under Trump’s control.

Even prior to this mind-boggling news, Trump’s role on Celebrity Apprentice came under scrutiny.

It was largely believed that NBC was in possession of tapes of Trump from his role as host on that show which featured him making crude or racist remarks.

But they never surfaced.

Creator Mark Burnett was even forced to come out and issue a statement about the legality of releasing these alleged tapes and that he was not the one blocking said release.

According to The New York Times, Burnett recently met with the his co-worker (yes, we can still call them co-workers) at Trump Tower to discuss potential inauguration celebrations, including a parade up Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue.

To be clear, sitting Presidents have written books while in office in the past, earning royalites from their sales.

In the case of President Obama’s 2010 book “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,” for example, his profits from the publication were donated to a charity that aids the children of disabled veterans.

Will Trump donate his Celebrity Apprentice paycheck to a charity?

Sure. Maybe.

About the same time he hires Rosie O’Donnell for a cabinet position.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Celebrity Thanksgiving -- Stars Serve Up Turkey and Taters (PHOTO GALLERY)

The L.A. Mission had celebrities giving back for Thanksgiving by rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands deep in mashed potatoes and gravy. Stars like Emmy Rossum, Ali Landry, Garcelle Beauvais and ‘Walking Dead’ actor Tom…


Celebrity Thanksgiving -- Stars Serve Up Turkey and Taters (PHOTO GALLERY)

The L.A. Mission had celebrities giving back for Thanksgiving by rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands deep in mashed potatoes and gravy. Stars like Emmy Rossum, Ali Landry, Garcelle Beauvais and ‘Walking Dead’ actor Tom…


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Joe Giudice and Apollo Nida to Serve Time in SAME Prison?!

It looks like two of the Real Housewives franchise’s most notorious husbands will soon be swapping stories of the Bravo-lebrity life behind bars.

According to Radar Online, Apollo Nida and Joe Giudice might soon be cellmates, as Apollo has reportedly been transferred from a Kentucky prison to FCI Fort Dix in New Jersey, where Joe is set to begin serving time next year.

As you may recall, Nida turned himself in in September of 2014 to begin serving an eight-year sentence for bank fraud and identity theft.

According to the Bureau of Prisons, with good behavior, Apollo can qualify for early release in 2020.

Giudice was sentenced to 41 months for bankruptcy fraud last year, but a judge allowed him to delay the start of his sentence until his wife, Teresa Giudice, finishes her own prison bid, so that their children wouldn’t need to be placed in foster care.

Nida transferred to the Jersey facility “about two weeks ago,” a source tells Radar, and he’s reportedly adjusted well to the the more relaxed atmosphere of the minimum security prison.

Interestingly, in Apollo’s first prison interview, he offered advice to the soon-to-be-incarcerated Joe, saying, “Stay humble and don’t act better than anyone; just observe your surroundings.”

Now it looks like he’ll be able to impart his words of jailhouse wisdom in person! 

If only camera crews were allowed behind prison walls. This could make one hell of a spinoff!