Showing posts with label 'Apprentice'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Apprentice'. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Donald Trump"s Defense in "Apprentice" Sexual Assault Case, She"s a Liar

Donald Trump has a simple defense in the lawsuit filed against him by former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos … she’s a liar and truth is a defense. Zervos sued Trump for defamation after he said she was making up the story he allegedly…


Donald Trump"s Defense in "Apprentice" Sexual Assault Case, She"s a Liar

Donald Trump has a simple defense in the lawsuit filed against him by former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos … she’s a liar and truth is a defense. Zervos sued Trump for defamation after he said she was making up the story he allegedly…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Piers Morgan: Omarosa Offered Me Sex to Let Her Win The Apprentice!

In case you decided to move to a cabin in the woods to focus on your beard growing skills sometime around November 9, 2016, then you may not be aware that D.C.’s most diseased rats have been fleeing the sinking ship that is the Trump administration in droves.

The latest casualty of the leakiest vessel on the Potomac is Omarosa Manigault, the former Apprentice contestant who managed to land a gig in Trump’s communications department because America has officially completed its transformation into a Mike Judge fever dream.

Since being uncereomoniously sh-tcanned by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa has been appearing on Celebrity Big Brother, where she’s become the show’s resident harbinger of doom, routinely scaring the hell out of her castmates with tales of corruption and hypocrisy inside the Trump administration.

Not surprisingly, this practice has earned her the ire of self-proclaimed journalist and noted angry potato Piers Morgan.

Morgan recently embarked on a second career as a professional Trump bootlicker, which means he took as his sacred duty to burn Manigault’s reputation to the ground.

And since they both appeared on The Apprentice – our current administration’s answer to the Hitler Youth – it was easy for Piers to claim insider knowledge of Omarosa’s shady past.

“I’ve met a lot of vile human beings in my life, from dictators and terrorists to sex abusers and wicked conmen,” Morgan wrote in a piece for the Daily Mail on Tuesday.

“But I’ve never met anyone quite so relentlessly loathsome as Omarosa; a vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work.”

Piers went on to tear Omarosa apart as basically the worst person he’s ever met, while at the same time absolving Trump of any blame for giving her a job in the freakin’ White House:

“Which beggars the question: what the hell was she doing inside the world’s most powerful building for 12 months? The answer, as we can now see, was amassing a whole mass of damaging information to now use against President Trump and his administration on Celebrity Big Brother,” he wrote.

Well, that’s just boring, Piers.

We just assume everyone in the White House is compiling information so that they can either write a scathing tell-all or turn state’s evidence.

We thought you were gonna answer the far more intriguing question of how she got hired in the first place.

From there, Piers goes on to describe a ruthlesslty ambitious woman who would do anything to succeed.

Trigger warning: “anything” here includes having sex with Piers Morgan.

“Omarosa sidled up to me at the New York Mercantile Exchange and said, quite seriously: ‘Piers, do you want a showmance?’ ‘A what?’ I replied.

“‘A showmance. You know, a romance on the show — we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it,’” Morgan wrote.

“I stared at her grasping, ferociously ambitious little eyes, and laughed: ‘You must be joking, you deluded woman.’ She didn’t take it well. ‘What are you? Gay?’” 

gnoring the roast-able bounty that is everything else about him, Omarosa then zeroed in on Morgan’s sexuality in an attempt to … well, we’re not really sure what she was trying to accomplish at this point.

“Because I’d rejected her revolting sex plot, she decided the best line of attack was to repeatedly question my sexuality in the most crude and offensive manner imaginable,” Morgan’s op-ed continued.

“On another occasion, in front of boxing champion Lennox Lewis, she said: ‘Hey Piers, I hear you got caught sucking a gay waiter’s c—k in a hotel pool?’ This was a lie. I’m not gay and she hadn’t heard that about me. She’d just made it up to smear me and to provoke me into a confrontation.”

Morgan concludes his piece:

“Beneath the laughs though lay a less savoury truth: Omarosa is a reprehensible human being, prepared to offer sex to win a reality TV show and use the most vile homophobic slurs against rival contestants.”

Wow. Piers Morgan is calling someone else vile and reprehensible?!

Is this some sort of Fight Club situation where we’re gonna find out he and Omarosa were the same person this whole time?

Obviously, we’re torn by this situation, because Piers is the worst, but Omarosa is also the worst.

There was a time when it was impossible for two things to be worst, but 2018 is bringing us to new depths as a society.

It’s a good time to kiss your loved ones and make peace with your higher power, folks, because it’s on February.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Won"t Return to Celebrity Apprentice Due to You-Know-Who

Forgive the obvious opener, but…

… Arnold Schwarzenegger will NOT be back.

The actor-turned-Govenor-turned-reality-TV-host said hasta la vista, baby to Celebrity Apprentice on Friday, announcing that he will not return to the NBC series for a second season.

The star, of course, took over for Donald Trump as host for the latest installment of this franchise.

And that was basically the entire problem Schwarzenegger explained via statement.

“I loved every second of working with NBC and Mark Burnett,” the 69-year old said, adding:

“Everyone – from the celebrities to the crew to the marketing department – was a straight 10, and I would absolutely work with all of them again on a show that doesn’t have this baggage.”

Ah, yes. This baggage.

Schwarzenegger is referring to the fact that Donald Trump stayed on as Executive Producer of Celebrity Apprentice, despite being elected President of the United States in November.

This cast a controversial shadow over the program before it even premiered in January.

“With Trump being involved in the show, people have a bad taste and don’t want to participate as a spectator or as a sponsor or in any other way support the show,” Arnold continued.

“It’s a very divisive period now, and I think this show got caught up in all that division.”

It didn’t exactly help that Trump actively trash-talked his predecessor over the show’s dwindling ratings.

“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump Tweeted on Friday, January 6.

He added at the time:

“So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported [John] Kasich & Hillary [Clinton].”

Schwarzenegger responded by slamming Trump as a “skunk,” and later tweeted to the commander in chief himself:

“I wish you the best of luck and I hope you’ll work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings.”

Celebrity Apprentice did struggle in the ratings this season, but it also decreased over the course of Trump’s run.

NBC has yet to pick up the show for another run, following Matt Iseman emerging victorious in the season finale that aired last month.

In another Tweet, Schwarzenegger addressed Trump as follows:

“Please study this quote from [Abraham] Lincoln’s inaugural, @realDonald Trump. It inspired me every day I was Governor, and I hope it inspires you.”

Schwarzenegger then went ahead and read the quote in a video. This is what it said:

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Did you choose a side in this Trump vs. Schwarzenegger feud?

Or will you be happy when both just go away?


Friday, March 3, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Quits as Host of "Celebrity Apprentice" ... Blames Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger is calling it a one-and-done with “The Celebrity Apprentice” — he won’t be returning to host another season … and says President Trump’s to blame. Arnold says he had a great time being the face of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Finale Recap: Who Won?

After weeks of throwing one another under the bus, we have a winner on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice, but who walked away with the title?

When the episode got underway, we picked up with Boy George and Matt continuing the final challenge to eke out the victory. 

Boy George added a keyboard player to his roster, while Matt opted for his baby kangaroo. 

The event kicked off, but Boy George quickly took issue with the loud noise coming from Matt’s event. Was he trying to throw his competitor off by complaining?

Boy George was then shocked by his star guest, Caitlyn Jenner not showing up on time. Thankfully, the reality TV star appeared and went out of her way to save the day for her friend. 

Meanwhile, Matt welcomed the Governor and showed off his fun little program for the event. It was made in the form of a passport. 

It was surprisingly creative. Arnold did not seem to catch on to Matt blatantly trying to be friendly for some brownie points. He’s in it to win it. 

Matt’s speech helped prove that he had what it took to win the competition. He even threw in an impression of Arnie for good measure. 

It was terrible, but everyone seemed to love it. 

Boy George’s show then took center stage, and the judges appeared to love it. He proved he was a great writer by showcasing two original songs made just for the event. 

His last big guest of the evening was Natasha Bedingfield. Yes, that chick who made the theme tune for The Hills

With the events complete, it seemed like both men had a solid chance of winning the title. 

In the boardroom, Arnold was handing out positive feedback to both men. It was certainly a change from the usual criticism being hurled at whoever wound up in the boardroom. 

Both men got praise from their team members for their drive for success. 

When it came down to choosing a winner, it seemed like Matt was getting the title. Arnie noted that Matt made the most money and he did not need to rely on star power for his final campaign. 

It was true. Boy George would reel anyone in that he thought would make him a winner. It was revealed that Matt would take the title because of his performance throughout the whole season. 

He’s the guy who kept managing to defy the odds on a weekly basis, so he did deserve it. 

He was given more money for his charity. You could tell Boy George was upset, but he obviously knew Matt was a deserving winner. 

It’s been a whirlwind season with a lot of casualties in the boardroom, but Matt deserved to win.

Also, there’s a very real possibility that this is the end of the line for the franchise. The ratings are down considerably. 

Should there be more episodes of the series?

Were you happy with Matt emerging as the winner?

Hit the comments below. 


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Who Made It To The Finale?

Changes were afoot on the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice. 

That change came in the form of Boy George being moved over to Team Prima. As you probably already know, Prima has struggled over the course of the season. 

They have had a lot of failed competitions, resulting in the team pretty much being annihilated earlier in the season.  The main task was for the groups to demonstrate The Honest Company products with the aim or attracting some new customers. 

Boy George was revealed to be the project manager for Team Prima. The team decided to go with the hand sanitizer, stain remover and glass cleaning products. 

Brooke made it clear that if Boy should sing during the challenge because it would set them apart from the other team. However, he wanted to do something considerably different. 

This worried Brooke because she felt like singing would definitely put them above the competition. Boy felt like Brooke was taking things way too seriously and that she needed to back off. 

Brooke then took it one step further by telling Patrick that she was the one who organized the whole process. This rubbed Boy the wrong way because he felt like she was trying to throw him under the bus. 

On Team Arete, Laila was the project manager. She thought she had an advantage because she actually used the projects she was trying to add value to. They chose to pitch the multi-surface cleaner, organic healing balm and dish soap. 

The team opted to take on a more personal story as Laila was not exactly the most creative person in the process.

Matt worried about Laila’s lack of creativity and voiced his concerns. 

Laila kept going off the script which did nothing to help matters. 

Team Prima’s presentation was all over the place and you could tell the other team was shocked by the way Boy George was talking about Buddhism. 

Jessica revealed that while she liked Team Arete’s showcase, their presentation seemed like more of an infomercial and was not entirely what the client was looking for. 

Unsurprisingly, Team Prima took the win and Boy George was handed $ 50,000 for his favorite charity. 

Laila was quick to point the finger at Matt for the loss. She felt Matt undermined her every step of the way and if he had a little faith in her ideas, it could have been a better result. 

However, Matt made a solid case for him to stay in the competition. This was his first time being in the bottom, so Arnold decided that Laila’s time was up and sent her packing. 

Arnie then decided there would be one more elimination and Brooke was sent home because Boy and Matt had more wins over her. 

The final challenge found Matt and Boy getting ready to showcase the Carnival cruise experience by creating an ad campaign, hosting a party and producing a 15-minute show. 

Matt was told he would have Carnie Wilson, Carrie Keagan and Kyle Richards to help him out, while Boy got to work with Laila, Carson Kressley and Porsha Williams. 

The heat was on, but which one of them won?

Find out next week on the season/series finale of Celebrity Apprentice. 


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Donald Trump Trashes Arnold Schwarzenegger ... "Say a Prayer" for "Apprentice" Ratings (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just cut off his nose to spite his face by calling out Arnold Schwarzenegger and the show which supposedly lines the president’s pockets with money. Trump was at the National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. Thursday when he took aim at the…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Who Made Final Four?

Is there ever a dull moment on Celebrity Apprentice?

The final four were revealed on the latest episode of the NBC series, but who made the cut?

When the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice got underway, Team Arete and Team Prima made their way to the Staples Center to find out what their next task would be. 

Their first task was to make a promotional campaign for the Clipper brand. Team Arete decided it would be best to use Steve’s own words to win their way to the top. 

Over on Team Prima, Boy George was tasked with writing his own song for the campaign.

While both teams were making waves with their campaign, the merchandising proved to be quite the challenge. 

Steve found that Team Arete’s overall campaign was going to work out pretty well, but Patrick found that Team Prima were setting themselves up for failure. 

Seriously, these episodes have been better than the Donald Trump edition. 

Who would have thought that would be possible?

Surprisingly, Team Prima and Lisa got $ 75,000 for her charity. Team Arete were debating about who should be sent home, but they were all shocked to the core when Ricky was terminated. 

Everybody else seemed to think it would be Laila who would be let go because of her lack of participating. 

For the second competition of the night, the winner of the previous season, Leeza Gibbons, showed up as an advisor. 

The task was to sell new gym equipment through QVC.  

The teams were told they would be presented with four pieces of equipment and must choose one to sell. 

They would also set the price for their item and create a pitch for their eight minute QVC slot. 

Carson Kressley wound up as project manager for Team Prima.

The team opted to use Boy George’s story about weight loss as the front story and set a price of $ 99.99. 

That may seem like a cheap price, but did it help them get more customers?

Over on Team Arete, Brooke took the top spot and chose to sell the item on QVC for $ 109.99, which was surprising. It seemed like they were going to go a bit too high. 

Patrick and Leeza felt like Boy George’s story would increase sales, but Team Arete kind of floundered. 

However, Laila managed to boost the sales with the way she acted on QVC. 

In the boardroom, it was revealed that Team Prima sold just 88 products, while Team Arete sold 156.

Prima was slammed because they did not have Lisa in front of the camera. 

After much deliberating, Arnold terminated both Carson and Lisa.

It was definitely Lisa’s time to go. Being in the boardroom five times, you would think she would have found a way to make better decisions on the tasks. 

It was almost like she wanted to just float along to the final, but that’s not how it works. 

The remaining contestants include Brooke Burke-Chavet, Matt Iseman, Boy George and Laila Ali.

Who will win the title of Celebrity Apprentice?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Triple Elimination Time

Celebrity Apprentice has been full of twists and turns over the last few weeks, but nothing could have prepared us for the drama that paved the way for a triple elimination. 

As the episode got underway, the remaining contestants were told that they would be making a marketing campaign for Lorissa’s Kitchen.  

Brooke was quick to volunteer to be project manager in order to try and and redeem herself due to the drama from last week. 

Being a fitness expert definitely helped Brooke excel. She knew the market, but she was less than impressed when she learned that the other team was planning to copy their idea. 

Unsurprisingly, Brooke managed to help her team win the competition. Lisa decided that it was best for her to go after Vince and Chael and claimed that they were the weakest links. 

Ultimately, Vince was the one sent packing after revealing that he did play a part in losing. 

The second challenge of the night found the teams creating a brochure for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood.

Matt and Carson stepped up as the project managers because they each felt that it was about time they actually participated. 

It’s crazy how far some people will go in order to stay on the sidelines to get further.

With the contestants being whittled down, that’s becoming pretty darn tough. 

That said, the pair were clearly the men for the job. They were both huge fans of the franchise, so it made sense for them to at least try. 

Carson and his team struggled to come up with a concept for their campaign and you could cut the tension with a knife.

They were literally drawing straws to figure out a plan of action. 

Matt, however, was quoting parts of the book to his team members, but did they really have it in the bag?

By the end of the day, it was clear Carson’s team were still struggling, so Chael decided it would be a good move to cut the cord to buy them some more time. 

In the boardroom, Arnold teased Matt about his love for the franchise.

His team members were very positive about the experience of him as a project manager. 

Clearly, being a fan of the franchise helped. Arnold switched gears to Chael, who he fired on the spot for cutting the cord.

The rest of the contestants were visibly shocked, but they have one less person to beat to the end now. 

Matt’s team won and got a whole lot of praise with it. Carson’s team were pretty much slammed every step of the way and Carson was concerned that he was the next person on the chopping block. 

He brought Porsha and Lisa back because he felt that they were the pair who caused the most problems throughout the competition. Porsha made a mistake by trying to talk her way out of trouble and Arnold sent her home. 

As much as she tried to explain herself, Arnold was tired of her talking over him. 

There’s only so many times someone can talk over the Terminator. 

What an episode, you guys! Who do you want to win?

Sound off below!


Monday, January 23, 2017

Donald Trump Sued For Still Raking in Money from Hotels, "Apprentice," Etc

7:55 AM PT — CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta just tweeted, “POTUS has resigned from his businesses, according to WH Strategic Comms director Hope Hicks.” Donald Trump was just slapped with his first lawsuit as president, for allegedly…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: A Reversal of Fortune

Did Team Prima manage to beat out Team Arete?

That was one of the more pressing questions on the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice. Team Prima realized they were losing their ladies quickly after the loss of Snooki. 

The teams met up at the Peterson Automotive Museum to be briefed on their next task. Both teams were in charge of creating a full photo campaign for Kawasaki motorcycles. 

Kyle was named the project manager for Team Prima, while Carson was the manager for Team Arete. 

There was some confusion over what the men were actually doing, but it seemed like they were planning on using naked drag queens for their pictures. 

Kyle stepped back from giving ideas to the team because her most recent ones only got the team in trouble. Brooke decided to call in her husband for a photo shoot as the face of the campaign. 

However, tensions flared when David worried that he would not look masculine enough if he had his picture taken on the back of a bike. Is this dude for real?

In the boardroom, Gemma told Team Prima that David deciding at the last minute to sit at the front of the motorbike ruined their campaign. 

Team Arete won… again!

Kyle was upset that her team lost again and quizzed Patrick about what went wrong for them, but he was quick to point out that this was the third time she had cost her team a win. 

Kyle took Brooke and Porsha with her back into the boardroom. It was definitely odd that she opted to choose them when you consider the fact that the pair contributed a lot. 

After a huge argument about who was at faults, Kyle was terminated. 

Arnold grew concerned about the women losing pretty much every competition and decided that it was time for the teams to be changed up. 

Vince, Chael and Carson joined up with Lisa and Porsha, while Brooke and Laila joined Jon, Boy George, Matt and Ricky. 

The teams were then told they would create a candy, and the aim was to sell the most. Team Prima were quick to start selling, but Team Arete were concerned about the quality of the product. 

Team Arete was struggling, but then PK and Dorit showed up from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills with $ 80,000. 

In the end, Team Prima eked out the win by making over $ 378,000. 

Ricky refused to accept defeat and chose Jon and Laila to return to the boardroom. This was the first time this season that the right people were all in the boardroom. 

After much back and forth, Arnold was quick to reveal he could not get over the fact that Jon only sold $ 500 of products and he was terminated. 

They really are dropping like flies on this show. 

What did you think of the latest drama for the stars?

Hit the comments. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: Tension in the Boardroom

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not about to let the project managers off the hook for their underperforming team members. 

We kicked the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice off with the news that the teams would be developing ad campaigns for Welch’s. 

Team Prima continued to show that they don’t work well with each other. Project manager, Laila Ali was straight to the point with the women about what she wanted. 

This did not sit well with the others, who were looking to have some fun along the way.

Laila did not seem interested in taking any feedback on board from the other team members. 

This caused a lot of frustration among the ladies when Rocco DiSpirito told the ladies that their overall presentation was lacking fun. In other words: It was boring as hell. 

Team Arete were more professional about things and continued to work to the tight demands set out for them.

Just as they thought they had another competition in the bag, the Welch’s team made it known that they were not impressed with the campaign. 

They felt it was all over the place and was not worth investing in. This gave Team Prima their first win of the season. 

Chael Sonnen did not want to take the blame for what went wrong and was quick to point the finger at his other team members. 

After much deliberation, Eric Dickerson and Ricky Williams were took back into the boardroom with Sonnen, with Eric becoming the third person to lose their place in the competition. 

Team Prima were ecstatic at the fact they finally won a competition and seemed to think things were finally looking up for them. 

For the next task, everyone was making videos that were meant to go viral for King’s Hawaiian.

Team Arete scrambled to try and win this competition because they did not want to lose any more people from their side. 

However, tensions got the best of them. Jon Lovitz and Vince Neil came to blows about which line they should cut from the script, prompting Boy George to complain that everyone was wasting his time. 

On Team Prima, Lisa Leslie seemed to think her teammates were out to get her and made her feelings known on the matter. 

Turns out, they were out to get her and were perfectly willing to throw her under the bus if they were the losing team.

Snooki was the project manager, so you can probably understand why it did not go to plan. In fact, whoever thought it would be a good idea to leave Snooki in charge should probably leave the competition.

Snooki mentioned that all of the footage they created was terrible and not worth their time. 

Team Arete secured the win and Snooki was forced to take two people back into the boardroom with her. 

Snooki called Porsha Williams and Lisa Leslie back in, but the tables were quickly turned on Snooki, who accepted that she was wrong and exited the game. 

Losing Snooki was always going to be a big blow to the series, but she’s not quite as fun as she was back in her Jersey Shore days. 

What did you think of the drama? 

Sound off below!


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Kyle Richards Says If You Hate Trump Watch "Celebrity Apprentice"!!! (VIDEO)

Kyle Richards is one clever chick … she’s figured out an angle to pump up viewership for “Celebrity Apprentice” … and it involves harnessing the Trump haters. We got Kyle at Craig’s in WeHo Friday night, reacting to the twitter war between…


Friday, January 6, 2017

"Celebrity Apprentice" Star Matt Iseman Shocked Trump"s Throwing Shade (VIDEO)

Donald Trump completely missed the point when he went after Arnold Schwarzenegger and the new ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ … according to Matt Iseman. The “American Ninja Warrior” host tells TMZ he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the…


"Celebrity Apprentice" Star Matt Iseman Shocked Trump"s Throwing Shade (VIDEO)

Donald Trump completely missed the point when he went after Arnold Schwarzenegger and the new ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ … according to Matt Iseman. The “American Ninja Warrior” host tells TMZ he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the…


TMZ Live: Trump vs Schwarzenegger: "Apprentice" Ratings War

TMZ Live no longer supports comments, but the article comments section is still open. ON TODAY’S SHOW Nicki Minaj: Reuniting With Ex? Vivica A. Fox: Not Stripping For Gays Birdman: ‘Carter V’ Is Coming Out! Jerry Springer: The New Elvis? SKYPE US…


"Celeb Apprentice" Crew Broke Up Boy George, Vince Neil Fight ... Says Chael Sonnen (VIDEO)

The Boy George vs. Vince Neil war on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ was VERY REAL and almost came to blows on set … so says Chael Sonnen.


Donald Trump To Arnold Schwarzenegger: Good Job Terminating The Celebrity Apprentice!

Donald Trump is not impressed in the slightest with The New Celebrity Apprentice. 

If you recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced Trump on the most recent season of the former NBC hit, but that was not the only change in store. 

There was a new receptionist, a location change and even a Terminator inspired catchphrase. It was actually pretty good.

Then again, after being off the air for so long, we were probably just glad to have the show back. 

Turns out, considerably less viewers checked the show out with the addition of Schwarzenegger.

The first episode could only muster 4.9 million viewers and a 1.3 rating in the all important 18-49 demographic. 

That’s down from the 6.8 million and 2.4 rating from the premiere of the final Donald Trump fronted season which hit the air in January, 2015. 

We can’t be the only ones who expected some bumper ratings – at least for the premiere.

There’s usually a curiosity factor that accompanies casting stunts like this. 

Trump was quick to trash Arnold’s appearance after finding out just how terrible the ratings were. 

“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump, 70, tweeted on Friday, January 6.

“So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported [John] Kasich & Hillary [Clinton].”

We sure hope Trump had FedEX on speed dial to send Arnie some ice for that burn. 

Ever since it was announced that the former Governer of California would be taking Donald’s place on the reality series, Donald has made it clear he wants nothing to do with the show. 

When people voiced their pleasure at Trump being ousted from the show, his adviser Kellyanne Conway revealed that Trump would still keep an executive producer credit on the show.

However, Trump later boasted on Twitter about the fact that he would have absolutely nothing to do with the show. 

If you want to watch the likes of Nicole Snooki Polizzi, Porsha Williams and Boy George try to prove they have any business savvy, then tune in on Monday nights because it’s actually pretty fun to watch them realize they do not. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Celebrity Apprentice Season 15 Episode 1 Recap: It"s All New

The Celebrity Apprentice is back and Donald Trump is nowhere in sight. It’s definitely intriguing when TV shows refresh their line-up every so often, but Trump was always the thing that made the show a success. 

His quick wit and straight-to-the-point comments made the stakes very high and it sure seems like Arnold Schwarzenegger served as a worthy successor to the man who became President of the United States. 

Aside from the leading man change, there was a location change, format changes and even a receptionist change. Yes, Amanda Miller is long gone. 

In a move that probably made some viewers think that Trump was telling Arnold what to do, he opted to split up the groups by gender, effectively turning the show into a battle of the sexes. 

Arnie’s advisors this time were Patrick M. Knapp Schwarzenegger and Tyra Banks.

Tyra is known for that other reality show, America’s Next Top Model, which was recently rebooted on VH1 with Rita Ora taking her place. 

Yeah, wee see no comparison either. Tyra must have got bored of the show. She was on it for over 20 seasons, so she clearly needed a little change. 

In a surprising move, the first challenge focused on Tyra’s make-up line. It was like one of the challenges you would expect from Rupaul’s Drag Race. 

Both groups were tasked with doing live demonstrations of the make-up and as you can probably expect, there were fireworks. The ladies lost out to the men. 

In the boardroom, there was much to discuss, but Snooki opted to not throw anyone under the bus, a move that rubbed The Real Housewives of Atlanta star, Porsha Stewart, the wrong way. 

Snooki was called out for it and it seemed pretty clear the pair would be after one another for the rest of the season. After that, Youtube star, Carrie Keagan, was sent packing and emerged as the first person out of the game. 

Normally, there would be some sort of break for the contestants, but it was on to the second one. 

The mission was for both teams to shoot commercials for Trident, but the women royally screwed up when it emerged that they had actually filmed half of their commercial sideways. 

Clearly, the reality TV stars are only good in front of the camera and not behind it. This move cost them the win and Team Arete secured their second win of the night, meaning it was time for another woman to leave the competition. 

After another boardroom blowout, Carnie Wilson was given the pink slip, leaving the women shocked and wondering how they could possibly bounce back from two losses. 

The New Celebrity Apprentice was definitely an enjoyable affair. The little changes have refreshed the show in a necessary way and it should be intriguing to find out if Snooki ever decides to throw anyone under the bus. 

What did you think of all the drama?

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