Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Bishop Michael Curry Leads Prayer Vigil Outside the White House

The Holy Spirit came a knocking for President Trump Thursday night … in the form of royal wedding preacher Bishop Michael Curry. The standout star of Prince Harry and Meghan’s big day, was part of a candlelight vigil in the Capitol that included…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jill Duggar Posts Transphobic "Prayer," Gets Bashed By Fans

It often seems that not a day goes by without some sort of Jill Duggar parenting controversy.

More often than not, mountains are made from molehills, and Jill is criticized or praised for behavior that’s not all that different from what most moms do on a daily basis. 

See, for example, yesterday’s debate about Jill’s parenting that centered around her decision to let her son watch television.

However, today’s mini-scandal is actually legitimate and serves as a reminder that even the most modern Duggars are still holding onto some very outdated ideas.

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after he launched a transphobic tirade at fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity and was slammed by fans for standing by her man’s bigotry.

This week, she reminded those same fans that she very much shares Derick’s beliefs:

Jill posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I got this at a #MOPS meeting my amazing momma was speaking at a few months ago.

“Not sure where she got it from, but it’s super good.” 

Fans zeroed in on the last item on the list, which reads, “that our boy would be glad to be boys and our girls glad to be girls.”

As In Touch Weekly points out, many interpreted the prayer as a shot at the transgender community.

“The last one was totally a dig at transgender people. Not good,” wrote one commenter.

“Wow… the last prayer blatantly asking to not have a transgendered child. What the f–k,” remarked another.

Others defended Jill by insisting that she’s not necessarily transphobic … she just hopes she doesn’t have a trans kid.

“What is so wrong with being happy with the gender you’re born with? Isn’t that ultimately the goal?” questioned one supporter.

“It never said ‘pray you don’t have transgender children’ It said pray that your children are happy to be who they are.

The commenter continued:

“Being transgender is often a tough thing for many people and causes them damage because they struggle with identity for a while.”

We understand the argument, but we also think it’s abundantly clear that Jill and Derick would not be okay with raising a transgender child.

This might not be the most blatant instance of Duggar bigotry, but it’s a troubling reminder that some of the family’s most backward beliefs live on in the next generation.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Christian McCaffrey: Hiking Accident 911 Call, "Everybody Say a Prayer"

TMZ Sports has obtained the harrowing 911 call Christian McCaffrey made to help save a stranger’s life … and it details how serious the accident was. Christian, a friend, and his brother, Max — a 49ers WR — were hiking at Castle…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Tomi Lahren Doubles Down on Prayer Solving Mass Shootings

Tomi Lahren doubled down on her stance the Florida school shooting wasn’t about guns … it’s about a lunatic who wouldn’t have slaughtered 17 people if he had more religion in his life. We got the FOX News contributor at LAX Sunday and asked…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Carson Wentz Filling In For V.P. Mike Pence at National Prayer Event

Now Carson Wentz will know what it’s like to come off the bench …  The Eagles QB got the call to fill in for Vice President Mike Pence at the National Prayer Breakfast dinner on Thursday … since Pence will be in South Korea for the…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Adrian Peterson Credits Jesus with Trade to Cardinals, "He Answered My Prayer"

Adrian Peterson is giving all glory to God when it comes to his trade to Arizona — saying Jesus came through for him when he was stuck on the Saints bench. AP recounted his Hail Mary for a starting RB gig after Cardinals practice today — “Hey,…


Adrian Peterson Credits Jesus with Trade to Cardinals, "He Answered My Prayer"

Adrian Peterson is giving all glory to God when it comes to his trade to Arizona — saying Jesus came through for him when he was stuck on the Saints bench. AP recounted his Hail Mary for a starting RB gig after Cardinals practice today — “Hey,…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Audrey Roloff Pisses Off Millennials with New Prayer for Daughter

Audrey Roloff has remained relatively scandal-free for nearly a year now.

Over the past few months, the Little People, Big World star has basically just uploaded photos of her growing belly bump on Instagram, while gushing over God and her husband, Jeremy Roloff.

This has been a welcome departure for someone who once found herself in very hot water for posing naked in a hot tub… likening the state of marriage to war… and saying you should do THIS while having sex with your partner.

With her first child due on August 31, however, Roloff shared a daily prayer on social media this past Sunday.

Upon first glance, it reads as innocent and lovely.

Allow us to share the prayer in its entirety below:

Father God, thank you for the blessing of being able to carry and care for this child of yours. I recognize that you are the author of life and your timing is so perfect.

Thank you for bringing this sweet baby girl into our lives in your perfect timing and according to your perfect will. Thank you for knitting her together so beautifully and uniquely in my womb (Psalm 139:13). Jesus, I ask that you would bring her into this world healthy and strong, and with red curly hair;)

Lord thank you for giving me a husband, and her a father, who will lead her, teach her, and love her with everything he’s got. Thank you for equipping and refining Jeremy in preparation for raising our daughter together.

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, where she would shine as a light in this world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ she may be proud that she did not run in vain or labor in vain (Philippians 2:15-16).

Lord protect her with your full armor the moment she comes into this world, and give her your spirit from the moment she is born. I pray that she would come to know how deep and wide, unconditional and unending, your love is for her (Ephesians 3:18).

Lord may she be a fiercely burning light, driving out darkness wherever she is (John 1:5). May she be like an arrow (Psalm 127:4) shot out into this world with purpose to accomplish the work you have for her to do.

Lord may she be a compassionate, creative, and courageous daughter, full of joy and overflowing with peace.

Give her a strong sense of discernment and good judgment so that she will not be easily deceived. Bless her with iron friendships – friendships that will refine her and sharpen her. I ask for your favor over her life Lord.

May she be a Godly woman who leads others to the foot of the cross and loves them the whole way there..

So… where’s the controversy?

That seems like a fair question.

It stems from the following section: 

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation

Those born in this era, those often referred to as “Millennials” are perturbed that Audrey would cast such a wide, negative net over their generation.

Wrote one Internet user:

“I don’t really consider this generation, MY generation, to be crooked or twisted, especially since we are all ‘children of God,’ but it’s a nice prayer nonetheless.”

Another added: “Crooked and twisted generation? Ouch.”

Do you think this is far criticism of Audrey’s prayer?

Or are people being too sensitive and/or nit-picking one tiny section of an otherwise beautiful message?

Jeremy, meanwhile, was slammed by his own set of Instagram followers last week after he shared a photo with his wife that encouraged men to keep pursuing women even after they reject you.

“The woman of your dreams is often on the side of a long, sometimes hard and difficult pursuit,” he wrote, adding:

“Denial is a part of life, but a woman worth marrying is worth patiently purposefully pursuing – and she’s likely waiting for that man to show up.”

Again, seems pretty darn innocent, doesn’t it?

However, wrote one follower in response to Jeremy’s words of so-called wisdom:

“So when she says she’s not interested, men should just disregard that and continue to pursue her? It’s a fine line between persistent and creepy.”

That’s true.

But did Jeremy really cross the line with his above message?


Friday, June 16, 2017

Congressional Baseball Game Opens with Hero Cop and Group Prayer for Steve Scalise

Capitol Police officer David Bailey — one of the heroes who took out shooter James T. Hodgkinson – opened the Congressional Baseball game with an emotional ceremony. Officer Bailey came out on crutches at Nationals Park, yet still managed to…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Donald Trump Trashes Arnold Schwarzenegger ... "Say a Prayer" for "Apprentice" Ratings (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just cut off his nose to spite his face by calling out Arnold Schwarzenegger and the show which supposedly lines the president’s pockets with money. Trump was at the National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. Thursday when he took aim at the…


Monday, November 28, 2016

Montell Jordan -- Kanye, Call Me for Prayer ... I"ll Show You How We Do It (VIDEO)

Montell Jordan says Kanye West needs a real God in his life … and he’s willing to take him under his wing to show him how to properly reach the man upstairs. We got the singer-turned-pastor at LAX, where he extended his best wishes for ‘Ye amid a…


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tim Tebow Leads Prayer For Heart Attack Victim Mid-Flight

Say what you want about his devotion to Christianity, but on Tim Tebow helped one family through a painful ordeal.

While on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Phoenix on June 26th, a male passenger started to experience symptoms of a heart attack, and went unconscious.  

As flight attendants and good Samaritans tried to revive the victim, Tebow sat with the family and led them in prayer.

One passenger, Richard V Gotti, observed Tebow’s actions and posted to Facebook.

“I watched strangers from all over the world and every ethnicity come to the help of this man for over an hour!” he wrote.

“Whether it was chest compressions, starting an IV, helping breathe life into this man, or praying everyone helped!

“I listened to shock after shock from the AED machine and still no pulse. No one gave up. I observed people praying and lifting this man up to the Lord in a way that I’ve never seen before. The crew of Delta Airlines were amazing. They acted in a fast and professional manner!”

“Then all of a sudden, I observed a guy walking down the aisle. 

“That guy was Tim Tebow. He met with the family as they cried on his shoulder!

“I watched Tim pray with the entire section of the plane for this man. He made a stand for God in a difficult situation. The plane landed in Phoenix and that was the first time they got a pulse back! Please share this with your friends!”

When the plane landed, Tebow accompanied the victim and his family off the plane, got their luggage and went with them to the hospital, according to People.

Unfortunately the victim, who was in his mid-60s and traveling with his wife and her friend, passed away at the hospital.  Tebow remained with the two women after learning the news.

Tim Tebow Leads Prayer For Heart Attack Victim Mid-Flight

Say what you want about his devotion to Christianity, but on Tim Tebow helped one family through a painful ordeal.

While on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Phoenix on June 26th, a male passenger started to experience symptoms of a heart attack, and went unconscious.  

As flight attendants and good Samaritans tried to revive the victim, Tebow sat with the family and led them in prayer.

One passenger, Richard V Gotti, observed Tebow’s actions and posted to Facebook.

“I watched strangers from all over the world and every ethnicity come to the help of this man for over an hour!” he wrote.

“Whether it was chest compressions, starting an IV, helping breathe life into this man, or praying everyone helped!

“I listened to shock after shock from the AED machine and still no pulse. No one gave up. I observed people praying and lifting this man up to the Lord in a way that I’ve never seen before. The crew of Delta Airlines were amazing. They acted in a fast and professional manner!”

“Then all of a sudden, I observed a guy walking down the aisle. 

“That guy was Tim Tebow. He met with the family as they cried on his shoulder!

“I watched Tim pray with the entire section of the plane for this man. He made a stand for God in a difficult situation. The plane landed in Phoenix and that was the first time they got a pulse back! Please share this with your friends!”

When the plane landed, Tebow accompanied the victim and his family off the plane, got their luggage and went with them to the hospital, according to People.

Unfortunately the victim, who was in his mid-60s and traveling with his wife and her friend, passed away at the hospital.  Tebow remained with the two women after learning the news.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Bon Jovi Answers Livin Prayer of Cancer Patient

After all this time, Bon Jovi continues to give the world reasons to like him. 

His latest act of philanthropy came in the form of meeting a mother of four, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. 

Carol Cesario has always been an avid fan of the singer, so her daughter took matters into her own hands to secure a meeting for her mother. 

Rose Skripkunas took to Facebook to start a campaign for the star to meet her mother. 

After the post went viral, Bon Jovi took notice of it and invited the family to his restaurant. 

For those who don"t know, the star has a restaurant in New Jersey called JBJ Soul Kitchen. 

Cesario knew she was going to the restaurant, but she never imagined she would get to meet her idol. 

He spent over one hour with the family and even let them hear music from his new album. 

If that wasn"t enough, he gave her some pretty cool gifts. 

Who wouldn"t want a signed Bon Jovi guitar?!

He also gave her a book that we"re sure she will be delighted to read. 

We have a video of the meeting that we"re sure will make you tear up as you watch. 

You need to see the look of delight on Carol"s face as she got to meet her idol. 

She was genuinely surprised and we"re so glad that her dream came true. 

Cesario"s daughter took to Facebook to thank the star for the meeting afterwards. 

What did you think of the video?

Hit the comments!

Bon jovi surprises fan after viral facebook campaign

Monday, February 8, 2016

Kris Jenner Used Prayer, God to Accept Caitlyn Jenner

Despite what a certain tabloid wants you to believe, Kris Jenner probably did not sleep with O.J. Simpson.

But the 60-year old reality star is featured in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar, telling the magazine that she did have a difficult time accepting her ex-husband’s transition from man to woman.

Even now, it sounds as if Kris is still struggling to fully understand why Bruce Jenner decided to become Caitlyn Jenner.

“I just have to let it go. And try to be tolerant,” Jenner told Harper’s Bazaar, explaining what she has done to cope:

“[With] prayer. God. You know, just trying to understand. It takes time. But time is a wonderful healer. And we have two children together. It’s important for my kids to see our family strong and united.”

In a recent interview, Caitlyn says she was actually taking estrogen pills when she met Kris.

She says she had 36B boobs at the time she got together with Kris and the two came up with certain rules and guidelines (e.g. no dressing up in woman’s clothes) that made their relationship work.

But Kris has always disputed the notion that she knew her husband of 23 years had this disposition.

“I never really thought about it before,” she tells Harper’s of the transgender world, prior to Caitlyn’s announcement last spring.

“And I’d never known anyone who was transgender. I didn’t even know what the word meant. Because there’s transgender and transsexual … I just didn’t know much about it. So…I definitely got a big education.”

This edition of Harper’s Bazaar, which hits newsstands on February 16, also featured Kris saying some very nice things about Kanye West.

“I couldn’t be prouder. One thing people don’t realize about him is, not only is he so beyond talented, but he’s also a genius,” Jenner says.

“And when he’s here, he’s so present. He’s the best daddy, and the best husband. Kim is so lucky to have him.”

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Sends Power of Prayer to "Beautiful" Lamar Odom

Kourtney Kardashian is the latest member of her family to speak out in light of Lamar Odom’s tragic medical situation.

The reality star took to Instagram this afternoon and shared a precious photo of her former brother-in-law snuggling up to her young son, Mason.

“Believing in the power of prayer for this beautiful soul,” wrote Kourtney as a caption to the image.

Odom, of course, is in very bad condition at the moment.

He has been in a coma since passing out inside a brothel in Nevada on Tuesday afternoon, as an MRI revealed Odom suffered multiple strokes and tests have confirmed the star used cocaine over the weekend.

The owner of the brothel has also said Odom took an herbal sexual stimulant known as Reload on a number of occasions.

Sources close to the situation say Odom’s condition has not improved, with one insider putting Lamar’s odds of survival at just 50%.

Khloe Kardashian, Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian all flew via private plane to be by Odom’s side as soon as they heard the news, with Kourtney and Kylie Jenner joining them on Wednesday afternoon.

Over the past 24 hours, multiple family members have shared tributes to Odom on social media. They include:

Here’s a look at what other stars have said about Odom, as we join everyone in sending him our very best wishes: