Showing posts with label Pisses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisses. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

T.I."s Melania Trump Look-alike Stripper Video Pisses Off Her Office

8:20 AM PT — Stephanie Grisham has elaborated on her initial tweet by releasing a statement, saying, “Like it or not, she is the First Lady and this is the White House. It’s disrespectful and disgusting to portray her this way simply because of…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Gets Back With Younes Bendjima, Pisses Off Entire Family

The Kardashian women have never been known for having the greatest taste in men, but it seems Kourtney is now actively trying to outdo her sisters in the bad romance department.

It won’t be easy, but she’s already got a lot of points accumulated from her decade with Scott Disick, and now she’s out to prove that her capacity for bad decisions truly knows no bounds:

As you’ve likely heard, Kourtney broke up with Younes Bendjima last month, a decision that was applauded by just about everyone in her inner circle.

Unfortunately, Kourtney is allergic to smart choices, so now, just a few weeks after she kicked him to the curb, Kourtney is reportedly back with Younes — and her family is less than thrilled about it.

“They are definitely hooking up again,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She just really can’t be alone,” the source adds.

The reconciliation comes on the heels of reports that Younes cheated on Kourtney with Jordan Ozuna, a model who had ties to the Kard clan.

“Younes told her that nothing happened with Jordan and that they are just friends, and she believed him,” says the insider.

Apparently, the most vocal critic of Kourtney’s latest decision has been her sister Khloe, which is more than a smidge ironic, as Khloe took Tristan Thompson back after he was caught repeatedly cheating on her while she was carrying his baby.

“Kourtney told Khloe that she has no room to say anything, because she was humiliated by Tristan and took him back anyways,” the source explains. 

“And she told Kim to just mind her own business.”

And then there’s Kris Jenner, who could care less what sort of awful decisions her daughters make, so long as they result in compelling television.

“Kris just wants ratings for the new season, which they are filming right now,” the source says.

“She told Kourtney to stay unpredictable so she remains relevant.”

That may sound harsh, but in a way, it’s Kris’ way of expressing her love for her daughters.

She’s probably aware that there’s a very good chance that they’ll all wind up single, as they habitually pick horrendous dudes.

But they don’t have to wind up single and broke.

Now that’s looking out for your kids.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Kendall Jenner Makes Dumb Comment, Pisses Off Entire Modeling World

Remember the great Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad debacle of 2017?

Well, this isn’t quite as bad as that, but it’s still evidence that you can spend your entire life in the spotlight and still grow up to be totally ignorant of how to interact with the general public.

As you’re probably aware, Kendall is a model — and quite a successful one, at that.

But from the start, there have been rumors that she’s had trouble earning the respect of her fellow models.

Reports of Kendall being snubbed by her colleagues were rampant after her first Victoria’s Secret show, but it seems she’s managed to win some of the skeptics over in the years since.

Now, however, she may have squandered all that hard-earned goodwill with a single awkward interview.

“Since the beginning we’ve been super selective about what shows I would do,” Kendall recently told Love magazine.

“I was never one of those girls who would do like 30 shows a season or whatever the f-ck those girls do. More power to ‘em. But I had a million jobs, not only catwalks but everything else,” she added.

“The whole combination was very overwhelming and I started to freak out a little bit and needed to take a step back.”

Turns out boasting about how in-demand you are doesn’t exactly endear you to people struggling to make a living in your field, especially when you were born with advantages they can only dream of.

The backlash against Kendall was immediate — and intense.

“This makes me so angry,” Victoria’s Secret model Jac Jagaciak tweeted in response to the interview.

“So disrespectful to literally 99% of people in the industry — yes, they had to work their way up. Please get in touch with the real world!”

Model Vita Sidorkina also chimed in, tweeting:

“Maybe ‘those girls’ need to pay their bills that’s why they are doing 30 shows? No words…”

Kendall quickly got in front of the situation and apologized in a lengthy statement posted on several social media platforms:

“I was misrepresented in a recent interview over the weekend and it’s important to clarify the meaning. It was intended to be entirely complimentary but unfortunately, my words were twisted and taken out of context,” she wrote.

“I want to be clear. The respect I have for my peers is immeasurable!”

Kendall added:

“I get to experience first hand their tireless commitment, their work ethic, the endless days, the lack of sleep, separation from family and friends, stress of traveling, the toll on physical and mental health, yet they still make it all look effortless and beautiful.

“I’m so inspired by so many of these people I have had the good fortune to work alongside! There’s no way I could EVER hate on that. I want everyone to win. SLAY ALWAYS.” 

Hmm … we’re willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because much of the meaning of Kendall’s original statement would depend on the tone in which it was expressed.

Of course, we’re not the ones Kendall is apologizing to.

Her fellow models are obviously pissed — and her apology, no matter how well-intentioned, may be too little, too late.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

George Lopez Pees On Trump"s Walk of Fame Star, Royally Pisses Off MAGA Crowd

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, his star on the Walk of Fame has been a common target for some very amusing vandalism.

Now, “amusing” is not a word one would normally use to describe George Lopez, a man who typically favors the Adam Sandler “I’m rich, therefore I don’t have to be funny” approach to comedy, but we’re willing to make an exception in this case.

Lopez recently pretended to take a leak on the Donald’s star, and TMZ obtained video of the righteous micturition.

Not exactly comic gold on its own, but the response to Lopez’s innocuous gag has been flat-out hilarious.

According to TMZ, dozens of grown-ass adults have called and texted the LAPD demanding that Lopez be arrested for the prank.

The department says more than 50 individuals have contacted them to report Lopez’s “crime,” thus far, and the complaints just keep pouring in.

Hilariously, many of the offended parties seem not to realize that Lopez didn’t actually pee on the star, a fact that’s abundantly clear to anyone who’s watched the video of the incident.

One caller described Lopez’s actions as “sick, deplorable, offensive and disrespectful.”

Another fell for the prank harder than Sarah Palin being duped by Sacha Baron Cohen:

“If this was any normal person they would be arrested for indecent exposure,” claims the outraged citizen, who apparently believes that penises and water bottles are interchangeable as far as the law is concerned.

“[Does] the Hollywood elite think they’re above the law and you guys took an oath to obtain the Law.”

It’s moments like this where you almost have to marvel at Trump’s mind control powers.

Dude’s a born-rich, Ivy League-educated billionaire who’s managed to convince tens of millions of Americans that he’s on their side in the war against “the elites” — a group that apparently includes George Lopez.

To be fair, we imagine this is quite the triggering event for some folks in the MAGA crowd.

A wealthy Mexican-American literally peeing on Donald Trump’s name is a waking nightmare for most of these people.

Which is exactly why we encourage every brown-skinned person in the Greater Los Angeles area to head to Hollywood Boulevard and empty their bladders in the name of freedom.

Don’t worry if you’re not actually Mexican or rich.

The people who are most likely to be pissed off by your patriotic piddle will assume you just backstroked across the Rio Grande and fell into some cushy seven-figure gig that was meant for them.

You’ll have ‘em scrambling for their safe spaces in no time!


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Javi Marroquin Takes Son on Vacation With New Girflriend, Pisses Off Kailyn Lowry

Earlier this week, we learned the surprising news that Javi Marroquin is back together with Lauren Comeau.

Little is known about Comeau, as she and Marroquin dated very briefly last summer, and the relationship fizzled out no notice or explanation.

But it seems Javi and Lauren have picked up right where they left off, and Kailyn Lowry might be less than pleased with how quickly the couple is moving.

According to Radar Online, Javi and Lauren recently went on vacation to Kentucky.

Kailyn likely would have been just fine with this development (though she might have questioned the random-ass choice of vacation destination), were it not for the fact that Javi decided to take his son Lincoln on the trip.

“Javi took Lincoln to Kentucky with Lauren,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“Kailyn was really mad and yelled at him about it.”

Lowry was apparently so mad that she banned Javi from an upcoming family trip to Jamaice.

“Kail made it clear to Javi that he was not allowed to come on the upcoming trip to Jamaica. She was really mad at him,” the source says.

The official reason that Kail is so angry at Javi is that both parties agreed to only introduce their son to longterm partners whom they expect to be with for an extended period of time.

Yes, Javi and Lauren dated last summer, but they’ve been broken up for the majority of the intervening months.

Of course, there could be a second reason for Kail’s outrage.

It was recently reported that prior to getting back together with Lauren, Javi was working to win back Kailyn.

Sources close to the situation say Javi even texted Kail about his desire to to rekindle their romance … during his vacation with Lauren.

“From my understanding, Javi and Kail were planning to get back together when Kail found out Lauren was with him when he was away,” one insider tells Radar.

“He was even texting Kail about his love for her all while he was away with Lauren.”

If that really is the case, Kail has good reason to be pissed.

Tabloid reports always need to be taken with a grain of salt, but Lowry’s recent tweets have fans thinking this latest story is largely accurate.

“Sometimes i see articles and I’m like where tf did they come up with this info? And then sometimes i see articles and I’m like there’s really a snitch in my circle,” Kail tweeted earlier this week.

“Fuck the snitch in my circle,” she later added.

As for her co-parenting partnership with Javi, the former couple is apparently once again barely on speaking terms.

“She just told him he couldn’t come on the trip and that was it,” the insider tells Radar.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kail and Javi’s tumultuous relationship.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Donald Trump Jr."s Obama Cookie Pisses Off Restaurant Owner

Donald Trump Jr. crossed the line of decency by posing with a giant cookie frosted with a Barack Obama caricature … this according to a pissed off Dallas restaurant owner. Stephan Courseau owns Le Bilboquet, the French eatery…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kevin James Sitcom Randomly Kills Off Wife, Pisses Off Fans

There are things you expect from a sitcom starring Kevin James – a shlubby dude with an out-of-his-league wife, a laugh track punctuating some pretty cringey one-liners, etc.

And then there are things you don’t expect, like, say, swift and brutal deaths being laughed off with a callous brutality more common to Game of Thrones than CBS sitcoms.

Yes, if you watched last night’s episode of Kevin Can Wait, you may have been among the many viewers who were stunned by the fashion in which the show killed off the main character’s wife, Donna, played by Erinn Hayes, in order to replace her with Leah Remini.

The swapping of actresses was not unexpected.

Remini co-starred in James’ first sitcom, King of Queens, and her cameo on the first season of KCW was so well-received that producers quickly made the decision to replace Hayes with Remini.

When Hayes announced back in June that she would not be returning to the show, it was clear the deal was done.

The only question was: how would the show’s writers pull off the switcheroo?

Would they just drop Remini into the middle of the show and hope that no one noticed, a la Sarah Chalke on Roseanne?

Not really an option, as Remini had already appeared on the series and been established as a character separate from James’ wife.

Would they go the dramatic route with a Very Special Episode exploring James’ efforts to cope with his wife’s untimely passing?

Well, only if your idea of drama involves jokes about free kung-fu lessons.

Yes, news of Donna’s death was conveyed to the audience with a bizarre scene in which James’ character receives a flyer mail from her gym.

His daughter remarks that they should stop sending him mail, as Donna “died over a year ago.”

James encourages her not to toss the flyer because it has “a coupon for a free kung-fu lesson” at the bottom.

Cue laugh track. 

Maybe the show will go into greater detail at some point, but for now, that’s all the information fans are getting.

Needless to say, many viewers were upset to see Donna disappeared like a suppressive person.

(Hey, we know Leah Remini can appreciate a good Scientology joke!)

On Twitter, the show was slammed as “savage” and “disrespectful” for offing a beloved character in such a dismissive fashion.

But maybe fans should be a bit more understanding.

After all, do you really want a scene in which Paul Blart, Mall Cop attempts to muster the acting chops to grieve the death of his TV wife?

Actually, come to think of it, we totally want that.

Make it happen, Kevin Can Wait!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Morgan Freeman Pisses Off All of Russia with Anti-Putin Video ... Says Russian News

Morgan Freeman’s pissed off all of Russia and is now public enemy #1 at the Kremlin … if you’re buying what Russia’s state news is selling, anyway. Freeman is getting blasted by the media over there for starring in a Rob Reiner-produced video that…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chris Brown Can"t Resist Rihanna ... Comments On Pic, Pisses Off Fans

Chris Brown came for Rihanna again … now her fans are going after him. RiRi’s ridiculously hot photo Monday from the Crop Over Festival in Barbados was too much for even the guy convicted of beating her to resist. Brown left the googly eyes emoji…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Audrey Roloff Pisses Off Millennials with New Prayer for Daughter

Audrey Roloff has remained relatively scandal-free for nearly a year now.

Over the past few months, the Little People, Big World star has basically just uploaded photos of her growing belly bump on Instagram, while gushing over God and her husband, Jeremy Roloff.

This has been a welcome departure for someone who once found herself in very hot water for posing naked in a hot tub… likening the state of marriage to war… and saying you should do THIS while having sex with your partner.

With her first child due on August 31, however, Roloff shared a daily prayer on social media this past Sunday.

Upon first glance, it reads as innocent and lovely.

Allow us to share the prayer in its entirety below:

Father God, thank you for the blessing of being able to carry and care for this child of yours. I recognize that you are the author of life and your timing is so perfect.

Thank you for bringing this sweet baby girl into our lives in your perfect timing and according to your perfect will. Thank you for knitting her together so beautifully and uniquely in my womb (Psalm 139:13). Jesus, I ask that you would bring her into this world healthy and strong, and with red curly hair;)

Lord thank you for giving me a husband, and her a father, who will lead her, teach her, and love her with everything he’s got. Thank you for equipping and refining Jeremy in preparation for raising our daughter together.

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, where she would shine as a light in this world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ she may be proud that she did not run in vain or labor in vain (Philippians 2:15-16).

Lord protect her with your full armor the moment she comes into this world, and give her your spirit from the moment she is born. I pray that she would come to know how deep and wide, unconditional and unending, your love is for her (Ephesians 3:18).

Lord may she be a fiercely burning light, driving out darkness wherever she is (John 1:5). May she be like an arrow (Psalm 127:4) shot out into this world with purpose to accomplish the work you have for her to do.

Lord may she be a compassionate, creative, and courageous daughter, full of joy and overflowing with peace.

Give her a strong sense of discernment and good judgment so that she will not be easily deceived. Bless her with iron friendships – friendships that will refine her and sharpen her. I ask for your favor over her life Lord.

May she be a Godly woman who leads others to the foot of the cross and loves them the whole way there..

So… where’s the controversy?

That seems like a fair question.

It stems from the following section: 

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation

Those born in this era, those often referred to as “Millennials” are perturbed that Audrey would cast such a wide, negative net over their generation.

Wrote one Internet user:

“I don’t really consider this generation, MY generation, to be crooked or twisted, especially since we are all ‘children of God,’ but it’s a nice prayer nonetheless.”

Another added: “Crooked and twisted generation? Ouch.”

Do you think this is far criticism of Audrey’s prayer?

Or are people being too sensitive and/or nit-picking one tiny section of an otherwise beautiful message?

Jeremy, meanwhile, was slammed by his own set of Instagram followers last week after he shared a photo with his wife that encouraged men to keep pursuing women even after they reject you.

“The woman of your dreams is often on the side of a long, sometimes hard and difficult pursuit,” he wrote, adding:

“Denial is a part of life, but a woman worth marrying is worth patiently purposefully pursuing – and she’s likely waiting for that man to show up.”

Again, seems pretty darn innocent, doesn’t it?

However, wrote one follower in response to Jeremy’s words of so-called wisdom:

“So when she says she’s not interested, men should just disregard that and continue to pursue her? It’s a fine line between persistent and creepy.”

That’s true.

But did Jeremy really cross the line with his above message?


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kathy Griffin "Beheads" Donald Trump, Pisses Off Internet

Warning: There are three people involved in this story, and perpetually-parched celebrity photographer Tyler Shields might be the least obnoxious one.

You may remember Shields from the time when he took lots photos of Lindsay Lohan seductively nibbling her fingers, back when that was a thing some people wanted to see.

Chronicling the life of LiLo never helped Shields develop into a slightly less creepy Terry Richardson like it was supposed to, so these days he"s changing strategies.

Interestingly, he remains fixated on Cheeto-colored throwback celebs who wore out their welcomes well over a decade ago.

And now, Shields has figured out a way to squeeze two carrot-hued relics into one desperate publicity stunt.

Yes, if you"ve spent much time on social media today, then you probably caught wind of the controversy involving Kathy Griffin and a bloody, beheaded Trump dummy.

If you haven"t been on Twitter in the past couple hours, we recommend you keep your distance, as the takes are more red hot than Jared Kushner"s face when someone uses the phrase "back channel" in his presence.

They"re hotter than the incubation room where Steve Bannon stores the leathery eggs of his future progeny.

They might even be hotter than the young, Lahren-esque communications director who will emerge out of nowhere once Kellyanne and Spicy go missing sometime next week.

People are pissed, is what we"re saying.

And of course, no one is more pissed than noted famous name-haver and grown up kid from The Omen, Donald Trump, Jr.

"Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today. They consider this acceptable," an irate DJTJ told the press today.

Griffin is sticking to her guns, claiming that she does not condone violence, and is merely sticking it to the "Mocker-in-Chief" in the crass fashion he seems to prefer.

"There was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his … wherever," Griffin said, referencing last year"s infamous Trump-Megyn Kelly feud.

Check out some footage from the photo shoot to decide for yourself if Griffin was out of line, or just giving Donnie a taste of his own medicine:

Kathy griffin beheads donald trump pisses off internet

Scott Disick: Revenge Sex Campaign Pisses Off Kardashians

As you may have heard, Scott Disick is really living the high life these days.

Unfortunately, in order to keep the party going, he’s transformed into the ultimate low life.

Disick is doing what he’s always done during his hiatuses from Kourtney Kardashian – traveling the world, drinking way too much, and hooking up with women nearly young enough to be his daughters.

This time, however, there’s a malevolent motive to his partying.

Insiders say Scott is extremely pissed off that Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima.

So much so that all of his recent shenanigans are reportedly less about Scott’s desire to bang 19-year-olds, and more about to his determination to publicly humiliate Kourtney.

Kourtney has dated other men during her breakups with Scott before, but apparently this time it’s getting serious, and Scott is worried about losing his place in the Kard clan.

In fact, there’s already been talk of Younes replacing Scott on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

For some reason, Scott thinks the answer to this is to publicly hook up with Bella Thorne, Sofia Richie, and Chloe Bartoli, all while getting sh-tfaced in Cannes.

He seems to think Kourtney will be driven mad with jealousy and feel that she has no choice but to take him back.

Unfortunately for Scott, sources close to the mother of three say the plan is backfiring spectacularly.

TMZ is reporting today that Disick has completely alienated the entire Kardashian clan.

Even his biggest ally, Khloe Kardashian, has reportedly turned her back as a result of Scott’s recent behavior.

Sources say the family is especially pissed about the fact that Scott is making a point of being photographed with all his new flings, thus ensuring that the evidence will on on the Internet.

The family understandably doesn’t want Scott’s kids to learn they have a douche for a daddy, and they feel that Scott is making it impossible to hide that sad truth.

Interestingly, Scott is reportedly maintaining a relationship with exactly one member of the extended Kard clan.

Disick and Kris Jenner’s house-flipping show is apparently still a go, and it recently wrapped filming on season one.

We’re sure Kourtney is thrilled about her mom’s latest venture.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Azealia Banks Pisses Off Judge in Boob Biting Case

Azealia Banks is a wanted woman after failing to show up in court for her now infamous boob biting case … TMZ has learned. Azealia was supposed to be in an NYC courtroom Monday, but never showed up, and we’ve learned a bench warrant was issued…


Monday, January 2, 2017

Jon Gosselin Parties With Kids, Pisses Off Kate on New Year"s Eve

Jon Gosselin won’t be winning any father of the year awards in the near future, but for all his many, many faults, the does get credit for making a concerted effort to be a part of his kids’ lives, despite constant interference from his notorious ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

Jon turns 40 this year and he’s trying to start a career as a DJ, but he’s still a better parent than Kate, which should tell you everything you need to know.

Kate would have us believe that Jon basically ran out on the family, but his social media page tells a different story:

That’s Jon with four of his eight kids on New Year’s Eve, and there are a few noteworthy things that we’d like to call your attention to here:

1. New Year’s is the biggest night of the year for young, in-demand DJs like ya boy Jonny G. Couldn’t have been easy for him to pass up all those star studded parties to spend the night at home with his kids. 

2. Despite the fact that Kate has consistently depicted him as some unholy hybrid of Alec Baldwin and Joan Crawford, Jon doesn’t appear to be abusing or in any way mistreating the kids here.

3. It looks like he only rang in 2017 with half of his kids, but we’ll give him a pass, but we’re guessing that was the best he could do.

Like some kind of sh-tty King Solomon, Kate would probably rather split the family in half rather than let Jon have all 8 kids on the same day.

Of course, it’s possible that the situation is not entirely Kate’s fault.

It’s been rumored that Jon is only on speaking terms with half his kids, and this pic might be evidence of that.

Making matters worse, in recent weeks, Jon and Kate’s con Collin has been in a treatment center for children with “special needs.”

It’s a move that’s generated no small amount of controversy, and it certainly hasn’t earned Kate any new fans.

The woman just keeps making Jon look like a caring, competent parent, which is really no easy feat.

You’ve made us defend Jon freakin’ Gosselin, Kate.

And for that, we’ll never forgive you.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Pisses Social Media Off With Tweet About Unpaid Interns

Throughout her father’s campaign for the presidency, Ivanka Trump has played important roles as both organizer and mediator.

When Trump’s campaign appeared slapdash and disorderly, Ivanka reportedly spearheaded the effort to convince the real estate mogul to work with proven, experienced strategists.

When the GOP establishment wondered aloud how Trump would be able to convince women and working Americans that he understood their struggles, Ivanka stepped up to act as a go-between and interpreter of sorts, most visibly in her speech at the RNC last month:

Unfortunately, Ivanka’s days as the Trump campaign’s most valuable asset may have come to an end.

For starters, it appears that her father is no longer following her advice, hiring firebrands such as Steve Bannon and laughingstocks like Kellyanne Conway to help him close the widening poll gap between himself and Hillary Clinton.

Even worse, it appears that Ivanka has become almost as gaffe-prone as her dad.

Earlier today, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article she had posted on her website entitled “How to Survive as an Unpaid Intern.”

To accompany to the tweet, she posted this Emoji collage:

It’s one of those situations that are so problematic it’s hard to know where to begin.

But we’ll give it a go anyway:

For starters, unpaid internships have been widely criticized as a means by which the rich get richer and the poor stay oppressed.

Rich kids get ahead because they can afford to take these internships, while poor kids are forced to get paying jobs.

In addition, CEOs and business owners frequently exploit unpaid interns as sources of free labor.

But Ivanka thinks you should suck it up, stop complaining, and, in her words, find a way to “make it work.”

Especially if you’re a woman of color.

Yes, the Internet was none too pleased with the Emojis that Ivanka chose for her tweet, and they made their feelings crystal clear:

“PS: This meme of a Black Woman w/ Cash & a Light Bulb linked to a post about working 4 free is frankly BULLSHIT,” commented one Twitter user.

“What the hell do you know about being an unpaid intern? Or making it work? Why all your emojis black women??” wrote another.

Needless to say, Ivanka probably regrets this tweet, but she has yet to delete it.

We guess that’s not too surprising.

She wasn’t raised by a man who’s known for admitting his mistakes.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blake Lively Instagrams About Her Butt, Royally Pisses Off Internet

Back in 1992, Sir Mix-A-Lot released “Baby Got Back,” his famous ode to big asses that many credit with helping to launch the national butt obsession that continues to this day.

Needless, to say Kim Kardashian owes a lot to the rapper. Blake Lively, on the other hand, is learning the hard way today that Mix-A-Lot’s lyrics are dangerous in the wrong hands.

Last night, Blake posted the above photo of herself at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival with a caption reading, “LA face with an Oakland booty.”

It’s a line from “Baby Got Back,” and Blake clearly meant to call attention to her proudest assets because…having paparazzi scream her name while she walks the red carpet in a gown that costs more than most people’s cars doesn’t do enough for her ego?

We’re not really sure, but the caption did not go over well with some of Blakes’ Instagram followers. 

Many have complained that the remark is racially insensitive, as the implication of the lyric is that women from the primarily black and Latino city of Oakland are more blessed in the backside area, and Blake is essentially reducing them to a punchline here.

It’s not the first time that Blake has been accused of co-opting or other cultures or displaying a lack of compassion for the plight of black people in America.

Last year, Lively wrote about her love for the style antebellum South on her short-lived Preserve website.

In case you’re not familiar “antebellum” means pre-war, which in this case means pre-Civil War, which means Blake was waxing nostalgic about a time before slavery was abolished.

The piece was poorly received and may have contributed to the site being shut down.

Most of her press coverage lately has centered around rumors about Blake’s second pregnancy (which she has yet to confirm), and while the 28-year-old was reportedly not happy with the invasion of her privacy, she likely preferred the bump-watch to this current controversy. 

We’re not gonna wade into the debate over whether Blake’s caption was inappropriate or simply an innocent (if somewhat insensitive) joke, but we will say we had no idea she was packing such a sizable ‘donk.

And for that, we thank her.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kris Jenner Attempts to Cash in On Lamar Odom, Pisses Off Khloe Kardashian

The good news is, Lamar Odom is on the mend after the overdose that nearly claimed his life.

The bad news is, he’s still enmeshed with the Kardashian family, which means everything he does is viewed as a possible source of TV ratings.

We’ve already heard about Kris Jenner’s attempts to cash in on Odom’s overdose, but now she’s apparently taking things to the next level – and seriously pissing off Khloe Kardashian in the process.

According to Radar Online, Kris recently presented Lamar with a contract which would ensure that footage of his recovery could be used on upcoming episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“Khloe confronted Kris after she found out that her mother tried to get Lamar to sign the contract in order to be able to use the footage that has been shot for next season’s show,” says an insider.

“Kris knows that that having this be a huge part of Season 11 would be great for ratings because viewers will definitely tune in. Khloe thinks that Kris is being completely irrational about this.”

Yeah, we’re gonna have to go ahead and side with Khloe on this one. Unfortunately, it seems everyone’s favorite Kardashian doesn’t quite know what she’s up against:

“She told Kris that Lamar is not a part of the show any more and neither she, nor him, will make money off of this.” says the source.

“But in the end, Kris knows that she is going to win this fight because she calls the shots.”

Seriously, Khloe, think this one through. Standing between Kris and ratings is like taking a side of beef away from a lion.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Nicki Minaj Mocks Disabled Woman in Wheelchair, Pisses Off Fans

Nicki Minaj may not have had the year"s best celebrity Halloween costume (that title goes to LeBron James as Prince), but she"s attracting plenty of attention for her fairy godmother get-up.

Sadly, it"s for all the wrong reasons.

In a video clip that"s going viral today, a visibly intoxicated Nicki points her "magic wand" at a woman in a wheelchair and roars, "I command you to walk."

Needless to say, a lot of folks didn"t find the remark as funny as Nicki and her friends seemed to.

Nicki has been running damage control today by tweeting at Perez Hilton (one of the first to post the footage) that the woman sitting in the wheelchair was actually a makeup artist friend of hers.

"That"s NOT a disabled person and u know that. Are u that desperate for attention?" Nicki tweeted. "Bitch, u knew. That"s my friend in a scooter."

Some fans have countered that even if Nicki is telling the truth (a big "if," as based on the video, it doesn"t seem the woman was in on the joke), the clip is still offensive to people with physical disabilities.

Before she even "casts her spell," Nicki can be heard to remark, "Now, if only I could find Handi Man," a reference to the disabled superhero character played by Damon Wayans on the "90s sketch show In Living Color.

So regardless of whether the woman was someone that Nicki knew, Ms. Minaj was clearly having a laugh at the plight of people with disabilities, and she should probably be apologizing instead of justifying.

Also, Nicki, instead of being the 4 millionth celeb to indulge Perez Hilton"s trolling, maybe just take Taylor Swift"s advice from last night and let it go.

Nicki minaj mocks disabled woman in wheelchair pisses off fans