Showing posts with label Resist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resist. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chris Brown Can"t Resist Rihanna ... Comments On Pic, Pisses Off Fans

Chris Brown came for Rihanna again … now her fans are going after him. RiRi’s ridiculously hot photo Monday from the Crop Over Festival in Barbados was too much for even the guy convicted of beating her to resist. Brown left the googly eyes emoji…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Donald Trump"s Walk of Fame Star Vandalized During Resist March

President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was defaced with a slew of stickers during Sunday’s Resist March. Protesters covered Trump’s oft-vandalized star with #resist stickers that target misogyny, transphobia, corruption, homophobia,…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Demi Lovato Goes Blonde, Can"t Resist the Spotlight

Demi Lovato just can’t stay away.

Not all the way away, at least.

Just two weeks ago, Lovato announced that she was taking a break from public life, responding to the backlash she received after taking Taylor Swift to task.

“So excited for 2017,” Lovato Tweeted in early October. “Taking a break from music and the spotlight. I am not meant for this business and the media.”

But she is still meant for social media, it appears.

The artist shared a picture on Instagram this weekend of her dyed hair, giving followers a look at a handful of blonde tresses.

“Goldie Locks,” Demi wrote as a caption to the selfie.

Lovato was flooded with compliments from her 38 million-plus followers who saw the picture, with many referring to her as “beautiful” and others describing her new look as “stunning.”

It was the sort of confidence booster Demi could really use these days.

The artist came under fire for quotes she gave in a recent Glamour interview, saying of Taylor Swift and her famous Squad:

“I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.”

We’re typically Team Demi across the board, admiring the star for speaking her mind and appreciating how she’s a strong voice for young women around the country.

But this was an odd fight for Lovato to pick.

It’s not true, for one thing, because Lena Dunhma is in Swift’s Squad.

But it’s also just a random, unfair issue for Demi to take with Taylor; Swift should not be blamed for the bodies of her friends.

Moreover, it’s rare to find a “real” body type in general in Hollywood, which is a different cause and one that Lovato has successfully railed against in the past.

Faced with criticism for her comments, Lovato shot back on Twitter.

“I get asked questions. I answer them. Sue me,” she wrote, adding

“Also, don’t forget that words can be taken out of context when doing interviews… I don’t understand why people care so much about what I say in interviews? Do y’all watch the news? Don’t y’all got shit to worry about?”

That’s also a very silly point to make.

You can’t pick and choose when you want the public to respond to something you do or say.

Will she be telling people to watch the news and focus on more important global issues the next time she wants us to buy a new album of hers?

Or simply in this case, how would Lovato feel if no one commented on her blonde hair because they were discussing the election or the Syrian refugee crisis instead?

She’s probably be very sad.

In response to a comment about her extended hiatus, Lovato told a follower this month:

“It doesn’t feel worth it anymore. I’d rather do charity work.”

And that’s great. Lovato is one of the most charitable celebrities out there.

But she clearly does crave the spotlight and the attention in some form, or else she would not have shared a photo of her new hair color.

This is not a criticism. More like an observation.

Plus, we love her hair! You look great, Demi!
