Showing posts with label Spotlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spotlight. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Quit Stealing My Spotlight, Bish

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry back in May, the former actress has been the toast of London.

In fact, you could call her the Queen of the British Empire, were it not for the fact that that title is already held by an iconic nonagenarian who doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Of course, barring a series of violent tragedies that would make George R.R. Martin blush, Meghan will never actually be queen, as her husband is third in line for the throne.

Prince William, however, will likely wear the crown one day, which means Kate Middleton will join him as one of the world’s two most visible monarchs.

And if recent reports are to be believed, Kate is very much looking forward to the time when she can steal her spotlight back from Meg.

Yes, the news of Meghan’s pregnancy came just a few months after her wedding, and insiders say Kate feels as though she’s been shoved to the margins.

Of course, patience is Kate’s best-known virtue — she didn’t earn the nickname “Waity” for nothing — but when it comes to reclaiming her spot as the queen bee of Kensington Palace, Kate is not biding her time.

Royal watchers have noticed that the Duchess of Cambridge has been attending more events, posing for more pics, and rocking more daring fashions in recent weeks.

“A couple of years ago, you might have seen her being a little bit timid,” Royal expert Susan E. Kelley recently told Vanity Fair.

“Now, she seems like she’s in a more take-charge position,” Kelley added.

“I’m beginning to see the person who’s going to be queen emerging.”  

Of course, given the timing of Kate’s emboldened stance toward the media, it’s not hard to see why so many have jumped to the conclusion that she’s responding to the increased attention toward Meghan.

Insiders have noted that in many ways, Meg is the ideal royal spouse, having entered the role with years of media experience and a long history of philanthropic work.

British tabloids have described the relationship between Meghan and Kate as a rivalry, but that seems inaccurate.

Even if Kate is stepping her game up in response to the increase in attention toward Meghan, that doesn’t mean she feels threatened by the former Suits star.

It’s entirely possible she welcomes a little friendly competition.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Meghan Markle: Stealing the Spotlight From Pregnant Kate Middleton?

It’s an exciting time to be a royal watcher.

For one thing, it seems that with each passing day, we inch closer to the official announcement that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged.

In fact, the consensus amongst insiders seems to be that Harry and Meghan are already engaged, and are currently awaiting the go-ahead to make the official announcement.

Like we said, it’s all very exciting stuff, and in certain circles, the excitement over an American being welcomed into the royal family is downright palpable,

Oh, speaking of new additions, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, which is also a thing. We suppose.

We kid, of course.

There’s a tremendous amount of enthusiasm over Kate’s pregnancy, but Meghan and Harry seem to be receiving the bulk of the tabloid coverage these days.

There are numerous reasons for this, of course:

For one thing, Kate’s already been pregnant twice before, and the tabloid press has the attention span of a chipmunk on cocaine.

The next new thing always wins out in the competition for headline inches, and these days, Meghan is the UK media’s favorite obsession.

So there’s nothing surprising about the way the way that one story is being shown preference over the other.

The rumor that Kate actually is in any way bothered by all of this, however, is rather unexpected.

As far as we can tell, the theory that Kate is pissed about being overshadowed by Meg originated on the Celebrity Dirty Laundry website.

“Middleton can get pregnant with ten royal babies, [but] the press will still focus on Harry and Meghan and how perfect they are for each other,” the site claims.

Hmm … Interesting theory.

Like, are we talking about Kate giving birth to ten royal babies at once?

Because we’re pretty sure that would be big news regardless of who Harry is dating.

Look, in all likelihood, Kate couldn’t care less that she’s not at the absolute center of the royal spotlight anymore.

In fact, she kept a relatively low profile during her first two pregnancies, so she probably welcomes the distraction.

But that doesn’t really make for much of a story, does it?

It’s more exciting to think that Kate is desperate to give birth so that she can get back into fighting shape and claw Meghan’s eyes out for stealing her thunder.

If Game of Thrones has proven anything about 21st-century media consumers, it’s that we like our royalty bloodthirsty, dammit!


Friday, July 28, 2017

"Spotlight" Priest, Convicted Child Abuser Paul Shanley Released from Prison

Paul Shanley – the ex-Boston priest convicted of child abuse and profiled in the movie “Spotlight” — is out of prison after serving 12 years. Shanley was released for good behavior — he’d been sentenced to 15 years. Shanley was convicted…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Nicolas Cage Hilariously Steals the Spotlight in Kazakhstan

Nicolas Cage’s facial expression has done it again … and it’s melting the Internet. Nic was in Kazakhstan Sunday attending the opening of the 13th Eurasia International Film Festival … and this picture — posing next to the country’s First Lady…


Friday, April 28, 2017

Jennifer Lopez"s Dress Steals Billboard Latin Awards Spotlight (PHOTOS)

Jennifer Lopez dominated the Billboard Latin Music Awards — before singing a single note — by showing up in a black dress that proved less is always more with J Lo. Easy to see why her wardrobe selection is all the buzz after Thursday night’s…


Jennifer Lopez"s Dress Steals Billboard Latin Awards Spotlight (PHOTOS)

Jennifer Lopez dominated the Billboard Latin Music Awards — before singing a single note — by showing up in a black dress that proved less is always more with J Lo. Easy to see why her wardrobe selection is all the buzz after Thursday night’s…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Duggar Daughters: Are They Getting Sick of the Spotlight?!

On Monday night, a new season of Counting On premiered on TLC. 

While the show already gave fans a Jinger Duggar wedding special, this week’s episode flashed back to the preparation stage, specifically the search for a suitable gown.

Throughout the process, Jinger seemed excited and happy to have a camera crew documenting the build-up to her big day, but there have always been rumors that she planned to distance herself from he family’s reality TV empire shortly after tying the knot.

Now it seems there’s reason to believe Jinger will carry through on her promise to spend less time in the spotlight, and more time focusing on starting her own family.

Insiders say she and husband Jeremy Vuolo have every intention of breaking with the Duggar family tradition of remaining close to home by moving to his home in Texas.

These rumors may help explain a recent clip in which Jessa Duggar cried on camera, complaining that Jeremy is “stealing” Jessa from the rest of the family.

Of course, Jinger’s reluctance to participate in her family’s fame hustle is so well known that she inspired a “Free Jinger” website several years ago.

In all likelihood, Jinger would have distanced herself from the Duggar compound no matter who she married.

And there’s reason to believe that she’s not alone in her exhaustion with the demands of TV stardom.

As you may know, Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child at the moment, and fans have pointed out thst she’s posted fewer than half as many pregnancy selfies this time around, and she hid the fact that she’s knocked up for as long as she thought she could get away with it.

This could be a result of the demands of raising while toddler while knocked up – or it could be a sign that Jessa is getting tired of having her every move scrutinized by millions of strangers.

Currently, Jill Duggar is also pregnant with her second, and she seems similarly un-enthused with the prospect of taking fans along for the ride.

The above clip constitutes the first official announcement of Jill’s second pregnancy, yet the reality star makes no bones about the fact that it’s a reenactment for the sake of the cameras.

In fact, when Michelle Duggar feigns excitement for Jill’s “big news,” Jill promptly shuts her down:

“You already knew that,” Mrs. Dillard tells her mother.

All of this could simply mean that the demands of the show’s grueling production schedule are beginning to take a toll on the girls.

Or it may mean that the Duggar reality television empire could soon be coming to an end.


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Josh Duggar: Is He Creeping Back into the Duggar Spotlight?!

We haven’t seem much of Josh Duggar at all for over a year now.

And really, that’s the way it should be.

Josh pretty much defined hypocrisy when it came out that, despite all the time he’s spent preaching about the importance of family, he’d molested five young girls and cheated on his wife.

He spent several months at a rehabilitation center where we imagine he tried to learn not to be such a creepy, awful person, but there are some things you just can’t fix.

But still, his family seems to think it’s really important to try.

Even though so many people — basically all of the people — have made it clear that they aren’t interested in seeing or hearing about Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle still went ahead and included him in their Thanksgiving festivities anyway.

See him up there on the far right, sitting on the floor while his poor wife, Anna, plays with a kid?

That’s not what anybody wants to see.

One person commented on the photo with “Awesome pictures except putting a scumbag like Josh in there ruins it. I would never forgive my husband if he did what Josh did.”

“Not happy about Josh in the pix at ALL,” another wrote.

“Michelle and Jim Bob would be wise to keep Josh out of pictures if they want to keep their platform (or ‘ministry,’ as they like to call it),” another advised.

One commenter took the sarcastic route with “I miss Josh Duggar. Such an upstanding man. A man of honor. A man of integrity. A true role model … Why won’t the new show have him on?”

And another just got real, writing “Well at least they put him on the floor.”

But it looks like the family isn’t bothered by the criticism, because Michelle took the time to write a long-winded message about how wonderful her whole family is, and about how forgiveness is pretty cool:

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. It’s a beautiful day spent with family, food we love and most of all it is a poignant reminder of the many blessings our lives enjoy, for which we should be thankful.

This year for Thanksgiving, we spent a few days together with our family in a cabin in the beautiful Ozark mountains.

We’ve laughed together, cooked together, sang together, told fun family stories, played with kids and bounced babies. It’s been a wonderful family time.

As I look around the room, I am so deeply touched by God’s love, His forgiveness, His kindness, His provision, His mercies and His tenderness toward each of us.

God’s willingness to redeem us through Christ, in spit of all our failures and imperfections, is so humbling and fills my heart with tremendous gratitude.

Today, I am thankful for family, sweet friends and most of all God’s love. I pray your day is full of family, fun and games, delicious food, long enjoyed traditions and a heart and home filled with God’s love.

Well, on Thanksgiving day, we were thankful that the Duggars had kept a muzzle on Josh, and that they’d actually managed to be aware enough to just pretend like he doesn’t exist on their show and on social media.

Thanks for ruining that, y’all.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian Offered HOW MUCH to Return to The Spotlight?!

There are a few things that we know for certain about Kim Kardashian.

Well, OK, let’s be real, there are at least a few hundred things we know for certain about Kim Kardashian, but let’s just keep it simple.

One, she thrives on attention.

Two, nearly every single person in existence who has access to watch or read or listen to anything about Kim Kardashian will do so, if only to comment on how much they hate her.

Three, every member of her immediate family has built entire careers on being related to her and receiving their own attention for it.

With those things in mind, it’s easy to understand how, ever since Kim’s robbery, things have been out of whack, to say the least.

See, Kim’s been keeping to herself, what with being severely traumatized and all, so she hasn’t been getting that much direct attention.

People haven’t been able to get updates from her app or her social media accounts, there aren’t any new interviews of her and just a handful of new photos, so they’re starting to lose interest since there’s just not any new material out there to get interested in.

Her robbery case is interesting for sure, but how long has it been since she’s shared a new nude selfie? You get the picture.

And so since Kim’s been laying low, and since there’s less interest in her because of it, there’s just less interest for the Kardashian family in general.

And that simply will not stand.

As a source explains to Radar, “It wasn’t clear to the rest of Kim’s sisters how much of an impact Kim really has until she was gone.”

“Their personal apps are plummeting and paparazzi on the entire family is half of what it was prior to Kim’s robbery.”


“Everyone in the family has been aware of the fact that if Kim did not return,” the source continues, “their show would be done after this season.”

“So Kris had no other choice than to offer Kim a deal that she could not refuse.”

According to the source, Kris offered Kim a $ 20 million bonus just to come back to the show, and she’s also allowing Kim to have more control over the production.

“In addition,” the source adds, “Kim insisted that she get her own camera crew instead of sharing one with her other family members, as well as her own team of personal security to make sure that she is safe.”

The source adorably wrapped things up by stating that “Kim knows her value now more than ever and she loves her fans.”

This all makes sense, kind of, if you accept the fact that we’ve created a society in which the Kardashians can survive and thrive.

If anyone is getting a $ 20 million bonus, it probably should be Kim, since she’s the reason they even have the show in the first place.

And she should definitely have better security, as the robbery proved.

But damn, it’s hard to get over how ridiculous this entire family is all the time. About everything. Ever.

Twenty million dollars. Honestly.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Taylor Swift: Returning to the Spotlight After Months of Scandal?!

No matter how disappointing your summer was, odds are Taylor Swift had an even worse one.

The summer of 2016 will forever be remembered as the summer during which Taylor went from America’s sweetheart to America’s sketchy friend who will totally talk smack about you as soon as you leave the room.

Future historians will be all like, “We have no conclusive evidence that Swift was actually Becky With the Good Hair, but leading research indicates that she would totes conspire with that b-tch to steal your man.”

Things got off to a rocky start when Kim Kardashian accused Taylor of lying and came equipped with receipts.

The singer had previously claimed that she was blindsided and shocked – shocked! – when she learned that Kanye West rapped about her in a less-than-flattering way on his latest album.

When Kim posted a video of Kanye calling her in order to okay the lyrics, Taylor basically did the social media equivalent of devolving into a stuttering Woody Allen impersonator when you get busted in a lie.

As those who celebrated the “Taylor Swift is over party” know, the hard times were far from over for Ms. Swift.

In early September, Swift broke up with Tom Hiddleston after less than three months of dating.

It wasn’t the breakup that proved damaging to Swift’s reputation so much as it was the deluge of new information about her personal life that was prompted by the breakup.

We learned that Swift may have hooked up with Hiddleston while she was still dating Calvin Harris and that she may have dumped Harris based on information she received from Hiddleston.

It wasn’t Watergate, but coming as it did on the heels of an already-damaging scandal, it didn’t do wonders for Taylor’s public image.

Anyway, Taylor didn’t get to where she is by quietly slinking away every time she’s exposed for being shady as hell.

The singer recently took to Instagram to announce that she’ll be returning to the stage in Austin this weekend.

Fortunately, it seems she hasn’t lost her sense of humor:

It’ll be the first time that Taylor has performed since her reputation kind of hit the skids last month.

Fortunately, she still enjoys one of the most loyal fan bases in all of music.

Taylor devotees will be burning Tom Hiddleston effigies as we speak!


Monday, October 17, 2016

Demi Lovato Goes Blonde, Can"t Resist the Spotlight

Demi Lovato just can’t stay away.

Not all the way away, at least.

Just two weeks ago, Lovato announced that she was taking a break from public life, responding to the backlash she received after taking Taylor Swift to task.

“So excited for 2017,” Lovato Tweeted in early October. “Taking a break from music and the spotlight. I am not meant for this business and the media.”

But she is still meant for social media, it appears.

The artist shared a picture on Instagram this weekend of her dyed hair, giving followers a look at a handful of blonde tresses.

“Goldie Locks,” Demi wrote as a caption to the selfie.

Lovato was flooded with compliments from her 38 million-plus followers who saw the picture, with many referring to her as “beautiful” and others describing her new look as “stunning.”

It was the sort of confidence booster Demi could really use these days.

The artist came under fire for quotes she gave in a recent Glamour interview, saying of Taylor Swift and her famous Squad:

“I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.”

We’re typically Team Demi across the board, admiring the star for speaking her mind and appreciating how she’s a strong voice for young women around the country.

But this was an odd fight for Lovato to pick.

It’s not true, for one thing, because Lena Dunhma is in Swift’s Squad.

But it’s also just a random, unfair issue for Demi to take with Taylor; Swift should not be blamed for the bodies of her friends.

Moreover, it’s rare to find a “real” body type in general in Hollywood, which is a different cause and one that Lovato has successfully railed against in the past.

Faced with criticism for her comments, Lovato shot back on Twitter.

“I get asked questions. I answer them. Sue me,” she wrote, adding

“Also, don’t forget that words can be taken out of context when doing interviews… I don’t understand why people care so much about what I say in interviews? Do y’all watch the news? Don’t y’all got shit to worry about?”

That’s also a very silly point to make.

You can’t pick and choose when you want the public to respond to something you do or say.

Will she be telling people to watch the news and focus on more important global issues the next time she wants us to buy a new album of hers?

Or simply in this case, how would Lovato feel if no one commented on her blonde hair because they were discussing the election or the Syrian refugee crisis instead?

She’s probably be very sad.

In response to a comment about her extended hiatus, Lovato told a follower this month:

“It doesn’t feel worth it anymore. I’d rather do charity work.”

And that’s great. Lovato is one of the most charitable celebrities out there.

But she clearly does crave the spotlight and the attention in some form, or else she would not have shared a photo of her new hair color.

This is not a criticism. More like an observation.

Plus, we love her hair! You look great, Demi!


Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016 Oscar Predictions: Will Spotlight Outshine The Revenant?

It"s that time of year again. 

On Sunday night, millions will tune in to watch pretty people take home gold statues, and Hollywood will expect us to take it all very seriously.

This year, that"s harder than ever as ignorant snubs for films like Straight Outta Compton, Creed, The Hateful Eight, Carol, and Diary of a Teenage Girl make it clear that the average Academy voter is more concerned with nominating films that fit the bill for traditional Oscar fare than with honoring the year"s best and most memorable films.

As a result, we"re left with one of the least populist, most awards-bait-stuffed Best Picture fields in years.

Sure, the Academy threw the average Joe Popcorn Bucket a bone with Mad Max: Fury Road, but with the exception of the film doesn"t stand a chance in any of the major categories (it might not even take home any technical awards).

So while there are many strong contenders this year (For the love of God, see The Big Short, Brooklyn, and Room, if you haven"t already.), there are probably more than a few big nominees you haven"t seen, and there might be a few you"ve never even heard of.

Regardless, many of us will drunkenly toss a $ 20 into the pot and fill in some bubbles before hunkering down to see if anyone trips on the red carpet. (Don"t let us down, J-Law!)

That"s why we"ve assembled the list below to provide you with all the information you"ll need to fleece your friends on Hollywood"s biggest night.

Of course, if you really want to play it safe, just find some uninformed sucker and bet him that all the night"s acting prizes will go to white people.

Unlike minorities working in the film industry, you"re sure to win big!

1. Best Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo dicaprio ee british academy film awards

Perhaps the biggest lock of the night. Leo’s over-the-top work in The Revenant (the Academy loves man tears) coupled with a relentless PR campaign designed to remind us how grueling the shoot was (the man ate A REAL BISON LIVER…for some reason) all but guarantees him his first Oscar. Plus, voters are probably sick of all the memes about how he hasn’t won one already.

2. Best Actress: Brie Larson

Brie larson 2015 national board of review gala

Brie Larson’s tour-de-force performance as a kidnapping victim in Room is one for the ages. Expect the Academy to get it right with this one.

3. Best Supporting Actor: Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester stallone pic

Creed proved that old Sly’s still got some fight left in him. The performance is deserving, but it’s his status as the sentimental favorite that’ll win Rocky the gold.

4. Best Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander

Alicia vikander 73rd annual golden globe awards

Alicia Vikander was the best part of The Danish Girl. Most critics have rightfully dismissed the film as beautifully-shot fluff, but Vikander’s star-making performance sticks with you.

5. Best Original Screenplay: Spotlight

Best original screenplay spotlight

Once a favorite for Best Picture, Spotlight seems to have lost some steam in recent months. Expect the Academy to toss the critical darling a bone in the form of a screenplay prize.

6. Best Adapted Screenplay: The Big Short

Best adapted screenplay the big short

The Big Short accomplished the nigh-impossible feat of making the nitty-gritty of the 2008 housing market collapse accessible to the average viewer. Even more impressively, the adaptation of Michael Lewis’ nonfiction best-seller is legitimately laugh-out-loud funny. Any film with the audacity to have Selena Gomez break the fourth wall to explain collateralized debt obligations to the audience deserves a writing award.

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Using Their Kids to Sneak Back Into the Spotlight?

As we reported yesterday, the Duggars are returning to TLC next month with a full order of episodes for Jill and Jessa: Counting On, the limited-run spinoff series that debuted on the network last year.

As you might guess from the title, the show will focus on sisters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald – both of them new moms – and the challenges they face as they start families of their own and rebuild their lives in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Of course, as the show’s first trailer (above) indicates, Jill and Jessa will be joined by some of their older siblings, including fan favorites Jana and Jinger Duggar.

No surprise there. After all, it’s the incredible size of the Duggar brood that made the family famous in the first place.

What is somewhat surprising, however, is the fact Jill and Jessa’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, are nowhere to be found in the preview.

That may be the network’s way of playing it safe, as Jim Bob and Michelle remain controversial figures, having been heavily criticized for allegedly helping hide Josh’s sex crimes from authorities.

Now, however, several sources are reporting that the show will serve as a “Trojan horse” of sorts to help Michelle and Jim Bob gradually make their way back into the public’s good graces.

Before the initial run of Counting On was green lit, Jim Bob reportedly shot down the idea because he refused to allow his children to star in a show that didn’t feature the entire Duggar clan.

So it’s not far-fetched to think that producers promised him that Jill and Jessa would simply be opening the door so that the entire family could eventually return to TV in a full-time capacity.

Well, almost the entire family.

We can’t see audiences embracing Josh with open arms any time soon.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Awkward Kiss Cam Stars Can"t Avoid the Spotlight

We have a new addition to our rundown of Awkward Kiss Cam moments.

And this one may be our favorite awkward kiss cam piece of footage to date, considering it lasts for far more than just a few moments.

The video hones in on a young man and a young woman who are attending a San Antonio Spurs basketball game.

The non-couple clearly just wants to enjoy the second-best team in the NBA, but the operator of that pesky Kiss Cam just won"t let them

Are they on a first date, it asks?

No, they appear to say.

But no kiss appears to be forthcoming, despite at least some kind of smooth sort of being required once one is captured on this arena-based camera.

At one point, the guy goes in for a peck… but gets rudely rebuffed for his effort!

And then things just keep getting more and more awkward, despite the young man later identifying himself on Twitter and saying he"s been dating his co-star for over a year.

So why the hesitancy to at minimum plant a peck on each other"s cheeks?

It"s unclear. Perhaps they follow the Duggar Family rules.

Do they eventually get anywhere close to first base? Watch the awkward video and find out now!

Awkward kiss cam stars cant avoid the spotlight

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jim Bob Duggar: Desperate to Stay in the Spotlight and "Reclaim the Family Name," Source Says

We’re just a few weeks away from the premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff series that both TLC and the Duggars are hoping will mark the start of a comeback for the embattled reality TV family.

Obviously, the whole Duggar clan is hoping to put Josh Duggar’s sex scandals behind them, but insiders say patriarch Jim Bob is especially eager to rebuild his empire, and he sees Counting On as the first, crucial step.

“Jim Bob is desperate to stay relevant and reclaim the Duggar name,” an insider tells Life & Style. “The family fortune has taken massive hit and he’s fighting back.”

Jim Bob is reportedly happy with the opportunity to prove that the Duggars are still a major draw, but some insiders say he’s upset that the new series will focus on Jill and Jessa, instead of featuring the entire family.

As such, Jim Bob is planning to cameo on the series along with wife Michelle, and sources say his end game is to eventually get a series featuring the whole Duggar brood back on the air.

“He absolutely want to be back on TV and was never thrilled about the show suddenly shifting focus,” says one insider.

It’s not surprising that Jim Bob would be so fixated on regaining his fame, as 19 Kids was his primary source of income, and finances have reportedly been a major source of drama for the family lately.

Insiders have claimed that Jessa Duggar is “furious” at Jim Bob for buying Josh and Anna Duggar a house in order to encourage them to stay married despite Josh’s philandering. 

Jessa is said to be expecting a house of her own, but apparently, that’s just not feasible in the family’s current economic situation.

Fortunately, Counting On offers Jessa the opportunity to do some earning of her own. Unfortunately, Jim Bob and company will be expecting her to share the wealth.