Showing posts with label Creeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creeping. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Justin Bieber: Creeping on Danielle Lombard Instagram Pics!

We all watched in fascination and maybe a little horror as Dean Unglert, despite having won so many hearts on The Bachelorette, became the center of a Bachelor in Paradise love triangle.

And you know who else may have been watching? Justin Bieber.

It looks like the Biebs is a member of the Bachelor Nation … or maybe just thirsty for Danielle Lombard. Or you know what? it might be both.

You guys know that “likes” on social media aren’t secret, right?

Because they are very, very public.

This week, Ted Cruz learned that the hard way.

So, Danielle Lombard has shared some snaps of herself during this season of Bachelor in Paradise.

One recent photo was of her looking lovely and holding some coffee while confessing how hooked she is on it.

One eagle-eyed fan noticed that Justin Bieber “liked” the pic.

Look, we’re all grown-ups here.

We know that, even though the “like” button on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr looks like a heart and fills in red with a click, clicking “like” isn’t the same thing as flirting.

(Tell that some people’s obsessive significant others who intrusively spy upon their boyfriend or girlfriend’s “likes” on social media — that’s creepy and abusive, by the way)

Justin might have just been clicking “like” to indicate that he supports Danielle in general.

(We know that he watches The Bachelorette, as he’s confessed before — it’s not really a stretch to assume that he might watch Bachelor in Paradise)

Or the Biebs might have been indicating that he’s also a huge coffee enthusiast, though that’s not really an association that we have with him.

But Justin has a tendency to be less than shy about liking girls on Instagram.

If you remember, Justin recently got hilariously rejected on Twitter after sliding into a company’s DMs because he thought that their employee was super hot.

He’s also shown interest in various Instagram models in the past.

That might sound like something that half the guys on Instagram have done, but in Bieber’s case, his passing interest has launched modeling careers.

These days, you see, a lot of modeling agencies are eager to sign models who already have popular followings.

It’s just a natural product of the age of social media — people are inundated with hotness at all times, and want to think that they know the person (while looking at them be all gorgeous, of course).

So when a modeling agency hears that a girl is hot enough to attract Bieber’s attention, and therefore the attention of his fans, they know that they’re looking at a good prospect.

We don’t think that Justin Bieber was necessarily hoping to hook up with Danielle.

Not realistically, anyway. Not right after seeing her build her relationship with Dean Unglert on international television.

But let us, for a moment, imagine what it would be like if Justin Bieber starred on The Bachelor for a season.

Because it would be nuts.

You’d have to beat back hopeful contestants with a stick, for starters … to a degree we’ve yet to see in 22 seasons.

For another, you’d wonder which Justin Bieber you’d be getting.

The one with alleged substance abuse problems?

The Justin Bieber so religious that Sadie Robertson is crushing on him?

Or maybe the Justin Bieber who lets it all hang out while dating various models?

That would be … absolutely amazing.

We don’t see the Biebs doing that, especially considering his net worth and how marriage might impact that.

But it’s fun to imagine.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Drake to Chris Brown: Stop Creeping on Rihanna!

Fact: Rihanna is a queen, and we are honestly not worthy to bear witness to her magnificence.

Another fact: Chris Brown is the absolute worst.

Both of those things are true beyond the shadow of a doubt, and we’ve known them for a very, very long time now.

But still, thanks to a certain Instagram post, we’re having to face those facts all over again.

See, Rihanna has been in Barbados at the Crop Over Festival, looking absolutely phenomenal and living her best life.

Because she is too good to us, she shared some photos from the festival — you can see an example above.

And because Chris Brown is incapable of thinking things through before making a choice (and of making a good choice at all), he decided to comment on the photo.

To be specific, he decided to comment with the googly eyes emoji:

Chris Brown IG Comment

Ridiculous, right?

Thankfully, many of Rihanna’s loyal fans were quick to call him out for the comment.

“Put them eyes back where they were,” one person advised. Another wrote “Bitch keep your distance from my queen.”

One straight talker told Chris “A real man don’t hit no woman — you lost your chance along with a sh-t ton of respect. Stop playing yourself.”

Yet another commenter wrote what we were all thinking: “Not today, Satan. Not today.”

And it seems like Rihanna’s fans aren’t the only ones who think Chris needs to check himself.

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, Drake also wants to make sure this jackass backs up a little bit.

“Drake thinks Chris looks sad, lonely and desperate for comment creeping on Rihanna’s Instagram,” the source claims.

Well, he’s not wrong …

The source also says that “Drake feels it is time to Chris to grow up and move on from Rihanna. Drake is very protective and has a lot of love for her even though he is not with Rihanna.”

But it doesn’t end there!

“Drake is not afraid of Chris,” the source continues, “and even reached out to Rihanna to let her know that he is willing to talk to Chris if she needed him to tell Chris to back off.”

“Drake even joked with his own team that, if Chris is not careful, he is going to find himself on the bad end of another restraining order.”

Honestly, it wouldn’t be the worst idea for Rihanna to get a restraining order against Chris — another one, anyway.

Especially if he feels like it’s acceptable to leave weird comments on photos she shares of herself.

But, on a lighter, lovelier note, we can definitely believe that Drake really feels this way about the situation, and that he’d be willing to let Chris know what’s up if Rihanna feels uncomfortable.

After all, when they were dating it was extremely obvious how much he loved her, and it’s hard to imagine those feelings have completely gone away, no matter what went down between them.

Thank goodness there are at least a few good ones left, right?


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Josh Duggar: Is He Creeping Back into the Duggar Spotlight?!

We haven’t seem much of Josh Duggar at all for over a year now.

And really, that’s the way it should be.

Josh pretty much defined hypocrisy when it came out that, despite all the time he’s spent preaching about the importance of family, he’d molested five young girls and cheated on his wife.

He spent several months at a rehabilitation center where we imagine he tried to learn not to be such a creepy, awful person, but there are some things you just can’t fix.

But still, his family seems to think it’s really important to try.

Even though so many people — basically all of the people — have made it clear that they aren’t interested in seeing or hearing about Josh, Jim Bob and Michelle still went ahead and included him in their Thanksgiving festivities anyway.

See him up there on the far right, sitting on the floor while his poor wife, Anna, plays with a kid?

That’s not what anybody wants to see.

One person commented on the photo with “Awesome pictures except putting a scumbag like Josh in there ruins it. I would never forgive my husband if he did what Josh did.”

“Not happy about Josh in the pix at ALL,” another wrote.

“Michelle and Jim Bob would be wise to keep Josh out of pictures if they want to keep their platform (or ‘ministry,’ as they like to call it),” another advised.

One commenter took the sarcastic route with “I miss Josh Duggar. Such an upstanding man. A man of honor. A man of integrity. A true role model … Why won’t the new show have him on?”

And another just got real, writing “Well at least they put him on the floor.”

But it looks like the family isn’t bothered by the criticism, because Michelle took the time to write a long-winded message about how wonderful her whole family is, and about how forgiveness is pretty cool:

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. It’s a beautiful day spent with family, food we love and most of all it is a poignant reminder of the many blessings our lives enjoy, for which we should be thankful.

This year for Thanksgiving, we spent a few days together with our family in a cabin in the beautiful Ozark mountains.

We’ve laughed together, cooked together, sang together, told fun family stories, played with kids and bounced babies. It’s been a wonderful family time.

As I look around the room, I am so deeply touched by God’s love, His forgiveness, His kindness, His provision, His mercies and His tenderness toward each of us.

God’s willingness to redeem us through Christ, in spit of all our failures and imperfections, is so humbling and fills my heart with tremendous gratitude.

Today, I am thankful for family, sweet friends and most of all God’s love. I pray your day is full of family, fun and games, delicious food, long enjoyed traditions and a heart and home filled with God’s love.

Well, on Thanksgiving day, we were thankful that the Duggars had kept a muzzle on Josh, and that they’d actually managed to be aware enough to just pretend like he doesn’t exist on their show and on social media.

Thanks for ruining that, y’all.
