Showing posts with label Hilariously. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hilariously. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Hilariously Baits Mom-Shamers With Family Photo

It was only a little over a month ago that Chrissy Teigen shared her first photo of baby Miles, her second child with husband John Legend.

Now she shared a group photo featuring both of her kids, but she confessed that it took time, effort, and a lot of takes to get such a good pic.

Chrissy knew that mom-shamers would be coming for her no matter what she did, but she is always ready for them.

Bracing herself to incur the wrath of mom-shamers, Chrissy shjared this beautiful maternal photo.

In the captions, she revealed just how difficult it was to pull off.

“Should I post the one where his head looks unsupported but my face looks good and Luna is over it,” Chrissy asks in the comments.

It is clear that she and John snapped several photos before selecting this one as the best of the bunch.

Chrissy then asks if she should have shared “the one where his head is supported but my face is just okay and Luna is over it.”

You have to pick and choose your priorities, folks. Chrissy knows that, no matter what, trolls are going to have something to say.

“Or,” Chrissy asks, should she share the photo of “him crying and my face looks okay and luna is over it?”

So, no matter what, Luna is over it. Luna is 100% done.

Speaking of sweet little Luna Stephens being so totally over it, check out this photo.

Chrissy showed Luna this in-store advertisement featuring her face.

Luna correctly identified the model’s photo as her mother’s.

She was not impressed.

Luna is just a few months past turning two years old. She loves her parents, but when you’re that age, everything that your parents want to do is exhausting and takes forever.

Chrissy also shared a short video in which she pretends to shoplift.


First of all, you know, stealing is bad. You might think that shoplifting only “hurts” a huge, faceless corporation, but employees are held accountable for shrink.

“ONE, BECAUSE IT’S WRONG,” Chrissy explains.

Apparently, this may have really been an edit, because it sounds like Chrissy got trolled over it.


Trolls love to target Chrissy. We can’t imagine that many of them believed that she was actually shoplifting.

Chrissy followed up that edit with an update.

“Update,” Chrissy writes. “I am currently scrubbing pots in the back of a sephora.”

This is a reference to what old-timey cartoons tell me was once a custom of restaurants forcing customers who couldn’t pay for their meals to work off the expense by washing dishes in the kitchen.

We’re pretty sure that, these days, the restaurant just contacts the police or bans the customers from returning.

In either case, fusing that concept with shoplifting beauty supplies is very much Chrissy’s sort of humor.

She is such a delight.

Chrissy Teigen recently took issue with a news chyron referring to her as a “model.” She says that it no longer really describes her.

She was a model and, clearly, she still is, even if they’re for products with which she is involved.

Besides, neither “Twitter Queen” nor “MILF” really make a lot of sense for some random producer at CNN to write up to play on the news.

At the time, Chrissy was giving a speech at a Keep Families Together march on Saturday.

On Instagram, she expressed pride that her Donald Trump impression made the news.

She is such a treasure.


Friday, February 2, 2018

"Jeopardy" Contestants Hilariously Botch Football Category

Consider these contestants the Cleveland Browns of game shows … ‘cause no one had a single clue how to score during the football category in  “Jeopardy” … and it’s the funniest thing you’ll see all day. Check out the first contestant…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kevin Hart Hilariously Says Why Eagles Will Crush Vikings

Here’s Kevin Hart clowning the Minnesota Vikings … telling TMZ Sports there’s a ZERO percent chance Case Keenum’s purple crew beats up on the Eagles this weekend.  Full disclosure … Hart’s from Philadelphia. So, yeah … But Kev’s pretty…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justice League Reviews Are In. And They"re Hilariously Harsh.

Justice League is a failure on pretty much every level.

That basically sums the take of movie critics around the country.

In short, the film is terrible.

This probably doesn"t come as a major shock to anyone who has seen the Justice League trailer or followed the behind-the-scenes problems that have plagued production.

But you should still scroll down to see just how negative the reviews actually are…

1. The Ringer:

The ringer

Justice League is another attempt to course-correct what some believe were [Zach] Snyder’s botched early entries in the DC universe… The movie wants to be grand, it wants to be fun, but in the end, it’s just another loud, lifeless, high-tech bore

2. Us Weekly:

Us weekly

If a D.C. universe movie is truly going to triumph, it needs to add something fresh to the genre. The sight of well-muscled, costumed superheroes standing in a line ready to take charge doesn’t have the same oomph as it did five years ago. Bring on the excitement and the death-defying thrills and kooky humor for the sequel. After all, nothing is more frustrating than a big-budget extravaganza that just flies by night.

3. New York Times:

New york times

The movie shows a series that’s still finding its footing as well as characters who, though perhaps not yet as ostensibly multidimensional as Marvel’s, may be more enduring (and golden). It has justice, and it has banter. And while it could have used more hanging out, more breeziness, it is a start.

4. Vanity Fair:

Vanity fair

I could be projecting, but boy does poor Gal Gadot look so sad in Justice League, watching this lumbering and witless movie lay waste to the nice thing she just got finished making. It really is a shame. What a dumb irony, to end this movie, of all movies, on a note of bitter injustice like that.

5. The Verge:

The verge

On a moment-to-moment basis, though, Justice League often feels fractured. Whedon’s reshoots are sometimes painfully obvious, as when Flash and Cyborg share a brief personal moment in a graveyard that looks as cheap as a first-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer set. While those scenes can seem roughly interpolated and out-of-place, though, they often offer the film’s most meaningful character moments and flashes of humor and humanity. A quick gag involving Aquaman reveals more about him than the entire rest of the film’s two-hour runtime.

6. Chicago Tribune:

Chicago tribune

The dialogue is painful. [Ezra] Miller’s neurotic routine is initially quite charming, until his one-liners become incredibly cheesy and tired. Aquaman peppers his speech with many dude-brah phrases, while Cyborg, regrettably, utters “boo-yah” at one point.

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Justin Bieber: Hilariously Rejected on Twitter!

It looks like Justin Bieber doesn’t always have the best luck in his quest to make one fewer lonely girl. (It’s hard to do that when the girl isn’t lonely to start with)

Justin Bieber says that he’ll get back into music … eventually. Right now, though, it looks like he wants to get into something else.

And he proceeded to get savagely rejected in a very public way..

Justin Bieber can do some pretty kind things sometimes, like surprising chronically ill children at a children’s hospital.

It’s easy to look at his history of bad behavior and think of him as a troublemaker or something, but it’s probably more accurate to say that he’s been plagued by personal problems after skyrocketing to fame the way that he did.

And he hasn’t always been great at finding solutions.

Justin Bieber canceled his tour recently to the disappointment of hundreds of workers who were relying on that for their employment in the near future and, of course, to the chagrin of countless fans who wanted to see him.

Bieber apparently canceled the tour for Jesus reasons after recently falling under the influence of “hip, cool” pastor who tends to cater to celebrities.

(Though, to be fair, the Biebs comes from a very Christian background — his mom sometimes posts End Times stuff on Instagram — so maybe this guy can’t take all of the credit for Justin’s new priorities)

But apparently none of this newly strengthened religiosity bars Justin from being consumed with lust.

Or from acting on said lust.

(Or trying to, anyway)

Though he didn’t know her name, Justin was clearly enthralled by this photo of a Fitness On Broughton employee named Jessi Gober holding an energy drink.

Justin Bieber saw this girl but didn’t know her name.

Most people would just recognize that that’s how life works.

You see some hottie on an advertisement or pass a strikingly beautiful pedestrian downtown and that’s it — you never know their name, let alone meet them.

Bieber, though, has been famous for just about all of his dating years.

It’s tempting to say that he doesn’t know how the world works, but it’s more accurate to say that he knows how the world works for him — he’s rich and famous and still hot, so he really doesn’t play by the same rules as everyone else.

So he slid into Fitness On Broughton’s DMs with a simple question:

“Who is that girl? [heart emoji] ? In [your] latest post”

Fitness On Broughton must have weighed their options (and probably conferred with Jessi).

At this stage in Justin Bieber’s career — or current lack thereof, even though he says that he’ll make music again at some point — his general goodwill isn’t necessarily as valuable as it might have been in 2010 or whatever.

The publicity from making Bieber’s interest known, on the other hand, isn’t something that most businesses could or would pass up.

So Jessi Gober, the girl who had struck his fancy, went ahead and posted a screencap of that DM from the Biebs.

Oh, and pretty savagely rejected him in the process.

“Did this actually just happen… lmao Justin Bieber just messaged the gym that I work at and asked who I was hahahaha WTF”

Jessi Gober works the front desk at Fitness On Broughton.

She absolutely looks incredible.

She also followed up that tweet by making it very clear that she’s very happily taken.

She tweeted a set of photos of herself and her boyfriend, writing: “I’ve got everything I need right here.”

Jessi followed those words with a heart emoji of her own.

Womp womp.

First he was banned from China for being “impure” and now he’s getting rejected by pretty girls on social media.

Now that we’ve seen this, we can only imagine how many private exchanges like this Justin’s had that never went public.

Fitness On Broughton, at least, is loving all of the publicity. Having your employee make the news like this is great for just about any business.

And it’s very possible that Jessi Gober might line up a modeling career based on this.

She wouldn’t be the first model “discovered” by the Biebs’ lustful gaze.

Though, considering how publicly she shut him down, she might very well be the last.

He’d have to start finding ladies the old fashioned way.

(By having his team invite them backstage, of course)


Friday, August 4, 2017

Nick Young Gets Hilariously Emotional at Julius Randle"s Wedding

Nick Young is the Al Michaels of the wedding industry … ‘cause Swaggy P gave out an amazing play-by-play of Julius Randle’s marriage ceremony Thursday … and it’s hilarious!! The Lakers star tied the knot with his longtime…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Michael Phelps vs Shark: Twitter Responds Hilariously!

Remember how Michael Phelps raced a shark for Shark Week?

We all saw the promotions for ages, that Michael Phelps was going to race a great white shark in a special titled: "Phelps vs Shark: Great Gold vs Great White."

Some people saw that and actually believed that they were going to drop Michael Phelps and a great white into the same body of water and somehow get them to race.

A shark in a chlorinated pool would die.

Michael Phelps wouldn"t necessarily be devoured by a shark if dropped next to one in the ocean, but even if he were up for taking that risk … how exactly would Discovery have gotten the shark to race? By asking nicely?

So when people tuned in to watch Michael Phelps be lowered to his sharky doom as if by some James Bond villain, they had all sorts of reactions to watching him race a cgi shark that matched the speed of an actual great white.

Michael Phelps lost, but only by a couple of seconds. Super impressive for any human, and it just goes to show you that Michael Phelps" body is incredibly hydrodynamic in addition to just representing the human physical ideal.

Twitter responded to Shark Week"s ridiculous stunt, and their varying takes on the special are more entertaining than Shark Week itself has been in years.

1. This perfectly captures the mood

Shark 00

Twitter was already gearing up even before the race began. …

2. They really thought that he’d race a physical shark. Wow.

Shark 01

Look, she SAYS to call her crazy. We should respect her wishes, right?

3. Disappointment abounds.

Shark 02

To be fair, the digital shark’s speed was based upon actual sharks. What’s impressive is how close Phelps came.

4. Science is disappointing?

Shark 03

It’s a little worrisome that so many people apparently thought that they were going to sacrifice Michael Phelps to the deep.

5. Why do they hate Michael Phelps?

Shark 04

Realistically, the bigger problem would be getting the shark to cooperate with the race. They’re not actually as ravenous as bad movies make them look.

6. This person wanted the shark dead, huh?

Shark 05

Putting a shark into a chlorinated swimming pool would kill the shark, and might lead to some people getting crushed or bitten while the shark died. Big yikes.

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Nicolas Cage Hilariously Steals the Spotlight in Kazakhstan

Nicolas Cage’s facial expression has done it again … and it’s melting the Internet. Nic was in Kazakhstan Sunday attending the opening of the 13th Eurasia International Film Festival … and this picture — posing next to the country’s First Lady…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Larry David Hilariously Mocks Howie Mandel with Assist from Doc Rivers

Here’s what you need to know about this video …  Howie Mandel and Larry David both have a “thing” when it comes to shaking hands.  Howie’s got mysophobia and won’t do it because of the germs. Larry’s not a huge fan of handshaking…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Dog Owner Leaves Hilariously Detailed List of Rules for Nephew

Look, we all love our pets.

Some folks out there just love their pets more than other folks out there.

Or, to be more specific, some folks out there just have more specific and rigid guidelines for their pets than other folks out there.

The aunt of Tommy Rivers is one of these people.

In a hilarious string of Twitter posts, Rivers recently explained to followers exactly what his relative asked him to do while he took care of her beloved canine, Pepper, from how much the pooch should eat each day to the type of affection he"s allowed to receive…

1. This is Pepper

This is pepper

What a cutie, no?

2. All Aunts are "Too Much," Right?

All aunts are too much right

Can you expound please, Tommy?

3. For the Most Beautiful Girl in the World

For the most beautiful girl in the world

Those eating demands aren’t so crazy. If anything, we feel like Pepper deserves more food.

4. No Carbs?!?

No carbs

Does Pepper need to lose weight? She looked fine to us.

5. Who is Sniffing Who in This Arrangement?

Who is sniffing who in this arrangement

Perhaps we don’t want to know.

6. Is She Okay?!?

Is she okay

Where is the photo, Tommy?!?!?!?!?!?

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Rihanna Hilariously Claps Back at Body-Shamers with Gucci Mane Meme!

Forget every politician you’ve ever loved or hated — memes are the real great communicators.

And that’s exactly how Rihanna’s seen fit to respond to body-shaming. With a meme.

Bless her, honestly.

Rihanna’s kind of amazing.

Her music is wonderful and she’s a stellar performer.

… Though Tom Holland did recently one-up her performance of Umbrella. But that’s no insult to her.

Unfortunately, like all female celebrities and most female humans, she’s subject to body-shaming.

Part of it’s standard misogyny familiar to many women, part of it’s her celebrity status meaning that all eyes are on her.

Some people just can’t resist wondering if she’s pregnant if the wind so much as makes her top billow out in front.

So, as you can imagine, these same people had a field day when she showed up wearing an outfit that could have covered two Rihannas.

That’s a baggy outfit, sure.

Baggy enough that, in addition to an infamous “Is Rihanna going to make being fat the hot new trend?” article, pregnancy rumors resurfaced with gusto.

But if every time that people wore baggy clothes, it meant a pregnancy, we’d live in a world of perpetual, universal pregnancy.

And no small number of “medical miracles,” since there’s no shortage of cisgender men who favor loose-fitting clothes.

Well, Rihanna finally clapped back.

She’s known for being pretty savvy about social media and memes in particular — so she’s in way less of a celebrity bubble than most.

Gucci Meme

Now, this meme isn’t exactly body-positive.

Or nice to Gucci Mane.

Or nice to overweight people in general, if we’re being honest.

But she didn’t invent it — she’s just using it to communicate. 

Her point? It’s a little ambiguous, since memes have a lot to do with context.

But we think that part of it is poking fun at the people who are obsessed with her body size.

Another part is just the meme’s straightforward meaning — that even if she were fat, she’d still be Rihanna.

Any of her real fans will still adore her.

She’s not gonna care about the haters either way.

Perhaps, even more to the point, it was an indirect way of saying that yes, she’s seen that nasty Barstool Sports article floating around.

This is exactly how we’d expect her to respond: coyly and with a meme.

Remember, this is the woman who’s currently planning to do a film with Lupita Nyong’o based on a popular Tumblr post.

Rihanna’s an artist of the people, and she knows how to speak their language.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

19 Times Facebook Got Hilariously Drunk

Remember that time you got totally drunk and did something very stupid?


Perhaps the following Facebook status updates will jog your memory.

Do any of these hilarious stories sound familiar? If not, then you can rest easy, sit back and laugh at the wasted pain of others…

1. A Fair Deal

A fair deal

This person should consider himself very lucky, really.

2. Drunk You is AWESOME

Drunk you is awesome

An awesome douche, we suppose.

3. Turns Out, I Was My Own Secret Santa!

Turns out i was my own secret santa

Who knew?!? (Not me.)

4. Did You Check for a Flash in Her Book?

Did you check for a flash in her book

Don’t jump to such a conclusion.

5. Anyone? Anyone?

Anyone anyone

Must I do EVERYthing myself?!?

6. Wait, We Have a Question:

Wait we have a question

Who took this photo? And why isn’t he or she holding your hair back?!?

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Mark Wahlberg Hilariously Leaves Super Bowl Before Patriots Comeback

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the New England Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI last night, coming from 25 points down to to earn the first overtime victory in Super Bowl history.

If you don’t live in Boston and you’re not the President of the United States, there’s a good chance you’re a bit bummed by the results of the game, as the Pats are a widely hated team that’s loved by widely hated people.

Unfortunately, there were no Sad Ben Affleck reaction shots last night, but we did get to enjoy news of Mark Wahlberg being a premature sore loser.

Yes, the Pats eventually cruised to an anti-climactic victory, but throughout much of the evening, things were looking pretty bleak for Tom Brady and company.

So bleak, in fact, that Mark Wahlberg decided to peace out on the proceedings in the third quarter.

Not surprisingly, Mark took a good deal of flak on social media for committing one of the cardinal Bostonian sins.

(Lack of faith in Tom Terrific is right up there with correctly pronouncing the word “car.”)

But Mahky Mahk maintains that he had a perfectly good reason for bouncing early, and it had nothing to do with the score, okay?!

“I had to leave the game early because my youngest son wasn’t feeling well,” Wahlberg wrote on social media last night.

“Trust me, I would have loved to be at the stadium — but family first. Doesn’t mean I don’t love my Patriots too!”

Look, we’re not saying Mark’s lying about his son not feeling well.

We’re just saying that had the game not been shaping up to be a blow-out in the Falcons’ favor, he probably would’ve worked out some arrangement where his wife took his youngest home and he stayed at the stadium with his other kid.

But hey, at least Mark’s not alone in his fairweather fandom.

Witnesses say Donald Trump left his Super Bowl party when it was looking like the Pats were in the process of getting buried by Atlanta.

Of course, we can’t really blame him on that one:

If we were wearing a suit and sitting at a conference table with Reince Preibus, we’d probably be eager to call it a night, too.

Unlike Mark, the president didn’t offer an excuse for why he packed it in early.

No word yet on whether Mark’s come up with a suitable excuse for the time he blinded a guy in a racially-motivated hate crime.

Yup. We went there.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Liam Hemsworth & Miley Cyrus Pose For Hilariously Awkward Christmas Photo

At this point, there’s no question that Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus are back together and getting very serious in their relationship.

Miley has confirmed her engagement to Liam, but we all know that a rock on the finger is purely symbolic, right?

Any schlub can propose, but only a partner who’s truly head over heels will spend the holidays with your batsh-t family without complaining.

There have been rumblings of Liam coming back to Miley only after realizing that the Hunger Games franchise wouldn’t launch his career into the stratosphere as her had hoped, but we hope this pic will put those rumors to rest.

We don’t see how anyone can look at this photo and doubt the sincerity of the man’s affection for one second.

There he is, standing next to Billy Ray freakin’ Cyrus – who appears to be going for a sort of Goth-Country Bieber look these days – and somehow, Liam is smiling.

Well, kind of.

We’re not really sure how you’d describe that facial expression.

It’s like a Mona Lisa smirk, but in our opinion, this delightfully awkward group ‘Gram is far more worthy of being obsessed over by generations of scholars.

But that might just be because we ain’t much for your fancy book learnin’.

Anyway, Miley should make a poster out of this and hang it on her wall as a constant reminder of the strength of her relationship.

It was around this time last year that Miley and Liam got back together after what was rumored to be a bad breakup.

They celebrated the holidays with Liam’s family in Australia, and now we’re guessing they’ll be headed Down Under again after enjoying what appears to be an early Christmas with Miley’s motley crew.

Being that they were apart for several years and made their reconciliation official in December, the holidays will likely always hold special meaning for Liam and Miley.

Now, they can also reflect on Christmas as the time when Liam proved his love by not making fun of Miley’s dad’s mullet.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Christian Slater Hilariously Directs Mannequin Challenge (VIDEO)

Christian Slater’s clearly a perfectionist … look at him trying to pull off the Mannequin Challenge. The “Mr. Robot” star threw on his director’s hat Sunday night at Mr Chow where he needed a couple takes to accomplish the feat. He even gets the…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Donald Trump Gets Roasted by SNL, Hilariously Whines About It

Donald Trump … well, let"s put it this way: there"s an extremely good chance that he"s the most ridiculous person to ever exist in the history of humans existing.

You can"t even make up some of the things he says and does, and hey, why would you want to?

He"s consistently outrageous, offensive, and just plain absurd.

But if you call him out on it? 

Well, what a big ol" bully you are, you mean thing, you!

Still, Saturday Night Live has done a masterful job of making fun of Trump, and despite the protests of the man himself, they just keep on keepin" on.

Alec Baldwin has played Trump so beautifully in skits based on all three debates, and one more after the election results were in.

And last night, Baldwin came back again for a very, very funny skit about Donald"s bizarre tweeting habits.

You can check out the delightful video below, but if you need convincing, know that it was so good that Trump felt the need to defend himself on Twitter.

Yes, he saw SNL making fun of him for tweeting too much, and he tweeted about it. 

"Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!" he wrote. "Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can"t get any worse. Sad."

Here, you"re going to want to watch the magic for yourself:

Donald trump gets roasted by snl hilariously whines about it

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Philadelphia 76ers -- Hilariously Butcher "Rocky" Quotes ... "Yooo Adrian!!!!!" (VIDEO)

Mick … and Adrian … and Paulie … and Apollo might ALL be rolling in their graves after this — ‘cause here are a bunch of the Philadelphia 76ers doing “Rocky” quotes — and it’s so bad, it’s good.  Jahlil Okafor, Joel Embiid, Nik…


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Melania Trump Plagiarism: The Campaign (Hilariously) Responds!

Melania Trump took to the stage on Monday night at the Republican National Convention.

On the biggest platform of her life, Donald Trump’s third wife talked about values and morals and family and… wait a second…

… she talked about many of the same things Michelle Obama talked about at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

In fact, she talked about these things using the same words and, at times, the same cadence.

As a result, critics have jumped all over the Trump campaign, accusing Melania of plagiarism (which, in most campaigns, would be among the most scandalous charges on could level).

Did Trump borrow certain sections of Michelle’s speech?

Here is a look at the speech itself:

Here is a juxtaposition of portions of this speech and the one Obama gave eight years ago:

And here is a visual aid to help guide along your decision-making process:

side by side

While the world shakes its collective head over the latest campaign misstep, surrogates for Trump and his wife went public with a handful of hilarious excuses and denials.

To wit:

Campaign Manager Paul Manafort: “There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech. These were common words and values. She cares about her family. To think that she’d be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy.”

Former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski: “Remember, Melania Trump speaks four languages, unbelievably intelligent. This is not her native language. She relied on other people to make sure the speech was right, and it went through the process which all convention speeches do.”

Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson: “These are values – Republican values, by the way – of hard work, determination, family values, dedication and respect, and that’s Melania Trump. This concept that Michelle Obama invented the English language is absurd.”

Chris Christie: “Ninety-three percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech. They expressed some common thoughts.”

Congressman Joe Wilson: “My view is, to quote other first ladies, or potential first ladies, that is positive. Even unattributed. Hey, it was meant as a compliment.”

Manafort again: “Once again, this is an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks to demean her and take her down.”

Former Mississippi Goveror Haley Barbour: “What was interesting to me is, did the campaign intend for this? Because everything that Melania Trump said that Barack Obama’s wife had said are things that she said Barack Obama would do and he didn’t do.”

It’s safe to say we never considered this last option.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Site Hilariously Mistakes Teen Mom Star With Jenelle Evans

If you’re going to report a pregnancy, it’s best not to use THAT kind of photo

Also, make sure you’re talking about the right person.

That’s what the Parent Herald did when they covered Chelsea Houska’s pregnancy announcement.

“Chelsea Houska of Teen Mom 2 is reportedly pregnant with baby number 2,” the blurb read.

“The reality star posted on her Instagram the good news on July 12th.

Chelsea Houska Jenelle Evans Pregnancy Announcement Wrong Pic

The photo selected for the story is one I wouldn’t personally choose, but who am I to cast judgment?

“Um…this isn’t me,” Houska wrote.

Fans were confused too, not just by the mix-up of names, but by the mug shot.

“Even if that was you, why would they choose that photo for this type of announcement?” one fan asked.

There is no love lost between Evans and Houska, especially after Evans accused the mom-to-be of stealing her idea to launch a website.

“Monkey see monkey do…unreal” Evans wrote in a now-deleted tweet back in March.

“So over this show.”

Kailyn Lowry, who is close to her co-star, Houska, came to her friend’s defense. 

“They say imitation is the best form of flattery…It’s also flattering when someone thinks you’re copying them. Sorry babe, but no.”

It all started when Houska allegedly reached out to Evans’ publicist to help her kickstart her career.

According to Radar Online, Evans was angry.

“She voiced her opinion, and then she was attacked by Chelsea’s fans and fans of the show,” a source said.

“Jenelle’s working on a skincare line, has a new website, working on Potty Trainers and all of these other partnership things. Chelsea comes out with a website and reached out to Jenelle’s skincare person – Jenelle’s annoyed by the copying.” 

Houska fired back at Evans’ former manager, Johnny Donovan (whom Evans unceremoniously fired).

“I’m a licensed esthetician. I’ve been planning on a skincare line since I was in school,” Houska tweeted. “You’re not that original.”