Showing posts with label MomShamers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MomShamers. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Snooki Claps Back HARD After Mom-Shamers Accuse Her of Neglect!

Snooki ihas always been quite the character. As we’ve seen on the new season of Jersey Shore, not everything has changed.

But these days, Snooki is a mother.

And when mom-shamers descend upon her in a frenzy over her 4-year-old’s appearance, she’s not afraid to clap back.

Snooki attended Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s wedding shower, also known as the “Hitchuation.”

On Instagram, she shared a beautiful photo of her daughter, Giovanna, with Jwoww’s daughter, Meilani.

“Here’s a pic of us at our first red carpet event,” Snooki jokes in the caption.

These precious girls do look like their mothers. It’s very much a “mini me” situation.

Snooki’s joke continues: “We were so young. @jwoww”

This sweet photo of 4-year-old Giovanna Marie and Meilani Alexandra earned the expected praise and adoration.

Unfortunately, it also attracted some very strange, disturbing criticism.

“Girl. You have money dress your girl better. She’s beautiful but needs to look nicer,” one troll demanded.

That troll continued: “You take time to do your hair face and dress do the same for her.”

Another mom-shamer wrote: “Kids hair is crazy.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 01

Snooki actually replied to these haters.

“Mind your own business tho,” Snooki replies. That is some pretty good advice.

“I let my daughter pick her own outfits,” she explains.

Snooki affirms: I let her express herself.”

“Are you a mother?” Snooki asks. “Worry about your own damn kids, and let us live.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 02

“She’s 4 god damn years old, f— off”

To the “Kids hair is crazy” jab, Snooki also had a retort.

She simply replied: “Let her live.”

A fan chimed in that they would “rather have my daughter not give a damn what any judgmental snobs think about her.”

“Amen, dude,” Snooki agreed. “Humans are such d–ks i fear for my kids in the future …”

To hear some people tell it, Snooki’s 4-year-old daughter’s cute look heralds the collapse of civilization.

“That’s the problem with the world today u have no shame!” one terrible commenter laments.

“Your [sic] the mom who doesn’t bathe her kid daily, who doesn’t help her brush her teeth,” the hater clames.

The shamer continues: “The one whose kids wear the same clothes 2 days in a row because your too busy on social media or doing your own hair and makeup.”

“You spent half your morning on your eyebrows,” this troll claims: “But couldn’t wash or even brush your kids hair.”

The shamer concludes: “You should be ashamed and I’m glad these people are calling you out!”

A decade ago, we would never have imagined saying this, but … it really does sound like Snooki is a good mom.

Some people, particularly public figures, obsess over public perception and force their very small children to dress like fancy adults.

Giovanna looks absolutely adorable in these photos, but that is beside the point. Even if she looked a little out of place, it would be a good thing.

She is literally a 4 year old child. She doesn’t need to dress to meet someone’s weird, unhealthy expectations of what celebrity kids should look like.

We hope that these mom-shamers don’t have children of their own. Growing up in their households sounds … suffocating.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Paola Mayfield Claps Back at Mom-Shamers Over Exercising While Pregnant!

90 Day Fiance stars Paola Mayfield and Russ Mayfield are expecting their first child! This is exciting news, and Pao has been showing off her baby bump left and right.

But as much as fans may enjoy seeing her flaunt her baby bump in a barely-there bikini, others have been mom-shaming her for continuing to work out while pregnant.

Now, Paola is clapping back at her trolls.

Concern-trolling is when people use alleged “concerns” that they have about someone else as an excuse to harass them.

One of the most common forms of this is mom-shaming, when, under the guise of worrying about a child’s health (or, in this case, a baby who won’t be born for months), people attack a woman’s way of life.

So, what is Paola doing? Is she skydiving? Is she drinking? Joining a group of people who think that the Zika virus is a Deep State Illuminati conspiracy and offering her skin to every mosquito she sees?

No. Of course not.

Paola’s “crime,” in the eyes of these body-shamers, is exercising while pregnant.

After Paola shared a glimpse of her pregnant body, looking as fit as ever even with the baby bump, she also let fans see her workout out a little.

While working out, she had weights attached to her waist. She is, after all, a fitness model.

So-called “fans” piled on the outrage, claiming that her activities were dangerous.

Instead of firing back directly, Pao shared a screenshot of someone else speaking up in her defense.

Take a look:

Paola Mayfield pregnant workout defense on IG

“I have never read such ignorance in a paragraph,” the fan writes. “And I am so sorry for your heart.”

“I am a public health professional with a background in holistic health,” the person says. That’s a little vague, but it’s something.

“Exercising during pregnancy is totally recommended if the person was doing it before,” the comment says.

We have heard this time and time again from medical professionals and from pregnant moms who are getting mom-shamed for no good reason.

“The baby actually received more oxygen and nutrients because the mother is more physically active,” the commenter explains.

That did not stop hordes of mom-shamers from commenting, both before and after she shared that.

“Be careful on working out when you’re pregnant,” wrote one person whom literally nobody had asked.

“I just saw a video of you pick up weights around your waist,” another wrote even though it’s not their business.

“Please,” that comment continued. “Tell me that that was before you were p.g. I’m old school Hispanic and you should take it easy. Just my opinion.”

Just your opinion … that no one ever asked to hear.

Others had even more hateful things to say.

“You’re a hoe then who baby Is it Jorge baby?” one hater wrote, referring to 90 Day Fiance star Jorge Nava. “lol but I thought it was Russ baby i guess Russ ain’t the dad lol your married and pregnant but teasing men? That’s wrong.”

“Youre hot and all,” commented another. “But your need for attention is kinda sad. Oh well, nice ass!”

These people are … scum.

“She not a good role model,” declares another comment. “She’s teaching you to tease men when she’s pregnant and married that’s not good role model lol.”

She literally just made a video of herself. If that is “teasing,” that sounds like a problem with the viewer.

Someone else chimed in with an even wilder criticism.

“In touch agrees with Paola! Of course they do they also support with abortions!” one truly bonkers person wrote. “Let’s protect anything but the baby. That’s what’s really sad.”

That same awful person continued: “Your life Paola. Paola gets angry because people are worried about the baby . Her motto is I do what I want regardless of who I hurt as long as I get that$ $ $ $ .”

Pao did have plenty of fans who wrote pleasant things in her defense. Here’s a great example:

“Pao can do whatever she chooses it’s her body and it’s her baby,” a decent commenter wrote. “She’s a very beautiful lady and she’s loving the experience that her body is going thru. So let her enjoy it..”

Well said.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jessa Duggar Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"ll Potty Train My Kids When I Want To!

If you follow any of the Duggar women on social media, you know that many of their followers enjoy pointing out their various flaws as parents.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why these people still follow the Duggars despite finding them so objectionable, but that’s the internet in 2018 for you.

Anyway, the target of choice these days seems to be Jessa Duggar.

Jessa is mom to two young boys — 2-year-old Spurgeon (feel free to pause and cringe at that name before reading any further), and 1-year-old Henry.

Like the other Duggar women, Jessa also homeschools her kids, which is one of the many reasons people enjoy closely scrutinizing her parenting.

Though the biggest reason still seems to be that the Duggars are basically a one-family cult, and there’s reason to believe some of their “strict” child-rearing practices cross the line into abusive territory.

But the mom-shamers of Instagram aren’t attacking Michelle Duggar for her “blanket training.”

No, they’re more focused on Jessa Duggar’s messy house and other perceived lapses in parenting prowess.

This time around, they’re focused on Jessa’s alleged failure to foster her kids’ development.

Specifically, they want to know why Spurgeon isn’t potty trained yet.

Jessa recently posted the above pic, along with a caption reading:

“I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers,”

“It makes his day if he gets to sit in the seat and ‘drive’ it.”

Predictably fans freaked at the sight of Lil Spurge in a diaper.

Spurgeon will be 3 years old in a manner of weeks, and it seems many of Jessa’s followers feel that’s much too old to still be rocking Huggies.

When one follower remarked that the Spurge  “should be out of diapers by now,” Jessa actually took time to respond:

“My philosophy is that if they aren’t able to do the whole thing from pulling their pants down and getting themselves on the toilet, to pulling their pants back up, and washing their hands, then they aren’t ready,” Jessa said.

“Otherwise it feels like it’s actually the parent who’s potty training and doing all the work. 

“Lol! I’ve been around kids, and I’m aware of the signs of readiness. My two-year-old is getting close, but not quite there, so we’re not rushing it.”

Yeah, she’s still a Duggar, so she responded in the fake-polite fashion her family is known for.

But hey, a clap back is a clap back.

So let that be a lesson to the rest of you mom-shamers:

There’s a very small chance that Jessa might politely disagree with your observation!


Friday, August 3, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Mom-Shamers Are A--holes!

Khloe Kardashian is a mom now, and that means something very special for her: she now gets bombarded online by mom-shaming trolls!

Khloe"s received her fair share of hate, sometimes justified. Just recently, Khloe was caught using slurs and got called out on it.

But mom-shaming is new to her, and it"s not justified. And Khloe doesn"t care for it one bit.

Khloe is aghast on kuwtk

Khloe gets mom-shamed "even working out," she says while speaking to E!"s Zanna Roberts Rassi.

The reality star describes the scenario, saying: "like my baby"s asleep, I"m working out, the monitor"s with me."

Folks, parents do not have to physically hover over their sleeping child at all times.

"But even if it"s not," Khloe continues. "Do you think I"m leaving my child alone?"

She has her cheating baby daddy Tristan Thompson. She also has an extended family of potential caregivers and effectively limitless resources for first-rate child-care.

"It just drives me crazy that people are…I don"t know why they"re passing judgement."

Cradling true

"I was at a charity event last weekend," Khloe shares as she begins an anecdote about unfounded mom-shaming.

"And I"m literally trying to raise money for cancer research," she adds. That"s a very worthy cause.

Khloe says that she was doing that "and I"m getting annihilated for being somewhere on a Sunday."

Mom-shamers reacted if she"d just locked True in the car with a cup of water and a magazine while she attended the event.

"I"m like, "She"s with her dad, you a–hole,"" Khloe says. ""Like, what do you want me to do?""

Tristan thompson dances with true thompson

The thing about mom-shamers is that, as a collective, they don"t really want her to do anything. They just want to tell her how to live her life.

We all know that there are terrible parents in this world whose choices doom their children long before they reach adulthood, if they make it that far.

Eating cereal with artificial coloring or spending time at a charity event are not examples of bad parenting.

"I get crazy with that," Khloe says.

"Because we also have to work to support our families," Khloe explains. "And the lifestyles that we have."

Kim kardashian khloe kardashian true thompson and chicago west

It"s unclear if she"s speaking of her sisters or is referring to all parents. Obviously, for some, the need to work is more pressing than for others.

"And I don"t know what people want us to do now that we have kids," Khloe asks. "Just stay at home?"

Honestly? That"s probably what some of them want.

Remember that some women of the Duggar fertility cult get shamed online for dressing "too provocatively" or "being too active outside of the home."

Even people on the extreme fringes will get called out by even more radical extremists. You"ll never make everyone happy.

Khloe kardashian ponders life

Khloe refers to "mom guilt" when she spends time away from True as "horrible! It"s a real, real thing."

"And," Khloe shares. "I used to make so much fun of Kourtney and Kim. Like, "oh my god, hush up, it"s one night." I would always say that."

"You"re like "I want to check my phone, I want to see the monitor.""

"She"s asleep," Khloe says. "She doesn"t even know — she probably likes the break away from me."

Khloe"s using some self-deprecating humor, obviously. True is nearly 4 months old. Khloe is her entire world.

Khloe kardashian post pregnancy

Khloe agrees with her interviewer that True "doesn"t know the difference" when Khloe is traveling.

"And [True is] sleeping through the night right now," Khloe shares.

Which leaves Khloe with a bit more freedom to step out of the house to run her business or make promotional appearances.

Or to work out in her own home, with the baby monitor right there.

Khloe kardashian mom shamers are a holes im a great mom

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kim Kardashian Claps Back at Mom-Shamers Over North West"s Straightened Hair

As many photos as Kim has uploaded to social media, Kardashian-West family photos are shockingly rare. And there might be more to that than privacy concerns.

Kim posted an adorable photo of her daughter and husband, but mom-shames came out of the woodwork to blast Kim over it.

Why? Because they think that Kim is ruining North’s hair. And some think she’s doing it on purpose … due to racism.

The photo shows North West, adorable and tiny, giving her father, Kanye, a kiss on his cheek.

Kanye is smiling, clearly overwhelmed with love for his daughter.

“I can still feel the love,” Kim Kardashian captioned this sweet pic.

But a number of people, both on Instagram and on Twitter, were hung up on one little detail in this image.

North West’s hair is straightened.

After Kim tweeted the photo, someone decided to offer her some unsolicited advice.

“Don’t straighten her hair too much it’ll ruin her curls,” a total stranger implored Kim. “I did that to my hair and ruined it but I’m finally getting my natural curly hair back.”

Amazingly, rather than ignore that absolutely unsolicited instruction on how to manage her daughter’s hair, Kim replied.

“She is allowed twice a year, on her birthday and birthday party!” Kim answered. “This pic was taken back in June on her bday.”

So that explains it. And we all saw North with her hair straghtened when she and Penelope celebrated their birthdays.

Unfortunately, that person’s unsolicited advice was one of the nicer bits of mom-shaming feedback that Kim received.

Within the Instagram comments, someone had the audacity to suggest that Kim had forced North to straighten her hair … because Kim longed to have a white daughter.

Fortunately, Kim didn’t have to deliver the verbal smackdown that this person so richly deserved. She has so many other followers to do this.

“So you think just bc she straightened her daughter’s hair that means she wanted a white kid?” someone replied to that comment. “Maybe north just want to try something different and ask her mom.”

As Kim said, North is only allowed to do this twice a year in order to protect the integrity of her hair.

Back in June, when Kim shared photos of North’s party, there was similar discourse.

Troll openly accused Kim of straightening North West’s hair to make her look white.

For context, we should remember that black people’s hair has been policed — sometimes literally — within the United States for centuries, and that continues to this day.

Hairstyles featuring black hair in its natural curls are sometimes labeled as “eccentric” and “unprofessional” by society and by employers.

(Unless, of course, they’re being appropriated by a beautiful white celebrity like Kim Kardashian or Zac Efron, in which case they’re daring and trendy)

So many black women wear wigs, extensions, or use straighteners in order to conform to beauty standards that originate in white supremacy. So, yes, hair matters.

But Kim is not forcing North to keep her hair straight. It’s a special treat that happens only twice a year.

North loves her long, curly hair, and gets excited when she sees other girls with similar hair because she knows that it’s special.

If Kim had wanted a white daughter, she could have had a baby with, well, any of tens of millions of white dudes who would have been down to try until that happened.

Kim is in love with Kanye (despite his, um, issues), and she does her best to tackles the special challenges involved with having biracial children.

It would be nice if trolls on social media could be a little less vile. But … we won’t hold our breath.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Hilariously Baits Mom-Shamers With Family Photo

It was only a little over a month ago that Chrissy Teigen shared her first photo of baby Miles, her second child with husband John Legend.

Now she shared a group photo featuring both of her kids, but she confessed that it took time, effort, and a lot of takes to get such a good pic.

Chrissy knew that mom-shamers would be coming for her no matter what she did, but she is always ready for them.

Bracing herself to incur the wrath of mom-shamers, Chrissy shjared this beautiful maternal photo.

In the captions, she revealed just how difficult it was to pull off.

“Should I post the one where his head looks unsupported but my face looks good and Luna is over it,” Chrissy asks in the comments.

It is clear that she and John snapped several photos before selecting this one as the best of the bunch.

Chrissy then asks if she should have shared “the one where his head is supported but my face is just okay and Luna is over it.”

You have to pick and choose your priorities, folks. Chrissy knows that, no matter what, trolls are going to have something to say.

“Or,” Chrissy asks, should she share the photo of “him crying and my face looks okay and luna is over it?”

So, no matter what, Luna is over it. Luna is 100% done.

Speaking of sweet little Luna Stephens being so totally over it, check out this photo.

Chrissy showed Luna this in-store advertisement featuring her face.

Luna correctly identified the model’s photo as her mother’s.

She was not impressed.

Luna is just a few months past turning two years old. She loves her parents, but when you’re that age, everything that your parents want to do is exhausting and takes forever.

Chrissy also shared a short video in which she pretends to shoplift.


First of all, you know, stealing is bad. You might think that shoplifting only “hurts” a huge, faceless corporation, but employees are held accountable for shrink.

“ONE, BECAUSE IT’S WRONG,” Chrissy explains.

Apparently, this may have really been an edit, because it sounds like Chrissy got trolled over it.


Trolls love to target Chrissy. We can’t imagine that many of them believed that she was actually shoplifting.

Chrissy followed up that edit with an update.

“Update,” Chrissy writes. “I am currently scrubbing pots in the back of a sephora.”

This is a reference to what old-timey cartoons tell me was once a custom of restaurants forcing customers who couldn’t pay for their meals to work off the expense by washing dishes in the kitchen.

We’re pretty sure that, these days, the restaurant just contacts the police or bans the customers from returning.

In either case, fusing that concept with shoplifting beauty supplies is very much Chrissy’s sort of humor.

She is such a delight.

Chrissy Teigen recently took issue with a news chyron referring to her as a “model.” She says that it no longer really describes her.

She was a model and, clearly, she still is, even if they’re for products with which she is involved.

Besides, neither “Twitter Queen” nor “MILF” really make a lot of sense for some random producer at CNN to write up to play on the news.

At the time, Chrissy was giving a speech at a Keep Families Together march on Saturday.

On Instagram, she expressed pride that her Donald Trump impression made the news.

She is such a treasure.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"m NOT Starving My Kids!

Kristin Cavallari is talking about her family again, though we bear the heartbreaking news that she is not posting more nude photos of Jay Cutler. Sorry.

This time, she’s talking about her three young children.

Fans had worried that she was starving them on some insane Hollywood diet. She’s shutting down those mom-shaming rumors.

Last month, Kristin came out with her very own cookbook.

The title, whose length alone was an act of almost unparalleled hubris, is: True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen with More Than 100 Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar.

There’s a lot to unpackage with that extensive title.

Obviously, some of the response had to do with the fact that so many people who avoid gluten do so due to pseudoscience rather than because of a genuine allergy to the gluten protein.

But others were concerned, because Kristin is a parent.

Together with Jay Cutler, she has three children: 5-year-old Camden Jack, 4-year-old Jackson Wyatt, and 2-year-old daughter Saylor James.

Fans worried that she was feeding them foods missing these often essential components, and perhaps subjecting them to an unhealthy strict diet.

Speaking to People, Kristin Cavallari says that there is no need for concern and even less need for mom-shaming.

“How I eat, I cook at home, and that’s what they eat.”

That is often how families work.

But you don’t need to worry that their kids are trapped in some tower somewhere, being fed only artisanal, organic acai or whatever.

As she explains, their kids also eat normal food that humans eat.

She gives an example of the kids eating normal food.

“But we go out to breakfast every weekend.”

That sounds very nice, actually.

“They get doughnuts every weekend.”

Ooooh, that sounds great. (Anyone else just remember that they haven’t had a doughnut since 2016?)

Kristin continues, dismissing the idea that she’s one of those moms who is going out of her way to impose her own bonkers dietary restrictions upon her children.

“It’s not like they’re on some stupid diet.”

There’s the Kristin Cavallari whom fans grew to know and love on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and on The Hills.

She highlights the absurdity of that idea.

“They’re kids.”

They sure are.

Kristin goes on to explain that, though she is clearing the air about things, she doens’t really care what people think.

“Getting backlash about anything I’m doing when it comes to parenting, I really don’t give a s–t about.”

That can be a great attitude or a terrible one, depending upon one’s parenting.

She explains why she is so dismissive of outside opinions.

“Because I’m so confident at what I’m doing as a mom that I don’t care.”

You know what? Considering that all that she’s doing is cooking with a few dietary restrictions at home, that attitude sounds just fine.

It’s especially good to hear that her kids are enjoying doughnuts.

Children can really appreciate doughnuts in a way that adults cannot. Once you hit your mid twenties, you can’t eat more than a few in a day. A kid can wolf down seven and experience true happiness.

Though we somehow doubt that Kristin and Jay are going quite that far on the weekends. Which is probably for the best.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kylie Jenner Hits Back at Mom-Shamers With Sweet Stormi Video

Kylie Jenner attended Coachella over the weekend, declaring that she"s a "cool mom."

Mom-shamers came out of the woodwork to put the 20-year-old makeup mogul on blast for leaving her 2-month-old baby to go watch Bella Hadid make out with The Weeknd.

Well Kylie is clapping back, if indirectly, with the sweetest video of her precious baby, Stormi. Watch!

Stormi webster smiles on snapchat

In the video that you"ll see below, Kylie Jenner coos are her happy, precious daughter.

"Hi happy girl!"

She continues, using the talking-to-babies voice that transcends language barriers and cultural boundaries.

"I love you," she says. "I love you!"


Stormi webster looks at kylie jenner

As we mentioned, Kylie showed off her blue hair to followers and, upon departing for Coachella, declared:

"I"m a cool mom."

That did not go over well with mom-shamers, who spoke out.

"A "cool mom" doesn"t up and leave her newborn for a weekend of partying at Coachella — yes that"s you Kylie Jenner."

Well, it"s not like Kylie left Stormi alone.

"Kylie Jenner should be everyone"s example of learning how to use protection. This girl really is gonna leave her baby for three days while she goes to Coachella."

That person, it seems, is recommending that man use protection in order to avoid fathering a child with a woman like Kylie. Ouch.

"Y"all thought the birth of her child was gonna stop Kylie Jenner going to Coachella? THINK AGAIN."

That person seemed to be mocking people for their surprise.

"Kylie Jenner"s really out here saying she was born to be a mom and leaves her two month old to go to Coachella. …"

Stormi webster on kylie jenners snapchat

(Here"s a little preview of the video below. Stormi is so precious)

But Kylie has more than just mom-shamers — she also has her defenders.

"Idk what"s your problem with Kylie Jenner going to Coachella. Do you really think she left the baby without making sure she"s got the best care? Plus that"s her version of work lmao getting $ $ by showing up."

That"s probably true. Music festivals — especially those as controversial as Coachella — can only endure so long as they seem cool to the right people.

"She has so many people doing things for her baby on a daily basis, Stormi probably won"t even know she"s gone."

That will depend upon whether or not Stormi has developed a sense of object permanence. (Allegedly that doesn"t happen until 4 months or so)

Kylie jenner cradles stormi websters baby face

Another commenter treated it like a job listing.

"Well Kylie Jenner hope all is grand. Just letting you know if you"re heading to the second weekend of Coachella next weekend and you"re still looking for a babysitter, I"ll do it, let me know anyway, ten an hour."

Imagine babysitting for Kylie and only getting $ 10 an hour.

"I just want to say that anyone who shames Kylie for going to Coachella and "leaving her daughter home" must have no idea what motherhood is like."

That"s true. That commenter continues, writing:

"It gets REAL ! So if a mother wants to go have fun and party somewhere for a weekend that"s perfectly ok."

Kylie has employees and family who make sure that Stormi is safe and happy.

"Her daughter wasn"t abandoned, she was well taken care of .Kylie a mom but she"s still a human being."

Parents have social engagements all of the time, folks. It"s normal and healthy for everyone involved.

Stormi webster gazes into the camera

Kylie has posted photos of her sleek stomach. Like her sisters before her, she"s happy to show off her hard-earned post-baby body.

A lot of her followers started following her for her selfies and her style.

So they"re happy to see that.

But a lot of folks prefer to see cute pics of Stormi, these days.

So a video of Kylie"s precious baby is a real gift. Take a look!

Kylie jenner hits back at mom shamers with sweet stormi video

Friday, April 13, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Blasts Mom-Shamers in Epic Rant

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett have split. Though it looks like their divorce is amicable

Last week, Kendra took to Instagram and mourned her last day of marriage to Hank. It was a beautiful use of social media.

Now, in a new post, she’s blasting — and ranting against — her haters, her critics, and the mom-shamers.

Kendra’s Instagram rant is very conversational, right from the beginning.

“Let me just vent for a second.”

Well, it’s her social media account to do with as she sees fit.

“I bust my ass off as a human being.”

Fortunately, not literally, That peach remains very much intact.

“I work, pay bills, take care of 2 kids and love them to the fullest plus trying to take care of myself through it all is a 24/7 job.”

Many, many parents know that this is true. She’s a reality star, but not all reality star live the lives of the idle rich.

Kendra then laments the misinformation and false impressions that people have of her.

“I don’t know what the f–k some of u haters think u know but you better get your heads checked.”

She wants to remind people that reality television is edited and, often, includes prepackaged storylines.

“Because your assumptions based on pictures and clips of shows make you straight up delusional.”

Even as she puts mom-shamers on blast, she’s also thanking her actual fans.

“I appreciate the true people that follow me and know who I truly am vs idiots coming in and out making s–t up.”

Worse than the people who jump to conclusions are the people who fabricate hurtful tales and pass them off as true.

“I’m also talking about people around me too.”

Naturally, she thanks her friends who remain true to her.

Kendra goes on to express how she eels that she should be characterized … and how she feels that she has been unfairly maligned.

“I’m a lover and a free spirit by nature, not a fighter but lately I’ve been feeling pushed into a corner by judgment and opinions that are 100% false and not me.”

And that’s why she’s hitting back.

“While people on the internet AND in real life are feeling bad for my kids because mama has to work, my kids at the same time are thanking me.”

No one should ever shame working mothers.

“I make my sacrifices so my kids can have a life they deserve.”

And she wants to clear up that she doesn’t have a drinking problem.

“I drink to celebrate only and i enjoy my friends.”

Kendra hopes that she’ll eventually be vindicated in the public eye.

“One day I’ll get the credit i deserve for all the hard work i do.”

She does not plan to bend over backwards to try to win over her haters, however.

“But ‘til then I’m going to keep doing me.”

She means that she’ll keep doing herself, Kendra has been candid about her insatiable sex drive and how that sometimes drives her to overuse her personal sex toys, but she is not referring to that at the moment.

“I get it, i shouldn’t care what people think but sometimes I’m human and s–t gets to me.”

That is totally fair, folks.

Kendra concludes her post with a question for her fans and followers:

“What pisses you off today guys?”

That is a long-ass list for most of us, because it’s 2018 and every day is a waking nightmare and the news cycle of a single week is enough to fill several months.

But most of her fans simply replied with support for her.

She’d go to hell and back for her kids and she’s been spending plenty of time with them since her split from Hank.

It really seems like she has her priorities in order and doesn’t deserve the mom-shaming that she receives.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian Taunts Mom-Shamers with Underwear Selfie!

Kim Kardashian isn’t backing down after being mom-shamed for nudity on Instagram.

Remember that Kardashian clan underwear photoshoot where Kylie was still farcically pretending that she didn’t have a baby bump? Well, Kim is offering fans a behind-the-scenes look at her own body.

As you’ll see in this photo below, Kim looks absolutely stunning.

Kim Kardashian is doubling down on her love of showing off her body without needless shame.

This time, she’s sporting Calvin Klein underwear and flaunting her body’s perfect curves.

She’s offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse at her body for that Calvin Klein campaign of her family’s.

Her caption is short and simple: “bathroom selfie on set @calvinklein #MyCalvins.”

And here’s the photo:

She looks extraordinary for a woman who’s just had her third child!

Okay, we joke. Kim’s new baby was born via surrogate. Kim doesn’t have any Chicago West weight to shed — another perk of surrogacy!

(Though, despite her difficult childbirths, Kim is famously adept at immediately shedding her pregnancy weight and regaining her pre-baby body. She did it with Saint faster than most people would believe)

Now, these Calvin’s aren’t exactly what you probably picture for sexy underwear. They’re … white. They look soft to the touch.

But we think that the point behind this particular campaign (at least in part) was that this sexy underwear is wearable in your real life. Kim and her family are the ones who are showing it off as sexy.

Sometimes, the reflex to be contrary works against us. It can lead to self-destructive behaviors.

in Kim’s case, however, her defiance is a huge, triumphant middle finger to the body-shamers, mom-shamers, and avowed misogynists who simultaneously demand that she cover up while happily objectifying her exposed body. 

These haters perpetuate old, tired, patriarchal values that treat women as commodities who shouldn’t be in control of how and where they display their bodies.

These are the same “values” that tell people to hate sex workers, or make people sex-shame women for promiscuity while praising men who do the same as “studs.” These are the same pernicious cultural elements that condemn selfies as “narcissistic.”

Kim has zero chill about shutting down that kind of talk. She’s stated that she’ll go on taking nude selfies until she dies.

As part of her personal campaign Kim Kardashian has posed for multiple photos of herself in bed.

Whether she censors herself with her hands or digitally, she looks astonishingly beautiful and yet Instagram appropriate.

In photos that are presumed to have been taken by Kanye, Kim lounges topless in a thong or under sheets.

No one person can destroy harmful patriarchal values, but Kim’s cultural impact is significant. Like it or not, the Kardashians are a huge part of why butts — the larger the better — are now openly appreciated in American culture.

So we’d say that Kim is at least making a dent.

By continuing to bombard the internet with nudes and underwear selfies, Kim is also showing how multifaceted people can be.

She’s a mom. She’s a reality star. She’s a businesswoman. She’s a wife. She’s a mother of three. And yeah, she has a rocking bod and is happy to show it.

It’s possible that Kim sometimes gives herself more credit than is warranted, but we’re pretty sure that other people don’t give her enough credit for what she’s accomplished.

The Kardashians are a media and fashion empire, and Kim has been the face of them from the start.

Though Kylie may one day usurp her place.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Kim Kardashian Responds to Mom-Shamers: I Did NOT Endanger Saint West!

So, remember when Kim Kardashian was mommy-shamed for putting Saint West in the car in what fans immediately pointed out was an unsafe manner?

It was a couple of months ago, but Kim is finally addressing the controversy — in the video below.

If you"ll recall, Kim snapped a cute photo of Saint sitting in his car seat.

He"s all buckled in, of course.

The problem, as (hopefully!) just about any parent can tell you, is that Saint isn"t even two years old yet.

A baby that young — he won"t turn two until December — is usually supposed to be in a rear-facing car seat.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, among other groups, recommends putting babies in rear-facing seats until they outgrow their car seats.

For most babies, that means some time when they"re 2 or 3 years old and can start riding in front-facing car seats.

So a lot of Kim"s fans were alarmed, to say the least, when they spotted this photo back in June:

As we mentioned back in June, there is an exception to the normal age guidelines:

If your child is over 40 pounds, it"s considered safe to put them in a front-facing seat.

Kim and Kanye are teeny, tiny people — Kim is 5-foot-3, and Kanye is 5-foot-8.

(We hear that 5-foot-8 is "average" but that can"t possibly be true, can it?)

But even children who will never grow to a significant height or weight can put on weight rapidly as babies and toddlers.

(I know that I gained a pound a week after birth, probably because I woke up to feed every two hours without exception — though I grew up to be 6-foot-4 which I just don"t see in Saint"s future)

At a year and a half, it"s more than possible for a baby to weight at least 40 pounds. 

Folks, 40 pounds isn"t much more than a dachshund weighs, if you need a little perspective.

Hordes of mommy-shamers, as a general rule, don"t have much of an eye for nuance.

And apparently they don"t have enough sense to consider that Kim isn"t a first-time mom and knows what she"s doing.

Also, Kourtney has three children and Kris has six, so it"s not like Kim doesn"t have any parenting resources right there to give her advice, solicited or otherwise.

So, yeah, the comments got pretty heated.

Kim is only now going far enough to refute that "controversy."

Kim recently used a video to prove that she wasn"t doing cocaine.

(That video actually made us laugh out loud — the whole story did)

And she made another to respond to shaming over putting North West in a corset.

So, while it"s a little odd to respond in August to a June controversy, it"s no surprise that Kim"s using a video to explain that no, she was not recklessly endangering her baby just for the fun of it.

Kim explains exactly why Saint was perfectly safe:

"What people didn’t know is that Saint is now the weight and height requirement to sit forward-facing."

Which is the possibility that we pointed out months ago.

"Saint actually weighs more than North, if that is believable."

Given how tiny North is and the fact that babies are supposed to put on weight so that they can grow, it"s totally believable.

The video is an teaser for her app, of course.

Not for the video game, but for her app that"s really just her blog.

Most of the Kardashians do those.

You know, just in case they need even more money.

But it"s good that Kim has a platform to address the mom-shamers.

There is no shortage of awful parents in the world, but Kim genuinely loves her children and it"s hard to picture her hurting or endangering her children — through malice or carelessness.

That would be … out of character.

Of course, when the mommy-shamers see this video, they"re probably going to accuse Kim of "fattening up" Saint.

You can"t win with some people.

Kim kardashian responds to mom shamers i did not endanger saint

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Coco Austin: Attacked by Mom-Shamers Over Butt Pic!

Coco Austin takes so many precious pictures with her daughter, little baby Chanel. Sometimes you even get to see Coco and Chanel in matching bikinis, which is super cute.

But some followers seemed to run out of patience with the mom, and took to posting their complaints on Chanel’s Instagram page. This is somewhere between mommy-shaming and body-shaming. We guess some folks don’t have anything better to do.

Mommy-shaming can start as early as pregnancy, especially for celebrities.

Once the baby’s born, it gets even worse, with followers second-guessing everything.

We’re not suggesting that nobody should question other parents, by any means.

The world is full of awful parents.

Coco doesn’t seem to meet that description at all.

(Though I’m more than a little judgy about piercing a baby’s ears; what the hell is with that, you know?)

But Coco posted one photo on Chanel’s Instagram page that had people up in arms.

Oh, it got some praise, sure, but also some criticism.

Here’s the photo that had judgmental Instagram followers clutching their pearls.

Okay, so Coco Austin’s butt really does take center stage, here.

And some of the more critical followers of the account weren’t here for it.

“Why post a pic of your a– on the baby’s page? Should probably save those pics for your own page lol.”

And then:

“I love seeing this cute little baby. But why do I always have to see her mom’s a– and t–ties too?”

Nice language there, buddy.

Somebody else wrote: “Save this for your mom’s page.”

As if, you know, baby Chanel is here posting her mom’s booty pics.

But Coco explains why she does this, and it makes sense.

“People always ask to see what the back of the bottoms look like.”

Weird how so many people take clothing advice from celebrities with wildly different lifestyles and body types than their own, but here we are.

“I post this to help boutiques that send packages to me. They always want to see a frontal and back”

Okay, that made us cringe a little.

No, it’s super nice of Coco to show off when she gets free stuff. We get that.

But people asking how it looks in front and in back may not be looking for suits of their own.

This sounds like when young celebrities ask “what should my next video be?” and some gross person suggests that they should paint their toenails or try on shoes.

Fortunately, more and more celebs are aware of foot fetishists but it’s still super uncomfortable.

And we’re weirded out by some of these folks asking for Coco to show off her swimsuit, you know?

More to the point, though … that’s just Coco’s body.

Critics have slammed Coco before for showing off her body and having a baby in her arms, but … how is this a big deal?

It shouldn’t be surprising that Coco, who’s never been shy of showing off her curves, remains who she is, even as a mother.

Those curves aren’t easy to contain, and Coco has zero obligation to even try.

So, sorry-not-sorry that not every picture of little baby Chanel is just of Chanel.

Some of them are going to include her mom.

Sometimes Coco is gonna twerk next to her baby, because that’s life.

If you can’t handle the butt, get off of the Instagram, we guess.
