Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kylie Jenner Hits Back at Mom-Shamers With Sweet Stormi Video

Kylie Jenner attended Coachella over the weekend, declaring that she"s a "cool mom."

Mom-shamers came out of the woodwork to put the 20-year-old makeup mogul on blast for leaving her 2-month-old baby to go watch Bella Hadid make out with The Weeknd.

Well Kylie is clapping back, if indirectly, with the sweetest video of her precious baby, Stormi. Watch!

Stormi webster smiles on snapchat

In the video that you"ll see below, Kylie Jenner coos are her happy, precious daughter.

"Hi happy girl!"

She continues, using the talking-to-babies voice that transcends language barriers and cultural boundaries.

"I love you," she says. "I love you!"


Stormi webster looks at kylie jenner

As we mentioned, Kylie showed off her blue hair to followers and, upon departing for Coachella, declared:

"I"m a cool mom."

That did not go over well with mom-shamers, who spoke out.

"A "cool mom" doesn"t up and leave her newborn for a weekend of partying at Coachella — yes that"s you Kylie Jenner."

Well, it"s not like Kylie left Stormi alone.

"Kylie Jenner should be everyone"s example of learning how to use protection. This girl really is gonna leave her baby for three days while she goes to Coachella."

That person, it seems, is recommending that man use protection in order to avoid fathering a child with a woman like Kylie. Ouch.

"Y"all thought the birth of her child was gonna stop Kylie Jenner going to Coachella? THINK AGAIN."

That person seemed to be mocking people for their surprise.

"Kylie Jenner"s really out here saying she was born to be a mom and leaves her two month old to go to Coachella. …"

Stormi webster on kylie jenners snapchat

(Here"s a little preview of the video below. Stormi is so precious)

But Kylie has more than just mom-shamers — she also has her defenders.

"Idk what"s your problem with Kylie Jenner going to Coachella. Do you really think she left the baby without making sure she"s got the best care? Plus that"s her version of work lmao getting $ $ by showing up."

That"s probably true. Music festivals — especially those as controversial as Coachella — can only endure so long as they seem cool to the right people.

"She has so many people doing things for her baby on a daily basis, Stormi probably won"t even know she"s gone."

That will depend upon whether or not Stormi has developed a sense of object permanence. (Allegedly that doesn"t happen until 4 months or so)

Kylie jenner cradles stormi websters baby face

Another commenter treated it like a job listing.

"Well Kylie Jenner hope all is grand. Just letting you know if you"re heading to the second weekend of Coachella next weekend and you"re still looking for a babysitter, I"ll do it, let me know anyway, ten an hour."

Imagine babysitting for Kylie and only getting $ 10 an hour.

"I just want to say that anyone who shames Kylie for going to Coachella and "leaving her daughter home" must have no idea what motherhood is like."

That"s true. That commenter continues, writing:

"It gets REAL ! So if a mother wants to go have fun and party somewhere for a weekend that"s perfectly ok."

Kylie has employees and family who make sure that Stormi is safe and happy.

"Her daughter wasn"t abandoned, she was well taken care of .Kylie a mom but she"s still a human being."

Parents have social engagements all of the time, folks. It"s normal and healthy for everyone involved.

Stormi webster gazes into the camera

Kylie has posted photos of her sleek stomach. Like her sisters before her, she"s happy to show off her hard-earned post-baby body.

A lot of her followers started following her for her selfies and her style.

So they"re happy to see that.

But a lot of folks prefer to see cute pics of Stormi, these days.

So a video of Kylie"s precious baby is a real gift. Take a look!

Kylie jenner hits back at mom shamers with sweet stormi video