Showing posts with label Potty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potty. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jessa Duggar Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"ll Potty Train My Kids When I Want To!

If you follow any of the Duggar women on social media, you know that many of their followers enjoy pointing out their various flaws as parents.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why these people still follow the Duggars despite finding them so objectionable, but that’s the internet in 2018 for you.

Anyway, the target of choice these days seems to be Jessa Duggar.

Jessa is mom to two young boys — 2-year-old Spurgeon (feel free to pause and cringe at that name before reading any further), and 1-year-old Henry.

Like the other Duggar women, Jessa also homeschools her kids, which is one of the many reasons people enjoy closely scrutinizing her parenting.

Though the biggest reason still seems to be that the Duggars are basically a one-family cult, and there’s reason to believe some of their “strict” child-rearing practices cross the line into abusive territory.

But the mom-shamers of Instagram aren’t attacking Michelle Duggar for her “blanket training.”

No, they’re more focused on Jessa Duggar’s messy house and other perceived lapses in parenting prowess.

This time around, they’re focused on Jessa’s alleged failure to foster her kids’ development.

Specifically, they want to know why Spurgeon isn’t potty trained yet.

Jessa recently posted the above pic, along with a caption reading:

“I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers,”

“It makes his day if he gets to sit in the seat and ‘drive’ it.”

Predictably fans freaked at the sight of Lil Spurge in a diaper.

Spurgeon will be 3 years old in a manner of weeks, and it seems many of Jessa’s followers feel that’s much too old to still be rocking Huggies.

When one follower remarked that the Spurge  “should be out of diapers by now,” Jessa actually took time to respond:

“My philosophy is that if they aren’t able to do the whole thing from pulling their pants down and getting themselves on the toilet, to pulling their pants back up, and washing their hands, then they aren’t ready,” Jessa said.

“Otherwise it feels like it’s actually the parent who’s potty training and doing all the work. 

“Lol! I’ve been around kids, and I’m aware of the signs of readiness. My two-year-old is getting close, but not quite there, so we’re not rushing it.”

Yeah, she’s still a Duggar, so she responded in the fake-polite fashion her family is known for.

But hey, a clap back is a clap back.

So let that be a lesson to the rest of you mom-shamers:

There’s a very small chance that Jessa might politely disagree with your observation!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Kandi Burruss Defends Potty Training Her 4-Month Old

Kandi Burruss gave birth to a son named Ace in early January.

And the kid is most definitely a cutie. There can be no debate over that statement…

But debate has emerged on the Internet over Kandi and her husband’s ongoing attempt to potty train their relatively new baby.

Yes, they are trying to potty train a four-month old.

This is difficult enough to do for many two-year olds, but Kandi and Todd Tucker have uploaded a handful of photos and videos to their social media accounts that show Ace on the toilet.

There’s a small seat that goes over on top of the bowl:


“Ace sleeps through the night without peeing in his diaper. So I put him on the potty every Morning and he pees in the toilet,” Todd wrote as a caption to the above image.

Burruss, who has been very open with her breastfeeding, shared her own footage of Ace attempting to do his personal business and then tried to fend off the criticism she figured was coming her way.

“I know a lot of people are gonna talk trash because we have #Ace on the potty already but I did the same thing with @rileyburruss,” she wrote of her daughter, who is now 13.

We’ll do our best to ignore the fact that Kandi used a hashtag for her four-month old son.

She continued:

“I bought the baby toilet seat that fits on top of the toilet & for the past week we’ve been putting Ace on the toilet in the mornings. As soon as we sit him up there he pees.

“One time he pooped & peed. It helps to get them used to the concept early. I don’t expect him to be fully potty trained early but it does help.

“I’ve done it before so I’m speaking from experience. I’m not saying it will work for anyone else but this works for us.

“Today I didn’t get the diaper off quick enough & he started going as soon as I sat him on the toilet! He got me!”

We’re not really sure why anyone would take issue with this.

But it’s the Internet and it’s parenting and everyone thinks he or she is an expert in everything… so we take it back.

We totally get why people would take issue with this.