Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"m NOT Starving My Kids!

Kristin Cavallari is talking about her family again, though we bear the heartbreaking news that she is not posting more nude photos of Jay Cutler. Sorry.

This time, she’s talking about her three young children.

Fans had worried that she was starving them on some insane Hollywood diet. She’s shutting down those mom-shaming rumors.

Last month, Kristin came out with her very own cookbook.

The title, whose length alone was an act of almost unparalleled hubris, is: True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen with More Than 100 Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar.

There’s a lot to unpackage with that extensive title.

Obviously, some of the response had to do with the fact that so many people who avoid gluten do so due to pseudoscience rather than because of a genuine allergy to the gluten protein.

But others were concerned, because Kristin is a parent.

Together with Jay Cutler, she has three children: 5-year-old Camden Jack, 4-year-old Jackson Wyatt, and 2-year-old daughter Saylor James.

Fans worried that she was feeding them foods missing these often essential components, and perhaps subjecting them to an unhealthy strict diet.

Speaking to People, Kristin Cavallari says that there is no need for concern and even less need for mom-shaming.

“How I eat, I cook at home, and that’s what they eat.”

That is often how families work.

But you don’t need to worry that their kids are trapped in some tower somewhere, being fed only artisanal, organic acai or whatever.

As she explains, their kids also eat normal food that humans eat.

She gives an example of the kids eating normal food.

“But we go out to breakfast every weekend.”

That sounds very nice, actually.

“They get doughnuts every weekend.”

Ooooh, that sounds great. (Anyone else just remember that they haven’t had a doughnut since 2016?)

Kristin continues, dismissing the idea that she’s one of those moms who is going out of her way to impose her own bonkers dietary restrictions upon her children.

“It’s not like they’re on some stupid diet.”

There’s the Kristin Cavallari whom fans grew to know and love on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and on The Hills.

She highlights the absurdity of that idea.

“They’re kids.”

They sure are.

Kristin goes on to explain that, though she is clearing the air about things, she doens’t really care what people think.

“Getting backlash about anything I’m doing when it comes to parenting, I really don’t give a s–t about.”

That can be a great attitude or a terrible one, depending upon one’s parenting.

She explains why she is so dismissive of outside opinions.

“Because I’m so confident at what I’m doing as a mom that I don’t care.”

You know what? Considering that all that she’s doing is cooking with a few dietary restrictions at home, that attitude sounds just fine.

It’s especially good to hear that her kids are enjoying doughnuts.

Children can really appreciate doughnuts in a way that adults cannot. Once you hit your mid twenties, you can’t eat more than a few in a day. A kid can wolf down seven and experience true happiness.

Though we somehow doubt that Kristin and Jay are going quite that far on the weekends. Which is probably for the best.
