Showing posts with label Neglect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neglect. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Snooki Claps Back HARD After Mom-Shamers Accuse Her of Neglect!

Snooki ihas always been quite the character. As we’ve seen on the new season of Jersey Shore, not everything has changed.

But these days, Snooki is a mother.

And when mom-shamers descend upon her in a frenzy over her 4-year-old’s appearance, she’s not afraid to clap back.

Snooki attended Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s wedding shower, also known as the “Hitchuation.”

On Instagram, she shared a beautiful photo of her daughter, Giovanna, with Jwoww’s daughter, Meilani.

“Here’s a pic of us at our first red carpet event,” Snooki jokes in the caption.

These precious girls do look like their mothers. It’s very much a “mini me” situation.

Snooki’s joke continues: “We were so young. @jwoww”

This sweet photo of 4-year-old Giovanna Marie and Meilani Alexandra earned the expected praise and adoration.

Unfortunately, it also attracted some very strange, disturbing criticism.

“Girl. You have money dress your girl better. She’s beautiful but needs to look nicer,” one troll demanded.

That troll continued: “You take time to do your hair face and dress do the same for her.”

Another mom-shamer wrote: “Kids hair is crazy.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 01

Snooki actually replied to these haters.

“Mind your own business tho,” Snooki replies. That is some pretty good advice.

“I let my daughter pick her own outfits,” she explains.

Snooki affirms: I let her express herself.”

“Are you a mother?” Snooki asks. “Worry about your own damn kids, and let us live.”

Snooki claps back at mom-shamers 02

“She’s 4 god damn years old, f— off”

To the “Kids hair is crazy” jab, Snooki also had a retort.

She simply replied: “Let her live.”

A fan chimed in that they would “rather have my daughter not give a damn what any judgmental snobs think about her.”

“Amen, dude,” Snooki agreed. “Humans are such d–ks i fear for my kids in the future …”

To hear some people tell it, Snooki’s 4-year-old daughter’s cute look heralds the collapse of civilization.

“That’s the problem with the world today u have no shame!” one terrible commenter laments.

“Your [sic] the mom who doesn’t bathe her kid daily, who doesn’t help her brush her teeth,” the hater clames.

The shamer continues: “The one whose kids wear the same clothes 2 days in a row because your too busy on social media or doing your own hair and makeup.”

“You spent half your morning on your eyebrows,” this troll claims: “But couldn’t wash or even brush your kids hair.”

The shamer concludes: “You should be ashamed and I’m glad these people are calling you out!”

A decade ago, we would never have imagined saying this, but … it really does sound like Snooki is a good mom.

Some people, particularly public figures, obsess over public perception and force their very small children to dress like fancy adults.

Giovanna looks absolutely adorable in these photos, but that is beside the point. Even if she looked a little out of place, it would be a good thing.

She is literally a 4 year old child. She doesn’t need to dress to meet someone’s weird, unhealthy expectations of what celebrity kids should look like.

We hope that these mom-shamers don’t have children of their own. Growing up in their households sounds … suffocating.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Chip & Joanna Gaines Accused of Child Neglect By Raving Psycho

Even if you’ve never seen an episode of HGTV’s Fixer Upper, you’re probably familiar with Chip and Joanna Gaines

The handy couple is so ubiquitous that even now that they’ve stepped away from the show that made them famous, it seems one can’t log on to social media or scan the magazines in the checkout lane without seeing their photogenic faces.

And for one purveyor of scorching hot takes, that’s exactly the problem.

Daryl Austin is a USA Today columnist who thinks Chip and Joanna are 100% full of it.

He’s not denying that they built a successful media empire, and not he’s not predicting that they’ll fail in their efforts to create a popular retail brand.

No, Austin simply believes that the Gainses accomplished all of this at the expense of family togetherness.

He doesn’t have any proof that Chip and Joanna are neglecting their kids, but anyone that successful must be, right?!

We wish we were joking, but that really is the thrust of Austin’s argument.

In a recent piece entitled “Sorry but someone has to say it: Chip and Joanna Gaines do NOT put family first,” Austin claims that Chip and Joanna must be crappy parents because of how much they work.

The whole piece is imminently quotable, but we’ll just hit you with some choice excerpts:

“[Chip and Joanna] don’t want to be seen simply as a couple that can do it all. They want to be seen as a couple that can do it all while at the same time making their family their top priority,” Austin writes.

“This is just not possible, and it does a disservice to the parents who really are putting their children first.”

As fans of the couple know, Chip and Joanna are expecting their fifth child, and in their early 40s, they don’t seem to have lost a step.

This is simply not okay with Daryl Austin.

“No matter how rich and famous, we are all limited by the same 24 hours in a day,” he argues.

“You cannot do all they’ve done (or even a fraction of it) and still have any real time left over for family.”

So if you have kids, you just go ahead and toss all your career goals in the trash, because there’s simply no way for you to accomplish even a fraction of what Chip and Joanna have achieved now that you’ve committed the fatal error of procreation.

Austin doesn’t say exactly what fraction will cause you to absent-mindedly wrap a diaper around a frozen turkey and put your infant in the oven, but you better believe it’s low! 

We’d shoot him an email and ask for more details, but we assume Daryl is busy explaining to his children that he would be a columnist for the New York Times right now if he’d only worn a condom.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard Accused of Child Neglect

It’s been a rough few months for Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

First, Derick was fired from Counting On after directing a transphobic social media tirade at fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Now, he and Jill are the subjects of constant scrutiny of overeager fans.

Normally, that’s not a bad thing, especially since Jill and Derick rely on donations from fans to help them pay the bills.

But unfortunately for the Dillards, much of the attention they’ve been receiving has been negative.

In the past, Jill has been mom-shamed for everything from how she dresses her kids to how she addresses concerns over their health.

This time around, however, the criticism is directed at Derick, who may have posted evidence of his unsafe parenting practices on Instagram.

The photo below appeared on Derick’s page yesterday, much to the chagrin of some of his followers:

That’s Jill and Derick’s 7-month-old son Samuel.

“Sam loves his new toy! Number 3 on top gifts for 6-month olds for 2018. Trending up from number 4 gift since 1950,” Derick captioned the pic.

A funny joke, we suppose (though it would be funnier if plastic water one-time-use water bottles were a thing in 1950), but many fans didn’t see the humor.

“Be careful with those plastic bottles,” wrote one IG user. 

“My daughter gave her 7 month old one and somehow the lid came off. If we hadn’t seen it she could have choked.”

Some followers were a bit more blunt in ther assessment of the situation:

“Babies have choked and died doing that, you f–king moron,” wrote one fan.

“Ther are toxics in plastic, Derick. Are you an idiot?” commented another.

We’re guessing the harsh judgment of Derick has at least something to do with the fact that he’s a known cyber-bully who seems to enjoy harassing others on social media.

Of course, the main reason is that it’s seriously stupid to let a baby play with a discarded plastic water bottle.

This has been your daily installment of “Don’t Be Like Derick Dillard.”

Watch Counting On online for more lessons.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Horrifying New Details of Child Neglect Case Revealed!

Remember a few months ago when the only things that were really going on with Jenelle Evans were her upcoming wedding and all her cool new landscaping projects?

Man, what happened?

For the past several months, many, many people truly believed that this girl had finally gotten her life together.

She hadn’t been arrested in such a long time, she had that precious little baby girl.

Things were good.

But, as we’re now learning, people only thought things were good because Jenelle went to such great lengths to hide the truth.

The truth, sad as it may be, is that she smoked weed during her pregnancy, resulting in a positive drug test for little Ensley.

And yeah, it would have been worse if she’d been drinking or doing her former favorite, heroin, but she doesn’t get a medal for doing the least dangerous drug while growing a child inside her body.

If nothing else, smoking is always bad during pregnancy, right?

So Jenelle couldn’t put down the bong for nine months, North Carolina found out about it, and an investigation was launched.

And now, thanks to some court documents obtained by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, we know even more details about that investigation.

According to those documents, a DSS rep stated in March that “Mother and father tested positive for substances during the investigation.”

Meaning that at some point during the time DSS was involved with Jenelle and her family, both she and David tested positive for something — probably marijuana again, but the substance wasn’t specified.

After that, social services “visited the home and smelled THC and the child was present in the room at the time.”

The child in this scenario being Ensley, who, as we’re learning, has probably spent much of her eight-month-old life with a contact high.

“Neither parent cooperated in testing additionally when requested to do so,” the documents revealed.

So even after Ensley’s positive drug test, and after a couple of months of investigating, they still didn’t feel the need to just stop smoking for a while?


We also know now that Jenelle and David were assigned a social worker who visited them once a week, and they were given goals “to ensure parents do not use illegal substances in the presence of their children or while pending care.”

The rules were also set in place so that they could “make appropriate supervisions for child care” and “to be more responsible.”

Since the investigation was closed in May, we assume that they were finally able to follow those rules.

But according to another report, the investigation was closed because they were able to obtain medical marijuana cards in California.

Apparently the cards proved that they had a medical need for marijuana, and since they both work out in L.A. often enough, the case was dropped.

Which seems a little silly — regardless of “work,” Jenelle lives in North Carolina, where smoking weed is still all the way illegal, and she didn’t have a medical card when the investigation began.

Unfortunately, we don’t make the rules.

But hey, wouldn’t it be fun if we did?


Friday, September 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Horrific Neglect of Children Revealed?!

When it rains, it pours, huh?

This can be said for bad news, actual rain, and also disturbing court documents from Jenelle Evans’ latest custody battle.

As we discussed yesterday, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, has just filed for emergency custody of Nathan’s son with Jenelle, Kaiser.

According to her, neither of Kaiser’s parents were fit to care for him, so she had to step in.

In the documents we saw yesterday, one of the big issues with Jenelle is her ongoing love of marijuana — she loves it so much that she was allegedly unable to stop smoking during her last pregnancy.

Doris dropped the bomb that when Ensley was born, she tested positive for marijuana, and DSS investigated Jenelle for several months.

During the investigation, David Eason also tested positive, so it would seem like there’s a lot of smoking going on out on Jenelle’s swamp.

The news was definitely alarming, and pretty tragic, but in newly released documents from Doris’ filing, things are only getting sadder.

In these papers, Kaiser’s grandma claims that the poor little boy was sick earlier this year for several months, “but never seemed to get better every time he visited.”

She took him to a doctor herself, and he was prescribed a nebulizer to help with his congestion, but when Grandma Doris saw him again a few weeks later, “he was sick again with a runny nose and congestion” because Jenelle never used the treatment.

Doris also says that during one day this summer, “Jace and the minor child Kaiser were locked out of the house on a very hot day and not allowed back in for a very long time.”

She says that when she went to pick Kaiser up from Jenelle’s home one day, he was alone in the yard — at just two years old then, he would be much, much too young for that.

Then, “after several minutes,” Jenelle saw that Doris’ car had pulled up “and came running out apologizing that she didn’t realize the minor child was outside alone.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, there was another day this summer when Jace was “lost in the woods for two hours due to improper supervision.”

Doris says that Jenelle is so bad at parenting that she forgot to set up arrangements for Kaiser’s care when she was gone to the MTV Video Music Awards last month.

After having Kaiser for a few days, poor ol’ Doris pulled up to the spot where she and Jenelle were supposed to meet for the drop-off, but Jenelle wasn’t there.

She texted her and got no response, and when she called her, she also got no response.

Doris then called up Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, who told her that she was out in L.A. for the awards show “so there was no way she would be there for the exchange.”

She says that Barbara also told her that she is “extremely concerned” for Kaiser.

After that, David called her up to tell her that they’d be gone until that Tuesday, though no one had mentioned it to her.

Finally, Doris claims that Jenelle “has admitted she does not know how to deal with Kaiser and that is why she placed him in daycare.”

It’s all pretty heartbreaking, right? And, sadly, it’s also pretty easy to believe.

As we’ve seen on the current season of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle really doesn’t seem to able to parent Kaiser — she acts like he’s impossible to manage, even though he’s just behaving like a normal toddler.

When she feels like he needs discipline, she turns to David. Actually, when Kaiser needs anything, she turns to David.

We’ve seen her yell at him, sling him around, ignore him … it’s honestly been pretty hard to watch.

But is Jenelle’s treatment of Kaiser bad enough that she’ll lose custody of him?

We suppose only time will tell.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ray J Kicked Off "Celebrity Big Brother" After Blacking Out and Claiming Neglect

Ray J is in the hospital and enraged at “Celebrity Big Brother” for letting him suffer for days in extreme pain to the point he blacked out and he’s been kicked out of the house … TMZ has learned. Ray has been shooting the show in the UK but 3…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Sued For Animal Neglect!

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are probably among the most beloved couples in Hollywood.

But that might be soon to change, thanks to new reports about the actors allegedly neglecting and abandoning their pet Chihuahua.

According to TMZ, the problems started when Faris adopted the dog named Pete about four years ago.

At the time, Faris signed an agreement with rescue shelter operator Laurel Kinder, stating that she would pay a fine of $ 5,000 if she ever gave the dog to a different owner.

On Friday, Pete was found wandering the streets of North Hollywood and was reportedly badly emaciated.

Pete was outfitted with microchip that identified Pratt and Faris as his owners.

The couple is currently out of town, but reps say they’ve made arrangements to have the dog returned to the “nice home” that they found for him upon concluding that they could no longer care for the animal.

Faris and Pratt’s ream did not comment on why they violated their agreement, or if they intend to pay the shelter the agreed-upon $ 5,000.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time that Faris and Pratt have been involved in a pet-related controversy.

Back in 2011, Pratt was criticized for attempting to give his 15-year-old cat away on Twitter.

His response to online backlash was seen by many as insensitive to both animal lovers and people who are unable to have children:

“Bottom line, and not that this is any of your f–king business weirdos, but my wife and I want to start a family and we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT have an animal that shits all over the house,” Pratt wrote on social media.

“Sorry. If you are a parent you will understand. And if not, that probably explains why you have such a hard on for cats. Just sayin’.”

This was all before Chris became a mainstream movie star on the strength of his performance in Guardians of the Galaxy, and he may have changed his ways in the years since.

There were reports of Pratt losing it on a fan back in September, and while the actor does appear to have lost his temper, he still remained pretty chill.

Hopefully, he and Faris will have a good explanation for what happened with Pete whenever they get back into town.

We already lost Brangelina this year.

We need all of the likable Hollywood couples we can get.
