Showing posts with label Horrific. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horrific. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lil Scrappy Friend Struggling to Recover From Horrific FL Car Wreck

Lil Scrappy‘s friend, Ca$ ino Roulette, still suffers from mental trauma 7 months after their horrific car accident, and he’s still battling to bounce back from painful abdominal surgeries.
Ca$ ino tells TMZ … he’s going through PTSD from the June wreck,...
Lil Scrappy Friend Struggling to Recover From Horrific FL Car Wreck

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sophia Floersch Fractures Spine After Horrific Crash at Macau Grand Prix

Sophia Floersch — a German Formula 3 driver — survived a terrifying crash during a race in China that easily could’ve killed her … but left her with a fractured spine instead. The 17-year-old was racing in the Macau Grand Prix Sunday when…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans Endangers Son"s Life in Horrific New Video

Jenelle Evans … doesn’t the girl ever need a break from being just the absolute worst?

Like, shouldn’t there be at least a few days out of the year when she goes “Man, maybe I should just chill today and take some naps instead of actively trying to make myself look like the biggest jackass in all the Carolinas”?

You’d think so — it really does seem like it would be tiring — but you’d think wrong.

Jenelle has proven time and time again that she has the stamina and the know-how to be awful every minute of every day, and with this new little scandal, she’s doing just that.

See, there’s been a whole lot of focus on her pool lately, what with all the talk about her lack of a pool fence and the possible legal ramifications she may face for being dumb about it

There’s also been a whole lot of focus on Kaiser, what with the most recent round of abuse allegations and CPS investigations.

So considering that, it just makes sense that Jenelle would feel like sharing a video featuring both Kaiser and the pool, both perfectly safe, would be the thing to do.

But alas, it was not, because Jenelle shared this video instead.

The video shows Kaiser jumping into the shallow end of the pool, without a life jacket or floaties or an adult catching him.

In her caption, Jenelle explained that “Now that Kaiser can swim, he loves to throw in his toys and dive!”

Which is sweet, and we’re glad he seems to be having a good time, but still, the video is just a little bit terrifying.

Kaiser is clumsy in his diving — you know, because he just turned four — and the way he jumps in, it really looks like he could be badly hurt.

And while David Eason is creeping nearby, it still looks like the poor kid flounders a little too long before working his way back up to the surface.

Maybe we’re making a big deal out of nothing though, right?

Maybe this is just how lots of people get their kids feeling comfortable with swimming.

But if we’re wrong about how scary this is, then most of the commenters on the video are wrong too.

“How deep is that?” one of her followers asked. “Cause I just saw an almost broken neck there. Jesus Christ.”

“Probably be a good idea not having him dive straight down at the shallow end …” another person pointed out.

Many, many people told her that he shouldn’t be diving straight down at the shallow end of the pool, and several insisted that he could have broken his neck, too.

The video even earned some criticism from her actual fans — one wrote “Normally I would think everyone was just being a crybaby but that jump did make my heart sink. Sorry!”

“I’m not one to really care what someone else is doing with their own child, but this made me say ‘OMG’ out loud,” another normally chill person told her.

This outrage was enough for Jenelle to do one of her traditional early morning Twitter rants, so you know it hit home.

Over there, someone tried to tell her how dangerous diving into the shallow end is, but you know she didn’t listen.

“Yeah so let me have Kaiser dive in the deep end where he can’t swim?” she responded. “You need to recheck your common sense.”

It was suggested that perhaps she didn’t let him dive in at all, but she said “Why not?! We are scuba divers… why wouldn’t we want Kaiser to learn that?! Wow, lol.”

And then when a follower said that perhaps Kaiser should learn to swim better before getting into diving, she replied “Lmfao he knows how to swim….”

Which is funny, because just a few minutes before that she said that he couldn’t.

She finished her little rant with “Not arguing with y’all at 6am,” even though that’s what she’d been doing, and she deleted her tweets.

Classic Jenelle, right?

Look, whether you love her or love to hate her or hate to hate her but still can’t quite look away, this is all ridiculous, right?

But hey, that’s our girl!


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Melyssa Ford Seriously Injured After Horrific Car Accident in L.A.

Hip hop video vixen and reality TV star Melyssa Ford was badly injured in a car accident this week — and her good friend, Claudia Jordan, posted a pic from the scene. The ‘RHOA’ star shared a photo Saturday of Melyssa lying on the ground…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Paige VanZant Reveals Horrific Gang Rape In High School

UFC star Paige VanZant says she was gang raped in high school by a bunch of boys who got her drunk and assaulted her when she couldn’t defend herself. The 24-year-old described the incident and the impact it had on her life in her new book,…


Monday, February 19, 2018

David Eason Goes on Horrific Homophobic Rant: Will He Be Fired?!

Remember when Jenelle Evans first began dating David Eason, and lots of people were proud of her because they thought he was a good guy, or at least way better than the guys she’d been with before him?

Boy, were they wrong.

It’s kind of hard to imagine where people even got that idea to begin with, since he has a criminal record, was once in jail with Jenelle’s first husband, Courtland Rogers, and was only recently allowed to see his own son.

Maybe because he’s so tall, some naive Teen Mom fans think he’s more mature? That’s the only thing we can come up with.

Interestingly, Jenelle’s mother, the beloved Barbara Evans, has made it clear from the beginning that she thinks David is the worst person Jenelle’s ever been with.

And he seems pretty intent on proving that lately.

David and Jenelle got a whole lot of criticism last week when he shared a photo of her posing with a gun just a couple of hours after the news of the Florida shooting broke.

She admitted that it was “bad timing,” but he refused to consider the possibility that perhaps the photo was a bit inappropriate, given the circumstances.

Since then, he’s been going on and on about guns and gun control and guns guns guns.

This morning, he shared a news story about the possibility of allowing those with concealed carry permits to bring guns onto school property, tweeting “It only makes sense to protect our kids the proper way… the only way we know how.”

Someone replied, suggesting that instead of protecting our kids with guns, we protect them with “education,” and that it “starts with intentional parenting.”

“No, you are wrong,” David wrote. “Please tell me sir, how do you propose we make all the people in America start being better parents? Or are you a monkeys uncle?”

The same person suggested that David could start being a better parent by not “glorifying assault rifles” and by teaching his children “how to solve problems without calling people names or using force.”

It’s great advice for him, right?

But he really, really did not appreciate it.

“And just what makes you think you have the right to tell me how to be a parent?” he responded. “Because you think you know me?”

“Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.”

Yep. He really tweeted that.

Not only was that a hateful, offensive thing to say, but it’s also really embarrassing that David Eason thinks he is some kind of authority on parenting and good morals.

Another person replied to that tweet, asking if David was going to teach his kids “to hate gay and transgender people.”

“No, I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way… If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas,” he answered.

He also referred to gay and transgender people as “abominations.”

It’s all just really, truly awful, but it’s not over yet … because someone rightfully called David homophobic, and he responded with this:

“Homophobic? You really lost it now, im not scared if sh-t especially a homo.”

When another person called him homophobic, he repeated himself, writing that he “never said anything about being scared if homos.”

Someone told David that they have a lesbian daughter, and that she’s a great person, something that he doesn’t seem to think is possible.

He hit back with “Well if she is lesbian than she wont be able to have kids right? Or she could adopt some troubled children and confuse them even more right?”

And if you’re wondering how ignorant one person can be, don’t worry, he really laid it all out for us with this next revelation.

“We dont watch the news buddy,” he told one of his followers in the middle of all this. “90% of every story is fake just to grab your attention and keep you on the channel long enough to see commercials.”

Fake news, right? Right?!

All of these remarks have Teen Mom fans pushing harder than ever to get David kicked off the show — there are petitions going around, and people are sending screenshots of the tweets to MTV producers.

Unfortunately, we don’t see anything happening on that front. If David was fired, it doesn’t seem possible that Jenelle would be able to keep on filming, and if Jenelle didn’t film, there would be no show.

Still … it’s pretty shocking how he manages to be more and more terrible every single day.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Florida Shooting, Student"s Horrific Joke, Ready for "Round 2"

It’s almost beyond words … a freshman at a South Carolina high school posted a photo of himself wearing a mask and holding what looks like an assault rifle with the caption, “Round 2 of Florida tomorrow.” The 9th grader is now in custody after an…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Larry Nassar Sentenced to 175 Years in Horrific Sexual Abuse Case

Dubbed “the most prolific child molester in history,” Larry Nassar was sentenced to a lifetime in prison on Wednesday.

The former Team USA gymnastics doctor, Nassar has been accused of sexual misconduct and abuse by countless women, including such famous ex-clients as Simone Biles and Aly Raisman.

Altogether, approximately 140 victims have come forward with similar stories about Nassar.

Many of them read open letters in court over the past several days about the predator, detailing how Nassar would touch them inappropriately during medical exams.

They described the heinous ways in which he abused them and manipulated them over the years, claiming as he did so that he was simply servicing them as a medical professional and trying out new techniques for healing.

It’s truly despicable stuff.

After days of hearing these emotional impact statements, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina of Michigan’s Ingham County Circuit Court sentenced the 54-year-old deviant to the lengthy sentence, castigating him in court as follows:

“Your crimes have cut into the core of this community and families and many we don’t know.

“There was no medical treatment.

“You did this for your pleasure and your control. You still think that somehow you are right … I wouldn’t send my dogs to you, sir.”

“It was my honor and privilege to sentence you,” Aquilina added later, stating that she wants him to remain behind bars for the rest of his life.

“I just signed your death warrant.”

Nassar pleaded guilty in November to numerous counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Other victims you may have heard of include Olympic champions and medal winners McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas.

“We know without a doubt after these seven days – what we and this team have known for 16 months – [Nassar] is perhaps the most prolific child molester in history … who spared no one,” Assistant District Attorney Angela Povilaitis said in court this morning.

She continued:

“The defendant hid behind Olympic rings. Every previous time there had been an allegation, nothing happened. His lies worked.

“This court [heard[ from several women some decades later who were initially determined to be confused or to be liars. He was believed over these children.”

Prior to his sentencing, Nassar read brief prepared remarks.

“Your words these past several days have had a significant emotional effect on myself,” he said, speaking to his victims and adding:

“I recognize that what I’m feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma and emotional destruction that all of you have felt.

“There are no words to describe the depth and breadth of how sorry I am for what has occurred. I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days.”

However, he also submitted a letter to the judge that was read aloud today.

It included the sentence “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” and the claim that these “stories are being fabricated to sensationalize this…”

The crowd in the courtroom audibly gasped as the judge read Nassar’s letter to the public.

Nassar was fired by USA Gymnastics in 2015 after working with the organization since 1986.

He had been serving as its national medical coordinator since 1996.

Last Friday, Raisman made national headlines and earned global acclaim and respect for addressing her abuser face-to-face in court.

“We, this group of women you so heartlessly abused over such a long period of time, are now a force, and you are nothing,” she said.

“The tables have turned, Larry. We are here. We have our voices, and we are not going anywhere.”

Thankfully, though, Nassar is going somewhere.

He’s going to rot in prison forever.


Friday, December 8, 2017

Chicago Bears" Zach Miller Gets Emotional Discussing Horrific Injury, "Save My Leg, Please"

Bears TE Zach Miller is finally opening up about the gruesome injury that nearly cost him his left leg … tearing up as he describes all that’s gone down in the aftermath.  Miller says he knew the injury was “pretty severe” … so when…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Gordon Hayward "Will Be Fine" After Horrific Injury, Says His Dad

Don’t worry too much about Gordon Hayward … ‘cause God’s got his back — so says his family. “Thanks to everyone for all the messages, prayers & love,” Hayward’s dad tweeted late Tuesday night … after his NBA superstar son snapped his ankle…


Friday, October 13, 2017

NFL Investigating Horrific Panthers Fan Assault on Eagles Fan

WARNING: THIS VIDEO EXTREMELY VIOLENT AND DISTURBING  NFL officials are investigating a brutal incident involving a Carolina Panthers fan blasting an Eagles fan in the face during Thursday Night Football.  It all went down toward the end…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Audrina Patridge Details Horrific Abuse Claims Against Corey Bohan

The Audrina Patridge-Corey Bohan divorce has quickly taken a turn for the very ugly.

Earlier today, we reported that the former Hills stars were splitting after nearly a year of marriage and nearly nine years of being together overall.

We weren’t sure why.

We thought maybe becoming parents to a little girl naked Kirra last June had placed a strain on their marriage.

It turns out, however, that the reason is far more troubling and insidious.

On Monday, September 18, Patridge was granted a restraining order against Bohan for what a source describes to People Magazine as ongoing instances of “emotional abuse.”

More specifically and most troubling, there was an incident in mid-April, legal documents claim, during which Audrina says Corey shoved her while she was holding Kirra in her arms.

The couple was arguing about Bohan’s alleged infidelity when he proceeded to empty out her purse and punch himself in the head, threatening to do even more damage if she left him.

This was the second time in a few weeks, Patridge claims, that Bohan had talked of suicide.

She also references an incident on September 6, saying Bohan started calling her names and harassing her after she returned home.

“Grow some balls and pull the trigger and file for divorce,” Bohan supposedly yelled at her at the time, prompting Patridge to call the police and file a report.

Just over a week later, child protective services came to the residence to meet with her.

This past weekend, Bohan showed up for a panel discussion Patridge was taking part in… followed her on stage … and demanded to know their daughter’s whereabouts.

“I was shaking at this point,” Audrina says in her legal documents.

She asked for a restraining order the next day.

HOWEVER, Bohan allegedly showed up on September 19 and refused to leave Audrina’s home.

He installed five video cameras around the premises to keep tabs on her and called her a “f-cking cunt.”

“I am fearful of [Corey’s] temper because he cannot control his swearing and personal attacks on me, even when in the presence of our young daughter,” writes Audrina.

The restraining order requires Bohan to remain at least 100 feet away from his estranged wife, his daughter and even his dog.

As for the divorce, Patridge is demanding primary physical and legal custody of 15-month-old Kirra.

She is asking a judge to shut Bohan down if he asks for spousal support.

And, finally, she wants an order specifically prohibiting Bohan from taking Kirra to his native land of Australia.

Talk about a terrible ending to what had appeared to have been a stable love story.

Patridge and Bohan had been together since 2008, remaining close even throughout filming of The Hills, an unusual development for couples that appear on reality television.

Alas, the relationship has ended on the most sour of notes.

For the sake of their young daughter, let’s hope Audrina and Corey find a way to work this out as amicably as possible.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jenelle Evans Responds to Horrific Abuse Claims: It"s Not My Fault!

Right now, Jenelle Evans is possibly in the hottest water she’s ever been in.

It’s true: this might finally be the time that she faces some consequences for her actions.

For all the times she’s been arrested — the assault charges, the drug charges, everything — she’s always managed to get out of trouble somehow.

But this time, considering the seriousness of the case against her and the way things are turning out so far, her luck may be running out.

About time, right?

To recap, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, went to court at the beginning of this month to file for emergency custody of Jenelle’s son with Nathan, Kaiser.

According to the claims Doris made in the court documents for the case, Jenelle is still using drugs — so much that when she gave birth to Ensley, the poor little baby tested positive for marijuana.

Another big issue is that she says Kaiser is being neglected when he’s with Jenelle. As evidence, she claims that one day she pulled up to her house and saw the then two-year-old playing outside all by himself.

In a particularly horrifying section of those documents, Doris also says that Jenelle’s fiancé, David Eason, has been abusive to the little boy.

She claims that on one occasion, Kaiser told her that David had punched him, and he mimed a blow to the head, over and over.

Obviously, if any of this is true then Jenelle definitely needs to be held accountable.

But as Teen Mom 2’s biggest trainwreck claimed in a statement of her own … well, to be honest, we’re not sure exactly what Jenelle is trying to claim here.

“Our lawyers are talking today,” she said in a statement to E! News made yesterday. “Doris made accusations but I can tell you that Barbara has a lot to do with them.”

Oh, so it’s Barbara’s fault? We should’ve seen that one coming.

“Doris threw her own son under the bus by admitting that he has pending felonies and possibly on drugs. Her emergency filing was against me and Nathan both,” she continued.

We’re not sure what this has to do with anything — wouldn’t this be a sign of Doris’ good intentions, that she’s even willing to take custody of Kaiser from her own troubled son?

“I can tell you that they are allegations, mostly driven by my mom,” Jenelle concluded. “Our lawyers are working out a new agreement.”

Why would they be working out a new agreement if these are just “allegations”?

Interestingly enough, the original version of this statement concluded with Jenelle saying something about how Doris hadn’t won emergency custody, “and that says it all.”

Wonder why she wanted that changed?

Possibly because while Doris wasn’t immediately given custody of Kaiser, a court date has been set.

According to Nathan, anyway.

In a statement he made on Twitter, he asked someone, presumably Jenelle, to “please stop lying.”

“My mom never said I was possibly on drugs, I never have been,” he wrote. “Plus, the court case is set Oct. 2.”

This is just getting juicier and juicier, huh?

If we can believe Nathan, Jenelle will be facing yet another custody battle in less than a month — which seems pretty fast, considering how drawn out her battle for Jace was.

Could that be because this situation is a little more dire, considering Kaiser could be in danger?

Whatever happens, it’s pretty darn interesting that in Jenelle’s statement, she never outright denied the allegations against her.

She did refer to them as “allegations,” but why wouldn’t she say something like “of course I don’t abuse my son,” or “I never did drugs while pregnant”?

Wouldn’t statements like those hold more weight than blaming her mother for literally no reason?

There are so many questions, but so few answers.

Really, all we can say right now is “those poor kids …”

Oh, and, as always, “Dang, Jenelle.”


Friday, September 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Horrific Neglect of Children Revealed?!

When it rains, it pours, huh?

This can be said for bad news, actual rain, and also disturbing court documents from Jenelle Evans’ latest custody battle.

As we discussed yesterday, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, has just filed for emergency custody of Nathan’s son with Jenelle, Kaiser.

According to her, neither of Kaiser’s parents were fit to care for him, so she had to step in.

In the documents we saw yesterday, one of the big issues with Jenelle is her ongoing love of marijuana — she loves it so much that she was allegedly unable to stop smoking during her last pregnancy.

Doris dropped the bomb that when Ensley was born, she tested positive for marijuana, and DSS investigated Jenelle for several months.

During the investigation, David Eason also tested positive, so it would seem like there’s a lot of smoking going on out on Jenelle’s swamp.

The news was definitely alarming, and pretty tragic, but in newly released documents from Doris’ filing, things are only getting sadder.

In these papers, Kaiser’s grandma claims that the poor little boy was sick earlier this year for several months, “but never seemed to get better every time he visited.”

She took him to a doctor herself, and he was prescribed a nebulizer to help with his congestion, but when Grandma Doris saw him again a few weeks later, “he was sick again with a runny nose and congestion” because Jenelle never used the treatment.

Doris also says that during one day this summer, “Jace and the minor child Kaiser were locked out of the house on a very hot day and not allowed back in for a very long time.”

She says that when she went to pick Kaiser up from Jenelle’s home one day, he was alone in the yard — at just two years old then, he would be much, much too young for that.

Then, “after several minutes,” Jenelle saw that Doris’ car had pulled up “and came running out apologizing that she didn’t realize the minor child was outside alone.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, there was another day this summer when Jace was “lost in the woods for two hours due to improper supervision.”

Doris says that Jenelle is so bad at parenting that she forgot to set up arrangements for Kaiser’s care when she was gone to the MTV Video Music Awards last month.

After having Kaiser for a few days, poor ol’ Doris pulled up to the spot where she and Jenelle were supposed to meet for the drop-off, but Jenelle wasn’t there.

She texted her and got no response, and when she called her, she also got no response.

Doris then called up Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, who told her that she was out in L.A. for the awards show “so there was no way she would be there for the exchange.”

She says that Barbara also told her that she is “extremely concerned” for Kaiser.

After that, David called her up to tell her that they’d be gone until that Tuesday, though no one had mentioned it to her.

Finally, Doris claims that Jenelle “has admitted she does not know how to deal with Kaiser and that is why she placed him in daycare.”

It’s all pretty heartbreaking, right? And, sadly, it’s also pretty easy to believe.

As we’ve seen on the current season of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle really doesn’t seem to able to parent Kaiser — she acts like he’s impossible to manage, even though he’s just behaving like a normal toddler.

When she feels like he needs discipline, she turns to David. Actually, when Kaiser needs anything, she turns to David.

We’ve seen her yell at him, sling him around, ignore him … it’s honestly been pretty hard to watch.

But is Jenelle’s treatment of Kaiser bad enough that she’ll lose custody of him?

We suppose only time will tell.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Sexiest Motorcyclist on Instagram Dies in Horrific Crash

Olga Pronina, a female biker in Russia often referred to as the “Sexiest Motorcyclist” on the planet, was killed Monday night after losing control of her vehicle and slamming into highway side railing.

She was 40 years old.

Pronina was racing through the city of Vladivostok in Russia at a high speed when her BMW motorcycle swerved off the road and caused its rider to be hurled from the bike.

She died before emergency medical personnel could even get to her, according to The New York Post.

The mother of one was known as “Monika” to her 176,000-plus followers on social media, most of whom were drawn to the biker due to her sexy snapshots.

Most of these snapshots featured Pronina in various states of undress, posing either alongside or directly on top of her motorcycle.

An admitted adrenaline junkie, Pronina shared a video on Instagram last month that depicted her straddling a bike sideways, while drinking from a straw and racing down the street.

“By the way, doing 250kmph and holding one hand is very uncomfortable,” she told fans in the footage.

“I do not recommend But I got my adrenaline dose.”

According to local reports, Olga had earned dozens of speeding tickets over the years.

A friend named Eduard Hasanov told Russian media outlets that Olga spent her life “breaching every rule of safety and riding at high-speed pretty often.”

He labeled her death as “incredibly tragic.”

Another friend reportedly arrived at the area of the accident about 10 minutes it took place, telling a reporter in Russia:

“She was high-speeding and the rear wheel of the bike was lying 600 meters from the scene.”

This friend assumed that Pronina was filming another stunt at the time of her death, saying:

“We tried to find her action camera, but could not find it.”

Police do not believe foul play was to blame for Pronina’s accident, although no official report has been filed just yet.

In response to this sad news, Olga’s Instagram followers left messages of condolence.

“This is huge tragedy. Sleep calm, crazy girl,” wrote user GNK_77.1.

Added aaterihoff ”I wish you good roads in heaven” and then katilda__in__law, who was a bit more realistic in his/her assessment:

“She got her adrenaline dose all right, once and for all…”

May Olga Pronina rest in peace.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Blac Chyna: Her Mom Goes OFF on Caitlyn Jenner in Horrific Rant!

Just in case you haven"t heard about it yet, Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are in a bit of a feud at the moment.

Just kidding — if you"re on this section of the internet at this very moment in time, there"s literally no chance you haven"t heard about it.

But just to recap real quick, earlier this month, Rob said some unkind things about Chyna in a series of Instagram posts.

He claimed that she"s on a bunch of drugs, and that she brings various men into the house while her children are there.

He also shared some nude photos of her — and in doing that, he broke some laws.

Chyna"s working with a lawyer, and she managed to get a temporary restraining order against him that prohibits him from talking about her online.

It"s all very, very bad.

Caitlyn Jenner, meanwhile, has commented on the situation, stating that Rob was "stupid" for posting the nudes, "and he kind of apologized."

But she added that she"s never met Chyna, and she hasn"t "really had a serious conversation" with Rob in years, so she"s not really up to date on everything."

Fair statements, right? Because, objectively speaking, Rob was stupid for sharing the pictures.

But for some reason, Blac Chyna"s mother, Tokyo Toni, took great offense to Caitlyn"s words on the matter, and she addressed it in a bizarre video (see below).

"Did I just wake up to some motherf–kin" hot, steamy, pissy-smelling tea?" Toni begins.

"Did that motherf–kin" n—- Caitlyn Jenner, AKA Brucey — yeah, big balls, little dick, him. Look at them motherf–kin" Wheaties shorts."

"This motherf–kin" n—-, because he"s a man, dressing and pretending to be a woman," Toni says.

It takes her a long, long time to get to her point, because she has to stop and be a transphobic garbage person for a while — at this point in the video, she starts making fun of Caitlyn"s voice.

"How the f–k your stinkin" ass n—-, "cause you got a dick, n—-, you was born a man, n—-," she goes on. "You gonna down your f–kin" son on here, say he"s stupid instead of saying something encouraging?"

She adds that Caitlyn definitely knows Blac Chyna, and that the two of them have even met — this is where she calls Caitlyn a "f–ckin" f—–."

At the end of the video, Toni tells Caitlyn to call her, but we have a feeling that she never, ever will.

Because as bothersome as Caitlyn Jenner can be, she definitely has more class than Tokyo Toni.

Not that that"s really an achievement.

Check out Toni"s full rant in the video below, but be warned — it"s tough to watch:

Blac chyna her mom goes off on caitlyn jenner in horrific rant

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Facebook Live: Woman Captures Video of Own Horrific Death

Live-streaming has brought about wonderful changes in our society. Unfortunately, sometimes, it allows the world to witness terrible tragedies as they"re captured on video.

Like this video, in which a young woman is happily singing and chattering with a friend and streaming it over Facebook Live until the deadly accident, leaving the phone recording until an emergency responder shuts it off.

You can see her final moments in the video below, but you might want to brace yourselves.

Facebook live death 1

The young woman in the foreground is Nikol Barabasova, and she put up a lengthy Facebook Live stream while out driving with a friend.

Local authorities reported that she died in this sudden and jarring crash.

She was 22-years-old.

Nikol"s friend, shown in the other seat, is still in intensive care.

Reports say that she has intensive head injuries.

Facebook live death 2

We have the final moments below, but the full video features a couple dozen minutes of happy chattering and singing.

You know, road trip stuff.

Social media is wonderful in that it allows people to broadcast their lives.

One person can touch the lives of friends and family but also touch the hearts of strangers.

Unfortunately, that happiness isn"t fated to last.

Facebook live death 3

Reportedly, the vehicle was 74.5 mph in Obrnice, Czech Republic.

It struck a barrier.

You can see and hear Nikol and her friend respond.

Nikol makes what looks like a joking "ahh" noise.

We really wish that things had remained so lighthearted.

She then lets out a genuine scream.

Facebook live death 4

Before you even realize what"s happening, the car flips over.

The broadcast continues, however.

And there"s an eerie quiet within the car.

After so much video of her sounding so happy and animated … the silence is deafening.

We never wanted to understand what a "deathly silence" really sounded like.

Though you can still hear the window-wipers running after-the-fact.

(Our video won"t make you sit through minutes of that until the emergency responder ends the live-stream, though)

Facebook live death 5

We do think that it"s important to note a few things.

First of all, Nikol"s Facebook Live stream doesn"t seem to be in any way related to the crash.

We don"t know for sure all of the details yet.

Local police are investigating.

But blaming technology or live-streaming or Facebook Live itself would be ridiculous, even if we thought that distraction had played a role in the crash.

And we don"t even know that.

Right now, it looks like this was just a tragedy.

Sometimes, it"s a simple as that.

See for yourself … if you"re up for it:

Facebook live woman captures video of own horrific death

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Woman Goes on Horrific Anti-Muslim Rant, Claims It Was Taken Out of Context

Look, we know we"re in some dark times right now.

But apparently these times are so dark that some people feel comfortable spewing ridiculously hateful things at another person while in line at the grocery store, just because that person happens to be a Muslim.

Seriously, that happened.

In a Trader Joe"s in Reston, Virginia, a Muslim woman was waiting in line, and when she saw another woman with just a few items in her cart, she allowed her to go ahead of her.

The woman promptly began talking trash about another Muslim woman in the store, one wearing a niqab. She asked the Muslim woman in line why she wasn"t also covered up.

She explained to her that it was a choice, but apparently that wasn"t good enough. The other lady began talking about female genital mutilation (???) and that"s when the phone came out.

You can see the next part of the conversation in the video below.

The poor harassed woman says "I shouldn"t have let you in front of me," and after taking a moment to think of a comeback, Ol" Crazy says "I wish they didn"t let you in the country."

She goes on to tell her that "Obama"s not in office anymore" — like she"d missed the memo — and that "You don"t have a Muslim in there anymore."

"He"s gone, he"s gone. He may be in jail too, in the future."

It"s all a little too insane to handle, and of course the woman comes off looking like a racist psycho.

But she"s actually speaking out to local news stations. In one statement, she claimed that her comments in the video were taken out of context.

She said that the Muslim woman who filmed the exchange "ambushed" her with "strong statements" about the U.S. being "full of murderers and rapists," and so she just responded to that.

Yeah, sounds like a solid story.

See the conversation in the video below:

Woman goes on horrific anti muslim rant claims it was taken out

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Jim Taveré, Harry Potter Star, Hospitalized After Horrific Accident

Jim Taveré, an actor best known for playing Leaky Cauldron over Tom in the Harry Potter film franchise, is in intensive care.

The British star is recovering from very serious injuries suffered as the result of a head-on car accident that has left him with a broken neck and punctured lung, among other health challenges.

According to various news outlets, Taveré also suffered 15 broken ribs, a broken leg and fractured breastbones.

He’s very lucky to be alive.

The actor’s wife Laura, took to Facebook on Wednesday to share an update on her husband, including with her message a photo of the 54-year-old lying in a hospital bed, quite battered and bruised, yet giving a thumb’s up.

(Scroll down for a look at this photo.)

“This is Laura here,” she wrote, adding by way of explanation:

“Now that his family have been informed, Jim has asked me to let you all know that he was involved in a serious car accident yesterday, a head on collision. He’s currently in ICU intensive care.

“He has 15 broken ribs, fractures in both breastbones, a punctured lung, multiple breaks in his right leg, and a broken neck.”


Laura concluded as follows:

“He’s had 2 blood transfusions so far and is about to go in for his first surgery. This is for real, not a movie role. Please hold some good thoughts for him as he fights his way out of this.”

Taveré appeared as the innkeeper in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, as you can see below.

He hails from Great Britain, but resides in Los Angeles.

It is unclear at this time just where the scary car accident took place.

jim t in potter

A comedian who guest-starred on a 2012 episode of NBC’s Chuck, Taveré once had his own show in the United Kingdom called, aptly, “The Jim Taveré Show.”

It was co-written by Ricky Gervais.

We send Taveré our very best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Horrific New Details in Child Abuse Investigation?!

Kate Gosselin is about a million different kinds of terrible.

It’s not new information, sure, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

And if you really feel the need for new information about Kate’s wickedness, well, be careful what you wish for.

You know that story about how Kate’s allegedly being investigated for child abuse?

It all started with her son, Collin — the one she sent off to a treatment center to deal with his “special needs.”

According to an insider, “Collin said something to the facility’s staff and it was reported to the Children and Youth Services, which started an official probe.”

“The police later notified Collin’s dad, Jon, that a child abuse investigation was opened.”

When we first heard about the investigation, we thought it was a little odd that Jon’s been so quiet about it all.

After all, it seems like Jon’s favorite activity is publicly slamming his ex-wife, and good for him.

But now we’re learning that the reason Jon hasn’t commented on the alleged child abuse investigation might be that he’s just too damn sad.

“He worries every single day for his son,” a source reveals.

“Jon used to have to grab Kate by her wrist to stop her from beating Collin and some of the other kids with a wooden spoon.”

“He often had to stand between Kate and the kids to stop her from hitting them.”

And that’s not the only new bit of information about the case.

If all these allegations are true and Kate is convicted, she could be looking at up to seven years in prison.

And oh, what we wouldn’t give for that TLC special …

Of course, the idea that Kate could be the subject of a child abuse investigation isn’t exactly surprising.

Who could forget those journal entries of hers that were so alarmingly made public?

When Collin was just two years old, Kate wrote that she got “too rough” with him after he refused to sit in a corner.

“I feel so guilty that I treated him like that,” she confessed.

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

Kate’s remorse apparently didn’t last too long, because a few months later, she lost her damn mind when Collin — still two years old, mind you — had the audacity to spill a bag of beans.

“I was instantly so SO angry,” she wrote, “that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib til Jon came home!”

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!”

Gee, wonder why Collin has some emotional issues?

Couldn’t have anything to do with his miserable mother, could it?
