Showing posts with label Fault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fault. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Jenelle Evans: David Eason Hates Gay People But It"s Not His Fault!

It"s been over six months since Jenelle Evans" husband, David Eason, was fired from Teen Mom 2 amidst an alarming controversy.

Eason hurled homophobic slurs at fans who dared to question his repugnant actions, and thankfully, his bigotry did not go over well.

Thousands called for Eason to be fired, including several of his co-stars.

MTV is generally very hesitant to mess with the Teen Mom formula, but even they recognized that David needed to go.

Now, Jenelle is speaking out about her husband"s hateful comments, and as expected, she"s only making the situation worse.

1. Hateful Dave

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

All reality stars have to deal with occasional criticism from fans, and sometimes they push back against it. Dave took things a step further …

2. The Night of the Gun

Jenelle evans gun photo

It all started when David posted this photo of Jenelle firing a gun on his Instagram page.

3. Horrendous Timing

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

The image was posted the same day as the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and many encouraged Dave to delete it out of respect for the victims and their families.

4. The Worst

David eason on insta

We won’t reprint David’s words here, but believe us when we say it was as bad as you can imagine.

5. Angry Dave

David eason allergic to shirts

We already knew that David had a violent temper, but we were previously unaware of the depths of his bigotry. Fortunately, MTV wasted no time in cutting Eason loose.

6. Speaking Out

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Now, Jenelle is speaking out on the David controversy, and as expected, she’s making the horrendous situation even worse.

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Friday, August 17, 2018

Tyrese Gibson"s Ex-Wife Says His Financial Problems are His Own Fault

Tyrese has nobody to blame but himself for his struggles in the movie biz, because he picked a fight with The Rock and lost … according to his ex-wife. Norma Gibson filed legal docs this week — obtained by TMZ — firing back at Tyrese for…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Kailyn Lowry on Briana DeJesus Fight: It"s All Javi"s Fault!

Tonight"s episode of Teen Mom 2 is one that fans have been anticipating for quite some time.

Reunion specials are generally considered to be the highlights of the season, but this one should really be a doozy, as we"ll finally get to see the fight between Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus.

Well, perhaps "fight" isn"t the right word.

We"ll get to see Kailyn and Briana very nearly come to blows on at least two separate occasions.

MTV keeps a lot of security on hand these days, which is good news for the cast, bad news for viewers who enjoy bloodshed.

But despite the fact that Kail and Briana were prevented from tearing each other"s throats out, things still got awfully ugly.

And now, Ms. Lowry is offering some final thoughts before tonight"s title bout:

1. Ready to Rumble

Kailyn lowry glasses

According to reports from the set and audio released by MTV the first altercation began when Kail confronted Bri in her dressing room.

2. The Showdown

Kail has no sh ts to give

Kail decided to have a chat with Briana away from the cameras and the studio audience, so that the two of them could work out their differences in private.

3. A Civil Discussion

Kailyn lowry vs briana dejesus fight audio

As you can see in this clip, the sit-down didn’t quite go according to plan, and Kail attempted to engage Bri in a physical fight.

4. Cutting to the Chase

Kail pic teen mom 2

“Why don’t you tell me why you felt so comfortable commenting what you commented on Instagram?” Kail asked her rival at one point. “This isn’t about Javi [Marroquin], this isn’t about the show.

5. The Chris Conundrum

Lowry kail pic

“I want to know why you felt so comfortable to say some sh-t about my kids and Chris?” Lowry elaborated, referring to comments Bri made about her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez.

6. The Point of Contention

Kail pic

Kail goes on to suggest that Bri crossed a line by dragging her family into the fight. “You don’t want me talking about your kids; you don’t want me talking about your mom …” she said at the time. Now, she’s elaborating on those comments.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister Says If Their Father Dies, It"s Meghan"s Fault

If Meghan Markle continues giving her father the cold shoulder, it might kill him … or so Meghan’s sister seemed to insinuate in an angry tirade. Samantha Markle went off Tuesday evening, ripping into Meghan for allegedly shutting…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Rep. Steve King Says America"s Political Nastiness is Obama"s Fault, NOT Trump"s

Congressman Steve King says ya got it all wrong if you think President Trump’s the one fueling all the political vitriol in America — because he says then-Sen. Barack Obama started it 10 years ago!! We asked the distinguished gentleman from Iowa…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Steve Nash Says Dwight Howard Getting Traded Isn"t His Fault

Dwight Howard being traded around the NBA isn’t because he’s a crappy teammate … so says ex-teammate Steve Nash, who tells TMZ Sports Howard’s city jumping is just the way the league is now. Dwight is on his way to Brooklyn (who reportedly will…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Farrah Abraham: It"s Everyone Else"s Fault I Got Arrested!

On Tuesday night, Farrah Abraham was arrested on battery and trespassing charges following an incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

According to police reports and eyewitness accounts, it all started when a highly intoxicated Farrah began arguing with other guests at the hotel.

A male employee of the hotel attempted to get Farrah to leave the premises and she responded by striking him.

At that point, cops were called, and if you think she went quietly in order to avoid further damage to her reputation, then you don’t know Farrah.

After telling the arresting officers to go f–k themselves, Farrah was taken into custody.

She remained behind bars overnight and most of the next day, and we’re guessing staff at the county jail were very happy to see her released on $ 500 bail Wednesday afternoon.

Most public figures would keep a low profile and allow the dust to settle after such a humiliating incident.

But Farrah being Farrah, the former Teen Mom OG star was quick to vomit up some meaningless word salad that she probably thought was insightful commentary on the situation:

“I was targeted, things were made up, It was fine,” Farrah said in a video recorded for TMZ.

“I don’t know who called the cops, why people called the cops … I was focused on my friends and then someone was trying to be involved, another guest.”

She added:

“I don’t know if the guest was intoxicated [editor’s note: LOLOLOL]. I don’t know who he even is or what he looks like.”

Then, as is her M.O. Farrah made a lame attempt to turn the whole thing into a feminist issue, saying:

“I hope no other female finds herself in this position or situation, and I know it’s very hard being a public figure or ‘celebrity,’ if you will, but that is what happens when you are targeted.”

Those closest to Farrah have also been sounding off on the situation.

Her mother, Debra Danielsen, wept for Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter, who was in the hotel at the time of the incident.

(It’s not believed that Sophia witnessed the incident, but still … not a great look.) 

And now, Farrah’s most recent ex, Simon Saran, is also offering his two cents:

“Jail time will be good for her,” Saran told Hollywood Life on Wednesday.

Farrah fired back in response to that remark in baffling fashion, saying:

“I have no online profiles, I do not date at the moment and I do not have time for fake stories as these.”

She added:

“Exes should stop trying to make up derogatory things about a hard working woman who is focused solely on TV, movie projects, along with running three stores,”

Reps for Farrah have issued multiple statements maintaining her innocence.

“This situation has been blown out of proportion,” reads one such document issued last night.

“Farrah has not been charged and was released this afternoon. A misunderstanding occurred and there was no battery or trespassing. Farrah is the hardest working individual I know and sets very high standards for herself.”

To be fair, Farrah has not yet been charged — but prosecutors still have until the end of this week to make a decision on that matter.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and update you as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tristan Thompson to Khloe Kardashian: It"s Your Fault I Cheated!

It’s been almost a month since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian, and it’s looking more and more as though her fans’ worst fears will be realized.

Yes, by all appearances, Khloe is not planning to break up with Tristan.

It’s bad enough that the most outspoken and independent member of the Kard clan is choosing to stay in a relationship with a man who brazenly slept around while she was pregnant with his child.

But at least Khloe is putting Tristan through the wringer and forcing him to atone for his infidelity, right?

Well, if a new report from Radar Online is to be believed that’s not quite the case.

In fact, one source claims Tristan very much has the upper hand in the relationship.

“Tristan continues to insist he’s done nothing wrong and blames Khloe’s family for exaggerating his womanizing and trying to ruin his reputation,” says the insider.

Despite Tristan’s massive betrayal, he’s reportedly in the driver’s seat – to the extent that he’s actually issuing ultimatums to Khloe:

“He’s agreed to stick around for now, but only if the family stops spreading stories, and he gets cut into Khloe’s portion of profits for the show,” says the source.

And the list of demands doesn’t end there:

“He wants Khloe to let him see True any time he wants and insists she should fly out to meet him where he is,” the insider claims.

“He can’t just jump on a plane to L.A. when he’s got a game coming up.”

Understandably, Khloe is shocked and more than a little outraged that Tristan is telling her what to do.

Regardless, she’s reportedly committed to ironing out an arrangement that will work for both parties: 

“What’s really galling here is Tristan’s ‘you owe me’ attitude,” says the source.

“Khloe is actually considering some but not all of Tristan’s demands.”

The news comes as a shock to fans who were expecting Khloe to kick Thompson to the curb once his team is through competing in the NBA playoffs.

Rumors about Khloe dumping Tristan have been circulating non-stop in recent weeks, and insiders even claimed to have a clear idea of exactly how it would play out.

They claimed it would all start when Khloe returned to LA for Mother’s Day weekend.

Once there, she would reveal on social media that she was done with Tristan, forcing him to find out he’d been dumped at the same time as the rest of the world.

It would have been a brilliant act of revenge, but over the past few days, something very unexpected happened:

Khloe began to show signs that she had forgiven Tristan, even going so far as to attend a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

Like it or not, folks, it seems that Khloe is committed to making this relationship work.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Catelynn Lowell"s Mental Illness is Not My Fault!

Hasn’t Tyler Baltierra been through enough lately?

In case you haven’t been keeping score, he really, really has.

Things have been ridiculously rough for the past couple of months, as we’ve been seeing on Teen Mom OG and as he and Catelynn Lowell have been revealing on social media.

Last fall, he and Cate began trying for another baby, and she quickly became pregnant, but as we’ll see in next week’s episode, she had a miscarriage not long after they began announcing the good news to family.

We don’t know the exact timeline yet — we assume it’ll all become more clear as the season goes on — but it’s easy to imagine that the miscarriage led to her worsening depression.

In November, she made a statement about how she’d been thinking of various ways to kill herself, and afterwards she checked into a treatment center.

Tyler was extremely supportive of her decision, but just before all this happened, he sent his father, Butch, off to rehab for his lifelong struggles with addiction.

So all during that time, he was concerned about his father and his wife, he was dealing with all the emotions from the miscarriage, and he was also taking care of his and Cate’s daughter, Nova, by himself.

It can’t be easy for him right now.

And unfortunately it looks like some people are going out of their way to make things even harder.

OK, so Jenelle did an interview on a podcast last weekend with some people named Vince and Noel — this is the interview in which she admitted to doing drugs during her last pregnancy.

We’re not sure if they talked about Catelynn and Tyler during the podcast, but it looks like Noel made this post on Facebook last month:

As you can see, she’s making light of Cate’s depression, which simply is not cool, especially not now that Cate is having such a hard time with it.

Earlier this week, Tyler saw the screenshots of the post and tweeted them, writing that “This is the most ignorant, vile & insensitive thing I have ever seen. To mock my wife’s suicidal ideation & depression is just sickening to the core!”

He tagged Noel and the other people involved in the podcast and told them that “you’re part of the reason Mental Health has the stigma that it does.”

She defended herself by saying that she has depression herself, and that she uses that kind of humor to deal with it, which kind of makes sense.

But still, she doesn’t know Catelynn, and she was joking about her on social media. It’s understandable why Tyler was so upset.

After Tyler’s tweet, he and Noel had an exchange, and it seems like she deleted some of her tweets. Here’s a screenshot of part of one:

So that part where she wrote “Do you want to take responsibility for Cait’s mental health?”, that’s the part we’re going to talk about now.

She attached a shot of Tyler’s infamous comments about not wanting a “heifer for a wife,” which, yes, was obviously not his greatest moment.

And he responded with a lengthy statement of his own.

“I take full responsibility for what I say,” he began. “This conversation was constructively edited to appear more insensitive than it actually was. We have addressed this many times before, but I will explain it once again.”

Tyler said that during that conversation, Catelynn told him that “she doesn’t desire a ‘muscle headed tool’ because that’s not attractive to her & I responded.”

“We started a diet together,” he continued, “and asked to hold each other accountable to our commitments. We have been together for 12 years, so there isn’t too much we won’t say to each other.”

“Yes, I can be abrasive with my delivery. Yes, I can be ignorant with how my delivery impacts other people. Yes, I make mistakes. But I own up to them.”

But still, Tyler said, “to state that I am the cause of her mental health struggles is yet again, another very ignorant opinion.”

“Her mental health struggles derive from the chaotic and unstable upbringing we both endured. We are both actively working on those struggles.”

He finished by telling Noel that he understands she’s getting a lot of hate for her comments, “but attempting to play ‘tit for tat’ & scorekeeper with me is quite a pathetic approach to justify your insensitivity.”

It’s a pretty great statement, right?

And he’s definitely right — for anyone to try to say it’s his fault that Catelynn has depression is just completely ignorant and hurtful.

Good on him for standing up for himself, and for explaining that perhaps we don’t know the ins and outs of his marriage or Catelynn’s complex mental health problems.

It’s just sad that some people need that explanation.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ben Affleck"s Dad: It"s Not His Fault My Boy"s a Boozer!

Back in 2016, Ben Affleck appeared on Bill Simmons’ short-lived HBO show and screamed about his love for Tom Brady in what appeared to be a drunken tirade.

At the time, the unhinged rant was mostly laughed off, and it was only later that the world learned that Affleck was battling alcoholism and was in the depths of his addiction at the time of the interview.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Ben’s beloved Patriots lost to the underdog Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII on Sunday.

As the world marveled at Eagles’ fans willingness to lay waste to their own city, many wondered how Ben – arguably the most famous Pats fan and a close friend of Tom Brady’s – was handling the news.

Back in December, Affleck checked into rehab for the third time in less than a year.

These days, he’s out of treatment and reportedly sober, but after falling off the wagon so many times, Ben is no doubt aware that alcoholism is a lifelong battle.

Ben’s father, Tim Affleck, has also struggled with addiction and earlier this week he opened up about his son’s struggles in a candid interview with Radar Online.

It seems the elder Affleck believes his son’s struggles are mainly the result of the career he chose.

“Hollywood is a disgusting place!” Tim told the outlet.

“I’m not a big fan of the entertainment world. I know it’s taken its toll [on Ben].”

Tim says he’s witnessed some major changes in his son’s character over the course of his decades in the industry.

“You’re kind of forced to develop a persona that is hard to shed and go home to your family,” Tim says.

“It affects your whole life. I think that’s one of the dangers of the film industry.”

Ben has spoken at length about his father’s alcoholism and the ways in which it affected his childhood.

“I know what he’s going through,” says Tim, who’s been sober 27 years.

“Of course we speak about it, and we do have a shared history, at least in terms of struggle. Ben’s always been serious about getting sober. He wants a balanced life and he’s working at it.”

Tim believes his son has what it takes to remain sober, but believes Ben may be too reliant upon the women in his life.

“I don’t necessarily believe one person should be with someone forever,” Tim says.

“Some people might, but history has proven it often doesn’t work.”

Affleck has been dating Lindsay Shookus since the summer of 2017.

We’re guessing she’s not thrilled with his dad’s latest comments.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: It"s Maci Bookout"s Fault Ryan Edwards Did Drugs!

On last season"s Teen Mom: OG finale, Ryan Edwards hit rock bottom in shocking fashion, passing out behind the wheel while driving to his own wedding.

Shortly thereafter, Edwards checked into rehab, and he"s reportedly been clean and sober ever since.

But as we learned from last night"s TM:OG season premiere, Ryan"s substance abuse is still very much on the minds of his loved ones, especially wife Mackenzie Standifer, who expressed some surprising thoughts about Edwards, his addiction, and his relationship with ex Maci Bookout.

Here"s a rundown of exactly what happened and how fans reacted to Standifer"s bold claims:

1. A Terrifying Low

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Fans were stunned when Edwards nodded off behind the wheel while driving to his wedding on last year’s season finale. This week, we learned new details about just how dangerous his addiction had become.

2. A New Start

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Ryan checked into rehab shortly after his wedding, and he’s reportedly been drug-free for the past several months.

3. Take Two

Mr and mrs ryan edwards

Ryan and Mackenzie held a second wedding earlier this month. The ceremony represented a new beginning for the couple, but it’s clear that Edwards’ demons are still hanging over their heads.

4. Maci vs. Mackenzie

Maci bookout interview with mtv uk

Mackenzie butted heads with Ryan’s baby mama, Maci Bookout, during last season’s reunion show, resulting in an explosive on-stage fight.

5. The Conflict Continues

Mackenzie standifer picture

Comments made by Mackenzie on last night’s season premiere revealed that the discord between the two women in Ryan’s life won’t be letting up any time soon.

6. Blaming Bookout

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Asked by a therapist about Ryan’s addiction triggers, Mackenzie didn’t hesitate in her respone, revealing that she feels Maci is the primary cause of Edwards’ substance abuse. Needless to say, fans were stunned…

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Usher: Any Time You Have Sex, You Risk Herpes! That"s Not My Fault!

Usher has been contending with multiple very public herpes-related lawsuits and allegations for a few months.

Interestingly, Usher has not denied having herpes in court arguments — though his legal team has made claims that no one can prove that Usher, specifically, infected them. It hasn’t been the most exculpatory argument.

But now Usher’s team is pushing to get one lawsuit in particular dismissed. And the argument that they’re making is nuts … but it might work.

Laura Helm is suing Usher for $ 20 million, claiming that they had unprotected sex, that Usher did not caution her that he (allegedly) carries the herpes virus, and that she contracted herpes as a result of his deceitful omission.

Three others have come forward in the past few months to accuse Usher of having unprotected sex with them without warning them that he is (allegedly) an asymptomatic carrier for herpes.

Some aren’t sure how well the claims of emotional distress caused by learning that they’d risked herpes infection will hold up in court.

However, it has been pointed out that multiple people reporting having unprotected sex with Usher could be used to build a pattern to help prove Laura Helm’s case in court.

Usher’s attempts to laugh off these accusations haven’t gone over so well.

One of his accusers claims that they made a sex tape together and was also able to provide a witness — a hotel staffer who confirmed that Usher went into the woman’s hotel room for an extended period of time.

But will Usher’s new legal tactic prove to be a get-out-of-lawsuit-free card for the singer?

E! reports that court documents filed by Usher’s legal team are making a new argument in an attempt to dismiss the lawsuit.

“With a one in six chance that any given partner could have genital herpes, plaintiff assumed the risk of contracting an STD each and every time she chose to have unprotected sex with a casual, consensual party.”

There is more to the document and we’ll get to that in a moment, because we have to talk about this.

Some people make analogies that compare having unprotected sex on a casual basis to playing Russian roulette, but instead of a bullet, you get an STI.

(Some say that it’s like playing Russian roulette even if you’re in a monogamous relationship, since you never know what your partner might have been up to)

That might be a fine way of viewing the world if you want to be careful with your life (please use protection — condoms aren’t fun for anyone but they are infinitely preferable to STIs).

But does knowing that there are risks negate all of a partner’s culpability?

If two people are pulling the trigger on a revolver, does the one who owns the gun have an obligation to tell the other if there might be a bullet?

Breaking away from that analogy, does consenting to do anything with another person suddenly free them from any potential liabilities?

That’s what Usher’s team is asking the court to decide, but stigma against women and against sex might be on their side.

The court documents continue.

“To be perfectly clear, [Usher] is not asking the court to pass moral or societal judgment on plaintiff.”

So they’re not trying to slut-shame Laura Helm … they’re just asking the court to determine if Laura was asking for herpes, seems to be what they’re saying.

“[Usher] is only seeking the correct application of the legal doctrine of assumption of risk as interpreted and construed in Georgia’s appellate decisions.”

In the view of Usher’s legal team, as expressed in these documents, Laura “made the free choice to engage in unprotected sexual activity. In doing so, she failed to exercise ordinary care for her own safety.”

We’re no legal scholars and we’re certainly not familiar with the particulars of Georgia’s history of appellate court rulings.

But we would imagine that the court would be extremely reluctant to set a precedent that consenting to unprotected sex is comparable to consenting to sex with someone known to carry at least one STI.

The potential can of worms that could be opened and the potential for the judge to be overruled by a higher court seems too high for a judge to risk it, but … you never know.

We wonder about the potential ramifications, though. Could a father evade child support by stating that the mother had assumed the risk of pregnancy when the two of them engaged in unprotected sex?

That doesn’t seem like much of a stretch from what Usher’s team is arguing.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jenelle Evans Responds to Horrific Abuse Claims: It"s Not My Fault!

Right now, Jenelle Evans is possibly in the hottest water she’s ever been in.

It’s true: this might finally be the time that she faces some consequences for her actions.

For all the times she’s been arrested — the assault charges, the drug charges, everything — she’s always managed to get out of trouble somehow.

But this time, considering the seriousness of the case against her and the way things are turning out so far, her luck may be running out.

About time, right?

To recap, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, went to court at the beginning of this month to file for emergency custody of Jenelle’s son with Nathan, Kaiser.

According to the claims Doris made in the court documents for the case, Jenelle is still using drugs — so much that when she gave birth to Ensley, the poor little baby tested positive for marijuana.

Another big issue is that she says Kaiser is being neglected when he’s with Jenelle. As evidence, she claims that one day she pulled up to her house and saw the then two-year-old playing outside all by himself.

In a particularly horrifying section of those documents, Doris also says that Jenelle’s fiancé, David Eason, has been abusive to the little boy.

She claims that on one occasion, Kaiser told her that David had punched him, and he mimed a blow to the head, over and over.

Obviously, if any of this is true then Jenelle definitely needs to be held accountable.

But as Teen Mom 2’s biggest trainwreck claimed in a statement of her own … well, to be honest, we’re not sure exactly what Jenelle is trying to claim here.

“Our lawyers are talking today,” she said in a statement to E! News made yesterday. “Doris made accusations but I can tell you that Barbara has a lot to do with them.”

Oh, so it’s Barbara’s fault? We should’ve seen that one coming.

“Doris threw her own son under the bus by admitting that he has pending felonies and possibly on drugs. Her emergency filing was against me and Nathan both,” she continued.

We’re not sure what this has to do with anything — wouldn’t this be a sign of Doris’ good intentions, that she’s even willing to take custody of Kaiser from her own troubled son?

“I can tell you that they are allegations, mostly driven by my mom,” Jenelle concluded. “Our lawyers are working out a new agreement.”

Why would they be working out a new agreement if these are just “allegations”?

Interestingly enough, the original version of this statement concluded with Jenelle saying something about how Doris hadn’t won emergency custody, “and that says it all.”

Wonder why she wanted that changed?

Possibly because while Doris wasn’t immediately given custody of Kaiser, a court date has been set.

According to Nathan, anyway.

In a statement he made on Twitter, he asked someone, presumably Jenelle, to “please stop lying.”

“My mom never said I was possibly on drugs, I never have been,” he wrote. “Plus, the court case is set Oct. 2.”

This is just getting juicier and juicier, huh?

If we can believe Nathan, Jenelle will be facing yet another custody battle in less than a month — which seems pretty fast, considering how drawn out her battle for Jace was.

Could that be because this situation is a little more dire, considering Kaiser could be in danger?

Whatever happens, it’s pretty darn interesting that in Jenelle’s statement, she never outright denied the allegations against her.

She did refer to them as “allegations,” but why wouldn’t she say something like “of course I don’t abuse my son,” or “I never did drugs while pregnant”?

Wouldn’t statements like those hold more weight than blaming her mother for literally no reason?

There are so many questions, but so few answers.

Really, all we can say right now is “those poor kids …”

Oh, and, as always, “Dang, Jenelle.”


Friday, August 18, 2017

Matt Baier on Amber Portwood Breakup: It"s All My Fault!

If you’re a Teen Mom: OG fan, then by now, you’ve probably heard the news that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have broken up.

Fans have been hoping these two would part ways pretty much from the day they went public with their relationship, and now that Amber has a new boyfriend, it seems it’s safe to say she and Matt are well and truly over. 

But while TMOG viewers may be thrilled by the split, Matt is most definitely not.

The newly single Baier opened up about his split from Amber in a recent interview with E! News:

“I’m trying to do a lot of work on myself because I realize now the downfall of our relationship was my fault,” he explained.

“When you’re thrust into the spotlight like that, it can affect you. My mistake was taking our relationship for granted.” 

Baier says the high-profile nature of the relationship was part of the problem (which is odd, because he never would have met Amber if she weren’t on TV), but he also accepts responsibility for being a less-than-stellar partner:

“What I’ve learned from this is you have to do the work,” he told the outlet.

“You have to make the person you’re with feel loved every single day. I forgot to do that and now I’m paying the price.”

Matt says he’s full of regrets over the way his relationship played out, and if given a second chance, he would change everything about the way he behaved.

“If I got a do-over,” he said, “I would do everything differently. I should have listened to her more.”

The couple was filming a new season of the We TV reality series Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule and took off for Vegas – where he’s apparently been living ever since.

“I went to Vegas to get my head around the split. Ultimately, my hope was to get a place where Amber could come visit me and we could work on our issues. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

But despite the fact that Amber is in a new relationship, Matt is still hopeful that she’ll find her way back to him:

“I’ll hold out hope for a reconciliation. But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends,” Baier says.

“We started off as best friends and that’s what I miss the most from her—her friendship. To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family.”

As though that’s not depressing enough, Baier concluded the info with some insights into his day-to-day life post-Amber:

“I’ve been making a living through my [poker] winnings,” he says.

“That said, I’m not really enjoying it. This isn’t the life I want to live.”

Yeesh. Matt may not have been the perfect boyfriend, but here’s hoping he’s able to pull himself out of what sounds like a pretty considerable funk.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Matt and Amber’s tumultuous relationship.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amber Portwood: It"s MTV"s Fault Matt Baier Looks Like a Douche!

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier are going through a bit of a rough patch.

And by “rough patch,” we mean if Amber’s got any sense, Matt’s currently packing up his Tom Brady jerseys and Spinal Tap collectibles in order to haul his sorry deadbeat ass back to Boston.

Portwood and Baier have called off their wedding, but it’s unclear if they’re still together as a couple.

Matt’s given Amber plenty of reasons to kick him to the curb, but lately, he seems to be making a real case for himself as the worst boyfriend in the history of the Teen Mom franchise.

(And as fans know, that’s no easy feat.)

In addition to the fact that we now have real reason to believe that Matt cheated on Amber, he’s now pressuring her to get married ASAP, a move that smacks of the most shameless kind of golddigging.

Fans were stunned when Matt swore he would “never” marry Amber if she didn’t agree to a quickie wedding in Vegas.

After that exchange, fans assumed there was no way Amber could continue to overlook Matt’s many glaring flaws.

But denial is a powerful thing, and it seems it’s also Amber’s drug of choice these days.

Baier and Portwood appeared on the Teen Mom: OG after-show this week, and a fan in the audience tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that Amber went on a wild rant that never made it to air:

“Amber totally called out MTV and went off on a total rant for like 10 minutes,” the audience member tells The Ashley.

“It came right after the part where she says that no one can make her do or say anything for the cameras, but they cut out what she said next.”

According to the anonymous onlooker, the bulk of Amber’s rage was directed not at Matt, but at MTV:

“She was more mad at them for trying to start something with her brother,” the audience member says.

“That really pissed her off and she said that they keep trying to ‘f**k with her and her family.’”

And like every Teen Mom star, Amber is convinced that MTV needs her more than she needs MTV:

“She even said, ‘They’re going to edit all this out but f**k MTV! She kept saying she has other deals in the works, and other people want her, and that MTV should just fire her but they won’t because they need her.”

Matt, of course, was quick to jump right on the “poin the finger at MTV” bandwagon:

“Matt basically blamed MTV for why he got mad in the clip,” the audience member said.

“He said he knew they’d take their great trip and just use that one part where she doesn’t want to marry him and make it look like she didn’t want to be with him. They both said that MTV was trying to screw them over.”

Sigh. Someday reality stars will understand that no one wants to see the “fun,” uneventful parts of their trip.

Showing a very different side on social media, Amber insisted that if she had heard Matt saying he’d lost interest in marrying her, she would have reacted quite differently:

“Yeah wish he would have said that to me!! Lol good thing he whispered it to her because I don’t mess around with comments like that!!”

Sure you don’t, Amber. Sure you don’t.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Miley Cyrus: It"s My Dad"s Fault I Loved Twerking!

If you were a fan of the twerking, weed-smoking, tongue-wagging Miley Cyrus of old, then you’re probably not loving the singer’s latest reinvention.

After shedding the wholesome, Disney-fied image of her teen years in order to hip hop-inflected party anthems and elaborate homemade bongs, Miley has pulled another unexpected 180.

These days, she’s taken on the persona of a beachy, granola-munching, female Jack Johnson.

In fact, if you live in the SoCal area, you shouldn’t at all surprised if you see Miley strumming a ukulele at your local farmers’ market in the near future.

If you live near a beach in that region you will see Miley striking yoga poses at sunset this weekend.

There’s literally nothing you can do to prevent that from happening.

Naturally, this turnaround means the 24-year-old songstress has had to leave some of her defining habits in the past.

Right off the bat, Miley quit smoking weed and posting racy selfies on Instagram.

And while her older music undoubtedly provided the soundtrack to many a Molly-fueled night full of questionable decisions, Miley’s latest song sounds like something that should be played on loop in the kombucha aisle of every Whole Foods.

But her most telling change in the New Miley might be the fact that she’s put to rest the dance move with which she was once synonymous.

Yes, you won’t see Miley twerking anymore, and when she talks about the ass-shaking trend she helped popularize it’s hard not to pick up on a twinge of embarrassment.

In fact, she’s even developed a pop-psychological explanation for why she once felt the need to present her hindquarters to the world like a horny orangutan.

And not surprisingly, it involves her issues with her father.

Asked in a recent interview if she would ever consider doing a Hannah Montana sequel series, Miley skipped the obvious answer (“Why would I do that? I still have money.”) and instead offered a more detailed explanation:

“It’s a lot of time to be spent with my dad. You know, my dad was my dad on the show. I have enough dad time,” she said.

“That was really hard every day from, like, [ages] 11 to 18,” she said. “I didn’t get a school escape like most people. I went to work with my dad. And then I started driving my dad toward the end, when I could start driving.”

So what does this excess of Billy Ray bonding have to do with Miley’s twerk-happy past?

Well, allow her to explain:

“That’s why, as soon as I turned 18, you guys wonder why I was twerking at Juicy J shows,” she said.

“I had just spent 10 years every day with my dad and grandma! I had to break free.”

And like many an impoverished aspiring proctologist, Miley knew that the butt was her path to freedom.

It’s beautiful, when you think about it.

We seriously can’t wait for the inevitable tell-all memoir from this woman.
