Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tristan Thompson to Khloe Kardashian: It"s Your Fault I Cheated!

It’s been almost a month since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian, and it’s looking more and more as though her fans’ worst fears will be realized.

Yes, by all appearances, Khloe is not planning to break up with Tristan.

It’s bad enough that the most outspoken and independent member of the Kard clan is choosing to stay in a relationship with a man who brazenly slept around while she was pregnant with his child.

But at least Khloe is putting Tristan through the wringer and forcing him to atone for his infidelity, right?

Well, if a new report from Radar Online is to be believed that’s not quite the case.

In fact, one source claims Tristan very much has the upper hand in the relationship.

“Tristan continues to insist he’s done nothing wrong and blames Khloe’s family for exaggerating his womanizing and trying to ruin his reputation,” says the insider.

Despite Tristan’s massive betrayal, he’s reportedly in the driver’s seat – to the extent that he’s actually issuing ultimatums to Khloe:

“He’s agreed to stick around for now, but only if the family stops spreading stories, and he gets cut into Khloe’s portion of profits for the show,” says the source.

And the list of demands doesn’t end there:

“He wants Khloe to let him see True any time he wants and insists she should fly out to meet him where he is,” the insider claims.

“He can’t just jump on a plane to L.A. when he’s got a game coming up.”

Understandably, Khloe is shocked and more than a little outraged that Tristan is telling her what to do.

Regardless, she’s reportedly committed to ironing out an arrangement that will work for both parties: 

“What’s really galling here is Tristan’s ‘you owe me’ attitude,” says the source.

“Khloe is actually considering some but not all of Tristan’s demands.”

The news comes as a shock to fans who were expecting Khloe to kick Thompson to the curb once his team is through competing in the NBA playoffs.

Rumors about Khloe dumping Tristan have been circulating non-stop in recent weeks, and insiders even claimed to have a clear idea of exactly how it would play out.

They claimed it would all start when Khloe returned to LA for Mother’s Day weekend.

Once there, she would reveal on social media that she was done with Tristan, forcing him to find out he’d been dumped at the same time as the rest of the world.

It would have been a brilliant act of revenge, but over the past few days, something very unexpected happened:

Khloe began to show signs that she had forgiven Tristan, even going so far as to attend a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

Like it or not, folks, it seems that Khloe is committed to making this relationship work.
