Showing posts with label Risk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Risk. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

TMZ Live: Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer She Knew The Risk

ON TODAY’S SHOW Cardi B Makes Racist Joke On Video Madden Tournament Shooting Aftermath Nick Young: Traffic Stop Arrest Video  Jimmy Kimmel’s Son’s 1st Trip To Disneyland


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tekashi69 Denied Bail, Judge Calls Him Flight Risk

Tekashi69 might flee the country if he’s let out of jail before his extradition to Texas … so, a judge in New York just denied his request for bail. Tekashi and his attorneys were in court Thursday asking the judge to let him out on bail. We broke…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Launches Midwife Company; Critics Say She"s Putting Lives at Risk

Typically, Duggar women aren’t permitted to seek employment outside the home, but an exception has been made in the case of Jill Duggar.

There are two reasons for this:

For one thing, Derick Dillard was recently fired by TLC after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

For reasons that defy explanation, Jill Duggar then quit Counting On, possibly as a show of solidarity with her husband.

Needless to say, there’s not a whole lot of cash pouring into the Dillard household these days, and fans were quick chastise the couple for the fact that they were both out of work, despite having two young sons to raise.

On top of all that, Jill’s decision to enter the workforce has been accepted by her husband and father as a result of the nature of the business venture she recently launched.

Put simply, in the eyes of Jim Bob and Derick, it’s woman’s work.

You see, Jill is a midwife, and as such, she’s decided to launch a her own business – an in-home service with the somewhat confusing name of Labor Sit.

While it’s nice to see Jill breaking with her family’s ridiculously outmoded tradtions and join life in the 21st century, her choice has not been without controversy.

When we said “Jill is a midwife,” perhaps have clarified that Jill considers herself a midwife.

According to her critics, Jill has not been properly trained for the job, and thus, she puts lives at stake everytime she puts on a hairnet and calls for some boiling water, or however midwives get ready to do their thing.

For several years, Jill didn’t practice at all.

This was probably the result of accusations that she faked her certification and was in no way qualified to perform the work for which she was being paid.

Jill’s lack of training is certainly cause for concern, but as is often the case with this sort of thing, the critics are slightly exaggerating.

Jill has received a certification, but it’s just not from an organization that anyone takes seriously.

Generally, midwives are granted a Certified Nurse Midwife certification, which requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree one year of nursing experience, and three years in a nurse-midwifery program.

Obviously, Jill has none of those qualifications, and so she received a Certified Professional Midwife’s license, which as far as we can tell, requires that the recipient be willing to write a check.

Add to that the fact that Jill has already earned a reputation for sketchy business practices during her very brief time in the field, and it’s not hard to see why so many think she quit while she’s only somewhat behind.

Jill’s midwife mentor had her license revoked and was forced to move out of state after she was sued by a mother who says she nearly died due to professional negligence.

Insiders say Jill was present for the botched birth, but thus far, there’s no evidence to that effect.

All of this bad news comes at a time when the Dillards are ramping up their social media presence, presumably in an effort to promote Jill’s new business.

Of course, some fans think the couple has simply been simply missing the spotlight in the months since Derick got canned.

Whatever the case, he and Jill may soon want to lie low again.

We sense another Duggar scandal coming.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Usher: Any Time You Have Sex, You Risk Herpes! That"s Not My Fault!

Usher has been contending with multiple very public herpes-related lawsuits and allegations for a few months.

Interestingly, Usher has not denied having herpes in court arguments — though his legal team has made claims that no one can prove that Usher, specifically, infected them. It hasn’t been the most exculpatory argument.

But now Usher’s team is pushing to get one lawsuit in particular dismissed. And the argument that they’re making is nuts … but it might work.

Laura Helm is suing Usher for $ 20 million, claiming that they had unprotected sex, that Usher did not caution her that he (allegedly) carries the herpes virus, and that she contracted herpes as a result of his deceitful omission.

Three others have come forward in the past few months to accuse Usher of having unprotected sex with them without warning them that he is (allegedly) an asymptomatic carrier for herpes.

Some aren’t sure how well the claims of emotional distress caused by learning that they’d risked herpes infection will hold up in court.

However, it has been pointed out that multiple people reporting having unprotected sex with Usher could be used to build a pattern to help prove Laura Helm’s case in court.

Usher’s attempts to laugh off these accusations haven’t gone over so well.

One of his accusers claims that they made a sex tape together and was also able to provide a witness — a hotel staffer who confirmed that Usher went into the woman’s hotel room for an extended period of time.

But will Usher’s new legal tactic prove to be a get-out-of-lawsuit-free card for the singer?

E! reports that court documents filed by Usher’s legal team are making a new argument in an attempt to dismiss the lawsuit.

“With a one in six chance that any given partner could have genital herpes, plaintiff assumed the risk of contracting an STD each and every time she chose to have unprotected sex with a casual, consensual party.”

There is more to the document and we’ll get to that in a moment, because we have to talk about this.

Some people make analogies that compare having unprotected sex on a casual basis to playing Russian roulette, but instead of a bullet, you get an STI.

(Some say that it’s like playing Russian roulette even if you’re in a monogamous relationship, since you never know what your partner might have been up to)

That might be a fine way of viewing the world if you want to be careful with your life (please use protection — condoms aren’t fun for anyone but they are infinitely preferable to STIs).

But does knowing that there are risks negate all of a partner’s culpability?

If two people are pulling the trigger on a revolver, does the one who owns the gun have an obligation to tell the other if there might be a bullet?

Breaking away from that analogy, does consenting to do anything with another person suddenly free them from any potential liabilities?

That’s what Usher’s team is asking the court to decide, but stigma against women and against sex might be on their side.

The court documents continue.

“To be perfectly clear, [Usher] is not asking the court to pass moral or societal judgment on plaintiff.”

So they’re not trying to slut-shame Laura Helm … they’re just asking the court to determine if Laura was asking for herpes, seems to be what they’re saying.

“[Usher] is only seeking the correct application of the legal doctrine of assumption of risk as interpreted and construed in Georgia’s appellate decisions.”

In the view of Usher’s legal team, as expressed in these documents, Laura “made the free choice to engage in unprotected sexual activity. In doing so, she failed to exercise ordinary care for her own safety.”

We’re no legal scholars and we’re certainly not familiar with the particulars of Georgia’s history of appellate court rulings.

But we would imagine that the court would be extremely reluctant to set a precedent that consenting to unprotected sex is comparable to consenting to sex with someone known to carry at least one STI.

The potential can of worms that could be opened and the potential for the judge to be overruled by a higher court seems too high for a judge to risk it, but … you never know.

We wonder about the potential ramifications, though. Could a father evade child support by stating that the mother had assumed the risk of pregnancy when the two of them engaged in unprotected sex?

That doesn’t seem like much of a stretch from what Usher’s team is arguing.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Joey Badass to Donald Trump Impersonator"s Lawsuit: You Fell Offstage at Your Own Risk!

Joey Bada$ $ is firing back at a Donald Trump impersonator who sued the rapper for pushing him offstage … saying the guy has no case for a whole bunch of reasons. In Joey’s response, obtained by TMZ , he says Phillip Wilburn assumed a risk for his…


Joey Badass to Donald Trump Impersonator"s Lawsuit: You Fell Offstage at Your Own Risk!

Joey Bada$ $ is firing back at a Donald Trump impersonator who sued the rapper for pushing him offstage … saying the guy has no case for a whole bunch of reasons. In Joey’s response, obtained by TMZ , he says Phillip Wilburn assumed a risk for his…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Usher"s Herpes Accuser Says She Didn"t Assume STD Risk Because He Never Revealed the Risk

One of Usher’s herpes accusers is firing back at his claim she assumed the risk of catching an STD when she got in bed with him — and says there was nothing for her to assume. Laura Helm is the accuser from Georgia who’s suing him for $ 20 million…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Elon Musk Warns of Autonomous Weapons ... Innocent Populations at Risk

Elon Musk sounded off about the dangers of autonomous weapons, calling them a threat to our civilization. Musk signed an open letter to the U.N. Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons … the body is taking up autonomous weapons, including…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: My Pregnancy is VERY High Risk!

We"ve heard many, many things about Kailyn Lowry"s current pregnancy. So many things.

Just oodles and oodles of rumors, statements, theories … it feels like she has been pregnant for approximately a billion years, and we"ve gotten some sort of information about it every single day.

We know that the child"s father, Chris Lopez, seems to not be as involved with things as she"d like, and that she got pregnant while still legally married to Javi Marroquin.

Or about two seconds after the divorce was finalized.

We also know that the reason she got pregnant so quickly was because, according to statements she"s made, doctors told her that it was very unlikely she"d be able to carry a child after some recent health issues.

But still, she wanted another baby, so when she started hooking up with Chris, they didn"t take any precautions, just for fun, we guess.

And just like that, Kailyn got knocked up.

It"s a weird story, and as she explains in a deleted scene from this week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, it"s even more complicated than that.

The clip begins with Kailyn"s friend taking some photos of her with her two sons, Isaac and Lincoln — it"s just as adorable as it sounds.

When they"re done, the pals sit down for a little chat, and Kailyn tells her friend that she"s "about to be 14 weeks" pregnant.

Meaning that she"s getting into her second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage goes down significantly — a big milestone for her, considering her history of miscarriages.

She says that she recently went to have a 3-D ultrasound, and she "bawled" when she saw the baby, which is actually really sweet.

She also went to see a specialist who told her that her pregnancy is considered high risk, because Isaac was born early and she"s had other "complications."

Because of those things, her doctors are concerned that she"ll go into pre-term labor.

Honestly, it"s a little surprising to hear her talk about this, considering that she"s gone out of the country multiple times this summer, something that doesn"t seem likely for a woman with a high risk pregnancy.

But on a more positive note, Kailyn says that the boys are excited to welcome a new baby brother or sister!

But back to a less positive note, she adds that she hasn"t talked about the baby too much around Lincoln, because Javi still doesn"t know about the pregnancy.

What a mess.

Thankfully, it looks like Kailyn is going to make it to her due date, or at least close enough to not have any complications.

It also looks like she and Javi are getting along a bit better than they were when this was filmed.

Watch Kailyn get real about pregnancy in the video below:

Kailyn lowry my pregnancy is very high risk

Friday, May 5, 2017

Bengals Owner Writes Letter Explaining Joe Mixon Pick, "We Took a Risk"

The owner of the Cincinnati Bengals is telling fans he knows the team “took a risk” in drafting Joe Mixon — but he’s hoping Joe is a changed man who won’t screw up again.  Mike Brown — who’s also the team president — wrote an open letter to…


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mel B"s Ex-Husband Says She Put their Daughter at Risk with Belafonte (VIDEO)

Jimmy Gulzar has a question for Mel B — if Stephen Belafonte is as bad as you say he is … why did you let our daughter live with him all these years? Mel’s ex-husband blasts her for failing as a mom to keep their 18-year-old daughter, Phoenix,…


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Conor McGregor"s Sister Thongs Out ... (Gawk at Your Own Risk)

Conor McGregor isn’t the only member of his family with a solid physique …  The UFC superstar’s sister, Aoife, is showing off her hot Irish bod on her honeymoon in the Maldives … rockin’ a tiny thong bikini bottom.  Aoife got…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jessa Duggar Pregnancy: Is She at Risk of Zika?!

Earlier this week, we learned that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child.

The news didn’t come as a huge shock to fans, as rumors that Jessa is expecting have been circulating for months.

(When you go from a selfie a day to nothing for almost four months, it’s a pretty good indication that you’re hiding something.)

Still, many fans were a bit caught off guard, as it was widely assumed that Jill Duggar would be the first of the Duggar sisters to bring a second kid into the world.

Jill is older; she’s been married longer, and she’s been quite open about her desire to raise a massive family in the grand Duggar tradition.

But there’s one very important reason that Jill might have made the wise decision to hold off on popping out another Dillard:

For the past year, she and husband Derick have been living in El Salvador performing missionary work.

If you’ve caught the evening news at any point in the past eight months, you know that means Jill is at greater risk for the Zika virus.

These days, Jill is back home in Tontitown, Arkansas, but the disease is still poorly understood, and women who recently lived in or visited any of the more heavily-affected areas have been advised to avoid getting pregnant until further notice.

Unfortunately, that would also mean Jessa Duggar is at risk.

Jill’s younger sister revealed in her pregnancy announcement that she’s due in February, which mean she and Ben Seewald conceived around May…

…which is just a few months after they visited Jill and Derick in El Selvador.

In addition, several American travelers have brought the illness home with them, and while it’s only contagious through insect bites, cases of “homegrown” Zika are on the rise in areas where a visitor of tropical climes recently returned to the States.

In all likelihood, Jessa and her baby are just fine.

Even so, for the safety’s sake the smart thing would’ve been to wait a little longer for baby number two.

Watch Counting On online to see if the family addresses these concerns this season.

Jessa Duggar Pregnancy: Is She at Risk of Zika?!

Earlier this week, we learned that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child.

The news didn’t come as a huge shock to fans, as rumors that Jessa is expecting have been circulating for months.

(When you go from a selfie a day to nothing for almost four months, it’s a pretty good indication that you’re hiding something.)

Still, many fans were a bit caught off guard, as it was widely assumed that Jill Duggar would be the first of the Duggar sisters to bring a second kid into the world.

Jill is older; she’s been married longer, and she’s been quite open about her desire to raise a massive family in the grand Duggar tradition.

But there’s one very important reason that Jill might have made the wise decision to hold off on popping out another Dillard:

For the past year, she and husband Derick have been living in El Salvador performing missionary work.

If you’ve caught the evening news at any point in the past eight months, you know that means Jill is at greater risk for the Zika virus.

These days, Jill is back home in Tontitown, Arkansas, but the disease is still poorly understood, and women who recently lived in or visited any of the more heavily-affected areas have been advised to avoid getting pregnant until further notice.

Unfortunately, that would also mean Jessa Duggar is at risk.

Jill’s younger sister revealed in her pregnancy announcement that she’s due in February, which mean she and Ben Seewald conceived around May…

…which is just a few months after they visited Jill and Derick in El Selvador.

In addition, several American travelers have brought the illness home with them, and while it’s only contagious through insect bites, cases of “homegrown” Zika are on the rise in areas where a visitor of tropical climes recently returned to the States.

In all likelihood, Jessa and her baby are just fine.

Even so, for the safety’s sake the smart thing would’ve been to wait a little longer for baby number two.

Watch Counting On online to see if the family addresses these concerns this season.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jill Duggar: Criticized For Putting Family at Risk

It’s been four months since Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard returned to Central America to complete the missionary work that they began in early 2015.

Last year, the couple was criticized for coming home ahead of schedule after accepting donations from fans and giving the impression that El Salvador would serve as their new home. 

Now, in a strange (but somewhat justified) reversal of public opinion, Jill and Derick are being criticized for staying in El Salvador despite the fact that doing so puts them at risk of contracting the dreaded Zika virus.

When news first broke that the virus was endangering the health of pregnant women and their babies throughout the region, there were rumors that Jill and Derick planned to return to Arkansas, thus cutting their missionary trip short for a second time.

Now, it looks as though they have every intention of staying put, even though it’s been widely reported that Jill is pregnant with her second child.

Jill and Derick have not confirmed the rumors, but they have yet to deny them.

Their silence on the matter – coupled with the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar recently made an unannounced visit to Jill and Derick in El Salvador – has led many to believe that the couple is in fact expecting a little brother or sister for baby Israel.

Naturally, fans have taken to social media to encourage Jill and Derick to return to the States, as Zika is known to cause birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

However, experts say that if Jill and Derick take the necessary precautions (such as sleeping with a mosquito net over their bed), they should be safe.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why fans of the couple might be concerned.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Visit the Dillards in El Salvador: Is Jill at Risk??

Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard embarked on a mission to El Salvador to do the Lord’s work, but their expedition has been marred with controversy almost since they left.

In the past few weeks, speculation arose that the Dillards cut their mission short and returned to Arkansas to avoid catching the Zika virus, which is currently rampant in the Central American country.

However, a new photo posted to Facebook confirms that the couple and their son Israel are definitely still in El Salvador, and even welcomed two guests: Jill’s parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

“Jill’s parents surprised us recently with an impromptu visit for a few days,” Derick wrote on his blog. “It was great to have them with us and get to show them the work the Lord is doing here.”

He assured fans that 10-month-old Israel is doing well, loving the fruits and veggies there and was happy to see his grandparents.

“Israel definitely enjoyed all the attention when Grandma and Grandpa Duggar came to visit,” wrote Derick.

Fans have been concerned about the Dillards’ stay in El Salvador as Zika has been known to cause severe birth defects in pregnant women, and given the family’s stance on shunning birth control, Jill could be at risk.

Could Jill be making an exception and using birth control? If she did in this case, we can’t imagine anyone would fault her for it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lisa Ann: Charlie Sheen is a CRIMINAL Who Put Male and Female Porn Stars at Risk!

As you’ve probably heard, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive  in an interview with Matt Lauer that aired this morning.

Sheen says that he decided to go public with his diagnosis after a series of lawsuits from former partners, some of whom he described as “unsavory” prostitutes and porn stars.

Sheen accused the people he paid off of “a deluge of blackmail and extortion,” but one famous adult film star says that Sheen is the one whose guilty of unforgivable deception, and she even believes he should be prosecuted for it.

“Being in the industry, I met many people who interacted with him,” Lisa Ann tweeted moments ago. “This is a direct hit on the adult industry, he hired male/female performers.

“Hands down… this is the most bizarre & reckless celebrity scenario. If this were anyone else, the public tone would be totally different.

“Don’t get me wrong here, It is sad that he is in this situation, he made it criminal when he started paying off people & not disclosing it.”

Sheen admits to continuing to engage in reckless behavior after learning of his diagnosis. He blames those actions on depression and drug and alcohol abuse brought about by news of his condition.

He also says he disclosed his diagnosis to all of his partners, and the two people with whom he had unprotected sex were fully informed and under the care of his doctor. 

Sheen’s ex, former porn star Bree Olson, says Sheen never told her he had HIV when they were in a relationship several years ago.

No doubt more information will emerge in the coming days as Sheen’s former partners continue to come forward with their versions of events.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Rob Kardashian: Crash Dieting, Putting Health at Risk, Source Claims

Last year, Rob Kardashian disappeared from the public eye, in large part because of the amount of weight that he gained in a relatively short period of time.

Insiders say Rob reached 350 pounds at his heaviest, and because he can’t leave the house without being photographed, a humiliated Rob simply holed up inside his sister Khloe’s home.

But after several months in seclusion, encouraging news about Rob began to emerge.

Reps excitedly reported that Rob had lost 15 pounds. There were even rumors that the 28-year-old former reality star had undergone gastric bypass surgery.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Rob’s dieting has gone too far, and friends and family are concerned that his interest in fad diets is putting his health at risk. 

“Rob’s been yo-yo dieting for years, but the constant stopping and starting of it all is taking a real toll on his health,” says one source.

“He’s dehydrated all the time, gets palpitations and it’s putting a lot of stress on his heart while his body goes into starvation mode. He should be taking the same time to lose this weight as he did to put it on, but now that he’s seeing results, you just can’t stop him.”

The insider says that Rob’s road to recovery began with “very intense” therapy sessions arranged by his sister Kim.

Unfortunately, now that Rob is applying that same intensity to his diet and workout routines, his family members are reportedly afraid that they’ve created a monster.