Showing posts with label Writes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writes. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Stormy Daniels Writes at Length About Donald Trump"s "Unusual Penis"

Stormy Daniels is coming … out with a new book.

The strong and proud porn star has penned "Full Disclosure," a memoir that mostly details her affair with Donald Trump.

The affair took place prior to Trump being elected President and Daniels writes in the book that she was in literal shock as Trump continued to win primary after primary in 2016.

But who really cares about her political opinions, right?

We know you"re all here to read what Daniels had to say about sex with Trump, and we promise:

She does not let you down.

Consider yourself warned and then click through the following photos and slides to see to whom Stormy Daniels compares the President of the United States.

1. Wait, Stormy Daniels Wrote a Book?

Full disclosure

Yes. Does this really come as a surprise? It will reportedly tell her “whole story for the first time” and it will be available for purchase on October 2.

2. Who is Stormy Daniels Again?

Stormy daniels up close

Here’s a quick refresher: Daniels slept with Trump in 2006. She says they only had this one sexual encounter, but that she kept in touch with Trump for several years afterward. One month before the 2016 Presidential Election, Trump has admitted to paying Daniels $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence over the affair.


Stormy daniels on cbs

Trump never signed this non-disclosure agreement and says he won’t be enforcing it and Daniels has been talking openly about their affair.

4. Oh, and Trump May Have Committed a Campaign Finance Violation with This Payment

Donald trump with a fist

It seems like he almost definitely did so. But that isn’t the point right now.

5. What IS the Point Right Now?

Stormy daniels in a jersey

Explicitly, how Daniels described the President’s unit. She gets into GROSS detail about it in this book. Are you ready to read it? Are you certain?

6. Okay. Here It Is:

Stormy daniels cleavage selfie

“He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool…”

View Slideshow

Monday, June 4, 2018

Drake"s Alleged Ghostwriter Quentin Miller Dodges Questions He Writes for Drizzy

Drake’s alleged ghostwriter, Quentin Miller, was all smiles in the middle of Drake and Pusha T’s war … skirting questions he’s the pen behind Drizzy’s tracks. We got Quentin at Aisle 5 in Atlanta on Thursday night and asked about…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Rain Brown Writes About Hard Days, Feeling Broken

In January, Alaskan Bush People star Ami Brown revealed the news about her cancer: it’s in remission! Though the Brown family matriarch will need to stay on her guard, right now she’s focused on recovery.

But not all news in the Brown family is good news. Just recently, Ami’s young daughter posted about feeling “broken.”

Now, Rain is posting about one particular “hard day.” Is everything okay?

Though this tough mother is now cancer-free, Ami Brown’s lung cancer diagnosis was dire.

Initially, she was given only a slim chance to live. The cancer was not caught early, and had metastasized to both lungs as well as to her spine.

The fact that Ami has beaten the odds and recovered is defined by some as a Christmas miracle.

We should note that the good news came before Thanksgiving, however, and that Ami also suffered a number of health setbacks along the way, in part due to the intensity of her radiation and chemo treatments.

Ami Brown is a tough woman, though, and she pulled through.

It’s safe to say that the Brown family has a lot to celebrate. The family’s youngest, 15-year-old Rain Brown, posted this:

“A tiny rainbow appeared on my roof today. And disappeared as quickly as it came.”

She shared a photo of the rainbow — it’s on her ceiling, not her roof, just so that we’re clear. That photo is below.

“I just wanted to share this cute little thing that happened to me on a hard day.”

What, fans and followers cannot help but wonder, has made her day so terribly hard?

She then shares some words of wisdom.

“‘Every day might not be good, but there is something good in everyday."”

Rain Brown

Remember, however, that Rain Brown suffers from depression.

She’s opened up about it in the past, and this “rainbow” post isn’t the first time that she’s offered hope to people who share her struggle. Recently, Rain wrote:

“To everyone out there who feels broken … someday you will be immensely happy eating ice cream on the floor alone at six in the morning.”

That example was so specific that it was … definitely what she was doing at the time.

“Yes it can happen to you too.”

A lot of people say it can happen to you ominously, but she means it in a hopeful sense. Depression can make happiness seem impossible, but it isn’t.

“Someday you’re gonna go through something only to realize it doesn’t hurt anymore, not in a numb kind of way, but in a happy strong kind of way.”

She offers advice.

“Stay true to yourself and to God and that’s all you’ll ever need.”

That might be a little specific, religion-wise, but everybody gets the idea.

“It may not seem like it now, but eventually you will be exactly where I am.”

By which she means feeling happiness again despite depression’s attempts to rob her of all joy.

“This is just a reminder that happiness is real, it’s a beacon of hope and a glimpse of the light that will soon be in your life.”

She signs off, writing:

“#staystrong my Rainbrows and remember this unicorn loves you!”

Referring to herself as a unicorn is apt, since she’s fond of wearing a a unicorn onesie.

And it’s good to remember that she refers to her fans and followers as rainbows — because, you see, her name is Rain.

It sounds like, though some of Rain’s depression may be chemical in nature, Ami Brown’s recovery may have given her a much-needed infusion of hope.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Audrey Roloff Writes a Lot About God in Order to Make Money

Audrey Roloff says you should get off social media in order to go on a truly meaningful adventure.

She offered these words of wisdom on social media.

Indeed, the Little People, Big World star has once again taken to Instagram in order to dole out some heartfelt life advice.

This is something she does VERY often.

And it’s starting to generate some major backlash for Roloff because she always ends her messages with a link to her online store or to some kind of sponsor.

Should Audrey really be profiting off her faith in such a manner?

This is once again a topic for discussion because Roloff may have just set a record for longest-ever Instagram caption, including with the above photo some seriously profound words.

“Adventure – I think we’ve made this word into a bit of a cliché. We long to have a life full of adventure, but what does that even mean?” asks Audrey to open her caption.

Sit back, get comfortable and put on a pot of coffee.

Because Audrey has a lot more to say on this random topic.

“Social media has made us increasingly obsessed with the idea of adventure, while mistaking true adventure for pursuing our own desires and passions,” she explains, adding:

“But as Christ followers, we should be willing to embark on God-given adventures, rather than pursuing our own whims.

“God-given adventure isn’t something we fall into or even something that we choose – it’s a calling God invites us to unearth, live out, and accomplish.”

One simply has to note the irony of criticizing the “idea of adventure” via social media while writing on social media, right?

Continues Roloff:

“Adventure is defined as, “an exciting or remarkable experience; the exploration of unknown territory, often involving risk.” Adventure is synonymous with earnestly walking with Jesus and following His will for our lives.

“It involves excitement, experience, exploration, uncertainty, and risk!”

Got it?

Taking notes, readers?

We hope you’re ready for more…

All these things put together bring us to a deeper dependence on the living God and a wholehearted trust in His will for us.

Consider Noah in the story of the Ark. God called Noah to a seemingly irrational and preposterous adventure. He gave Noah specific instructions to build an ark in preparation for a devastating flood.

God chose Noah because he was righteous and obedient when everyone around him was corrupt and following their selfish desires (Genesis 6:8).

How is this related to Roloff’s larger point?

She’s happy to tell you…

This was a hefty task, not a spontaneous pursuit that Noah whimsically enjoyed, like a last minute road trip. No.

Building the ark required Noah to learn, plan, and sacrifice his time and finances, while also enduring eye-rolling disrespect and ridicule from everyone who watched him build a giant boat in his front yard.

The adventure God called Noah to wasn’t something his friends enviously oohed-and-aahed at.

On a roll at this point, Roloff brought her entry home as follows:

The thing about God-given adventures is that they often seem ludicrous… Yet His eyes search the whole earth for people—like you and me – who are fully committed, ready for the adventures God has in store for them!

Have you written-off a God-given adventure as impossible, illogical, or irrational?

And if Audrey had ended things there, she may have left followers with a lot to ponder.

Instead, however, she concluded:

I wrote this devotional for the 2018 @anchoredpress weekly devo/ planner!

And there it is.

Audrey just mentioned a devotional planner that is sale via Anchored Press and which we’d simply have to imagine paid her money to do so.

Does this mean she’s a hypocrite and isn’t a true believer? No. Not necessarily.

But how would Jesus feel about a disciple trying to profit off His name? By quoting a bible passage in one sentence and following it up with a link to a store in the next sentence?

It’s something to think about, isn’t it?

Certainly it’s more to think about than the “adventure” debate Audrey poses above, wouldn’t you say?


Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner is a "Danger to Our Society" ... Disgusted NYer Writes to Judge

Anthony Weiner deserves “no mercy” and got exactly what he deserved … according to at least one of his fellow New Yorkers, who took the time to write to the judge in Weiner’s case. An anonymous citizen wrote a letter, obtained by TMZ, to Judge…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Kesha Writes Heartbreaking Letter to Her Younger Self

At this point, it’s probably literally impossible to not love Kesha, right?

From the amazing strength she’s shown throughout her recent legal battles to her sincerely wonderful new music, what’s not to love?

She’s just such an inspiration for so many reasons, and it’s so good that so many people are realizing it.

And if you find yourself to be doubting her greatness — or even if you’re well aware of her greatness and would just like to revel in it — you need to check out this letter she wrote to her 18-year-old self.

These days, Kesha is 30 years old, and we know she’s done a whole lot of living in the past 12 years.

But the letter … hold on tight, because it will almost surely tear you up.

“Dear Kesha,” she began the letter, which she read on yesterday’s episode of CBS This Morning.

“At this very moment you may be wondering whether it was really a good idea to drop out of high school. I moved to L.A. with nothing but your grandpa’s Lincoln Town Car and a demo tape.”

“I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news, and I know you’re a tad impatient, so I’ll start with the good news: you made it!”, she continued.

“And thank god because the best plan B we ever came up with was waitressing, and as you will soon find out, that was not really our forte.”

But the bad news, she explained, “is you nearly killed yourself on the road to success, fueled by fear of failure, crippling anxiety, and insecurity.”

“You will become severely bulimic and anorexic — and the worse your disease gets the more praise you will get from some people in your industry, and this will really, really mess with your head.”

“But,” she added, “when you are trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation, it’s never gonna be good enough no matter what you do.”

From there, present-day Kesha gave some advice to her younger self — solid little tips like “don’t read comments on the internet.”

“Don’t let people scare and shame you into changing the things about yourself that make you unique and interesting,” she wrote. “Those are the qualities that will make your life so magical.”

“That bad girl, ‘I don’t give a sh-t’ attitude, that’ll work for a while and you will get a dollar sign tattooed on yourself that will last forever, probably.”

“But the truth is, you don’t need to put on an act. You can just be Kesha Rose Sebert. And guess what? Apparently that’s good enough.”

It’s enough to bring a tear to your eye, isn’t it?

“You must be strong because over time you will gain confidence and people will learn that words and art do matter,” Kesha continued.

She told little Kesha that she’d grow up to write a song called “Rainbow,” and “you’re gonna be really proud of it because there is light and beauty after the storm no matter how hard things get.”

“You’re gonna write this song to remember to make it through and you’re gonna remind yourself to love yourself and if you have truth in your heart there will always be a rainbow at the end of the storm,” she finished.

It’s a lovely letter, and it’s proof of just how far Kesha has come.

So proud of you, girl!


Friday, May 5, 2017

Bengals Owner Writes Letter Explaining Joe Mixon Pick, "We Took a Risk"

The owner of the Cincinnati Bengals is telling fans he knows the team “took a risk” in drafting Joe Mixon — but he’s hoping Joe is a changed man who won’t screw up again.  Mike Brown — who’s also the team president — wrote an open letter to…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Serena Williams Writes Touching Message to Baby (PHOTO)

Serena Williams is opening up about her pregnancy — with an emotional message to her unborn child describing how the experience is changing her life.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Malorie Mackey: Former Playboy Mansion Resident Writes Hugh Hefner Tell-All!

Great news, fellow lovers of trashy memoirs: we’re getting a brand new look inside the Playboy Mansion!

Like Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison, and several other poor souls before her, a woman named Malorie Mackey has written a tell-all about her time with Hugh Hefner.

If you’re finding yourself going “Malorie who?”, there’s a reason for that: unlike Kendra and Holly, Malorie never dated Hugh Hefner, and she never posed for Playboy either.

Nope, she’s just an actress/model who found herself spending a large amount of time at the Mansion, fully clothed and uninvited to the orgies.

But still, she’s got quite the story to tell.

To promote her new book, My Playboy Story: Hopping from Richmond to Hollywood, Malorie did an in-depth interview with Radar Online in which she shared several stories.

Grab some popcorn, y’all, because you know this is going to get good.

Malorie first began spending time at the Playboy Mansion in 2011, which was after Holly left but before Hugh married Crystal Harris.

She acknowledged Holly’s horror stories about the Mansion, saying “Holly lived there with seven other girls, I think for her when you have that many girls living together and you can’t leave, it creates drama and they don’t all like each other.”

Saying that the situation Holly lived with “creates drama” is probably the understatement of the century, but Malorie says that her experience wasn’t at all like that.

“It was like a family,” she said. “Hef is really kind, respectful. He’s very intelligent but he can be very quiet.”

“But it was wonderful getting to know him, having him invite me into that lifestyle.”

All that being said, it’s not like she’s trying to say that life at Hugh Hefner’s place is 100% G-rated fun — “I’m sure people did drugs at parties,” she admitted, “but I didn’t see it.”

“We went swimming in the pool, in the Grotto many times,” she added, “but I didn’t ever go skinny dipping. I’m a prude. I really am the girl next door.”

Malorie also discussed Crystal Harris. She arrived at the Mansion just before Crystal left Hugh right before their wedding, and she recalled that “Everything changed. People were really upset by it.”

She said that Hugh was “surprised and put off” by Crystal running away, but “he said it was better that she left ahead of time instead of having him marry her and be in a bad situation.”

After Crystal left, Hugh got a new girlfriend, and the parties started heating up again because “they weren’t intimidated” by his future wife.

But, as we all know, Crystal came back to marry Hef. And so it was the end of an era.

“I had a friendship with Crystal,” Malorie explained, “but she has a hard time getting close with people. I was removed from the list for the Mansion movie nights and parties.”

“But I was OK with it because I had a really great time and I really appreciate my time there.”

As for Hef’s widely rumored failing health — which, to be fair, the man turns 91 next month and he’s led a pretty active life, so to speak,” she said that he was “definitely fading a little bit” by the time she left the Mansion in 2013.

“We used to go out to the game house, by the pool, but he stopped coming out as much. He would stay in the library. He started being a little less mobile.”

“Recently, he’s not doing so well. We’ve all been hearing that for a while.”

But hey, health bummers aside, will you be picking up Malorie’s book?


Monday, January 23, 2017

Olivia Munn Writes Letter to Packers Fans ... Notes "Off the Field" Adversity

Aaron Rodgers’ girlfriend Olivia Munn says she’s proud of the Packers for the way they faced adversity this season — both on and off the field — leaving some wondering if she’s referencing the drama with Aaron’s family.  Of course, the…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Charlie Sheen Writes Insane Poem Following Brooke Mueller"s Hospitalization

So, don’t know if you heard, but Brooke Mueller has had kind of a rough week.

And yeah, that could be in the running for Understatement of the Year.

She was spotted at a bar in Utah on Tuesday night with Bob and Max, the seven-year-old twins she shares with Charlie Sheen.

She was barefoot, which is always a bad sign, and also she had two young children at a bar. On a school night, even.

The situation only got sketchier when Brooke got into a fight with her nanny, who was also at the bar. Someone called the police, but Brooke took the kids and left before they arrived.

Brooke managed to lay low for a few hours, but she was spotted going crazy at a car wash Wednesday morning around 6:00 AM.

People called the police one more time after they saw her “swinging wildly” at the twins. They even stopped to intervene before cops could arrive, and they said she yelled at them and seemed “high as a kite.”

Well, it’s Brooke Mueller, so …

Heartbreakingly, one of the witness claims that one of the kids begged him “Don’t call the cops, they are going to take my mommy away!”

But the unfortunate truth of the matter is that some mommies need to be taken away for the good of everyone involved, but that doesn’t make this whole thing any easier.

Though Brooke did run again before police arrived, they were finally able to speak to her over the phone, and they determined that her children weren’t in danger and that she didn’t commit a crime.

But then a woman who claimed to be Brooke’s mother called police again and informed them that her daughter just might be mentally unstable.

They were able to catch Brooke that time, and she was admitted to a hospital for a psych evaluation.

It sounds like a real roller coaster ride of sadness and drugs, so you know Charlie Sheen couldn’t keep quiet about it for too long.

Charlie released a statement about Brooke to People, and it’s … yeah, you’re just going to have to read it for yourself.

In the face of a roughshod and polar moment of unsanctioned divide

Sanity and certainty were restored with grace and resolve

Immeasurable gratitude and love to a fellow yeoman of the apocalypse

Sir Michael from that hamlet called Walters

Need accept each and every Crimson palm-sting

As high fives rain upon his bitchen nobility

Not just from this traveler

But from his safe and stable brood as well

For real, that was his statement about Brooke Mueller.

Those poor, poor children …


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nick Viall Tries to Make Nice, Writes Note to Jen Saviano

Nick Viall struck out for the third time on ABC last night.

Following a pair of runner-up finishes on The Bachelorette, it appeared as if Nick had found love on Bachelor in Paradise.

He and Jen Saviano woke up on Tuesday night in the Fantasy Suite, with Viall gushing over how it’s “truly amazing what private alone time does for a relationship” and Jen later telling Nick:

“I’ve fallen in love with you, and I want to continue to fall if you’re willing to catch me.”

How sweet, right?!?

How romantic, no?!?

How sadly misguided of Jen.

Viall responded to this outpouring of emotion by saying he didn’t want to regret a proposal and that Jen deserved better than him anyway.

“K,” she replied.

And that was that. Here’s a look at Viall (sort of) breaking Jen’s heart in front of millions of viewers on last night’s Bachelor in Paradise finale.

Of course, Nick Viall will be The Bachelor this spring.

So we already knew he didn’t end up with Jen.

Viall did go ahead, however, and try to make the best of the situation, considering he now needs viewers around the country who watch The Bachelor online or on television to root for him on Season 21.

“It’s not easy saying goodbye to someone as incredible as @jensav11,” Viall wrote on Instagram as a caption to the above image.

He added:

“One of the most beautiful, graceful, and intelligent women I’ve ever met. So lucky to have had her in my life. She deserves the world.”

On the finale, Viall confessed that Saviano simply wasn’t the right woman for him.

“I wanted to say I was in love with you, but something in my heart just said I can’t,” he told her.

“Sometimes you wish you could tell your heart what to do, and if I could, I would tell it to choose you. I just feel like something’s telling me to say goodbye.

“I’m sorry. My biggest fear is that I’m going to regret it.” 

Profound stuff from Nick there.

We can only hope we’re in for these kinds of original, non-cliche ridden thoughts on The Bachelor next year.

On After Paradise, Jen sat down to talk about her feelings when it comes watching her ex look for love with a new group of ladies.

It will be an unusual situation, to be sure.

“There’s definitely mixed emotions about that — but I’ve moved on, and I’m doing good,” she told the audience.

Jen also shared a picture on Instagram of herself eating pizza in her finale outfit.

“When you get dumped… Here’s what you do: you order an XL pizza, bottle of wine & watch How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days… because you know, I’m good at that,” she wrote as a caption.

HA! We love it.

You sure you made the right choice here, Nick?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Writes Open Love Letter to "Best Friend" JoJo Fletcher!

Well, after months of speculation and plenty of spoilers, we finally know the outcome of The Bachelorette Season 12.

Obviously, there are spoilers ahead, so if you didn’t catch last night’s Bachelorette season finale, go do that before you read any further. We’ll be waiting.

Alrighty, now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about that final decision.

It seems that either JoJo is a Green Bay Packers fan, or she just hates unexpected twists, because the 25-year-old stopped Robby Hayes from proposing in order to do what just about everyone predicted she would do.

Yes, not only did JoJo choose Jordan Rodgers, brother of famed Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers, we now know that Jordan sealed his victory by getting down on one knee.

Jordan and JoJo are engaged and planning to walk down the aisle at some point in the near future.

We’ll resist cynically pointing out how not-so-well that’s worked out that’s worked out for most couples in the franchise’s history.

Instead, let’s enjoy this lovely Instagram ode to JoJo that Jordan posted last night.

Along with the photo above, Jordan wrote: 

When you look back at your life it’s those little moments when one decision completely changes the course of your life. A few months ago I took a leap of faith that took me on a journey that lead me to the love of my life.

“@joelle_fletcher I love you more than anything! You are the most amazing woman on this planet, you are my best friend, and my rock. You are the best thing I wake up to in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night.

“Today is not the start of our love story, it’s the start of a new chapter. I have grown to love you more and more with every passing day. I loved reliving the greatest day of our life tonight.

“The day we decided to take on the world together. To be fully committed to each other for the rest of our lives. That seems like a long time, but already I know it won’t be nearly long enough.

“I never grow tired of laughing, crying, living, and loving with you, and I never will. Here’s to the next 100 years, and a 100 more after that, because no amount of time is ever long enough to spend with the love of your life.

“You are my everything, and I’m so ready to marry you and do life with you!!

Did it suddenly get dusty in here, or is it just us?

We’ll have all the details on JoJo and Jordan’s wedding plans as they become available.

In the meantime, congrats, you crazy kids!

You’re a lucky man, Jordan!

Jordan Rodgers Writes Open Love Letter to "Best Friend" JoJo Fletcher!

Well, after months of speculation and plenty of spoilers, we finally know the outcome of The Bachelorette Season 12.

Obviously, there are spoilers ahead, so if you didn’t catch last night’s Bachelorette season finale, go do that before you read any further. We’ll be waiting.

Alrighty, now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about that final decision.

It seems that either JoJo is a Green Bay Packers fan, or she just hates unexpected twists, because the 25-year-old stopped Robby Hayes from proposing in order to do what just about everyone predicted she would do.

Yes, not only did JoJo choose Jordan Rodgers, brother of famed Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers, we now know that Jordan sealed his victory by getting down on one knee.

Jordan and JoJo are engaged and planning to walk down the aisle at some point in the near future.

We’ll resist cynically pointing out how not-so-well that’s worked out that’s worked out for most couples in the franchise’s history.

Instead, let’s enjoy this lovely Instagram ode to JoJo that Jordan posted last night.

Along with the photo above, Jordan wrote: 

When you look back at your life it’s those little moments when one decision completely changes the course of your life. A few months ago I took a leap of faith that took me on a journey that lead me to the love of my life.

“@joelle_fletcher I love you more than anything! You are the most amazing woman on this planet, you are my best friend, and my rock. You are the best thing I wake up to in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night.

“Today is not the start of our love story, it’s the start of a new chapter. I have grown to love you more and more with every passing day. I loved reliving the greatest day of our life tonight.

“The day we decided to take on the world together. To be fully committed to each other for the rest of our lives. That seems like a long time, but already I know it won’t be nearly long enough.

“I never grow tired of laughing, crying, living, and loving with you, and I never will. Here’s to the next 100 years, and a 100 more after that, because no amount of time is ever long enough to spend with the love of your life.

“You are my everything, and I’m so ready to marry you and do life with you!!

Did it suddenly get dusty in here, or is it just us?

We’ll have all the details on JoJo and Jordan’s wedding plans as they become available.

In the meantime, congrats, you crazy kids!

You’re a lucky man, Jordan!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Kylie Jenner Writes Sweet Notes for Kourtney & Khloe, but Where"s Kim"s??

Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are two lucky ladies. They are two of the few thousand women who received the coveted Kylie Jenner Lip Kits – gifted to them by Kylie herself.

The new lip kits went on sale yesterday and sold out within a half hour – a little longer than the first kits, which were gone within a minute.

Kylie also included personal notes to both sisters along with the packages, writing why each sister is special to her. Both Kourtney and Khloe posted pics of their prezzies and handwritten notes on Instagram.

To Kourtney, Kylie wrote:

“You keep me grounded and teach me to look at the glass half full. I love you.”

Aww, that’s sweet. But do we think Kylie’s focus on boobs and bling is “grounded”? I’d hate to see what she’d be like if Kourt weren’t there.

Kylie’s letter to Khloe read:

“Your strong independent personality inspires me every day. I love you.”

Yes, that certainly sounds like Khloe.

So, what did she write to Kim? Let’s have a look at Mrs. Kardashian-West’s Insta.

Oh. Nothing there. But we do see FIVE consecutive posts plugging her own product – the second, highly disturbing iteration of Kimoji.

But hey, Kim’s been busy. She’s got a baby, whose voice we just heard for the first time on her app, another big baby of a husband who she may or may not be fighting with, and of course, lots of selfies to take.

Although, we don’t know for sure that Kylie even sent one.

A peek at sister Kendall’s Instagram also reveals no image of a gift or note from Kylie, but perhaps posting the makeup would be a conflict of interest due to her modeling contract with Estee Lauder.

Or… maybe Kim and Kendall’s kits just got lost in the mail.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kristin Cavallari Writes Heartbreaking Tribute To Brother Michael

Today, authorities found the body of 30-year-old Michael Cavallari, older brother of Laguna Beach star Kristin Cavallari.

Kristin posted a touching photo of herself and Michael as young kids, with this message:

“My heart is in a million pieces Mikey, I could always count on you to make me laugh,” Kristin wrote.

“You had such a good heart and will be forever missed. I’m at a loss for words but I know u are in a better place and finally at peace. I love u so much RIP.”

Kristin and Michael Cavallari

TMZ reports that Michael’s remains were found around 10:30 am local time today in a “steep and very rocky” area.

“We have just been informed by the authorities my brother’s body has been found,” Kristin said in a statement to the site.

“This is a very painful time and we are still processing it all.”

Michael was reported missing three days ago, but his car was found abandoned on November 27th.  The San Clemente, CA native has a history of substance abuse, and had a few run-ins with the police this past fall.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tyler Baltierra Writes THE CUTEST Tribute To Catelynn Lowell

I already think Teen Mom‘s Tyler Baliterra is the most adorable thing ever.  What he wrote to his wife, Catelynn, today sends me into a sea of feels.

According to OK!, Baltierra was watching an old episode of the MTV series, in which he and Lowell gave up their first daughter, Carly for adoption.

“All I can say is wow…this ended up on my tv today & it was so crazy to see Nova just stop & stare at the screen…I haven’t watched it since it premiered. It’s just way too hard,” Baltierra wrote on Instagram.  

“I still can’t believe how strong, selfless, and courageous of a wife I have. I am so blessed to have her as the mother of my children…I love you @catelynnmtv more than you will ever know. Your are a representation of what a mother is & how a mothers love is so sacrificial…your my angel.”

Baltierra didn’t stop there.

“Seriously after watching that for the first time in 6 years I am overwhelmed with emotion. We were just kids & didn’t know what else to do besides what was best for Carly. I am so honored to be able to call that woman my wife now.

“If anyone watches this & thinks she is anything less than strong, beautiful, courageous, loving, caring, compassionate, or selfless…you can unfollow me, because that woman right there is the epitome of beauty & strength.”

Haters be damned!

“The beauty of her heart is immeasurable, & the strength of her selfless soul is untouchable. There are literally not enough words to express how amazing I think she is. I wish the world could experience the love & connection we share with each other.

“Suffering builds character…& my wife has the character of a warrior angel.”

I’ll be listening to Peter Cetera and crying into a pillow if you need me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mom Writes Heart-Wrenching Post on DUI Crash That Killed Her Baby, Husband

A Missouri mom’s heartbreaking post reliving the tale of how an DUI-related car accident killed her husband and infant son has gone viral.

In fact, “gone viral” probably isn’t doing it justice. It’s taken the web by storm as she hopes to reduce alcohol-related tragedies like hers.

Destiny Mantia of Winfield, Missouri, told ABC News this week.

“I never expected it to go viral, but it’s nice to know that you’re making a difference so maybe nobody else has to experience this.”

“Imagine if we had one person to stop someone from getting into that car,” she adds. “Just think if someone did that at every party.”

“The amount of drunk driving accidents would be cut immensely.”

Mantia, 22, met her husband, Corey, when the two were in 10th grade. Just a few years years later, the young couple married.

Destiny gave birth to a baby boy, Parker Lee, June 23, 2013.

Then, on September 20, 2014, Corey and Parker were driving her across town for an appointment when a motorist hit their minivan.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol noted that alcohol was a contributing factor in the fatal accident, on the part of the other driver.

Baby Parker died at the scene, whereas his father Corey, after fighting for his life for almost 24 hours, died less than a day later.

The woman who hit them also died. Only Mantia survived.

“I grieved for Corey, I needed him,” Mantia said.

“I needed him to tell me ‘Everything is going to be OK.’ After I realized there was nothing I could do to bring them back is when I grieved Parker.”

“It’s almost unimaginable at times.”

Mantia said the driver’s family never reached out, something that upsets her. “I wish they would apologize,” Mantia said of herfamily.

“She was at a wedding reception; I feel like there must have been at least 100 people that could’ve stopped her from driving that night.”

Last Sunday, exactly one year after the accident, Mantia posted a devastating recap of what happened on the day she lost her family:

On our way to this wrap appointment my amazing husband whom was driving, my precious baby whom I still nursed and kept rear facing watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and I were struck nearly head on at an excessive speed by a drunk driver.

This is a date and time that will forever be embedded in my head. The action of this one selfish person who thought they were “ok” to drive instantly took the life of my sweet innocent 15 month old son in the back seat.

She would cause my husband and I to be air lifted from the scene where my husband would loose his fight 24 hours later. She would cause a family to be devastated and emergency personnel to need counseling.

That day the Destiny that was a mom and wife died as well. I’ve sense had to find myself. I never knew the strength I could pull out that I never knew I had.

I think I was able to find this strength through the prayers and support of many friends and family and also an amazing widows group who kept me knowing I was normal for feeling how I felt.

Mantia concluded the post by pleading with others not to drink and drive:

This hurt, pain and our future could of all been prevented if someone would have stepped up and stopped this selfish woman from drinking and driving.

You can save someone’s life too! Don’t allow your friends and family drink and drive. Don’t share DUI checkpoints. Be an advocate! Stand up with me! Let’s stop this. One is too many.

