Showing posts with label TellAll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TellAll. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: My New Tell-All Book Is Printing NOW!

We’ve seen Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry use Twitter to destroy body-shamers, but she also uses social media to chat with followers … and to share great news.

Kail’s been working on her book, A Letter of Love, which promises to tell a whole side story about her life that MTV’s cameras have never captured.

That book is now printing!

Taking to Twitter, Kailyn tweeted: “Beyond excited!”

No, this isn’t excitement about her fight with Briana DeJesus. This is something very positive.

“My publisher @iamardreorie just delivered the news,” Kail gushes.

Kailyn then reveals “that copies of my new book ‘A Letter of Love’ are printing!”

That is so exciting!

“And,” Kailyn continues. “The support from you guys has been overwhelming!”

Kail is a sweetheart and she always gives a shout-out to her fans.

“I’m finally telling my side of the story,” she writes.

Remember, everything that we’ve seen on Teen Mom 2 has been told through the lens (literally!) of MTV. Their job is to make entertainment, not tell Kail’s story.

That’s okay, but it means that a lot of fans don’t have the real picture.

Kailyn tweets that she can share her narrative “my way.” At last.

Back in January, Kailyn explained the origins of her new tell-all book.

“The book was an apology letter to Lux,” Kail revealed.

Sometimes, the idea for a book grows out of a single thought or piece of writing — even a tweet.

Kailyn shared that hse was apologizing “for basically the mess he was born into.”

That sounds so healthy. More parents should take the time to consider the world into which they’re bringing children.

A lot of kids are owed apologies.

“And,” Kailyn continued, she also wanted to express to Lux “how bad I feel.”

Naturally, it grew into something a little more — and Kailyn’s book is about her sons Lincoln and Isaac, too.

Kailyn explained: “But now it’s to all three of them.”

“I feel bad and I’m nervous about how a lot of my decisions will impact them or affect them,” Kailyn explained.

“So I’m apologizing to all of them,” Kail said. “And I want them to know how much I love them and I’m working now to pick up the pieces.”

We think that they know better than anyone how much she loves them and how she does her best for them every day.

A Letter of Love is currently available for preorder from 13 & Joan Publishing.

Kail is no newcomer to the publishing scene, of course. She’s already an author.

Fans are of course familiar with Hustle and Heart and with Pride Over Pity

I’d say that I’m crushed that she’s deviating from alliteration for this new book, but she did that before with Love is Bubblegum.

(Kail is so busy!)

Unfortunately, we all remember when Chris Lopez burned a copy of Kailyn’s last book. It was not one of his finer moments.

Hopefully, this new book can avoid meeting a similar fate. After all, it is about and written to Chris’ son.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Younes Bendjima: I"m Writing a Tell-All Book About Kourtney Kardashian!!

Despite their super sexy vacation just weeks ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have split. By all accounts, it is not an amicable breakup.

Younes is begging Kourt to take him back and saying that he never cheated, but it sounds like he’s also gotten confrontational about it.

In fact, he has reportedly threatened to write a tell-all book about Kourtney and her entire family. Yikes!

RadarOnline reports that Younes Bendjima’s tell-all book threat came to Kourtney through an intermediary.

“Younes had one of his friends reach out to Kourtney,” an insider close to Kourtney reveals.

This was not an olive branch.

The friend made contact, the source says, “to tell her that if her sisters don’t stop talking s–t about him that he would write a tell all book.”

Younes apparently knows enough about the family that he could embarrass them “and air all of their dirty laundry.”

“After two years together,” the insider says. “Kourtney knows that Younes knows” a great deal of insider information “about the family.”

He and Kourt have been together since 2016, and now we’re just a few months away from 2019.

Younes started off as a boy toy, but he’s no fool. He noticed things.

In fact, the source says that Younes knows more “than anyone else that has come in and out of their circle in quite some time.”

Kourtney, the insider says, is freaking out because “she does not want this to escalate anymore.”

In a war of words, it looks like both sides could lose — but Kourtney and her loved ones might have more to lose.

“So,” the source revealed of Kourtney. “She asked her family to refrain from saying anything about him.”

Nobody closes ranks like the Kardashians in a krisis, folks.

That means that Kourtney’s sisters — despite Kim and Kourtney’s vicious feud — are eager to lay into Younes.

But that also means that they’ll mince words and bite their tongues about Younes if that’s what needs to happen.

Just think of how careful they were with their words when Khloe’s baby daddy was outed as a no-good cheater. They can do that with Younes, too.

Kourtney is just tired of the whole Younes situation, even though she might miss having hot cougar sex with the 25-year-old model.

“At this point,” the insider explains. “She just wants him to go away.”

That is understandable. The breakup is fresh and likely full of a lot of very complicated feelings.

Kourtney wants Younes out of sight and out of mind, the source says, “so she can move on with her life.”

That is very understandable.

It is, of course, very important to note that Jordan Ozuna, the lovely socialite with whom Younes was spotted, has spoken out.

She wants to make it very clear that nothing romantic happened between her and Younes.

The thing is that some suspect that Kourtney was, perhaps subconsciously, in the market for an excuse to break things off with Younes.

The two of them have an age gap of almost 15 years and are at very different stages of their lives.

We’re glad that their relationship was fun while it lasted and we’re sorry to see it end.

We hope, of course, that everyone can come out of this sitation as a winner.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Meghan Markle Dissed Trump, Dumped Ex-Husband "Out of the Blue," Tell-All Claims

Meghan Markle is soon to be a member of the royal family.

And that means she’ll soon be subjected to a level of scrutiny that’s unfathomable to Americans who aren’t among the one percent of A-list celebrities.

We’ve known for quite some time that a Markle tell-all by famed royal biographer Andrew Morton is on the way, but early press about the book suggested it would contain very few salacious tidbits.

For the most part, Morton is respectful toward his royal subjects, and as a result, he’s been granted unprecedented access to the inner-workings of Buckingham Palace.

But he also has to sell books to a reading public with the attention span of a small rodent on bath salts.

Thus, he’s expected to deliver a handful of lightly scandalous insights into life behind palace walls, and based on newly-released excerpts, Meghan: A Hollywood Princess doesn’t disappoint.

It seems The Sun has been publishing tidbits all week, and they started things off on an endearing note with a portion about Meghan’s long-standing love for Princess Diana:

“According to family friends, she was intrigued by Diana, not just for her style, but for her independent humanitarian mission, seeing her as a role model,” Morton writes.

One associate of Markle’s is quoted as saying the actress “wants to be Princess Diana 2.0.”

A little weird for Harry, but we’re sure the Brits ate it up.

Naturally, Morton can’t ignore the elephant in the room regarding Meghan’s past.

We’re talking of course about the fact that Markle is divorced, which is apparently something that elderly Britons are having a hard time getting over.

One insider claims that Meghan dumped her first husband, Trevor Engelson, in brutal fashion:

“A wealthy entrepreneur friend claimed the marriage ended so abruptly that Meghan sent Trevor her diamond wedding and engagement rings back by registered mail,” Morton writes.

“Another (friend) confirmed that the decision to end the marriage was made by Meghan and had come ‘totally out of the blue.’” 

Aside from the inevitable details about Meghan’s sketchy sister, that might be as scandalous a passage as you’ll find in Hollywood Princess.

Of course, the detail that’s sure to win Meghan the most fans on this side of the pond comes to us courtesy of Markle’s days as a “briefcase girl” on the early 2000s game show Deal or No Deal.

Aside from Howie Mandel’s OCD, the stars of the show were a bunch of twenty-something models, so naturally, Donald Trump paid an unannounced visit to the set one day.

And it seems Meg wanted nothing to do with Ol’ Yellow Eyes:

“Fellow briefcase girl Tameka Jacobs told me, ‘He was super-creepy, but some girls were attracted to money and power and took his number,” Morton claims.

“Meghan was one of the girls who gave him a wide berth.”

Morton goes on to say that despite rumors to the contrary it seems unlikely that any Trumps will be invited to the royal wedding.

We’re sure that snub will go over well.

In other words, get ready for nuclear war with the UK, folks!

Should be a doozy.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Writing a Tell-All About Chris Lopez?!

To say that Kailyn Lowry has had a complicated relationship with Chris Lopez would be a pretty big understatement.

Really, to call their relationship a disastrous, burning hot mess would even be an understatement.

Is there even a messier relationship on either of the Teen Mom shows?

Well, yes, absolutely there is, but this is still really, really bad, that’s what we’re trying to get across here.

Things started off well enough between Kailyn and Chris. They were classmates in college, and then they were friends, and then they were …

The timeline is a little confusing because they both go back and forth on their stories depending on how petty they want to be, but whether they were ever in a real relationship or not, they did have sex.

And that resulted in the supremely adorable little baby Lux.

During Kailyn’s pregnancy, Chris wasn’t around all that much, and she said that was because he was with another woman.

But when it was time for their son to be born, he was there, and we even saw him escort Kailyn and Lux home from the hospital.

A short while after that though, things were terrible again. There have been several rumors about him going for custody of Lux, and she’s also accused him of being a deadbeat dad.

Still, even though they’ve both been passive aggressive as hell through mountains and mountains of vague tweets and the like, neither one of them has ever taken the time to share the whole story,

But it looks like that’s about to change.

Yesterday, Kailyn took to Instagram to announce that she’s releasing a new book titled A Letter of Love.

“I’m so so so excited for this one,” she wrote. “Any & all moms will be able to relate to this. From the hardest of times to the happiest of days, it’s in here. Single moms, working moms, married, everyone.”

She’s obviously very excited about the release, but that’s sort of a broad summary, right?

Don’t worry — she also did an interview with Radar Online, and she went into much more detail about what the book will contain.

And if you haven’t pre-ordered it yet, you probably will after hearing all this.

Kailyn book cover

“The book was an apology letter to Lux for basically the mess he was born into and how bad I feel,” she explains in the interview.

“But now it’s to all three of them.”

“I feel bad,” she goes on, “and I’m nervous about how a lot of my decisions will impact them or affect them.”

“So I’m apologizing to all of them and I want them to know how much I love them and I’m working now to pick up the pieces.”

That’s actually kind of heartbreaking.

When Kailyn first announced her pregnancy, she insisted that she’d made the choice to get pregnant, that it wasn’t an accident at all.

And while we’re sure that she doesn’t regret getting pregnant at all — because then she wouldn’t have Lux — it obviously sounds like she’s regretting some of the choices she made during that time.

Watching the last season of Teen Mom 2, it’s clear that things were a little chaotic throughout her pregnancy, but what’s done is done, and it’s lovely that she’s doing what she needs to do to make the situation as positive as possible for her children.

We’re going to need that book soon, Kailyn!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I"ll Publish My Own Tell-All, WITHOUT Javi Marroquin!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are no longer writing a book together, but that doesn’t mean that Kailyn’s done writing.

No, Kail is coming out with her own book. And we can only imagine the things that she’ll have to say, considering that Javi will no longer be her coauthor.

And apparently it’s all because Javi Marroquin is banging Briana DeJesus. Can you believe that there was a time when fans worried that Briana being on the show would be boring?

Until pretty recently, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin were working together on a book, which would have been titled He Said, She Said.

The erstwhile coauthors had a falling out because, well, Javi could have dated any woman on the planet who isn’t one of his baby mama’s costars, but instead landed in bed with Briana DeJesus.

And, of course, Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry have been feuding. What a mess.

Kailyn broke the news to RadarOnline that they’d canned their joint book-writing venture, and she phrased it as delicately as possible:

“We are working diligently on the co-parenting thing. It was just too difficult to try to do business together at this time.”

Kailyn Lowry rules at coparenting, so if she and Javi are struggling with it, then this is definitely intense.

“It wasn’t going to work out because we recently fell back into a bad place.”

Well, Javi did the falling. And Briana DeJesus was the bad place.

Javi also had his statement about why he and Kailyn were no longer doing the book.

“I decided I want to cut all ties with Kail and I didn’t want to come out with this book and have to go on tour. That’s behind me.”

Really? He wants to cut all ties with Kailyn?

What the heck does he call Lincoln, their son?

We’ll chalk that up to a poor choice of words.

Speaking of choice words, however, Kailyn has an announcement to make:

Speaking to RadarOnline, Kailyn Lowry shares some exciting news.

“I’ve experienced so much over the years but most importantly, I’ve learned a lot.”

That’s true. Being a mother teaches you a lot, but being a reality star? That can be a very educational experience.

Being both at once has to be an adventure.

“I know that there are tons of mothers just like me in the world who are strong but also need support.”

And she believes that she has valuable lessons to impart.

“Just because you’re strong, doesn’t mean that you don’t need help.”

Honestly, though, this is getting hyped as a tell-all book, and the publishing house says that there’s more than parenting advice within the promised pages.

Orie, the CEO of 13th & Joan Publishing House, gushed about the Teen Mom star’s upcoming book:

“There is so much that the world has yet to see of Kail and her talents.”

That’s true. A lot of people just think of her as a woman who got pregnant as a teen. And then got pregnant again. And again.

But there’s more to Kail than meets the eye, folks.

“She is insightful and knows exactly what she wants to communicate through her writing.”

Honestly, all of the talk of Kail as an avid writer makes us wonder if she has some undiscovered internet pen names. Maybe she’s written fanfic?

“Her new projects will reveal so much about her as a mother and as a person.”

That’s why it’s called a tell-all.

“While the world watches and is led to believe that they have the full story, there is always more to be told.”

Well, reality television never tells the whole story. And then there are time constraints.

A book will be Kailyn putting her words out there and telling things from her perspective.

It’s doubtful that we’ll get the same tell-all from her ex, as Javi Marroquin is being deployed by the Air Force and, obviously, won’t have time to write a book of his own any time soon.


Meghan Markle: Controversial Writer Pens Tell-All, Uses Phrase "Markle Sparkle"

In the span of just a few short years, Meghan Markle has gone from Deal or No Deal “briefcase girl” to star of a USA network legal drama to future royalty.

It’s a trajectory that’s sure to inspire both misty-lensed Hallmark Channel romances and 99 cent erotic e-books with titles like The Finger Prince.

We don’t blame the public for being fascinated with Meghan’s story.

We all like to think we’ll be saved from our desperate, mediocre lives when someone with tremendous power and influence recognizes how special we are.

Basically, Meghan is Harry Potter and Harry is Dumbledore and … well, we won’t get into the importance of knowing how to work a wand in both stories, but you get the idea.

The point of that confusing and oddly profane metaphor is that Meghan and Harry’s romance is the stuff of bestsellers.

But it won’t be J.K. Rowling telling the tale.

No, it appears the first to cash in on the international Harkle obsession will be British writer Andrew Morton, a provocateur who’s previously authored biographies on Tom Cruise, Madonna, and Angelina Jolie.

Somehow, not having not been smothered to death by the avalanche of smug that came from researching those three, Morton lived to tell tell the tale of Harry’s mother, Princess Di, in a bestseller titled Diana: Her Story.

Despite the fact that the book was based largely on a secretly recorded conversation between Diana and a friend, Morton was able to secure the late princess’ approval of the project.

In other words, this is a dude who knows where the bodies are buried, and now he’s coming for MegMar:

“I was a fan of Meghan’s long before she met Prince Harry,” British writer Andrew Morton wrote to Fox News.

“She has star quality, what some have called ‘the Markle Sparkle."”

As a man who has the sack to use the phrase “Markle Sparkle” publicly, you can bet that Morton won’t shy away from all the gritty details of Meghan’s 36 years.

Or, he’ll just engage in 400-plus pages of ass-kissing, because the royals have basically made his career.

Based on his comments on the project, we’re guessing it’s the latter:

“Confident, groomed and camera ready, she is a dramatic contrast to the blushing, coy royal brides of recent history,” Morton recently told Fox News

“The warmth and affection Meghan and Harry displayed during their engagement interview years is light years away from the stilted ‘whatever love means’ conversation with Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.”

Morton added:

“Meghan is an exciting and genuinely charismatic addition to the royal family – she makes the House of Windsor seem relevant again. Hers is a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it.”

Basically, it sounds like dude is a living Instagram filter.

His version of Meghan has a flower crown and shoots out rays of angelic light when she smiles.

So yeah, you may have to wait a bit longer for Markle to get the warts-and-all treatment.

Or you can just go ahead and download The Finger Prince to your Kindle.

We’re not here to judge.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Jacob Roloff: Writing a New, Bitter Tell-All?

Jacob Roloff is the “black sheep” of the Roloff family.

Matt and Amy’s youngest son isn’t much of a troublemaker, but his family’s rise to fame on Little People, Big World hasn’t sat well with him. He was even estranged from his parents for a while, there.

But … is he writing a second tell-all? That’s sure what it sounds like, and if that’s the case, we can kiss our dreams of a Roloff reunion goodbye.

We’ve talked about the possibility that Jacob Roloff might return to Little People, Big World.

This would be a huge, huge deal — because the series is probably Jacob’s biggest point of contention with his parents.

He’s blasted his family’s series as being “fake.”

A couple of years ago, he accused them of having forced him to appear on Little People, Big World without pay.

(Which is a legitimate gripe, folks)

That was a huge deal, and he became estranged from them. Which was a loss for the show, sure, but a bigger loss for the Roloff family.

And, quite frankly, for Jacob.

Jacob Roloff’s been spending time with his mom, though, and fans are hopeful that the fence-mending that he’s been up to will amount to a total reconciliation and a return to the series.

But … it’s sure not looking that way.

Though we’ve mentioned them before, we want to remind you of some of Jacob Roloff’s own words from Instagram.

“An update: Izzy and I have for several months been working towards bringing all of our creative aspirations to fruition. So far, I’m happy to report, it is going quite well.”

Izzy is his girlfriend, in case that’s slipped your mind.

“I’m working on this next piece of writing, considerably longer than Verbing, called Out To See, and Izzy is working on a poetry book (among other things) with her own art, watercolor, and photography sprinkled in for good measure.”

That’s all fine and well, but they’re also working on something together.

“On top of that, we have a joint project that we are keeping top secret for a little while longer, but will hopefully get to express to you folks by the turn of the new year. We are working away, and I can’t very well contain my excitement!”

But he’s still keeping it a secret.

Here is where his (admittedly, understandable) bitterness comes into play.

“I wanted this book to be something I might have wanted when I was a kid, growing up surrounded by one way of life with no room to stretch or explore, as it pertains to religion, at least.”

That’s an important quote.

As much as we adore the Roloffs, Jacob might have good reason for his unhappiness.

Growing up on a farm in a rustic way of life, in isolation, means limited opportunity to grow and become a person.

It’s a fine way to retire if that’s the sort of life that you want to live, as Matt Roloff clearly did.

But, though we’re certain that Matt and Amy didn’t mean anything malicious by it, Jacob feels that he was cheated out of other opportunities.

Particularly, he says, when it comes to religion. Meaning that he wishes that his family’s brand of Christianity hadn’t been the only form of faith to which he was exposed while growing up.

(Which doesn’t bode well for his relationship with his deeply devout sister-in-law, Audrey Roloff, what with her line about this “twisted” generation)

Still, faith is a very personal choice, and no one — try as they might — should get to make that for you.

RadarOnline reports that Jacob Roloff is indeed writing a second tell-all.

Jacob Roloff seems to be trying to quash that rumor, as he says that this is not about the past:

“I wanted it to be clear that this is not a dive into the past but a contemplation on my present situation, my thoughts, and what I expect going in to the immediate future. It’s about me going Out To See a different way of life, and never being able to return the same again. (Inspired by Tomás Garretón’s song of the same title.)”

Still, our past informs our present, so it’s not clear how one can talk about the present without references to the past.

We suppose that only time will tell how much of a tell-all this ends up being. Jacob might even reveal more than he intended to.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED at Javi Marroquin Over Tell-All Book!

Despite the fact that they’re reality stars who tend to overshare on social media, these days, it’s very difficult to figure out what’s going on between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin.

Just weeks after Kailyn filed for a restraining order against Javi, it seems the former couple is somehow back on good terms.

In fact, rumors of Lowry and Marroquin getting back together have been circulating on social media for several days now.

Many Teen Mom 2 fans took the couple’s silence on the subject as an implicit confirmation of the rumors.

But now it seems their celebrations may have been a bit premature.

According to Radar Online, Javi is on the verge of publishing a memoir with some scathing tidbits about Kailyn.

It seems the publication date keeps getting pushed back as a result of Kailyn’s efforts to have certain excerpts removed.

Despite the obvious displeasure of his ex, however, Marroquin says he’s pushing forward with the tell-all.

“The book is coming,” Javi told Radar in a recent interview.

“There are things in there I needed Kail’s permission to say. She’s obviously not happy with some of the stuff in there. That’s the delay right now.”

Javi refused to go into specifics with regard to why Kailyn is upset about the book, but he assured fans that his debut memoir will be in stores soon.

“As soon as Kail and I can come to an equal compromise, hopefully we can keep pressing on it.”

Javi first revealed his publishing deal back in March:

“Fans can expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life,” she said at the time.

“Lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!”

Hopefully he’s hired a competent editor to help him excise those mixed metaphors.

In his latest interview, Javi told Radar that he considers it unfair that he’s forced to have Kailyn sign off on the book, as he was given no such courtesy when she published Hustle and Heart last year.

In the memoir, Kailyn describes Javi as “jealous and controlling.”

“When he did things like demanding that I unlock my phone to prove I had nothing to hide, or calling me constantly when I was enjoying time with friends to make sure I wasn’t doing anything ‘sneaky’ behind his back, it became clearer and clearer how little my husband trusted me,” reads one scathing passage.

“I had done nothing to make him doubt me. I never lied, never went behind his back and I was never unfaithful. For some reason, he was convinced otherwise.”

Yeah, we’re thinking fans might want to go ahead and give up on those recociliation hopes.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more to relive Kailyn and Javi’s rocky romance.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Terrified of Lamar Odom"s Upcoming Tell-All?!

Remember the good old days of Khlomar?

Sure, things ended terribly for Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, and yes, it turned out that things were never actually that great for them, either.

Khloe has said that she managed to keep a lot of Lamar’s issues private for longer than we know, and they’ve both been open about how he cheated on her.

But still, there was a lot of love between them, and when things were good, they were so good, you know?

And that’s why it’s a little surprising that Khloe is reportedly freaking out about the possibility of Lamar writing a tell-all.

To back up a little, yes, Lamar has confirmed that he’s working on a book.

He told Hollywood Life that the book would be an “autobiography of my life,” and that he’s “looking forward to that.”

When asked exactly what would be included in his story, he said “Everything! Everything! Just everything!”

“Open about everything, everything that has been going on in my life! About the facts!” 

He sure seems excited about it, right?

And goodness knows he has plenty of material.

He could write about his basketball career — several ups and downs there — and his troubled childhood.

He could write about his 2015 overdose, how he very nearly died in a brothel. We imagine that information could sell some copies.

He could also write about the Kardashians.

And that seems to be an issue.

According to a source, Khloe’s entire family is “very concerned about this tell-all book,” and they have “reached out to ask him to be respectful.”

“Lamar has spoken recklessly about her family in the past,” the source says, so “Khloe fears what major secrets he could reveal.”

“While Khloe and the rest of the Kardashians try to live a good life, they are no saints.”

… Is that supposed to be a shocker?

“Like any family,” the source continues, “they have skeletons in their closet which could seriously hurt their brand if revealed.”

Their “brand” was started with a sex tape Kim Kardashian made with Ray J. How much lower could they go?

Maybe Lamar knows that he’s usually a pretty sympathetic figure, and he has dirt on Khloe he could twist to his advantage.

Or maybe since he used to be so close with Rob Kardashian, he knows some things about him that the family wouldn’t really want to be made public.

It’s hard to say exactly what they’re afraid of.

It’s also hard to say whether or not Lamar will take it easy on them.

For the most part, he’s been nothing but respectful about the entire family — but he’s also been very honest about how upset he’s been about losing Khloe.

One thing’s for sure: we’ll be eagerly awaiting the release of any and all book Lamar releases from now until the end of time.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Britney Spears: Writing a Tell-All Book that SLAMS Other Stars?!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears, whose art brings joy to us all and whose mere existence makes the world a better place, has had her ups and downs. But it’s clear that the biggest low points in her life are in the past.

These days, she’s a first-rate mom who still has a thriving music career and also sometimes quotes Nietzsche on Instagram. She also has a super hot boyfriend.

And now we’re hearing that she could be writing a tell-all book … one that spill exactly what she thinks of some other celebrities she’s known.

Obviously, the news that Britney Spears is writing a tell-all book is really exciting if it’s true.

But hearing that she might be throwing a surprising amount of shade at other celebrities sounds like a godsend.

“She’s always kept journals, and Britney’s decided to write a tell-all book.”

Who wouldn’t love to read those if Britney decides to share just the journals themselves, you know?

“She’s tired of hearing all these half-truths about her and wants to set the record straight about who she really is.”

We’re here for that, sure.

And, according to this report, Britney Spears will be speaking about specific stars and sharing her exact thoughts about them.

Apparently, among those named will be Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift.

“By the end of the book, everyone will know exactly how Britney feels about them.”

That sounds ominous, right?

Not for Britney or for the readers, but … for someone.

“This book is going to surprise a lot of people.”

That’s the thing, though — this would be surprising.

Not just because this news isn’t coming from Britney or her team themselves.

(Though you’d think that they’d want to float that directly, right?)

But also because Britney’s life is going so well.

Drama follows her because she’s famous, but Britney’s never really been one to seek it out.

Even in her wildest partying days — remember those? — Britney didn’t have anything like the kinds of feuding that we see with other celebrities.

And now that everything’s so perfect in her life, it’s hard to imagine that she’s stirring the pot, you know?

On the one hand, sure, she’s untouchable because she’s Britney Freaking Spears.

So she can do what she wants without taking issue with whatever, like, Katy Perry tweets about her or whatever.

But … why would she want to?

What would she have to gain?

Lately, Taylor Swift — who finds balance by being virtually synonymous with squads and with feuds — has been pretty quiet and reserved.

We’re sure that she has new music coming and that she’ll have a lot to say with it.

But at the moment, she’s backing off from fights and appearances because things got too heated and she knows how damaging overexposure can be.

Just last week, Taylor broke two months of silence on Instagram to congratulate Selena Gomez on her new song.

(That song is “Fetish” and it’s great, you guys)

Britney might not be a hardcore Slytherin like Taylor Swift (that’s not an insult), but she’s been at this game a long time.

(Even though Britney Spears is ageless so it’s difficult to forget)

If Taylor, who’s still young and relatively new to the world of pop stardom, is wise enough to know when to hold her tongue …

… It’s that much harder to picture Britney opening a big ol’ can of worms.

If she really is writing a book, we eagerly look forward to reading its every detail.

And, of course, sharing those details with you.

But we guess that we’ll hold out until she announces it herself.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Scott Disick Preps Ultimate Act of Revenge: A Kardashian Tell-All!

Sure, the Bible already has two testaments, but does the Lord in those stories ever take revenge on his ex by hooking up with Bella Thorne?

We didn’t think so.

That’s why the world needs the gospel according to Scott Disick.

As you may know, Disick is going through a bit of a tough time lately.

After learning that baby mama Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima, Disick appears to have full-blown lost it.

Disick traveled to Cannes and began cavorting around town with Thorne, Sofia Richie, and other barely-legal semi-stars.

It may seem that Disick’s motives in drinking Cannes dry and partying with starlets is self-evident, but apparently there’s more to the story.

Disick wants revenge on Kourtney, and he thought publicly groping teens was the way to go about it.

Fortunately, it seems he’s now learned the error of his ways.

Scott hasn’t gotten over his desire for petty revenge, mind you.

He’s just realized there are better ways to go about it.

“He’s getting up to do a complete takedown of the Kardashians,” said the magazine’s insider.

“[Scott’s] been compiling a 10-year dossier on the family.”

Yes, Disick has a dossier.

And it apparently it’s full of bombshells that will make the Comey hearing look like three boring hours of crap we already knew:

“It includes the dirty tactics Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and mom Kris Jenner use against their enemies, how scripted the drama on Keeping Up With the Kardashians really is, and the women’s innermost secrets,” says the insider.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians is scripted?!

We assume Disick also has a chapter about wetness of water and the Pope’s suspicious devotion to Catholicism.

But in all seriousness, the time is right for another Kard clan tell-all.

Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir sold surprisingly well, and Scott is probably even more pissed off at the family that made him famous.

Plus, we might finally get to find out if Disick really hooked up with Kendall.

Or Kylie. Or Khloe.

Hell, at this point it’s been rumored that Scott banged just about every Kardashian except Rob,

And frankly, we can’t wait to hear about it.
