Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Dumped Younes Bendjima A Month Ago After Alleged Cheating

Kourtney Kardashian sent Younes Bendjima packing A MONTH AGO … after she said she had the goods he was cheating on her. Sources close to Kourtney tell TMZ … Kourtney and Younes broke up the second week of July, shortly after their…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Scheana Marie: Getting Dumped By Rob Valletta Was Harder Than My Divorce!

If you watched the Vanderpump Rules Season 6 reunion show on Monday, then you bore witness to some instances of genuine emotion – and of course, some truly cringe-inducing melodrama.

Naturally, most of the moments in the latter category belonged to Scheana Marie, who should really 86 the four pounds of fake eyelashes if she’s gonna keep crying nonstop at these things.

Before Jax’s tantrum sent Scheana running from the stage in tears, she welled up over a different conversation.

And if you watched the show all season, you’ll probably have no trouble guessing the single syllable that sent her into an emotional tailspin.

At the mere mention of the word “Rob,” Scheana lapsed into a bittersweet daydream about being ignored while watching some dude mount a flatscreen on the wall.

Though the split wasn’t featured on the show, the world learned right before the Season 6 premiere that Scheana and Rob had broken up.

More specifically – and bluntly – he dumped her.

The reunion was really the first time that Scheana spoke publicly and at length about the split – and many viewers were very surprised by what she had to say.

“I was head over heels in love with [Rob],” she told host Andy Cohen.

“I was for a really long time and it didn’t work out but I’ve loved Rob for 12 years and he broke my f-cking heart. For the first time, that genuinely broke me.”

She added:

“The divorce, there were some many things that I was able to justify, we shouldn’t be together for this, this, that, and the other, but Rob genuinely broke my f**king heart.”

There’s a lot to unpack there, but fans mostly focused on two things:

The fact that Scheana claimed to be in love with Rob for 12 years, and the revelation that it was the first time a relationship “broke” her.

We suppose it wouldn’t be so odd to say those things, were it not for the fact that until last year, Scheana was married to Mike Shay.

In other words, she was in love with another guy the whole time and the end of her 4-month relationship with Rob was harder than her freakin’ divorce!

Here’s the thing – we believe her.

Normally, the idea that being dumped by a casual fling could be harder than the end of a marriage would seem absurd, but Scheana is a creature of pure ego.

With Mike, she was in the driver’s seat, and at the time of their split, she seemed to have definitively “won” the breakup.

(Although the revelation that she was pining for another dude the whole time definitely casts that relationship in a whole new light.)

With Rob, however, we saw her a reverse of the reacher/settler dynamic.

Rob was very clearly just not that into Scheana from the start, and despite her desperate efforts to make it work, in the end, she suffered the humiliation of a public dumping.

On social media, both Mike and Rob had their say during the reunion show.

Asked if Scheana ever thinks about anyone other than herself, Mike replied simply, “No.”

For his part, Valletta was warned by a fan that he was “about to get dragged tonight.”

He responded, “I know. That’s why they didn’t invite me to the reunion.”

Interestingly, the reunion revealed that Scheana is single for the first time in a very long time.

For her sake, she might want to stay that way for a while.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more shenanigans from the former Scheana Shay.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Body-Shaming Douche Canoe Gets Dumped by GF, Twitter Applauds

It"s time to meet Shelby Johnson… and her total loser of an ex-boyfriend.

Shelby recently took to social media in order to seek advice about the guy she was dating, a partner who she does not name but whose messages she does reveal to the public.

And these messages are simply straight-up cruel.

They attempt to shame Shelby over her body, prompting her to ask followers what she ought to do about him.

Thankfully, these followers give Shelby the perfect advice, which she eventually takes triumphantly.

Scroll down to familiarize yourself with her story — and to hate on this anonymous loser of a man.

1. This is Shelby


And this is Shelby’s body. We have nothing negative to say about it, certainly. Who would?!?

2. This is What Shelby Asked Her Friends About

This is what shelby asked her friends about

Shelby gave her weight and asked for assistance on what to do about a boyfriend who would dare insult her figure.

3. WTH, Dude?!?


Yes, this loser actually told his girlfriend that she should do something about her “gut.”

4. You Have a Beer Gut, Babe


For the double standard record, can you imagine if a woman said this to a man? He’d probably laugh with pride and crack open a cold one.

5. It Doesn’t Matter, Shelby


Don’t let him get into your head like this. It doesn’t matter what you weighed.

6. I Worked Hard for This!


Shelby shared a brief history of her body and weight struggles, making us sympathize with her even more.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Meghan Markle Dissed Trump, Dumped Ex-Husband "Out of the Blue," Tell-All Claims

Meghan Markle is soon to be a member of the royal family.

And that means she’ll soon be subjected to a level of scrutiny that’s unfathomable to Americans who aren’t among the one percent of A-list celebrities.

We’ve known for quite some time that a Markle tell-all by famed royal biographer Andrew Morton is on the way, but early press about the book suggested it would contain very few salacious tidbits.

For the most part, Morton is respectful toward his royal subjects, and as a result, he’s been granted unprecedented access to the inner-workings of Buckingham Palace.

But he also has to sell books to a reading public with the attention span of a small rodent on bath salts.

Thus, he’s expected to deliver a handful of lightly scandalous insights into life behind palace walls, and based on newly-released excerpts, Meghan: A Hollywood Princess doesn’t disappoint.

It seems The Sun has been publishing tidbits all week, and they started things off on an endearing note with a portion about Meghan’s long-standing love for Princess Diana:

“According to family friends, she was intrigued by Diana, not just for her style, but for her independent humanitarian mission, seeing her as a role model,” Morton writes.

One associate of Markle’s is quoted as saying the actress “wants to be Princess Diana 2.0.”

A little weird for Harry, but we’re sure the Brits ate it up.

Naturally, Morton can’t ignore the elephant in the room regarding Meghan’s past.

We’re talking of course about the fact that Markle is divorced, which is apparently something that elderly Britons are having a hard time getting over.

One insider claims that Meghan dumped her first husband, Trevor Engelson, in brutal fashion:

“A wealthy entrepreneur friend claimed the marriage ended so abruptly that Meghan sent Trevor her diamond wedding and engagement rings back by registered mail,” Morton writes.

“Another (friend) confirmed that the decision to end the marriage was made by Meghan and had come ‘totally out of the blue.’” 

Aside from the inevitable details about Meghan’s sketchy sister, that might be as scandalous a passage as you’ll find in Hollywood Princess.

Of course, the detail that’s sure to win Meghan the most fans on this side of the pond comes to us courtesy of Markle’s days as a “briefcase girl” on the early 2000s game show Deal or No Deal.

Aside from Howie Mandel’s OCD, the stars of the show were a bunch of twenty-something models, so naturally, Donald Trump paid an unannounced visit to the set one day.

And it seems Meg wanted nothing to do with Ol’ Yellow Eyes:

“Fellow briefcase girl Tameka Jacobs told me, ‘He was super-creepy, but some girls were attracted to money and power and took his number,” Morton claims.

“Meghan was one of the girls who gave him a wide berth.”

Morton goes on to say that despite rumors to the contrary it seems unlikely that any Trumps will be invited to the royal wedding.

We’re sure that snub will go over well.

In other words, get ready for nuclear war with the UK, folks!

Should be a doozy.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Who Dumped Whom and Why?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have broken up after just two and a half years of marriage.

On social media and in the tabloids, you can find countless theories about why the actors decided to call it quits, but Jen and Justin have been mum on the issue.

Despite the standard request for privacy, however, sources close to the former couple have been spilling the tea so such reputable media outlets as People.

And so, a clear picture of exactly what went wrong is beginning to emerge, and the details have many fans downright shocked.

In the days after the split, the most common narrative was that Aniston left Theroux for Brad Pitt.

Now, that story is being exposed for the fan fiction that it always appeared to be.

For starters, those who know the couple best say Jen wasn’t the one to pull the plug on the relationship.

“It seems Justin gave up many months ago,” a source close to the actress tells People.

“For the past few months, he has spent very little time in L.A. Jen very recently started telling people that they were over. She seems okay now, but was still hoping as of a few weeks ago that they could figure things out.”

It seems Jen and Justin chose a rather ironic date for their last face-to-face meeting:

“They saw each other late at night on Valentine’s Day in L.A.,” the insider claims.

“They decided together that they would make the announcement the next day. Justin flew on a private jet to L.A. to see Jen one last time.”

The source adds that not only was Justin the one who decided to call it quits, it was his decision to go public with the breakup.

“Jen didn’t want to announce it for as long as possible, because she wanted to avoid the media attention,” says the insider.

“Jen hoped that Justin would be low-key on her birthday so people weren’t wondering why he wasn’t with her. But that’s not Justin’s style,” the informant adds.

“He wanted to make the announcement so he can live his life.”

While we may never find out exactly what caused the actors to part ways, the consensus seems to be that Justin is th one who called it quits.

Given how closely Jen guards her privacy, it might be quite some time before more details emerge.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blake Griffin Dumped Brynn Cameron 1 Week Before Wedding Over Prenup

Blake Griffin’s ex, Brynn Cameron, claims the NBA star dumped her ONE WEEK before their wedding date because she wouldn’t sign a prenup … and then jetted to Vegas to party without her. In her lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, Brynn claims the…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner: DUMPED By Travis Scott Just Days After Giving Birth?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child on February 1.

When one of the most famous women on the planet starts a family, the internet tends to sit up and take notice, particularly when said woman is fresh off a several month social media hiatus.

Not surprisingly, Kylie’s personal life is a subject of constant scrutiny and speculation these days, and she can’t share the details fast enough to keep her legion of devoted fans happy.

Yesterday, Kylie revealed that she named her daughter Stormi, and the response was about as mixed as you would expect.

Unfortunately for the 20-year-old new mom, that nugget of information wasn’t enough to satisfy her most rabid social media followers.

Now, Kylie obsessives have turned their attention to her relationship with Stormi’s father, Travis Scott.

Rumors of Kylie and Travis breaking up have been circulating for months, but sources claimed they were both committed to working on their problems for the sake of their daughter.

However, it seems that resolution was short-lived, as several sources are reporting today that Kylie and Travis have called it quits in the wake of a blow-out fight.

Insiders claim that all was well when Stormi first entered the world.

Travis was in the delivery room, and he even sent Kylie an arrangement of 443 roses in reference to the fact that Stormi was born at 4:43 pm.

Shortly thereafter, however, reports of trouble in paradise went public.

The exact cause of Kylie and Travis’ spat remains unknown, but informants close to the couple say he stormed off and they haven’t communicated since.

The most common speculation is that Travis simply isn’t willing to put his career and active social life on the back burner in order to focus on being a dad.

“Travis is loving life right now – his career is red hot and he’s raking in the money,” says one insider.

“This is the lifestyle that Travis has always wanted – performing in front of thousands of screaming fans, private jets, champagne, parties – he’s really living the high life,” the source added.

“When Kylie got pregnant, Travis never pretended he was going to be the model dad… He’s never intended to put his career on ice so he can just sit around at home with her night after night.”

Sounds like the tradition of Kardashian clan women getting knocked up by seriously questionable dudes will continue unabated.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Taking Javi Marroquin Back After He Dumped Briana DeJesus?!

Things have been rough between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin for a while now.

Pretty much ever since they met.

Sure, they were probably in love or whatever at some point — they did get married and have a baby together, after all — but things have never really been easy between them.

Remember how much they would fight over anything and everything? Literally just any old thing?

It was bad

But although there was a lot of bad blood between them, they managed to put aside their issues last year for the sake of their son, Lincoln.

At some point, it even seemed like they were forming a pretty solid friendship.

Or at least they were before Briana DeJesus came into the picture.

When Javi started dating Briana last fall, his relationship with Kailyn pretty much fell apart. There was drama between the two of them, and between Kailyn and Briana.

Again, it was bad.

Unfortunately — or let’s be real this was probably best for everyone involved — Javi and Briana broke up earlier this month.

It wasn’t a terribly dramatic breakup or anything. The big issues were that he wanted to settle down and get married again, and also that she planned on getting more plastic surgery and he wasn’t cool with it.

But still, they’re no longer together, and so it seems like he and Kailyn are able to tolerate each other once again.

So are they tolerating each other enough to give love one more chance?!

Javi appeared on Kailyn’s podcast this week, and they touched on the subject of a possible reconciliation in the future.

You know, because it worked so well the first time around.

“I just think that there’s a lot of history between us that neither one of us will ever let go,” Javi explained.

“Even if we were to try again in the future it wouldn’t work because I know the type of person I am and the type of person she is. We argue. It just wouldn’t happen.”

It’s interesting because while he admitted that things would never work out between them, he did say “if we were to try again in the future.”

When are these two crazy kids going to get it together?!

Kailyn confirmed that their love just is not meant to be, saying that “Javi argues out of passion. Javi is a habitual arguer and a ‘never letter goer."”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” she told him. “I don’t think we could get back together.”

They both agreed that being on Teen Mom 2 definitely played a hand in the downfall of their marriage, and thankfully Javi admitted that jumping from one Teen Mom to another probably wasn’t the best idea.

“I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and not repeat those mistakes so moving forward, I’m not gonna mix that,” he said.

What, was he thinking about landing another Teen Mom next before he came to this realization? Should Leah Messer be on the lookout?

It actually sounds like he’s still a little hung up on Briana.

“I don’t know what the future holds,” he told Kailyn about his most recent ex. “There is a lot we have to discuss and talk about before we make any other decisions.”

“But if we do get back together, I would hope we can all get along.”

Fat chance, buddy.

“It would never happen,” Kailyn replied. “We would never get along. You allowed her to disrespect me to my face, also on camera, also in text messages.”

“When I said what I had to say in a nice way you defended her and not me. We raise a son together, you don’t raise a son with her.”

There’s that good old bickering we know and love!

Look, is there any real chance that these two will ever get back together?

Yes, honestly. It definitely could happen — there seems to be some unresolved feelings there for sure.

But is there an even bigger chance that they will go back and forth between being friendly and being ridiculously, hilariously petty for the rest of their whole entire lives?

You bet your bottom dollar.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wendy Williams: Travis Scott Totally Dumped Pregnant Kylie Jenner!

Wendy Williams is once again enjoying one of her favorite pastimes: bullying Kylie Jenner.

See, Wendy has a theory. She thinks that Kylie’s radio silence about her pregnancy isn’t because of body image or shyness or a desire to keep this one part of her life private.

She believes that it’s because Travis Scott left her.

Nobody’s really sure of how Travis Scott fits into this. Is he delighted to have hit the lottery by impregnating a massively wealthy then-19-year-old after only one month of dating?

Or is he horrified to have his young and carefree days behind him as he suddenly becomes a father?

Rumor has it that Travis has cheated on a very pregnant Kylie. If true, that seems unfair to Kylie, even though he probably never asked to be in this situation.

Of course, it’s also been reported that perhaps Travis dumped Kylie on Christmas. The two of them had struggled to agree about how to spend the holidays in the first place, and some wondered if they decided to just call it quits.

This is all speculation, which is tricky because Kylie refuses to make much of anything public.

But Wendy Williams thinks that Kylie’s silence is because she and Travis broke up.

“But Kylie remains silent. Well, why do you think? I guessed right away: because she’s not with Travis Scott anymore.”

She describes what she believes happened with Kylie and Travis.

“Please, that was a split and run, in my mind.”

She explains what that means.

“Like, the condom split, she took the test and was probably like, ‘Oh my god, what do I do now? Travis!"”

Wendy then proposes what she imagines Travis would have said in response:

“He’s like, ‘No, I’m a rock star. You got plenty of money on your own, figure it out … I’ll pay child support from afar."”

if that exchange took place, it probably would have had to have been recent.

After all, Kylie and Travis were spotted together in Houston just before Halloween.

And then they Kylie and Travis were spotted together in late December.

But what Wendy proposes — that Kylie is hiding because she’s embarrassed about Travis having abandoned her after knocking her up — isn’t the wildest celebrity conspiracy theory we’ve heard lately.

“She’s only 20, you know what I mean. Remember when you were 20, you didn’t want anything to do with a baby.”

We don’t often admit to having the same thought at Wendy, but what she said next might as well have been plucked from our own minds:

“But, you know, her 20 is like 35.”

Various people have remarked that Kylie seems old for her age. Not mature, just old. Even when Kylie was just 17, her makeup and attitude made her seem more like Kendall’s young, hot stepmom than like her younger sister.

“She grew up on TV in front of us. She’s got the [mid-life crisis] makeover already.”

This is when Wendy essentially told Kylie to enjoy her ugly baby.

“Just saying.”

Ultimately, Wendy Williams hopes for the best. First of all for the baby itself.

“But 20, with a baby. And then we’re going to be judging her parenting skills.”

Some 20-year-old moms are amazing parents. It’s rare, but it happens. Kylie has resources, a support network, and some clear caretaking instincts that she’s displayed with her dogs. Maybe she’ll beat the odds.

“Is she out with the baby? Does she have a whole bunch of help? Is Travis part of the baby’s life?”

Wendy, believe it or not, also has well wishes for Kylie herself.

“Good luck Kylie.”

And it sounds like Wendy hopes that she’s wrong about Travis.

“And Travis, please do right by this girl!”


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Briana DeJesus: Javi Marroquin Dumped Me Because of My Plastic Surgery!

Earlier today, we heard some seriously devastating news …

Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin had, in all likelihood, broken up.

The news wasn’t devastating because we really loved them as a couple or anything, like we’re not upset because we think true love died along with their relationship.

It’s just sad because they had some of the most interesting, messiest dynamics in the history of Teen Mom couples.

The only reason we even know that Javi exists is because he got with Kailyn Lowry, and with their quick marriage and the birth of Lincoln, he secured himself on Teen Mom 2 for the rest of all time, pretty much.

Briana, meanwhile, went from 16 and Pregnant to Teen Mom 3. That show only lasted for one season, but a few years later she was brought on to join Kailyn, Jenelle, Leah, and Chelsea on their show.

So, OK, when we see footage of Javi next season, will he be on Kailyn’s segments as usual, or will he be featured with Briana? Will it depend on who he’s with?

If Kail and/or Briana get petty and fight on the show — which, let’s be real, you know that’s coming — where will that story go?

And if Briana and Javi really did break up, where do they go from here?

Will Javi try to holler at Leah? Could Briana hit up Jeremy Calvert or Nathan Griffith?

Where does the madness end?!

Anyway, what we’re trying to say is that Javi and Briana have been delightfully ridiculous together, but it looks like that’s all over now.

As we discussed this morning, Javi changed his Facebook relationship status to “single” over the weekend, and he and Briana have both deleted all the pictures of them together off of their social media accounts.

Briana also pulled her classic move of deleting every single one of her tweets, so you know something went down.

Then yesterday, Javi tweeted “Tough weekend. Hope it turns around. Looking forward to training this week. 2 weeks away from our competition.”

Pretty vague, huh?

None of these are good signs.

And now, thanks to statements from both Briana and Javi, we know exactly what happened.

First, to just rip this band-aid off quick, it’s true: Javiana is no more.

In a statement to Radar Online, Javi said “I’m hurting a little right now. I’m upset about it.”

Instead of going into further detail about the reason behind the split, he just said that he was “just going to lay low for a little.”

But you know Briana came through with the details!

“Javi and I are not together anymore,” she began in a statement to Blasting News. “Our future just doesn’t line up.”

“He doesn’t want me to get my surgery for a breast lift, lipo, and tummy tuck (which I’m doing in two weeks) because it’ll look bad on his name at work.”

… Sorry, what?

They broke up because she’s getting some more plastic surgery and he’s not into it?

Well then.

If he can’t support her choices or deal with some criticism about her choices from his coworkers about those choices (???), then the breakup is probably for the best.

Briana added that another issue between them is that she doesn’t want to move to Delaware this summer to be with him, “and for these reasons, he broke up with me.”

“I have no bad things to say about him,” she continued. “He wanted a wife and home right now and I didn’t see a reason to rush.”

“I wish him the best going forward, and I am sad things panned out this way, but this is where things currently stand. Again, we are no longer together.”

So he said that he’s hurting, and she said that he broke up with her but that she has “no bad things to say about him”?

Something tells us that this isn’t truly the end for these two dumb lovebirds …


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Dumped by Travis Scott on Christmas?!

Man, it sure has been a hell of a year for Kylie Jenner, huh?

And not really in a good way, either.

She’s had more success with her cosmetics company, but it hasn’t been without controversy — who could forget when she tried to charge people hundreds of dollars for a cheap set of makeup brushes?

She debuted her very own reality show, Life of Kylie, and while that was an accomplishment, the show was garbage. The content, the ratings, it was all just so bad.

Another big that that happened for Kylie in 2017 was that she finally broke up with Tyga for good.

That was very exciting, but instead of taking time to herself, to chill and have fun like a 19-year-old should, she immediately began dating Travis Scott.

And a few seconds after they got together, she got pregnant.

Yep, Kylie’s pregnancy is no doubt one of the biggest celebrity stories of the year, and for good reason.

There is not one single thing about the whole entire thing that is not, as the kids would say, juicy AF.

Unfortunately, it sounds like the story is getting even juicier now — because Travis may have just set Kylie up to become a single mother.

In a new report that will shock literally no one, a source tells Radar Online that on Christmas, Travis told Kylie that he simply “can’t do this anymore.”

“He finally plucked up the courage to tell Kylie he’s done,” the insider claims, “that he loves her and will always be around for the baby, but they’re not compatible as a couple.”

And what’s worse, “Kylie was totally blindsided even though everyone else in her life saw this coming.”

“She’s still refusing to admit it’s over, and begging him to stick around.”

Poor Kylie … but like the chatty source here says, everyone else in her life saw this coming. Even the people who just observe her life from afar.

Depending on her exact due date, she and Travis were dating for maybe a month or two before she got pregnant. Nine times out of ten, you’re not going to get a fairytale ending from that kind of situation.

Besides that, we’ve been hearing for a little while now that things haven’t been all that great between them.

Reports claimed that they’d been fighting about where to spend their first Christmas together — he wanted to bring her home to his family in Texas, and she wanted to stay with her family in L.A.

They did take a photo together at Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve party, so it looks like we know who won that fight.

Before that photo, however, they hadn’t been seen together for a while, and that’s at least in part because Travis has been touring a lot while Kylie’s been in hiding.

He’s even performing a concert in Miami tonight, so they’d have missed their first New Year’s Eve together, too.

You know, if he hadn’t dumped her on Christmas anyway.

We’d say that 2018 will be a better year for Kylie, but let’s be real … does anyone actually think she’s going to take to motherhood right away?

Babies are hard, and they’re probably harder when you’re a 20-year-old mega celebrity who’s used to flying around in private jets and dedicating 95% of your time to wigs and lip injections and dumb selfies.

Bless this mess. Just … just bless it.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Maci Bookout: I"m GLAD I Dumped Ryan Edwards!

There was a time when Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards were among the most civil former couples in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

We think it"s safe to say those days are done.

Maci and Ryan are feuding over custody of their son, Bentley, and it looks as though the conflict is doomed to get uglier before it (hopefully) gets resolved.

As is so often the case in public custody disputes, a fair amount of shade-throwing is going on, and the latest comes from Maci, who says she"s very happy that she decided to cut Ryan loose so many years ago.


1. The Beginning

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

There was a time when Ryan and Maci actually seemed like a stable couple by Teen Mom standards. That era didn’t last very long.

2. A Bitter Breakup

Ryan edwards maci bookout photo

Ryan and Maci have gone through periods of relatively amicable co-parenting, but they’ve also experienced plenty of rough patches. The one they’re in now being a prime example…

3. "See You in Court!"

Maci and bentley

A recent episode of Teen Mom saw Mackenzie and Bentley visiting Ryan on Father’s Day. He vaguely threatened his ex with legal action.

4. Safety Concerns

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Maci is reportedly concerned about Ryan’s ability to create a safe and stable environment for Bentley. Given his struggles in recent months, it’s not hard to see why she might feel that way.

5. Ryan at Rock Bottom

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan’s drug addiction was so severe at one point that he passed out while driving to his own wedding. These days, he’s six months sober, but he’s had a difficult time earning Maci’s trust back.

6. Opening Up

Maci tells it like it is

Maci spoke candidly about her feelings toward Ryan in a recent TM:OG promo. He might not like what she had to say…

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kylie Jenner: DUMPED By Travis Scott While Pregnant?!

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

You may have also heard the news that there are questions regarding paternity, as Tyga claims Kylie is pregnant with his baby, while the rest of the world believes she’s expecting a child with rapper Travis Scott.

In all likelihood, Tyga is just engaging in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, knowing full well that Kylie is the best thing to ever happen to his “career.”

But the debate over the true identity of Kylie’s baby daddy is certain to heat up this week in the wake of news that she and Travis are officially dunz-o.

Yes, In Touch is reporting today that Travis dumped Kylie during a recent argument.

Insiders say Scott got freaked out by Kylie’s latest attempts to take their relationship to the next level.

“Since discovering she was pregnant, Kylie has been pushing Travis to marry her,” an insider tells In Touch exclusively.

“But Travis isn’t ready to walk down the aisle yet and said no. He’s upset about her pushiness and stormed off [after a marriage conversation],” the informant adds.

The source goes on to say that Kylie’s marital aspirations may have pushed Scott over the edge, but he had doubts about the relationship for a number of reasons.

“[He] is terrified of being the next victim of the Kardashian curse,” the insider says, alluding to the downfalls of former Kardashian beaus such as Lamar Odom and Scott Disick.

The tipster claims Kylie is devastated by Scott’s decision, but is currently putting on a brave face for her family.

“She feels overwhelmed right now, but Kylie doesn’t want her family to say, ‘I told you so,’” the source says.

“They feel this all went way too fast and that her relationship with Travis is a mistake.”

We can see why the ladies of the Kard clan might think Kylie and Travis are rushing into things a bit.

After all, she’s only 20 and they’ve only been together since April.

But we hope Kim and company aren’t celebrating this breakup too eagerly.

After all, unless we’re living in some bizarro universe in which Tyga is the only one who can be trusted, Kylie and Travis are united for life, whether they like it or not.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: 3 Months Pregnant? DUMPED By Tristan Thompson?!

Rumors about Khloe Kardashian being pregnant by Tristan Thompson have been circulating for about as long as the couple’s been dating.

But usually, the reports are notably lacking in specifics.

That’s not the case with a piece published by Star magazine today, in which the tabloid claims that not only is Khloe three months along, but she’s been kicked to the curb by Tristan.

A source tells the tabloid that Khloe placed so much pressure on Thompson to commit to her and start a family that it eventually scared him off.

“Khloe had been trying to lock Tristan down, angling to move in together and get pregnant,” the insider says.

“Khloe thought Tristan was her soulmate. Plus, her clock was ticking pretty loudly. There was nothing she wanted more than to have a baby with him.” 

If this report is to be believed (big “if”), then it seems Tristan dumped Khloe just before she received word that she’s expecting.

The source says that while Tristan will be sticking to his guns and remaining single, he also plans to do right by Khloe and his new son or daughter.

”[Tristan will] do the right thing and stand by Khloe,” says the insider.

“But he’s made it clear that it’s all about staying friends for the sake of the baby.”

While it’ll be the first child for Khloe, Tristan has been down this road before … quite recently, in fact.

Tristan welcomed his first child back in December, when he was already dating Khloe.

Tristan got Jordy Craig pregnant not long before he started dating Khloe, so he’s no stranger to expecting a child with a woman he’s no longer in a relationship with.

If Khloe and Tristan really have broken up (again, big “if”), then the split seems to have happened suddenly.

Just last week, Khloe’s BFF, Malika Haqq, spoke about her friend’s relationship in glowing terms.

“I don’t put timelines on what I think people should be doing, but I believe that Khloe and Tristan do have the makings of a relationship that could stand the test of time,” she told E! News.

“To me, I think most people would look at them and say, ‘They give you husband and wife potential.’”

Maybe less “husband and wife,” and more “baby daddy and baby mama.”

There’s been no official word from either party on this latest round of rumors, but we’ll continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated as more information becomes available.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Jax Taylor: DUMPED By Brittany Cartwright Ahead of Spinoff Premiere?!

After a months-long promotional campaign that kicked off during the Vanderpump Rules reunion show, the premiere of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright’s spinoff series is almost here.

But it looks like the troubled couple won’t be watching it together.

For months, we’ve been hearing rumors that Jax and Brittany have broken up

Now, a source close to the couple is claiming that Taylor and Cartwright are no longer a couple, and the breakup was far from mutual.

The insider tells Radar Online that Brittany dumped Jax during a recent blow-out fight.

“Brittany was fed up,” the tipster tells Radar. “Jax wasn’t boyfriend material.”

Asked what drove Cartwright to finally call it quits, the source says simply, “He didn’t treat her right.”

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that Jax being a less-than-ideal boyfriend is nothing new.

But apparently, when she was caught up with life in West Hollywood, Brittany was unable to decide whether Jax was a jerk or simply a product of a culture that’s very different from the one she grew up with.

It wasn’t long into the couple’s latest trip to her hometown in Kentucky that Brittany was able to put things in perspective and realize that Jax is not the guy for her.

“Jax and Brittany had issues for months with her parents,” the insider says.

“Her parents didn’t like Jax and the way he treated her or anyone for that matter.”

Brittany apparently took some time to get reacquainted with her roots and left Kentucky last week having decided to break things off with Jax.

It seems the fight that took place not long after the couple’s return to LA afforded her the opportunity to end the relationship.

“Her family is her life, so she went back home to get clarity and spend time with her mom,” the insider added. 

“Her family stress was too much and with the spinoff there was so much pressure.” 

So we’re guessing you won’t be seeing Jax and Brittany promoting their new show together.

(Unless, of course, Bravo is encouraging them to keep their breakup under wraps.)

But hey, at least Jax won’t be returning to the singles scene alone.

As we reported last week, Jax’s ex Stassi Schroeder was dumped by Patrick Meagher on what would have been the couple’s fourth anniversary.

Could an ill-advised reconciliation be on the horizon?

For the sake of our own amusement, we kind of hope so.
