Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Body-Shaming Douche Canoe Gets Dumped by GF, Twitter Applauds

It"s time to meet Shelby Johnson… and her total loser of an ex-boyfriend.

Shelby recently took to social media in order to seek advice about the guy she was dating, a partner who she does not name but whose messages she does reveal to the public.

And these messages are simply straight-up cruel.

They attempt to shame Shelby over her body, prompting her to ask followers what she ought to do about him.

Thankfully, these followers give Shelby the perfect advice, which she eventually takes triumphantly.

Scroll down to familiarize yourself with her story — and to hate on this anonymous loser of a man.

1. This is Shelby


And this is Shelby’s body. We have nothing negative to say about it, certainly. Who would?!?

2. This is What Shelby Asked Her Friends About

This is what shelby asked her friends about

Shelby gave her weight and asked for assistance on what to do about a boyfriend who would dare insult her figure.

3. WTH, Dude?!?


Yes, this loser actually told his girlfriend that she should do something about her “gut.”

4. You Have a Beer Gut, Babe


For the double standard record, can you imagine if a woman said this to a man? He’d probably laugh with pride and crack open a cold one.

5. It Doesn’t Matter, Shelby


Don’t let him get into your head like this. It doesn’t matter what you weighed.

6. I Worked Hard for This!


Shelby shared a brief history of her body and weight struggles, making us sympathize with her even more.

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