Showing posts with label Canoe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canoe. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Body-Shaming Douche Canoe Gets Dumped by GF, Twitter Applauds

It"s time to meet Shelby Johnson… and her total loser of an ex-boyfriend.

Shelby recently took to social media in order to seek advice about the guy she was dating, a partner who she does not name but whose messages she does reveal to the public.

And these messages are simply straight-up cruel.

They attempt to shame Shelby over her body, prompting her to ask followers what she ought to do about him.

Thankfully, these followers give Shelby the perfect advice, which she eventually takes triumphantly.

Scroll down to familiarize yourself with her story — and to hate on this anonymous loser of a man.

1. This is Shelby


And this is Shelby’s body. We have nothing negative to say about it, certainly. Who would?!?

2. This is What Shelby Asked Her Friends About

This is what shelby asked her friends about

Shelby gave her weight and asked for assistance on what to do about a boyfriend who would dare insult her figure.

3. WTH, Dude?!?


Yes, this loser actually told his girlfriend that she should do something about her “gut.”

4. You Have a Beer Gut, Babe


For the double standard record, can you imagine if a woman said this to a man? He’d probably laugh with pride and crack open a cold one.

5. It Doesn’t Matter, Shelby


Don’t let him get into your head like this. It doesn’t matter what you weighed.

6. I Worked Hard for This!


Shelby shared a brief history of her body and weight struggles, making us sympathize with her even more.

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Adam Lind: Randy Houska is a Douche Canoe (and Trolling Me on Instagram)!

Teen Mom 2 renegade and South Dakota derelict Adam Lind is mad as hell after an Instagram hater page posted his address online.

You won’t believe who he believes is behind this, either …

Amid rumors of Lind getting fired from Teen Mom 2 over repeated behavior problems comes yet another unflattering, scandalous report.

The father of two wants fans to report the anti-Adam Lind page that repeatedly posts negative comments (and information) about him.

Not only that, he believes Chelsea Houska’s father and his most ardent critic, Dr. Randy Houska, is the man responsible for the page.

Adam ranted on Facebook after his address was posted:

“So there is this page on IG dedicated to f–king hating me and tearing me apart …. And I’m pretty g0d damn certain who it would be.”

“I got it narrowed down to a few ppl … Any who …”

“These mother f–kers went sooooo far out of there way to find a police log of when a cop was called to my house for noise complaint.”

“Sooo now every hating person who follows that page knows my exact g0d damn address…. Awesome just awesome!”

Asked by a fan why he cares, his fiance, Stasia Huber, jumped in, saying it’s as simple as this: “Paislee, Aubree… safety.”

Adam added, equally incredulous: “Whyyyy do I care?!”

“I have children who live with me on the weekend?!

“And now my address is known world wide … Got some crazy f**k that might come here and try something or burn my god damn house down.”

“Let the vandalism begin…. … Got rid of that stupid big ass truck cuz I was sick of paying for new tires …. This is great just greatttttt.”

Stasia Huber added: “Police are on their way, lawyers are being contacted, and instagram will be contacted via police and Lawyers.”

“Child endangerment, harassment, knowingly enforcing possible harm,” she continued, “plenty of things especially when children are involved.”

Adam recoiled at the stated idea that the page in question posted his address out of concern for Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska.

He then let it be known that her dad is behind all this.

So he says: “I still have a strong feeling is Randy.”

“Chelseas dad … He’s always been a big fan of mine…takes so much time out of his busy day to update his own twitter and what not to talk about me.”

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Randy called Adam out after this summer’s reunion show, and about 100 times before that.

Would he really use Instagram to provoke Lind, though?!

When an Adam Lind fan (which apparently do exist) commented that Randy Houska is a “douche canoe,” Adam seconded that notion:

“Yes he is.”

Okay then.

“Shits that posted on that page literally leads right to him Rita Chelsea or Cole … They r the only ones with info I’ve seen posted on there.”

Randy and Chelsea have yet to respond to this tirade.

For what it’s worth, the Instagram page that posted Adam Lind’s address is currently suspended after being reported numerous times.

Adam Lind: Randy Houska is a Douche Canoe (and Trolling Me on Instagram)!

Teen Mom 2 renegade and South Dakota derelict Adam Lind is mad as hell after an Instagram hater page posted his address online.

You won’t believe who he believes is behind this, either …

Amid rumors of Lind getting fired from Teen Mom 2 over repeated behavior problems comes yet another unflattering, scandalous report.

The father of two wants fans to report the anti-Adam Lind page that repeatedly posts negative comments (and information) about him.

Not only that, he believes Chelsea Houska’s father and his most ardent critic, Dr. Randy Houska, is the man responsible for the page.

Adam ranted on Facebook after his address was posted:

“So there is this page on IG dedicated to f–king hating me and tearing me apart …. And I’m pretty g0d damn certain who it would be.”

“I got it narrowed down to a few ppl … Any who …”

“These mother f–kers went sooooo far out of there way to find a police log of when a cop was called to my house for noise complaint.”

“Sooo now every hating person who follows that page knows my exact g0d damn address…. Awesome just awesome!”

Asked by a fan why he cares, his fiance, Stasia Huber, jumped in, saying it’s as simple as this: “Paislee, Aubree… safety.”

Adam added, equally incredulous: “Whyyyy do I care?!”

“I have children who live with me on the weekend?!

“And now my address is known world wide … Got some crazy f**k that might come here and try something or burn my god damn house down.”

“Let the vandalism begin…. … Got rid of that stupid big ass truck cuz I was sick of paying for new tires …. This is great just greatttttt.”

Stasia Huber added: “Police are on their way, lawyers are being contacted, and instagram will be contacted via police and Lawyers.”

“Child endangerment, harassment, knowingly enforcing possible harm,” she continued, “plenty of things especially when children are involved.”

Adam recoiled at the stated idea that the page in question posted his address out of concern for Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska.

He then let it be known that her dad is behind all this.

So he says: “I still have a strong feeling is Randy.”

“Chelseas dad … He’s always been a big fan of mine…takes so much time out of his busy day to update his own twitter and what not to talk about me.”

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Randy called Adam out after this summer’s reunion show, and about 100 times before that.

Would he really use Instagram to provoke Lind, though?!

When an Adam Lind fan (which apparently do exist) commented that Randy Houska is a “douche canoe,” Adam seconded that notion:

“Yes he is.”

Okay then.

“Shits that posted on that page literally leads right to him Rita Chelsea or Cole … They r the only ones with info I’ve seen posted on there.”

Randy and Chelsea have yet to respond to this tirade.

For what it’s worth, the Instagram page that posted Adam Lind’s address is currently suspended after being reported numerous times.