Showing posts with label Trolling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trolling. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Ashanti Calls 50 Cent an Internet Bully for Trolling Her Ticket Sales

Ashanti is giving 50 Cent a taste of his own medicine after he dissed her hard on social media — labeling him a social media bully while using one of his least favorite nicknames! We got Ashanti Thursday at LAX, and asked…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Trolling Her Fans...With Tampons?!

Last month, the world was shocked to learn that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child,

As the 20-year-old had never previously expressed an interest in having children or, for that matter, anything other than herself, her social media presence, and her cosmetics line, many fans suspected the whole thing might be a farce.

Now, “evidence” that Kylie is “faking” her pregnancy has supposedly emerged on Snapchat–and fans are debating and dissecting this pic like it’s the freakin’ Zapruder film.

Recently, Kylie and some friends took a road trip.

As is customary for young folks hitting the highway, their first stop was at a convenience store, where they loaded up on the kind of snacks you can only eat when you’re 20 or pregnant.

Since Kylie is both (or is she?!), the calorie count crept toward the seven-figure range.

But it wasn’t the fact that Kylie and friends shop like they’re on their way to a party hosted by Seth Rogen and Snoop Dogg that caught fans’ attention.

Kylie Jenner Snap

No, what really stood out about the pic was the item in the top right-hand corner.

Yes, as you can see, someone on the trip bought tampons.

And since the most salacious explanation is that Kylie bought the plunked down for the Playtex because she’s totes not pregnant. that’s the one many fans went with.

We gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed that the tampons belonged to one of her traveling companions.

But as it turns out, everyone was wrong.

Or at least that’s the claim being made by a source who claims to know Kylie best:

“She’s loving the attention of everyone wondering about her pregnancy, she’s having fun teasing people,” the insider tells Hollywood Life.

And why would Kylie engage in such pettiness?

Well, as it turns out she’s bored out of her mind these days

“Kylie definitely isn’t loving every minute of being pregnant, and she’s struggling with Travis being away so much,” the source says.

“He’s doing everything he can to be supportive, but it’s difficult whilst he’s touring.”

Yes, apparently, Queen Kylie has grown weary of this tiresome gestation process and pranking the plebes is the only thing that still entertains her.

Interestingly, Kylie has yet to announce that she’s pregnant, and fans have merely taken her silence on the matter as tacit confirmation that she’s expecting.

Given how bored she is, we can only assume she’s planning to make the announcement in some sort of epic fashion.

So get ready for the 2018 Kylie baby bump calendar!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jenelle Evans and David Eason Selfie: Trolling Followers Over Pregnancy Rumors?

For better or for worse, Jenelle Evans will marry David Eason on September 23, which is basically just two months away.

We cannot imagine how busy they are. But they’re not too busy, apparently, to pause for the occasional affectionate selfie.

The caption in this latest one is catching some attention, however, and hints at the reason that these two are getting hitched. …

She captioned this photo with some lyrics:

“Since you’ve been around, I smile a lot more than I used to.”

She put it in quotes, by the way, to make it clear that she’s quoting Rosie Thomas.

We wouldn’t want to accuse Jenelle Evans of having original thoughts now, would we?

She also added an emoji of kissy lips.

It’s not actually a surprise in the slightest to hear that she smiles more with David Eason around.

Like, we’ve seen her exes.

We know more about her exes than we ever cared to.

We’d be smiling more around David Eason, too.

Assuming that David Eason is the one she’s referring to with those lyrics.

(We’ll get to that in a moment)

We have to be honest, here.

David Eason gives us this uncomfortable vibe that we can’t entirely justify.

Maybe it’s the fact that he’s a man whom Jenelle likes.

(And we know what her judgment’s been like in the past)

Maybe it’s because David Eason has a rap sheet so long that we’re almost impressed.


Yeah, Jennelle’s posed for her share of mugshots too, but it’s not like they cancel each other out or anything.

And you know what, maybe we’re leery of David Eason because the reality television and the world itself have made us hopelessly cynical.

But it’s almost definitely all of those things.

But for some reason, Jenelle didn’t ask us first before planning her wedding.

As we mentioned, it’s set for the 23rd of September.

We’ve known for a while that their wedding was on the way, but we didn’t expect it so soon.

We know already that none of the Teen Mom girls are invited, which is fair.

But we have to wonder why Jenelle’s rushing to the altar so suddenly.

She’s been dodging all kinds of pregnancy rumors lately.

They all started when fans started to notice that Jenelle seemed reluctant to show her abdomen in photos.

You’ll notice that even in her latest photo, her stomach is nowhere to be seen.

That leaves a lot of people wondering if they’re in such a rush because they’d like this baby to be born while they’re married.

But hey, this could be Jenelle’s first time having a second baby with the same dad, so … that’s something!

Though she doesn’t even have custody of all of her kids, and neither does David, so … maybe we should all hold her to higher standards.

At this point, “kissy” photos like the one above seem like they’re mocking their followers, right?

That kiss says a lot about affection, but the upward angle suggests that they know that their followers know.

They might as well be winking at the camera.

If this isn’t a pregnancy, then maybe Jenelle and David are just a couple of trolls.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton Commencement Speech: Was She Trolling Trump?

Well, it"s graduation time, which means there"s a good chance you"ll soon be forced to cut a check to a nephew you haven"t seen in three years and/or make an appearance at a booze-free party that"s attended mostly by snapchatting teens.

But there are good things about this time of year, too:

Primarily, the fact that you get to see various celebrities do a little cap-and-gown standup routine without actually racking up a lifetime worth of debt yourself.

Today, graduates at Wellesley College got the super-, mega-A-list treatment courtesy of former Secretary of State and noted popular vote winner Hillary Clinton, who gave her third commencement speech at the Massachusetts liberal arts school.

(Her first was as a graduate in 1969.)

Clinton did not announce that she"s running for mayor of New York City (looking more and more like a few media outlets got a bad tip on that one), but she did make headlines doing what so many of us have been doing for the past four months:

Taking dead aim at the low-hanging fruit that is the Trump administration.

After reminding those in attendance that they"re “graduating at a time when there’s a full-fledged assault on truth and reason” Clinton really went in:

"When people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society," she said at one point.

"That is not hyperbole, it is what authoritarian regimes throughout history have done. … They attempt to control reality."

In case that was too subtle, she also had this to say:

“People [are] denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theories about child-abuse rings operating out of pizza parlors, drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor, turning neighbor against neighbor and sowing division at a time when we desperately need unity.

“Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes, like the size of crowds, and then defending themselves by talking about quote-unquote "alternative facts."”

Yeah, it was basically the climactic battle rap scene in 8 Mile disguised as a commencement speech.

Watch the whole thing below:

Hillary clinton commencement speech was she trolling trump

Friday, September 2, 2016

Milo Yiannopoulos on Leslie Jones Nude Pic Hack, Racist Trolling: Doing God"s Work Over Here!

Leslie Jones’ nude photo hacker is not only not sorry for what he did, he’s giving himself mad props for trolling and sabotaging the actress.

In fact, he believes he’s doing God’s work!

Between Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters, and her viral stardom on Twitter and Snapchat, Jones was “slaying all day” in 2016.

Until the wheels fell off earlier this summer.

A notorious Internet troll, Milo Yiannopoulos, went after her hard, then harder, in a brutal Twitter trolling effort that gained global attention.

Then, in the aftermath, someone hacked her personal website and published Leslie Jones nude photos to the world – and a lot more.

Her passport information and her driver’s license were stolen in the hack, which also followed Milo’s vicious trolling spree on Twitter.

Just a day in the life for Milo Yiannopoulos.

“Trolling is very important,” Yiannopoulos told ABC’s Nightline. “I like to think of myself as a virtuous troll, you know? I’m doing God’s work.”

When Jones said how upset she was over the bullying she’d endured, Yiannopoulos told the news show that she’s playing the victim.

“This idea that celebrities are these fragile wallflowers … that the stars of Hollywood blockbusters are sitting at home crying into their iPhones.” 

“Give me a break,” he said. 

Yiannopoulos says he has beef with the “body positive” movement, feminism in general and other stars like Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer:

“It is insisted upon us that we all pay obeisance to the cult of Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer that they put them on the cover of the magazines.”

He has since been banned from Twitter thanks to Jones’ efforts, but he “would like my account back” so he can resume what he does.

Good luck with that.

Jones, who has gone quiet since the nude photo hack, initially fought back online by exposing some of the hateful tweets she received.

“It’s not called a meltdown when [you’re] defining yourself. Pay attention,” she wrote to one prominent Twitter hater before she added:

“So sad, these people have mothers and sisters and aunts. So f–king sickening … you won’t believe the evil. It’s f–king scary.”

After pointing out some of the cruel comments, Jones scored a win when she was able to get Twitter to permanently suspend accounts.

Alas, it was short-lived.

While no one is defending Milo Yiannopoulos’ actions, his ban from Twitter has triggered debate over whether it violates the 1st Amendment.

“People should be able to express diverse opinions and beliefs on Twitter,” a company spokesperson said in announcing the decision.

“But no one deserves to be subjected to targeted abuse online, and our rules prohibit inciting or engaging in the targeted abuse or harassment.”

What do you think? Does the ban constitute an imposition on the popular (in some circles) web personality’s right to freedom of speech?

Or, conversely, did this living, breathing piece of human garbage merely get what he had coming to him and not a moment too soon?

Hit the comments to discuss.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Adam Lind: Randy Houska is a Douche Canoe (and Trolling Me on Instagram)!

Teen Mom 2 renegade and South Dakota derelict Adam Lind is mad as hell after an Instagram hater page posted his address online.

You won’t believe who he believes is behind this, either …

Amid rumors of Lind getting fired from Teen Mom 2 over repeated behavior problems comes yet another unflattering, scandalous report.

The father of two wants fans to report the anti-Adam Lind page that repeatedly posts negative comments (and information) about him.

Not only that, he believes Chelsea Houska’s father and his most ardent critic, Dr. Randy Houska, is the man responsible for the page.

Adam ranted on Facebook after his address was posted:

“So there is this page on IG dedicated to f–king hating me and tearing me apart …. And I’m pretty g0d damn certain who it would be.”

“I got it narrowed down to a few ppl … Any who …”

“These mother f–kers went sooooo far out of there way to find a police log of when a cop was called to my house for noise complaint.”

“Sooo now every hating person who follows that page knows my exact g0d damn address…. Awesome just awesome!”

Asked by a fan why he cares, his fiance, Stasia Huber, jumped in, saying it’s as simple as this: “Paislee, Aubree… safety.”

Adam added, equally incredulous: “Whyyyy do I care?!”

“I have children who live with me on the weekend?!

“And now my address is known world wide … Got some crazy f**k that might come here and try something or burn my god damn house down.”

“Let the vandalism begin…. … Got rid of that stupid big ass truck cuz I was sick of paying for new tires …. This is great just greatttttt.”

Stasia Huber added: “Police are on their way, lawyers are being contacted, and instagram will be contacted via police and Lawyers.”

“Child endangerment, harassment, knowingly enforcing possible harm,” she continued, “plenty of things especially when children are involved.”

Adam recoiled at the stated idea that the page in question posted his address out of concern for Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska.

He then let it be known that her dad is behind all this.

So he says: “I still have a strong feeling is Randy.”

“Chelseas dad … He’s always been a big fan of mine…takes so much time out of his busy day to update his own twitter and what not to talk about me.”

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Randy called Adam out after this summer’s reunion show, and about 100 times before that.

Would he really use Instagram to provoke Lind, though?!

When an Adam Lind fan (which apparently do exist) commented that Randy Houska is a “douche canoe,” Adam seconded that notion:

“Yes he is.”

Okay then.

“Shits that posted on that page literally leads right to him Rita Chelsea or Cole … They r the only ones with info I’ve seen posted on there.”

Randy and Chelsea have yet to respond to this tirade.

For what it’s worth, the Instagram page that posted Adam Lind’s address is currently suspended after being reported numerous times.

Adam Lind: Randy Houska is a Douche Canoe (and Trolling Me on Instagram)!

Teen Mom 2 renegade and South Dakota derelict Adam Lind is mad as hell after an Instagram hater page posted his address online.

You won’t believe who he believes is behind this, either …

Amid rumors of Lind getting fired from Teen Mom 2 over repeated behavior problems comes yet another unflattering, scandalous report.

The father of two wants fans to report the anti-Adam Lind page that repeatedly posts negative comments (and information) about him.

Not only that, he believes Chelsea Houska’s father and his most ardent critic, Dr. Randy Houska, is the man responsible for the page.

Adam ranted on Facebook after his address was posted:

“So there is this page on IG dedicated to f–king hating me and tearing me apart …. And I’m pretty g0d damn certain who it would be.”

“I got it narrowed down to a few ppl … Any who …”

“These mother f–kers went sooooo far out of there way to find a police log of when a cop was called to my house for noise complaint.”

“Sooo now every hating person who follows that page knows my exact g0d damn address…. Awesome just awesome!”

Asked by a fan why he cares, his fiance, Stasia Huber, jumped in, saying it’s as simple as this: “Paislee, Aubree… safety.”

Adam added, equally incredulous: “Whyyyy do I care?!”

“I have children who live with me on the weekend?!

“And now my address is known world wide … Got some crazy f**k that might come here and try something or burn my god damn house down.”

“Let the vandalism begin…. … Got rid of that stupid big ass truck cuz I was sick of paying for new tires …. This is great just greatttttt.”

Stasia Huber added: “Police are on their way, lawyers are being contacted, and instagram will be contacted via police and Lawyers.”

“Child endangerment, harassment, knowingly enforcing possible harm,” she continued, “plenty of things especially when children are involved.”

Adam recoiled at the stated idea that the page in question posted his address out of concern for Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska.

He then let it be known that her dad is behind all this.

So he says: “I still have a strong feeling is Randy.”

“Chelseas dad … He’s always been a big fan of mine…takes so much time out of his busy day to update his own twitter and what not to talk about me.”

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Randy called Adam out after this summer’s reunion show, and about 100 times before that.

Would he really use Instagram to provoke Lind, though?!

When an Adam Lind fan (which apparently do exist) commented that Randy Houska is a “douche canoe,” Adam seconded that notion:

“Yes he is.”

Okay then.

“Shits that posted on that page literally leads right to him Rita Chelsea or Cole … They r the only ones with info I’ve seen posted on there.”

Randy and Chelsea have yet to respond to this tirade.

For what it’s worth, the Instagram page that posted Adam Lind’s address is currently suspended after being reported numerous times.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pippa Middleton: Trolling Gym For Rich Husband on Valentine"s Day?

That seems like a fair assumption.

Let’s forget for a moment that Pippa Middleton is probably/definitely dating investment banker and old Etonian James Matthews, and pretend she made plans to cruise her gym on February 14th.

Celebrity Dirty Laundry saw the photo and declared that the Duchess of Cambridge’s “tragically single sister spent a lonely Valentine’s Day at the gym, probably burning off some calories so that she could go buy some half-priced Valentine’s candy for herself after the holiday was over and go home and binge on it.”

That’s way harsh, Ty. Also, that’s a run-on sentence.

“Apparently, Pippa never misses a workout, not even on Valentine’s Day,” the super-sleuths at CDL went on.

“Either the socialite is VERY dedicated to her fitness – or like half of the people reading this, had no one to share the romantic holiday with and opted to go to the gym rather than crying in her pajamas and watching sappy movies all day by herself.”


“The sad thing is, Pippa Middleton (although a little annoying and shamelessly riding her sister’s coattails), wouldn’t have any trouble finding a date for Valentine’s Day.  But, her sister Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth balk at any prospective gentlemen she tries to date, because they don’t think they are suitable to be dating one of the future Queen’s family members.

“The last thing they need is Pippa bringing more unnecessary scandal to the Royals,” they claims.

Such as?

“As long as Pippa’s sister Kate Middleton is in line to be the future Queen Of England, Pippa is going to have to either settle for one of the less than interesting gentlemen that the Royals pick for her, or she could go against their wishes and date whomever she wants – but she can also plan on being ‘cut off’ if she does.

“It looks like Pippa’s greed and desperate need for fame and fortune is outweighing her desire to settle down and not spend the rest of her Valentine’s Days at the gym.”

If this is the picture of a sad singleton, then consider me Bridget Jones.