Showing posts with label BodyShaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BodyShaming. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kendall Jenner Nude Pics Leak, Pathetic Body-Shaming Ensues

We are not the biggest Kendall Jenner fans on the planet.

Sometimes the reality star says dumb things and often times she fails to recognize that her last name and celebrity status have played monumental roles in her modeling success.

That said, Jenner did not deserve to be the subject of immense body-shaming across the Internet when a few nude pictures of her leaked online.

As you"ll see below, a handful of trolls saw these images and decided to go public with their misguided and very cruel opinions, simply because it"s easy and relatively consequence-free to do so behind a screen and keyboard.

For shame.

Scroll down for more on this story and to learn what, exactly, the Kendall Jenner haters have been saying…

1. So, What Happened?

Kendall jenner with a smile

On September 11, 2018, a number of images from photographer Russell James’ new book were somehow stolen and learked online, without his permission or the permission of his subjects.

2. What Did the Photographs Depict?

Kendall jenner in purple

In Kendall’s case, they featured her in her birthday suit in a variety of positions and poses, most notably running down a beach and riding horseback.

3. Anything Else?

Kendall jenner shocked

In other snapshots, Kendall is perched beside a tree, fully naked… and in another she frolics in the sea. We are not going to publish the photos here out of respect for Jenner and the art.

4. The Internet Has Reacted Totally Calmly and Reasonably to This Leak, Right?

Kendall jenner shows nipples

HA! That’s a funny joke. If you believe that, you probably also believe that Kim Kardashian played no role in her sex tape release. Let’s take a look at some of the worst responses to the picture, shall we?

5. Eat a Burger, Kendall

Eat a burger kendall



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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Body-Shaming Douche Canoe Gets Dumped by GF, Twitter Applauds

It"s time to meet Shelby Johnson… and her total loser of an ex-boyfriend.

Shelby recently took to social media in order to seek advice about the guy she was dating, a partner who she does not name but whose messages she does reveal to the public.

And these messages are simply straight-up cruel.

They attempt to shame Shelby over her body, prompting her to ask followers what she ought to do about him.

Thankfully, these followers give Shelby the perfect advice, which she eventually takes triumphantly.

Scroll down to familiarize yourself with her story — and to hate on this anonymous loser of a man.

1. This is Shelby


And this is Shelby’s body. We have nothing negative to say about it, certainly. Who would?!?

2. This is What Shelby Asked Her Friends About

This is what shelby asked her friends about

Shelby gave her weight and asked for assistance on what to do about a boyfriend who would dare insult her figure.

3. WTH, Dude?!?


Yes, this loser actually told his girlfriend that she should do something about her “gut.”

4. You Have a Beer Gut, Babe


For the double standard record, can you imagine if a woman said this to a man? He’d probably laugh with pride and crack open a cold one.

5. It Doesn’t Matter, Shelby


Don’t let him get into your head like this. It doesn’t matter what you weighed.

6. I Worked Hard for This!


Shelby shared a brief history of her body and weight struggles, making us sympathize with her even more.

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bella Thorne: Stop Body-Shaming Me Already!

Can Bella Thorne please just live her life?!

Like, at this point, we know the drill: she likes to wear revealing outfits, and she enjoys sharing racy selfies on social media.

She’s an adult, she can make those kinds of decisions.

It is really not that big of a deal.

But the way people attack her and shame her for showing some cleavage or exposing a nipple, you’d think she was some kind of demonic she-beast from hell.

Instead of, you know, an absolutely gorgeous woman who’s been kind enough to let us look at her.

This is all coming up, by the way, because of an appearance Bella made at New York Fashion Week a couple of days ago.

She showed up wearing this ensemble:

A pink sweatsuit altered to show a healthy amount of underboob — classic Bella, right?

But while this is how she looked while posing for photos, paparazzi got some different shots, including a candid one of her pointing and talking to someone.

Her gestures made her shirt ride up, revealing a bit more of her body than she probably intended.

And, like the gem he is, Perez Hilton posted that particular photo to his Instagram page, inviting users to caption the photo and also tagging all of her famous exes.

That’s weird, right?

Seriously, he tagged Scott Disick, Charlie Puth, Gregg Sulkin, Black Bear, and even Disney, like they’re somehow relevant here.

And he’s been in the business long enough to know that by posting a photo like that and asking followers to caption it, he’s basically asking people to be awful.

Lots of people were awful — the comments on the photo are full of nasty, hateful remarks.

But thankfully, many people rose above that kind of thing and said that she looks beautiful and confident and plenty of other nice things.

The drama was far from over though.

Over on Twitter, one user asked a general question about that time that Perez “pledged to be kinder,” but instead continues to participate in body-shaming.

He responded with “Body shaming????”, apparently not knowing what this person was referring to.

She told him “You posted a picture of @bellathorne with a fill in the blank because you knew people would body and slut shame her. Same thing.”

He disagreed, but that’s when Bella herself stepped into the conversation.

“Honestly I don’t,” she wrote. “You know I love you p but I think it’s kinda rude to use the pic my shirt is riding up and I’m in the middle of talking.”

“Esp when there’s a lot of great photos,” she added. “Kinda seems like you want more people to pick on me. If I wasn’t sad enough about it already.”

She has a point, doesn’t she? Especially if she and Perez are friends, like they seem to be.

Bella also tweeted “And then you tag charlie and like other guys on my body trying to start drama and trying to make me feel disgusting.. like they own my body.”

Aww, Bella …

Perez explained that he tagged those guys “so the photo would come up in more searches,” and he said that it “didn’t occur to me you would interpret it that way. Sorry again.”

It was a half-assed apology, and plenty of people called him out on it.

His response to that?

“I’d do it again, tbh.”

“YOU WOULD DO IT AGAIN!?” Bella asked. “R u serious? Yeah you would like posting a photo of Ariel in a bikini to get views on a podcast?”

(Because also this week, Perez made an Instagram post promoting a new episode of his podcast, and he used a completely unrelated photo of Ariel Winter in a bikini as the image for the post.)

“I hope no one does this to your daughter,” she added.

Finally, Perez said “I’m tired of this convo, but I will give you one last tweet. HOW is saying ‘Fill in the blank! @BellaThorne _____” me making fun of her?”

And still, the fact remains that for as many years as he’s been doing this kind of thing, he knows good and well the kinds of things people would say about such a photo.

Besides, how hard would it be to just make a genuine apology after Bella made it clear how upset she was?

Again, can this girl just live?!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jennifer Aniston: I"m Not Pregnant, Stop Body-Shaming Me!

Jennifer Aniston sure can be a gem, right?

She helped give us the eternal gift that is Friends, her marriage and subsequent divorce with Brad Pitt gave us some of the greatest gossip in the history of gossip.

And lately, she’s been speaking out about body-shaming, which is always just a nice thing to do.

See, Jennifer’s issue is that she can’t seem to go out in public without countless people speculating about the state of her uterus.

For whatever reason, so many people have become convinced that she’s desperate to have a baby, despite the fact that she’s a ridiculously wealthy 48-year-old woman with no baby.

Seriously, with her money, if she actually wanted a child, she’d have no problem having one, through pregnancy or surrogacy or adoption.

Since she still isn’t a mother after all these years of rumors and theorizing, it’s probably time to drop the subject, right?

Especially since when tabloids claim that she “looks pregnant” when she’s not, that typically means that they think she’s put on weight.

But still, after all this time, she just can’t seem to escape the pregnancy talk.

And she is officially sick of it.

Or, well, she has been for a while now — remember last summer when she wrote that amazing letter on the subject?

“We are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child,” she so beautiful wrote.

“We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies. That decision is ours and ours alone.”

Then, in an interview she did with Vogue just earlier this month, she said “I couldn’t hear this narrative anymore about being pregnant or not pregnant; you have no idea what is going on personally in our lives and why that is or is not happening.”

“In my own brain, I’ve shifted my perspective, so who gives a sh-t?”

And now in another new interview, this one with Glamour, she continues to speak out about the issue.

When asked about a word or phrase she’d ban from tabloids if she had the chance, she answered “Too many, I can’t choose.”

Which, hey, fair enough.

She then added “I would say, I think the best one would be a picture of me with a hand over my stomach, saying ‘Finally Pregnant!”

She said that she doesn’t “pay that much attention” to the tabloids, “but that’s definitely a headline” that is still being published after all these years.

“I mean, it’s like they take a picture of you and create this story,” she explained.

“If your body is in a normal moment of having had a bite or two, or you’re having a moment of bloat, then there’s arrows circled around your stomach, telling you that you’re pregnant.”

“And it’s like, actually no, it’s just my body,” she said. “Not that it’s any of your business to begin with.”

“Having a child, as we know, is no one’s business except the couple or individual that’s going through it.”

Jennifer went on to say that “My ideas of what a happy life and fulfulled life are might be different from other people’s,” and “I think it’s to each their own.”

Preach, lady.

“Nobody’s right to judge someone else’s choices,” she went on. “No one knows what’s going on beyond the four walls of your home, of these people who are having or not having children.”

“It’s a very sensitive area to go to, especially. It’s sensitive to me.”

She finished things with this lovely little piece of advice:

“Everybody likes to get into each other’s panty drawers. Stay in your own backyard and let everybody live their lives.”

Thanks for all the wisdom, Jen!


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Stephen Amell SLAMS Body-Shaming Trolls in Epic Twitter Rant!

You’d think that Stephen Amell would be the last person who’d get body-shamed.

The Arrow star basically embodies the physical ideal — at the very least, he embodies the kind of build that every actor on television aims to have.

But that didn’t stop some trolls from opening their nasty mouths (on Twitter), and Stephen was not having it. He even put up a fresh picture to show that he’s still got it — see it below!

Stephen Amell has been targeted by trolls before, mostly because he’s famous.

This time, they spotted a photo of him on Twitter and had all sorts of nasty comments.

“Looks like you getting a bit of a tummy Stephen.”

“Where is my oliver? He is not fat like that! you need to work out!”

“Is S6 going to be Oliver w a hysterical pregnancy for his moronic crayon-eating kid? Thus the belly? Or is Oliver also eating crayons now?”

It was this photo. …

Prepare to recoil in horror!

Oh, wait, that was just a normal picture of an unnecessarily attractive actor during his off-season.

Like, actors don’t usually spend hours at the gym every day when they aren’t filming.

Because they’re people.

And so, very naturally, their bodies can get a little softer.

Stephen’s own rant explains as much:

“So I take two months off after working non stop from July 2014 through April 2017… one photo shows up on the internet…”

Just reading that makes us want to take a nap, but that’s the kind of effort that gave us all of those wonderful salmon-ladder scenes.

“And people take to my timeline to poke fun at my stomach from a long lens photo. Who the sweet (expletive) do you think you’re tweeting at?!”

We don’t know what’s better — that line or the self-censorship.

“For the record, I could step into the GA suit today & kick more ass than I did on Ninja Warrior. So take your shitty tweets elsewhere.”

He then clarifies that everyone should read those tweets in his Green Arrow voice.

And then, in response to a joking jab from his cousin, Robbie Amell, Stephen posted this photo yesterday, showing off his abs.

Yeah, not that anyone deserves to be body-shamed …

(Because we’re all trapped in our meat prisons until technology gives us built-to-order bodies)

… but, like, how how out of your gourd do you need to be to go after Stephen Amell’s amazing torso?

Basically, we’re thinking that these are people who don’t really know how bodies work or how exercise changes the body when it comes to building muscle mass.

But it’s important to remember that all versions of Stephen Amell are good:

Soft, off-season Stephen Amell.

Hard, Green Arrow Stephen Amell.

Also baby-faced, butt-showing Stephen Amell from Dante’s Cove.

Even if Arrow can sometimes be more soap opera-y than I like my superhero media, Stephen Amell is a treasure.

And honestly, I still like Arrow anyway.

Unrealistic expectations of people’s bodies, whether you’re dating them or watching them on TV, can be toxic.

Some would argue that Stephen Amell somehow brought this on himself by “promoting unrealistic beauty standards” on Arrow.

But they’d be wrong.

An actor’s duty to look a certain way ends when they aren’t on camera or at any contracted promotional obligations.

Hand models can wear gloves when they’re off-duty. Lingerie models can bundle up.

And yes, Stephen Amell look like a soft-but-still-very-fit human being when he’s not playing archery parkour for The CW.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dani Mathers: CONVICTED in Body-Shaming Case!

You may not remember the name Dani Mathers, but you probably remember the vile conduct that made her a target on social media last year.

In case you forgot, or you just want to be disgusted all over again, here’s what happened:

Mathers took a photo of a nude elderly woman who was changing in a gym locker room and posted it on Snapchat.

To make matters worse, Matters  – who was the 2015 Playboy Playmate of the Year – captioned the photo:

“If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

The backlash was immediate, and Mathers promptly posted a lengthy apology on Twitter:

“I want to acknowledge my post from snapchat earlier. There is no excuse…I understand fully the magnitude of this post,” Mathers tweeted.

She added:

“I’m sorry for what I did… I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing.”

Unfortunately for her, the damage had been done, both in terms of the violation of the woman’s privacy and legal ramifications for Mathers.

Back in September of 2016, the LAPD located the woman the woman and the photo and decided to press charges against Mathers.

Today, the 30-year-old was convicted in Los Angeles County Court, and while many on social media are already clamoring for a harsher sentence, we’re guessing the victim feels vindicated and Mathers has learned her lesson.

In exchange for a lighter sentence, Mathers pled guilty and was offered two options with regard to her punishment:

She could serve 45 days in jail and receive 36 months probation.

Or she could do 30 days of graffiti removal … and also receive 36 months probation.

Not surprisingly, she chose the latter option.

So legally, she got off easy.

But in other ways, Mathers will pay for her crimes for the remainder of her life.

Prior to one of the most egregious social media blunders of all time, Mathers seemed to be successfully transitioning from her role as a Playboy model into the world of mainstream media.

We’re guessing she won’t be seeing any more hosting gigs coming her way for a very long time.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Paris Jackson Shuts Down Body-Shaming Troll on Twitter!

In case you haven’t nowticed, Paris Jackson has been everywhere lately.

Paris has covered Rolling Stone and Harper’s Bazaar; she’s given numerous interviews in the span of a few weeks; and she’s been posting non-stop on social media.

It’s all a bit strange, as she doesn’t appear to have a project to promote or even clear career path carved out yet.

But for whatever reason, Paris wants all eyes on her these days.

There have even been rumors that she’s employed a staff of 20 full-time employees whose sole job is to keep Paris in the spotlight.

Needless to say, the wants to make the leap from famous to mega-famous, and with her resources and last name, she should have no trouble doing exactly that.

Unfortunately, with great fame comes constant trolling, and Paris has admitted to suffering from elf-esteem issues that leave her particularly vulnerable to douchey comments.

Fortunately, it seems her preparations for this new stage in her career included a crash course in casually shutting down online haters:

“Yes you have [put] on a little weight,” a random D-bag tweeted to Paris over the weekend.

He made sure to tag her, because what’s the point of being needlessly cruel if the person you’re being needlessly cruel to doesn’t even know it?

Fortunately, Paris was ready for this one, and she brushed the dude off like a boss, responding:

“F–k yeah I have.”

At this point, Paris has built up a pretty devoted fan base on Twitter (We’d say it’s sort of weird, what with the her not really demonstrating any talent, but then again, we live in a time in which Kylie Jenner is one of the most famous people on the planet.), and they proved more than ready to rush to her defense:

“I’ve gained weight too since I was 12,” tweeted one fan shared.

“Be proud of your body. You look great!” wrote another.

“I’d sure hope she has put on a little weight. If she were still the same weight that she was as a child I’d be really concerned,” a third added.

You get the idea.

Paris isn’t putting up with any crap, and neither are her fans.

It’s an attitude that will serve her well in her career … wherever that career may take her.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Ashley Graham Gets Real About Body-Shaming, Is Still the Best

Gather ‘round, friends, it’s that time again …

Time to look at Ashley Graham and read her beautiful words and “ooh” and “ahh” over what a beautiful, amazing angel she is!

This time is the best time.

Ashley is very possibly the most famous plus-size model in the world right now, and she’s not taking the gig lightly. Nope, she’s taking every opportunity to speak out about her feelings and experiences.

Because you know this girl can reach some people.

In a new interview, Ashley admits that when other women tell her about the body-shaming they’ve experienced, she can always relate — because she’s heard it all before herself.

“Nothing’s actually surprised me,” she says. “I’ve lived exactly what they’re living. I’ve lived the torment of the names. I’ve lived the torment of boyfriends breaking up with me because they were afraid I was going to be too fat later in life.”

Let’s take a moment to mourn the fact that insensitive, ignorant jackasses like that actually exist in society …

“They were afraid I was going to be too fat later in life,” honestly.

Ashley continues by stating “It’s the same cycle, it doesn’t matter what generation we are in. Every kid is going to go through the same thing.”

“I wake up sometimes and I think ‘I’m the fattest woman alive.’ But it’s really about how you handle it when you wake up.”

“I look in the mirror,” she says, “and I have my affirmations. And mine are simple — ‘You are bold. You are brilliant and you are beautiful."”

“And then if my lower pooch is really puffing out that day, I say ‘Lower pooch, you are cute.’ And we have a moment.”

“And if the hips are really popping,” she adds, “I say ‘I love you too, hips."”

Ashley Graham: one of the most adorable people alive, or the most adorable person alive?

She also says that “having more role models, more women who are like ‘Yeah, I have cellulite. Yeah, it’s even on my arms, not just my legs. My butt is a really bizarre shape but you know what, whatever, I’m just going to rock it"” is important.

“I think if we had more role models like that, that were really just speaking their truth about their body and the skin that they’re in then maybe young America would be different.”

But while it would be great if we had more role models like that, it’s important to note that Ashley is a role model like that, and she’s done so much good, just by herself.

“I think my career has been a huge testament to how the industry is changing right before our eyes,” she acknowledges.

“I don’t think that a girl my size, as a model, would ever have been on the cover of Vogue and I’m still so shocked at that.”

Here’s hoping this girl gets many more big shocks — goodness knows she deserves them.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Nathan Griffith Responds to Body-Shaming Scandal: I"m a Douchebag!

Nathan Griffith is a terrible person.

It’s not a new development, not by a long shot, but it always bears repeating.

Today, he’s a terrible person because of that ridiculously rude, insensitive Snapchat post he made in which he body-shamed a trainer at his gym.

He snuck a photo of a trainer with her client, and he captioned it “When the trainer is fat than her client with no muscles!”

Because what could she possibly have to offer if she doesn’t have muscles, right? Hey, if she doesn’t have muscles, is she even worthy of being called a real person?

Surely she couldn’t have any expert knowledge on fitness or nutrition or really anything other than being “fat than her client.”

Sadly, it seems like that’s the way Nathan thinks. And even though he’s been banned from his gym after the Snapchat post caused some controversy, he’s not sorry.

In a statement he made to Real Mr. Housewife, Nathan explained that “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t get jujitsu lessons from someone who didn’t do jujitsu or get my hair done by a hair stylist with f-cked up hair.”

“Hence I wouldn’t be going to a trainer that didn’t practice what they preach.”

“To most people,” he said, “I’m the biggest douchebag and I really don’t care anymore.”

Well, at least he said it.

Nathan insisted that “The only people who got offended were people who were overweight. If they have a problem with me making a justified comment then they can go f-ck themselves.”

Except it wasn’t a justified comment, that’s the problem. It was an insensitive photo he shared to potentially thousands of people, and it body-shamed a woman who really just looks like she has a thicker body type than he’d prefer.

But don’t worry, because Nathan finished up his little statement with this gem:

“America is becoming filled with a bunch of non-working lazy ass crybabies and I’m getting sick of it. We are so worried about making everyone feel comfortable that it’s f-cking up our society.”

And oh, how rich!

Nathan is a guy who’s been arrested multiple times for violently abusing girlfriends, and for drinking and driving. He’s directly put so many people in danger because of his own issues.

But yes, Nathan, please tell us more about what you think is destroying our society. Please give us more advice on how to live a meaningful life.

We would sincerely love to hear it.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ashley Tisdale Hits Back at Body-Shaming Comments: No, I"m Not Pregnant!

Hey, did you hear the latest in celebrity pregnancy rumors?

According to some eagle eyes over on Twitter, Ashley Tisdale, the High School Musical legend herself, is looking like she’s got a bun right in her lady oven these days.

Here’s the photo that started the pregnancy rumors:

No, for real. that’s the photo.

If you’re confused, you’re not alone. It’s a very confusing time for us all.

So let’s back up and get the whole story.

Ashley and her husband, Christopher French, got all glammed up and went to the 25th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards viewing party on Sunday evening.

As you can see in these photos, Ashley wore a very form-fitting, very lovely gown, and she looks amazing, right? Just so, so beautiful.

But somehow, some way, a couple of people saw Ashley looking so darn fierce and decided that she looked pregnant. How they decided that is beyond us — she doesn’t look the least bit pregnant, and if she was pregnant, she sure as hell wouldn’t wear such a constricting dress.

But still, these people convinced themselves that Ashley is expecting. And they directed messages to her on Twitter saying as much.

That is, without question, the wrong thing to do.

Just in case your mother never taught you anything, know this: you never, ever comment on a woman’s pregnancy unless she has specifically said that she is pregnant.

If you think she’s got a little baby bump, even if you think she’s about to pop — if you aren’t completely, 100% sure that she is pregnant, keep your mouth shut.

And Ashley herself is here to teach you that lesson too.

In response to the inquiries about her possible pregnancy, she tweeted “The pressure to being perfect is a struggle. No I’m not pregnant, I’m just happy and haven’t been strict on my diet but thanks for the reminder.”

What’s sad is that she sounds upset about the comments — the “thanks for the reminder” that she hasn’t been obsessing over her diet is a little heartbreaking, isn’t it?

But while Ashley may feel bad that she received those comments, she should be pleased to know that she’s getting oodles and oodles of love and support after making that tweet.

“You’re beautiful!” a fan told her. “Live your life how you want and eat how you want! Enjoy what you do and don’t listen to anyone else!”

Another wrote “You’re really beautiful Ashley, you’re an amazing person and I hope that you know it! Love you so much.”

One person spoke for us all when she said “I’m hella confused because you look freaking stunning just the way you are. People have the nerve.”

Ain’t that the truth?


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Miss Iceland 2015: Take Your Body-Shaming Pageant and Shove It!

Arna Yr Jónsdóttir, Miss Iceland 2015, unceremoniously quit an upcoming beauty pageant because the asshats in charge told her that she should lose weight. 

For reference, this is what Arna looks like. 

LOL. Are you LOLing, too? Because we’re LOLing so hard. 

The advice that prompted Jónsdóttir to withdraw from the competition? 

“Stop eating breakfast, eat just salad for lunch, and drink water every evening until the contest.” 

If it doesn’t involve cake, red meat, or pasta, we just don’t want to have any part of it. 

And the bit about the obviously perfect Arna having to lose weight

Good grief, please. 

The pageant – to be held in Las Vegas – is just four days away, and it appears that Jónsdóttir will not be competing. 

When Jónsdóttir balked at the idea of crash-dieting in the days leading up to the pageant, she received a message from the show’s television presenter. 

He said, “[I am] telling you this because [I] like you and want you to do well in this contest.”

Her response?


“If the owner of the contest really wants me to lose weight and doesn’t like me the way I am, then he doesn’t deserve to have me in the Top 10,” she spat back.

She continued and said, “Yes, my shoulders are a bit broader than the other girls, but that is because I was a member of the Icelandic national athletics team and I am proud of that.”

We are too.

“Of course,” she continued, “I don’t take these comments to heart, but to do my best [and then hear this]…personally, I think I’m fine as I am.

Oh, girl, we do, too.

She concluded, “I no longer have any interest in doing my best in this competition after receiving that message.” 

“This is definitely the last contest I shall be taking part in.” 

After the drama subsided, she posted on Instagram, and said that she’d continue her time in Las Vegas, enjoying it and taking in the scene, but not before penning a handwritten letter to the showrunners. 

The letter classily signed off, “In my country, my body shape is perfect. And that’s what I’m gonna remember. No one will ever tell me anything else.” 

“I hope that the finals will be amazing,” she concluded. “I know the show will be.” 

And you will be – and are! – too, girl.  

You keep on doing you, and don’t let anybody body-shame you into doing anything else. 


Monday, September 5, 2016

Dani Mathers: Facing Charges For Body-Shaming Gym Pic?

Back in July, former Playmate of the Year Dani Mathers thought it would be funny to take a Snapchat of a naked woman at her LA Fitness gym, and share it.

The caption, which read “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either,” shamed the fellow gym patron and set off a firestorm that saw Mathers not only banned fromall LA Fitness locations, but fired from her gig on KLOS’s Heidi & Frank morning show.

“Her behavior is appalling and puts every member at risk of losing their privacy,” LA Fitness EVP of operations Jill Greuling told the Los Angeles Times.

“Our written rules are very clear: Cellphone usage and photography are prohibited in the locker rooms.”

Now, TMZ has learned that the LAPD has located the victim in the photo – described as a woman in her 70’s – who is ready to testify against Mathers.

The charge, if issued, is Dissemination of Private Images, which is reportedly a misdemeanor which could carry a 6-month jail sentence.

LAPD officers want to make an example of Mathers, whom they believe tried to shame someone who was trying to better herself.

As for Mathers, who was named Playboy’s Playmate of the Year in 2015, she herself issued an apology on Snapchat soon after the incident.

“I just want to acknowledge a photo that I accidentally posted. It was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” the 29-year-old said in the video.

“I chose to do what I do for a living because I love the female body and I know body shaming is wrong, that’s not what I’m about and this is not the type of person I am.

“The photo was taken as part of a personal conversation with a girlfriend and because I am new to Snapchat I didn’t realize I had posted it, and that was a huge mistake.

“I know I have upset a lot of people out there but please believe me this is not the type of person that I am.

“I have never done this before and I will never do this again, you have my word.”

Users on social media didn’t believe Mathers apology, accusing her of only being sorry because she got caught.

“I’m sorry for what I did,” she wrote on Twitter.  “I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing. Goodnight.”

Friday, July 29, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Fires Back at Body-Shaming Haters

Khloe Kardashian has always been the most outspoken member of her family, but these days she’s fighting a battle that’s different from any that she’s faced before.

Khloe has been criticized in recent weeks for her physique, and sadly, that’s nothing new to the 32-year-old.

However, this time Khloe is facing a different kind of body-shaming.

For years, she was saddled with the truly ugly nickname “the fat Kardashian.”

After years of training and dieting, however, that nickname couldn’t be less apt for the reality star.

For many Khloe’s weight loss has been the stuff of inspiration – but because the Internet is the Internet, there are those who have found reason to criticize her.

Yes, in the eyes of a depressing number of trolls, Khloe quickly went from overweight to underweight, and not surprisingly, the whole thing has been pretty frustrating for the younger sister of Kourtney and Kim.

Fortunately, she’s been able to maintain her sense of humor about it:

“I need to remember the date today!! Never would I have ever thought I would be in the media for being “too skinny”. What on earth?!?!” Khloe tweeted last night.

“First I’m too fat and now I’m too skinny. I love this game!!”

Khloe’s gym selfies serve as a testament to just how much work she put into trimming down.

To be criticized for losing too much weight after years of being ridiculed for being too heavy must be an infuriating experience.

Fortunately, those who found inspiration in Khloe’s fitness regimen can now look to her as an example of how to laugh in the face of your haters.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Dani Mathers: Body-Shaming Playmate FIRED & Banned From Gym!

Yesterday, the Internet went absolutely bonkers (as it’s wont to do) over the story of former Playboy model Dani Mathers and her shocking act of body shaming.

A photo that Mathers posted on Snapchat showed a woman undressing in a gym locker room.

Mathers captioned the pic, “If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

Predictably the backlash was swift and harsh.

Mathers was criticized for bullying an unsuspecting gym patron who thought she was changing in relative privacy.

Some went so far as to circulate a petition demanding that Mathers be arrested for violating the woman’s privacy.

Mathers deleted her Twitter account in the wake of the incident, but today it’s more apparent than ever that this is one controversy she won’t be able to hide from.

For several years, Mathers has been a regular on the Heidi and Frank radio show on LA’s KLOS station.

TMZ reported moments ago that the station has suspended Mathers indefinitely.

The site also spoke with a representative from LA Fitness – the nationwide fitness chain where the pic was snapped – who says that the 2015 Playmate of the Year is permanently banned from all locations.

According to the rep, Mathers is “not permitted back at any club, ever” as a result of her actions.

Mathers issued a lengthy apology yesterday, but has yet to speak on these recent developments.

We think it’s safe to say, however, that she regrets ever taking the photo, which she claims was intended for a friend, not as public Snapchat story.

Unfortunately for her, the same Internet that helped make her famous is now doling out its unique brand of retribution.