Showing posts with label Dani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dani. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Demi Lovato BFF Dani Vitale Begs Fans to Stop Sending Death Threats

In the aftermath of Demi Lovato’s overdose and hospitalization, her backup dancer and bff Dani Vitale received death threats from Demi’s own fans.

See, fans think that, because Demi was partying after celebrating Dani’s birthday, that Dani and other friends are somehow to blame for her relapse and overdose.

Dani has finally broken her silence and is imploring Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats to the ones who love Demi the most.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist thinks that Demi’s friends are to blame for her relapse and overdose. Dani Vitale says that no, they all love and care about Demi.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Dani writes on Instagram.

It’s worth noting that she turned off comments on the post. We can only imagine the sort of vitriol that she might otherwise receive under her words.

“I have not said anything about this situation until now,” Dani acknowledges.

Just because you don’t write about it on social media doesn’t mean that you don’t care. Obviously.

Dani explains that her silence is “because her recovery has been of the most importance.”

Dani Vitale message to Demi Lovato fans

“I was not with Demi when the incident happened,” Dani clarifies.

She shouldn’t have to defend herself, of course, but perhaps that explanation will put people’s minds at ease.

“I am with her now,” Dani writes. “And will continue to be because she means the world to me just as she does to all of you.”

Danie emphasizes: “There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time.”

“There is too much of it in this world as it is,” she explains. She’s right about that.

Dani’s heart goes out to Demi’s fans, many of whom are young and have never dealt with such a sudden health crisis in a pop star.

“I know you’re all feeling lost without her at this moment in time,” Dani writes.

“Remember,” Dani implores them. “That you have always been a community of Lovatics who LOVE.”

Sometimes, a lot of people forget right and wrong when they’re looking at a screen instead of a person’s face.

Writing a message on social media is not the same as screaming into a void.

Dani asks: “Please remember that when you take out your phones and start typing.”

That’s good advice for anyone, not just for Lovatics.

“Remember that we all love her more than we can ever put into words,” Dani reminds the world.

“Please,” Dani concludes. “Continue to send her love during her recovery.”

Of course.

The sad truth of the matter is that there are cases in which friends are at least partly to blame for an overdose.

Factors like peer pressure aside, if someone provides the wrong dosage or the wrong drug, or if they simply fail to check on a person, that person has not been a good friend and may even bear some responsibility for an overdose.

When people who know very few of the facts of an overdose decide that they know exactly what happened, that’s a problem.

To make matters worse, well, they really should not be sending death threats. To anyone. They should not be bombarding Demi’s loved ones with hate now or at any other time.

And, again, Dani literally wasn’t even there for the overdose.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Dani Vitale: Demi Lovato"s BFF Receives Death Threats From Angry Fans

It’s been three days since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life.

Friends, family, and fans of the singer are still reeling from the news, and unfortunately, some have chosen to lash out in destructive ways.

Earlier this week, Lovato’s guitarist, Mike Manning, blamed her friends for the overdose and threatened to “expose them” as addicts.

To be clear, it’s understandable to feel a confusing mix of emotions at a time like this, but unless it turns out those friends held her down and stuck a needle in her arm, it is 100 percent not okay to blame or shame Demi’s fellow users.

If this situation has taught us anything, it’s that addiction doesn’t discriminate, and the addict begging for change on the street deserves to be treated with the same dignity as a multi-platinum recording artist.

Manning hasn’t launched his horrendously ill-conceived campaign yet, but the misdirected outrage from fans who are desperate for someone to blame has already begun, and predictably, it’s made an awful situation considerably worse.

In the hours before her hospitalization, Demi was spotted doing shots at an LA bar.

Sources say she and several friends were celebrating the birthday of Dani Vitale, Demi’s longtime friend and backup dancer.

Little is known about what took place in the hours after the group left the bar, but since Demi was last seen celebrating Dani’s birthday, several foolish fans have decided to exacerbate whatever guilt of grief she might already be feeling by harassing Vitale online.

Insiders claim Vitale has been receiving non-stop hate messages and death threats.

This, despite the fact that she Dani is a teetotaler who has reportedly been a much-needed source of strength for Demi in the dark days following her overdose.

“Dani spent the whole day at the hospital with her,” a source close to Vitale told Radar. “Dani and Demi have known each other for a long time, and are very close.

“She’s very upset about it,” the insider added.

“She is very straight; she doesn’t do drugs.”

Despite the fact that Dani has apparently devoted herself to ensuring that Demi receives the best care and treatment possible, hundreds of fans (many of them tagging the vigilante Manning, of course) have spent their weeks hurling non-stop vitriol at Vitale.

“Fake friend…. f-ck you bitch is toxic,” one such psycho wrote today.

“I’m about to beat this bitch up,” reads another comment on Vitale’s Instagram page.

“Ima brake ur legs if i see you,” a third Demi obsessive commented.

Guys, we don’t know Demi personally, so we hate to speak on her behalf, but we’re pretty sure she’d agree that there are better ways to spend your time and express your concerns than issuing physical threats to her best friend.

Just sayin’. 


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers Completes Community Service, Avoids Jail Time

Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers took a judge’s warning seriously and kicked her required graffiti removal into high gear, so she won’t have to spend time in a jail cell … TMZ has learned. Mathers’ legal team was in court Wednesday and provided proof…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers Warned By Judge, Do Community Service or Go to Jail

Former Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers is slacking … and the judge let her know it. Dani was in court Friday where she was supposed to submit proof of more community hours served as part of her plea in her criminal invasion of privacy…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dani Mathers: CONVICTED in Body-Shaming Case!

You may not remember the name Dani Mathers, but you probably remember the vile conduct that made her a target on social media last year.

In case you forgot, or you just want to be disgusted all over again, here’s what happened:

Mathers took a photo of a nude elderly woman who was changing in a gym locker room and posted it on Snapchat.

To make matters worse, Matters  – who was the 2015 Playboy Playmate of the Year – captioned the photo:

“If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

The backlash was immediate, and Mathers promptly posted a lengthy apology on Twitter:

“I want to acknowledge my post from snapchat earlier. There is no excuse…I understand fully the magnitude of this post,” Mathers tweeted.

She added:

“I’m sorry for what I did… I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing.”

Unfortunately for her, the damage had been done, both in terms of the violation of the woman’s privacy and legal ramifications for Mathers.

Back in September of 2016, the LAPD located the woman the woman and the photo and decided to press charges against Mathers.

Today, the 30-year-old was convicted in Los Angeles County Court, and while many on social media are already clamoring for a harsher sentence, we’re guessing the victim feels vindicated and Mathers has learned her lesson.

In exchange for a lighter sentence, Mathers pled guilty and was offered two options with regard to her punishment:

She could serve 45 days in jail and receive 36 months probation.

Or she could do 30 days of graffiti removal … and also receive 36 months probation.

Not surprisingly, she chose the latter option.

So legally, she got off easy.

But in other ways, Mathers will pay for her crimes for the remainder of her life.

Prior to one of the most egregious social media blunders of all time, Mathers seemed to be successfully transitioning from her role as a Playboy model into the world of mainstream media.

We’re guessing she won’t be seeing any more hosting gigs coming her way for a very long time.


Dani Mathers Convicted in Body Shaming Case (VIDEO)

Former Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers has a choice … either go to jail or do some hard labor, as her punishment for secretly taking a pic of an elderly woman in a gym locker room and then shaming her on social media. Mathers was in court Wednesday…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dani Mathers Nude Gym Photo Case, Prosecutor Wants to Go Hard (PHOTO)

Dani Mathers – the Playboy Playmate who snapped a pic of a naked woman at an L.A. gym and posted it — is barking up the wrong tree by asking the prosecutor to go easy on her. The L.A. City Attorney filed legal docs asking the judge to reject…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dani Mathers Worries Conviction Will Ruin Her Real Estate Career

Dani Mathers is facing way more than a conviction for invasion of privacy for secretly snapping a pic of an elderly woman at a gym … it could ruin what she believes is a promising real estate career. Dani’s lawyer is in court right now,…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers -- Charged with Crime for Snapping Despicable Nude Gym Photo

Dani Mathers – the Playboy Playmate who secretly took a pic of a naked woman at an L.A. gym and then shamed her on social media — has just been charged with the crime of invasion of privacy … TMZ has learned. As we reported, Mathers was at…


Dani Mathers Officially Charged with Invasion of Privacy

Dani Mathers is known for being a Playboy Playmate — Playmate of the Year for 2015, in fact — but these days, her main claim to fame is just being a terrible person.

Back in July, Dani made a series of bad decisions after taking a photo of a woman taking a shower in the locker room of her gym.

She shared the photo on Snapchat — a photo of a naked stranger — and wrote “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.”

She body-shamed the woman so seriously that it was an actual crime.

After the photo went viral, she claimed that she’d meant to send the photo directly to a friend but shared it to all her followers instead, like that makes it OK.

She also wrote an apology on Twitter, acknowledging that “There is no excuse” and that “I understand fully the magnitude of this post and that I have hurt.”

“This mistake has truly made me realize that something that can seem silly in a private conversation isn’t unnecessary,” she wrote.

“All I’ve done here is spread negativity and hate when that isn’t who I am, I chose to model because I appreciate women and their bodies, so me of all people should never make light of another woman’s naked body.”

Sounds like Dani here went to the Farrah Abraham School of Communication, huh?

She didn’t “make light” of the woman in the photo, she took a naked photo of her without her consent, shared it with countless people, and cruelly mocked her appearance on top of it all.

She might be a literal monster.

Even after the apology, Dani was suspended from her radio show gig, and she was banned for life from her gym.

And now things are getting even better, because she’s officially been charged with invasion of privacy.

Justice is real y’all.

It took a while, but the LAPD was able to locate the woman in the photo — a woman in her 70s — and she agreed to cooperate with authorities.

As of now, we don’t have any details about the court case, but we do know that if Dani is convicted on this charge, she’ll face six months in jail.

Yeah, it seems like kind of short sentence, considering that if she is convicted, there’s a good chance she won’t even serve a fraction of those six months.

But this is 2016: we can’t lock her up in the stocks in the town square and throw rotten produce at her, as satisfying as that may be.

We’ll just have to hope that all this, the charges, the backlash, and maybe a few minutes in jail will teach her a lesson about how to behave like a decent human being.


Monday, September 5, 2016

Dani Mathers: Facing Charges For Body-Shaming Gym Pic?

Back in July, former Playmate of the Year Dani Mathers thought it would be funny to take a Snapchat of a naked woman at her LA Fitness gym, and share it.

The caption, which read “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either,” shamed the fellow gym patron and set off a firestorm that saw Mathers not only banned fromall LA Fitness locations, but fired from her gig on KLOS’s Heidi & Frank morning show.

“Her behavior is appalling and puts every member at risk of losing their privacy,” LA Fitness EVP of operations Jill Greuling told the Los Angeles Times.

“Our written rules are very clear: Cellphone usage and photography are prohibited in the locker rooms.”

Now, TMZ has learned that the LAPD has located the victim in the photo – described as a woman in her 70’s – who is ready to testify against Mathers.

The charge, if issued, is Dissemination of Private Images, which is reportedly a misdemeanor which could carry a 6-month jail sentence.

LAPD officers want to make an example of Mathers, whom they believe tried to shame someone who was trying to better herself.

As for Mathers, who was named Playboy’s Playmate of the Year in 2015, she herself issued an apology on Snapchat soon after the incident.

“I just want to acknowledge a photo that I accidentally posted. It was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” the 29-year-old said in the video.

“I chose to do what I do for a living because I love the female body and I know body shaming is wrong, that’s not what I’m about and this is not the type of person I am.

“The photo was taken as part of a personal conversation with a girlfriend and because I am new to Snapchat I didn’t realize I had posted it, and that was a huge mistake.

“I know I have upset a lot of people out there but please believe me this is not the type of person that I am.

“I have never done this before and I will never do this again, you have my word.”

Users on social media didn’t believe Mathers apology, accusing her of only being sorry because she got caught.

“I’m sorry for what I did,” she wrote on Twitter.  “I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing. Goodnight.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Woman Shares Naked Facebook Photo, Takes Aim at Dani Mathers

Christine Blackmon has a message for Dani Mathers.

You remember Dani Mathers, right?

A Playboy centerfold, Mathers made headlines this month when she body-shamed a woman at the gym.

Upon seeing this woman naked in the locker room, Mathers took a picture, shared it on social media and wrote as a caption:

“If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.”

It was a rather heinous action for Mathers to take

Mathers pic

And the repercussions were fierce, first in the form of backlash online and then in Mathers getting fired.

She was also banned from every single LA Fitness location, which is pretty awesome.

Now, Blackmon has taken her own form of revenge against the 2015 Playmate of the Year.

“About a month ago, I was changing to work out. I caught my husband taking my picture so I posed playfully due to the obvious absurdity of it all,” she wrote on Facebook.

She penned the message alongside with the image in a post addressed to Mathers.

“Later, I saw the picture and begged him to delete it. I hated it – all I saw were lumps and bumps. He simply smiled and softly said, ‘I think it’s beautiful.’

“So I let him keep it.”

This is Blackmon’s photo:

naked woman

“Not all of us work out to be ‘hot,’ ” she continued.

“Some of us work out simply to honor the bodies we were given. That’s all that woman was trying to do and you violated her. Shame on you.”

Mathers has apologized for her inappropriate Snapchat post with an apology video on the media-sharing platform.

“That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” she said. “I know that body shaming is wrong. That is not the type of person I am.”

Obviously it is the kind of person Mathers is, or at least the kind of person Mathers was.

Concluded Blackmon is our new favorite Facebook post of all-time:

I bet I could get 100s of women to post their beautiful bodies and regardless of size, shape or color, they will ALL be more beautiful than the ugliness you showed in that post.

So, #‎DaniMathers, I’d like to introduce you to my 5’10”, 194lb lumpy, bumpy glory.

#‎UnSeeTHIS #‎AllBodiesAreBeautiful

Woman Shares Naked Facebook Photo, Takes Aim at Dani Mathers

Christine Blackmon has a message for Dani Mathers.

You remember Dani Mathers, right?

A Playboy centerfold, Mathers made headlines this month when she body-shamed a woman at the gym.

Upon seeing this woman naked in the locker room, Mathers took a picture, shared it on social media and wrote as a caption:

“If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.”

It was a rather heinous action for Mathers to take

Mathers pic

And the repercussions were fierce, first in the form of backlash online and then in Mathers getting fired.

She was also banned from every single LA Fitness location, which is pretty awesome.

Now, Blackmon has taken her own form of revenge against the 2015 Playmate of the Year.

“About a month ago, I was changing to work out. I caught my husband taking my picture so I posed playfully due to the obvious absurdity of it all,” she wrote on Facebook.

She penned the message alongside with the image in a post addressed to Mathers.

“Later, I saw the picture and begged him to delete it. I hated it – all I saw were lumps and bumps. He simply smiled and softly said, ‘I think it’s beautiful.’

“So I let him keep it.”

This is Blackmon’s photo:

naked woman

“Not all of us work out to be ‘hot,’ ” she continued.

“Some of us work out simply to honor the bodies we were given. That’s all that woman was trying to do and you violated her. Shame on you.”

Mathers has apologized for her inappropriate Snapchat post with an apology video on the media-sharing platform.

“That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” she said. “I know that body shaming is wrong. That is not the type of person I am.”

Obviously it is the kind of person Mathers is, or at least the kind of person Mathers was.

Concluded Blackmon is our new favorite Facebook post of all-time:

I bet I could get 100s of women to post their beautiful bodies and regardless of size, shape or color, they will ALL be more beautiful than the ugliness you showed in that post.

So, #‎DaniMathers, I’d like to introduce you to my 5’10”, 194lb lumpy, bumpy glory.

#‎UnSeeTHIS #‎AllBodiesAreBeautiful

Friday, July 15, 2016

Dani Mathers: Body-Shaming Playmate FIRED & Banned From Gym!

Yesterday, the Internet went absolutely bonkers (as it’s wont to do) over the story of former Playboy model Dani Mathers and her shocking act of body shaming.

A photo that Mathers posted on Snapchat showed a woman undressing in a gym locker room.

Mathers captioned the pic, “If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

Predictably the backlash was swift and harsh.

Mathers was criticized for bullying an unsuspecting gym patron who thought she was changing in relative privacy.

Some went so far as to circulate a petition demanding that Mathers be arrested for violating the woman’s privacy.

Mathers deleted her Twitter account in the wake of the incident, but today it’s more apparent than ever that this is one controversy she won’t be able to hide from.

For several years, Mathers has been a regular on the Heidi and Frank radio show on LA’s KLOS station.

TMZ reported moments ago that the station has suspended Mathers indefinitely.

The site also spoke with a representative from LA Fitness – the nationwide fitness chain where the pic was snapped – who says that the 2015 Playmate of the Year is permanently banned from all locations.

According to the rep, Mathers is “not permitted back at any club, ever” as a result of her actions.

Mathers issued a lengthy apology yesterday, but has yet to speak on these recent developments.

We think it’s safe to say, however, that she regrets ever taking the photo, which she claims was intended for a friend, not as public Snapchat story.

Unfortunately for her, the same Internet that helped make her famous is now doling out its unique brand of retribution.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dani Mathers: Playboy Model Body-Shames Stranger, Gets SLAMMED on Social Media

In 2016, most public figures have the sense to keep the douchiest parts of their personalities under wraps.

Sadly, it seems Playboy model and inexplicably mega-popular social media star Dani Mathers can afford neither a PR team nor a sense of basic human decency.

Yesterday Mathers posted a photo of a naked woman in the locker room of her gym, along with a caption reading:

“If I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

Yes, obviously what Mathers did was more than just plain wrong, it was incredibly tone deaf.

Countless celebrities have spoken out about the serious problem of online body-shaming in recent months, and it’s unimaginable that a young woman with a major web following would think that’s even remotely okay.

That said, Mathers did post a lengthy, and seemingly genuinely contrite apology on Twitter shortly after the image went viral:

I want to acknowledge my post from snapchat earlier. There is no excuse…I understand fully the magnitude of this post and that I have hurt

“This mistake has truly made me realize that something that can seem silly in a private conversation isn’t unnecessary. All I’ve done here is

“Spread negativity and hate when that isn’t who I am. I chose to model because I appreciate women and their bodies, so me of all people,

“[I] should never make light of another woman’s naked body.”

Before deleting her account entirely, Mathers added:

“I’m sorry for what I did… I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing. Goodnight.”

It goes without saying that what Mathers did was deplorable beyond description.

That said, her apology seems genuine, and then online smear campaign against her has turned truly ugly.

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, think of Cersei Lannister in Season 5.

She did some awful, awful things, but seeing her forced to walk naked through King’s Landing while being pelted with fruit was still incredibly tough to watch.

Think of that next time you’re tempted to eviscerate a stranger online, and if you’re not familiar with the show, just remember this oft-quoted chestnut:

“Let he who has never accidentally posted a nude throw the first shade. – St. Anthony Weiner