Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

Cardi B Rejecting Photo Offers to Protect Baby Kulture"s Privacy

Cardi B’s baby girl won’t make her public debut if her mama gets her way because, despite a flood of offers from media outlets … she’s keeping Kulture under wraps. Sources close to Cardi tell TMZ … multiple magazines, websites and photo agencies…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lindsey Vonn Says Nude Photo Hack "Despicable Invasion of Privacy"

Lindsey Vonn is furious at whoever hacked her phone and leaked private nude photos online — calling the actions “despicable” and vowing legal revenge against the scumbag who did it. As we previously reported, the hacker not only found personal pics…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Dani Mathers Officially Charged with Invasion of Privacy

Dani Mathers is known for being a Playboy Playmate — Playmate of the Year for 2015, in fact — but these days, her main claim to fame is just being a terrible person.

Back in July, Dani made a series of bad decisions after taking a photo of a woman taking a shower in the locker room of her gym.

She shared the photo on Snapchat — a photo of a naked stranger — and wrote “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either.”

She body-shamed the woman so seriously that it was an actual crime.

After the photo went viral, she claimed that she’d meant to send the photo directly to a friend but shared it to all her followers instead, like that makes it OK.

She also wrote an apology on Twitter, acknowledging that “There is no excuse” and that “I understand fully the magnitude of this post and that I have hurt.”

“This mistake has truly made me realize that something that can seem silly in a private conversation isn’t unnecessary,” she wrote.

“All I’ve done here is spread negativity and hate when that isn’t who I am, I chose to model because I appreciate women and their bodies, so me of all people should never make light of another woman’s naked body.”

Sounds like Dani here went to the Farrah Abraham School of Communication, huh?

She didn’t “make light” of the woman in the photo, she took a naked photo of her without her consent, shared it with countless people, and cruelly mocked her appearance on top of it all.

She might be a literal monster.

Even after the apology, Dani was suspended from her radio show gig, and she was banned for life from her gym.

And now things are getting even better, because she’s officially been charged with invasion of privacy.

Justice is real y’all.

It took a while, but the LAPD was able to locate the woman in the photo — a woman in her 70s — and she agreed to cooperate with authorities.

As of now, we don’t have any details about the court case, but we do know that if Dani is convicted on this charge, she’ll face six months in jail.

Yeah, it seems like kind of short sentence, considering that if she is convicted, there’s a good chance she won’t even serve a fraction of those six months.

But this is 2016: we can’t lock her up in the stocks in the town square and throw rotten produce at her, as satisfying as that may be.

We’ll just have to hope that all this, the charges, the backlash, and maybe a few minutes in jail will teach her a lesson about how to behave like a decent human being.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Orlando Bloom Nude Pics: Invasion Of Privacy or Well-Deserved Praise?

Photos of Orlando Bloom paddle boarding in the nude were published yesterday, prompting the internet gave a collective “WOW!”

To some, it appeared to be a harmless photo of a good-looking actor enjoying himself on holiday.

To others, it was a clear invasion of privacy, and those photos never should have seen the light of day.

The thing is, Bloom wasn’t photographed in his hotel room, or somewhere where he expects a reasonable amount of protection.

This was out on the ocean, and Bloom was paddling along with girlfriend Katy Perry at the helm of his board.

A post on Bustle deemed this a glaring example of the double-standard when it comes to nude photos.  Had this been a woman, the writer argues, the internet would have been up in arms.

To be fair, Bloom did not consent to the release of these photos.

On the other hand, he’s stark naked in broad daylight.  On the ocean.

Bloom’s 2013 interview with Elle was referenced, in which the British actor got candid about his preference for being nudity after filming Zulu, which he said he had to get in (naked) shape for.  All of a sudden, he didn’t mind walking around stark naked.

“I got so comfortable [being naked]… It is what it is. It’s flesh and bone. It’s all we are,” he explained.

The photos spurred a slew of funny GIFs, most of which were complimentary of the actor’s…assets? Yes, as a woman I should know better, and should be angry that this is violating someone and we shouldn’t be oogling someone’s body parts.

Yet, at the end of the day, it was more or less a celebration of some guy who enjoys the paddle boarding in the nude, and who doesn’t seem to care that he could very well end up on the front page of a newspaper.

And for those of you who still feel the need to oogle, uncensored photos are still on the interweb.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio: Why He Needed "Privacy" After Oscar Win

Sometimes we all just need a brief time-out from the malarkey.

Such was the case for Best Actor winner Leonardo DiCaprio, who finally took home an Oscar for his role in The Revenant.

Producers thew DiCaprio a bone during his acceptance speech, allowing the environmentalist to speak about his personal causes without the interruption of cut-off music.

“Making The Revenant was about man’s relationship to the natural world…climate change is real.  It is happening right now,” DiCaprio told the audience.

“It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations but for all people.

“Let us not take our planet for granted,” he said, wrapping up his speech.  “I do not take tonight for granted.”

After, DiCaprio and his entourage headed to the Governor’s Ball, held atop the Dolby Theater in Hollywood.

According to the Daily Mail, DiCaprio briefly lost track of his mother, Irmelin Indenbirken inside the party/

“Where’s my mom?” he asked, as members of his crew went in search of her.

“I’m so hungry,” Dicaprio admitted before eating slice of chicken pizza (OSCAR WINNERS GET HUNGRY, TOO).

The famously private actor is press-shy and doesn’t grant many interviews, so it was no surprise that he was overwhelmed by the amount of people and photographers who approached him at the party.

The Daily Mail reports that DiCaprio “begged to be allowed to eat in peace” at his table, which was soon “ringed” so as to let him decompress in peace.

“Leo is asking for a little bit of privacy,” one of his security guards told well-wishers.

After the ball, TMZ filmed DiCaprio going into Ago Restaurant and enjoying his vaporizer, as you do.

Apparently one of DiCaprio’s crew members assigned to Oscar forgot something important, because someone was seen running after DiCaprio’s car with the statue.

Good news, though; a bottle of of alcohol did make it into the vehicle. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Privacy Matters

The issue of privacy was at the center of The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2.

Let’s start with the Case of the Week, which found Alicia and Luca teaming up to defend a young man who believed his mom violated his right to privacy by using naked pictures of him as a child in her artwork.

This was not a criminal case, but rather a civil one in which Alicia wanted an injunction against the museum that was planned an exhibit around the pictures.

Eventually, a settlement was arrived at and Alicia earned $ 32,000 for one week’s worth of work.

Well, $ 16,000 because she gave half of that to Luca. And then at least $ 80 less than that because that was the fee Grace charged for her new job.

(And may we say that Grace as Alicia’s assistant is far more entertaining than Grace as Alicia’s very religious daughter?)

Alicia did NOT win any money as a the result of her private investigator’s work, however, as she selected the wrong person for the job and fired her new employee after just one case.

She then (sort of) went crawling back to Jason Crouse, a charismatic investigator played by the beloved Jeffrey Dean Morhan.

For reasons unknown (a crush?), he took far less money per hour to work non-exclusively for Alicia than he was offered to work exclusively for Diane and company.

But the episode ended on his smile and it’s safe to say Jason is about to play a major role on the show.

Finally, we get to the campaign.

Eli was able to wrangle a show of public support for Alicia from the Chicago head of the Democratic party, but not before he gave Alicia a seat on the electoral committee.

Yay, assumed Eli.

But he’s unaware that that the DNC Chairman made Alicia promise to vote nay on the first vote of which she’s a part.

Just how dirty is Alicia about to get her hands in order to eventually see this loser removed from office, which is her and Eli’s grand goal?

There’s a question to ponder in the days ahead until the next new episode.

You can also visit TV Fanatic to watch The Good Wife online until then in order to be sure you’re all caught up.