Monday, October 12, 2015

The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Privacy Matters

The issue of privacy was at the center of The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2.

Let’s start with the Case of the Week, which found Alicia and Luca teaming up to defend a young man who believed his mom violated his right to privacy by using naked pictures of him as a child in her artwork.

This was not a criminal case, but rather a civil one in which Alicia wanted an injunction against the museum that was planned an exhibit around the pictures.

Eventually, a settlement was arrived at and Alicia earned $ 32,000 for one week’s worth of work.

Well, $ 16,000 because she gave half of that to Luca. And then at least $ 80 less than that because that was the fee Grace charged for her new job.

(And may we say that Grace as Alicia’s assistant is far more entertaining than Grace as Alicia’s very religious daughter?)

Alicia did NOT win any money as a the result of her private investigator’s work, however, as she selected the wrong person for the job and fired her new employee after just one case.

She then (sort of) went crawling back to Jason Crouse, a charismatic investigator played by the beloved Jeffrey Dean Morhan.

For reasons unknown (a crush?), he took far less money per hour to work non-exclusively for Alicia than he was offered to work exclusively for Diane and company.

But the episode ended on his smile and it’s safe to say Jason is about to play a major role on the show.

Finally, we get to the campaign.

Eli was able to wrangle a show of public support for Alicia from the Chicago head of the Democratic party, but not before he gave Alicia a seat on the electoral committee.

Yay, assumed Eli.

But he’s unaware that that the DNC Chairman made Alicia promise to vote nay on the first vote of which she’s a part.

Just how dirty is Alicia about to get her hands in order to eventually see this loser removed from office, which is her and Eli’s grand goal?

There’s a question to ponder in the days ahead until the next new episode.

You can also visit TV Fanatic to watch The Good Wife online until then in order to be sure you’re all caught up.