Showing posts with label Praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praise. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Michelle Duggar Soaks Up Praise on Mother"s Day ... But Does She Deserve It?

Americans from coast to coast celebrated Mother’s Day this past Sunday, and naturally, the members of the Duggar clan pulled out all the stops to honor their matriarch.

After all, with the adoption of Tyler Duggar, Michelle is now a mother of 20, so if anyone deserves a day to relax and be pampered, it’s her.

Now, if you’re a member of the Duggars’ army of devoted fans, then you probably see absolutely no problem with that statement.

But if you count yourself among the equally sizable ranks of Duggar detractors, then you may have just thrown up in your mouth a little.

Obviously, there are lots of folks who take issue with Michelle’s approach to parenting, but the continuum of criticism is vast:

Some feel she’s harmlessly inept, a brainwashed victim of the fundamentalist patriarchy.

Others believe Michelle is something much, much worse – an abuser, an enabler, and a willing participant in a community that sanctions rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Of course, as we’re reminded every year at this time, Michelle’s husband and many children think she’s just the bee’s knees:

That’s Jim Bob’s annual creepy Mother’s Day video, and as usual, he and several of his kids acted less like seasoned reality stars, and more like members of a forgotten tribe who are vaguely frightened that the camera is sucking out their souls.

Now, depending on which of the aforementioned camps you fall into, you’re either thinking that Michelle must be one hell of a mom to have earned such devotion from her kids, or you’re marveling at how well she’s trained her children to convey counterfeit emotions.

If you’re in the former category, you might be wondering how anyone could think such awful things about such an ostensibly sweet woman.

We don’t have time to get into all of the complaints against Michelle, but here’s a brief rundown of why her toughest critics think she deserves punishment, not praise:

For starters, there’s the matter of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Now, Michelle obviously had no direct involvement in the molestation of her four eldest daughters, but there are those who believe that when she was presented with an opportunity to put and to the abuse, she did nothing.

Whatever the case, Michelle definitely helped Josh avoid prosecution, which many believe makes her an active participant in some truly horrendous crimes.

And that’s not the only time that Michelle has condones abuse.

The 51-year-old is a proponent of “blanket training” which is a technique in which children as young as 6 months old are seated on a blanket and told to stay put.

If they move, they are struck with a ruler or some other blunt instrument.

The Duggars are supporters of controversial child behavior “experts” Michael and Debi Pearl, who originated the technique.

The Pearls co-authored a book called How to Train a Child, which the Duggars reportedly consider their personal child-rearing bible.

Within a year of its release, the book was found in multiple homes of children who died at their parents’ hands.

As we said, the list goes on and on with Michelle, with some even going so far as to accuse her of abusing her daughters by forcing them to dress in floor-length skirts in all weather and no matter what sort of activity they’re engaged in.

We’ll leave up to you to decide if Michelle should be condemned or emulated.

But clearly there’s no denying that she’s a more complex figure than most of her fans would like to think.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"The Gifted" Stars Coby Bell & Emma Dumont Praise Marvel"s 1st Muslim Hero

Marvel says it’s bringing its first Muslim superhero to the big screen, and a couple of the universe’s smaller screen actors say it’s about time … ‘cause we need a new normal. We ran into Coby Bell and Emma Dumont at LAX — who both star in FOX’s…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Taylor Swift"s "September" Cover Gets Praise from Earth, Wind & Fire"s Philip Bailey

Taylor Swift’s new version of the Earth, Wind and Fire classic, “September,” might be getting slammed by haters, but it’s a hit with the group’s lead singer, Philip Bailey. Philip weighed in on Taylor’s acoustic, country rendition of their…


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Magic Johnson Heaps Praise on LaVar Ball After Threat to Pull Lozno from Lakers

Magic Johnson  is the consummate diplomat, turning LaVar Ball’s threat to yank Lonzo from the Lakers into a testament on parenthood. The beloved President of Basketball Operations for the Lakers was leaving Mastro’s in Bev Hills Friday night…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Colin Kaepernick: GQ Man Of The Year 2017 Earns Praise, Outrage!

Aside from actual politicians, there have been few public figures more polarizing in the last couple of years than Colin Kaepernick.

We live in a time of celebrities accused of abuse and sexual assault and of total lunatics holding political office. But there are still millions of people riled up about Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem.

So when GQ made Colin Kaepernick their Man Of The Year for 2017, they knew that they were stirring the pot a little.

First of all, this is not even Colin Kaepernick’s first GQ cover.

But last time, he was considerably less controversial. He was mostly known for, what? Being hot?

Like, a third of football players are known for that. Because they’re athletes.

But Colin became controversial in the fall of 2016, when he knelt rather than stood for the US National Anthem.

Though the Anthem has been played at football games (and other sport events), the tradition of NFL players standing for the Anthem dates back to … 2009.

Colin Kaepernick made it clear at the time that he was protesting against the unjust killings, by police officers, of unarmed black people throughout the US. We’ve all heard story after story of this happening, with some of the victims being children.

Kaepernick also made it clear that the fact that the perpetrators of these killings then getting paid leave and so frequently (almost always) never seeing the inside of a jail cell despite having killed someone and abused their position was further cause for protest.

Colin Kaepernick also pledged $ 1 million to charities that help communities in need, putting his money where his mouth is in his effort to make the world a better place.

And he started a movement of other athletes — at the professional level, but also of young children — kneeling to protest against injustice. Other, white NFL players knelt in solidarity with their teammates and with the countless others who face systemic oppression.

But in the course of the 2016 election season and the controversy, sometimes that message got muddled. So Kapernick was happy to be featured by GQ in order to “reclaim the narrative of his protest.”

GQ writes about Colin Kaepernick:

“He’s been vilified by millions and locked out of the NFL — all because he took a knee to protest police brutality.”

That’s true.

“Colin Kaepernick’s determined stand puts him in rare company in sports history: Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson — athletes who risked everything to make a difference.”

He’ll be remembered in history for it, that’s for sure.

“He is still, to this day, one of the most gifted quarterbacks on earth.”

(I’m not even a sports fan by any measure, but even I knew that)

“And yet he has been locked out of the game he loves — blackballed — because of one simple gesture: He knelt during the playing of our national anthem.”

He’s suing over that, by the way, accusing the NFL of collusion with team owners.

“And he did it for a clear reason, one that has been lost in the yearlong storm that followed.”

We’ll get to that confusion in a moment, but yeah, the original meaning has been somewhat lost.

But GQ reminds us of the original intent:

“He did it to protest systemic oppression and, more specifically, as he said repeatedly at the time, police brutality toward black people.”

That’s important, folks.

It’s easy to forget — in light of the current political climate and Trump, a sitting President, referring to kneeling American athletes as “sons of bitches” — that Kaepernick’s

Though one could argue that his protest is against much of what Donald Trump and his voter base represent: white supremacy, unfettered violence, and a level of feverish nationalism that actual patriots find horrifying.

But Obama was President (remember that? It feels like that was years ago, not 10 months) when Kaepernick first took a knee.

It was Trump who made this — all of the kneeling athletes — about himself.

The result is that some diehard Trump fans are boycotting the NFL.

Many of those who are outraged seem to be fuming that these successful athletes are protesting, believing that it’s “anti-American” … even though, historically, protesting injustice is one of the most quintessentially American things that one can do.

In many cases, racism seems to be an underlying factor behind the anger being directed at NFL players. That’s fitting, since institutionalized racism and the resulting violence is what those players who take a knee are protesting in the first place.

(GQ is only the latest magazine to make Kaepernick’s protest its cover story)

As you can probably imagine, they’re not loving that Colin Kaepernick is GQ‘s Man Of The Year.

As you can also probably imagine, the responses are pretty divided along party lines.

The decision has earned mostly praise form the political Left and scorn from the political Right.

Some have professed a more nuanced view, citing that they support Colin Kaepernick’s right to protest … but don’t think that he makes the best symbol of a push for change.

Why? Because he didn’t vote in the 2016 election. Some say that it’s hypocritical for him to lose his career fighting for justice but not wield his sovereign rights as a citizen to actually fight injustice at the polls.

Like we said, he’s a very polarizing guy.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez Dodges Harvey Weinstein Question, Gives High Praise to Women

Michelle Rodriguez was into pasta but not hot potatoes at a West Hollywood restaurant Friday night, because she wasn’t touching the Harvey Weinstein scandal … not with a 10 foot pole. Michelle was leaving Madeo when our photog asked about the…


Monday, August 28, 2017

MTV Awards, Celebrities Have High Praise for Show

The MTV Awards were a big hit Sunday night with celebs who eyeballed it at The Forum … to a person they had high praise. We got Jared Leto, Mel B, Heidi Klum, Post Malone, Joe Jonas, Kylie Jenner, Shawn Mendes, Nina Dobrev and Jessie J at the…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kim Kardashian, Meghan Markle Praise Serena Williams: She"ll Make SUCH a Great Mom!

Serena Williams is having a baby, you guys! … That’s not new information, but it’s still exciting, you know?

Serena, who didn’t plan this pregnancy, clearly has some lingering insecurities about herself as a mother, as she discusses in this interview.

But if you listen to Kim Kardashian and Meghan Markle’s assessment, it’s easy to picture Serena Williams as a fantastic mother. Just see what they have to say. …

First of all, we should just address the fact that some people think that Serena Williams is a mean or intense person.

She’s obviously hella intense on the tennis court, because she’s perhaps the greatest athlete on the face of the planet.

But, like, we’ve all seen Michael Phelps seethe in some sort of furious Sith meditation before swimming, but nobody has this image in their mind that he’s a sports machine or an unkind person.

Maybe it’s a “resting bitchface” thing … or maybe it’s that centuries of racism and racist caricatures tells people that black women are supposed to fit into one of just a few niches.

So they assume that Serena Williams fits a stereotype of being unfriendly or rude or aggressive because that’s what they see of her on the court, and mostly they’ve just seen her on the court.

Folks, let’s be better than that, okay?

As she admits in her Vogue interview, Serena Williams has some doubts of her own about what sort of mother she’s going to be.

Like most first-time parents.

Mostly because she’s been career-focused and because she and her fiance, Alexis Ohanian, didn’t plan this pregnancy.

They don’t know what kind of genitals their baby’s going to have (so they won’t be having one of those absurd gender-reveal parties — I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but those parties and the photos from them are ridiculous.

Right now, Serena says that the thing that she is sure of is that she wants an epidural.

(Basically always the right choice, folks)

But, like we said, she has some parenting insecurities.

“The biggest thing is that I don’t really think I’m a baby person. Not yet.”

That is perfectly okay.

For most people, oxytocin and other hormones and millions of years of instincts kick in and kind of turn you into a ridiculously affectionate baby person.

“That’s something I have to work on. I’m so used to me-me-me, taking care of my health, my body, my career. I always ask, ‘Am I going to be good enough?"”

A lot of people choose to not have children because they want to take care of themselves.

But the fact that she’s wondering if she’s going to be good enough is a good sign, you know?

If we look at other celebrities who’ve gone from someone you couldn’t imagine as a parent to seeming totally on top of being a mom, that transformation seems pretty natural.

Kim Kardashian’s said that becoming a parent totally changed her. That happens a lot.

Kim Kardashian also spoke to Vogue about the sort of person Serena Williams is, and what sort of mother she’ll be.

“I wish people could see her silly side!”

We do, too — we don’t really think of Serena as a particularly silly person. Because we don’t see that side to her.

“She is obsessed with karaoke, which personally is my biggest fear in life.”

Always interesting to know people’s biggest fears.

Please, Kim, continue.

“I remember a dinner in San Francisco before a DNC fundraiser. Serena sang, [former U.S. President Barack Obama] sang. [Kanye West] sang. sang.”

Obviously this was before Kanye West had his breakdown and spouted off alarming political messages.

But that must have been amazing.

“It was legendary. She gives herself those moments — it’s how she recharges.”

So Serena’s an extrovert, then?

An introvert might enjoy singing in public, but feel drained by it. Only an extrovert could recharge by doing it, you know?

“Serena’s the girl you can call and say anything to. She’ll never judge you, and she’s never too busy for you. Oh, and she can keep any secret.”

Now we’re wondering what secrets of Kim’s she’s kept over the years, but … we suppose that we’ll never know.

You know who else has an opinion on Serena Williams’ potential skill as a prospective parent?

Meghan Markle.

The Suits actress and reasonably probable future member of the British Royal Family had some high praise for the tennis champion:

“She will be an amazing mom. The very best, because she is so attuned to balancing strength and sensitivity.”

That sounds really great. Fewer name-drops than Kim’s anecdote, but a better assessment of character.

Like Kim Kardashian, Meghan Markle brings up Serena Williams’ legendary fondness for karaoke.

“Plus, given that she is pretty epic at karaoke, I think she’ll put her signature Serena spin on singing lullabies for the baby. I can’t wait for that!”

That’s really cute to imagine.

Obviously, no one knows exactly what sort of parent Serena Williams will make.

But considering that she’s seemed to have zero chill about being the best at tennis — or, apparently, at karaoke — it’s hard to picture her not giving motherhood her all.

We hope that, when the time comes, Serena has an easy time with the delivery.

Alexis is not a short man, so there’s a definite possibility that Serena’s baby is going to put her through the wringer on the way out.

Welcome to motherhood, Serena.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Tupac Inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with Praise from Snoop (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

It was a long time in coming, but Tupac Shakur got his place in history Friday night … inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with a stirring speech from Snoop Dogg. Snoop was poetic, calling Tupac a human contraction and going on to…


Tupac Inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with Praise from Snoop (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

It was a long time in coming, but Tupac Shakur got his place in history Friday night … inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with a stirring speech from Snoop Dogg. Snoop was poetic, calling Tupac a human contraction and going on to…


Friday, August 5, 2016

Orlando Bloom Nude Pics: Invasion Of Privacy or Well-Deserved Praise?

Photos of Orlando Bloom paddle boarding in the nude were published yesterday, prompting the internet gave a collective “WOW!”

To some, it appeared to be a harmless photo of a good-looking actor enjoying himself on holiday.

To others, it was a clear invasion of privacy, and those photos never should have seen the light of day.

The thing is, Bloom wasn’t photographed in his hotel room, or somewhere where he expects a reasonable amount of protection.

This was out on the ocean, and Bloom was paddling along with girlfriend Katy Perry at the helm of his board.

A post on Bustle deemed this a glaring example of the double-standard when it comes to nude photos.  Had this been a woman, the writer argues, the internet would have been up in arms.

To be fair, Bloom did not consent to the release of these photos.

On the other hand, he’s stark naked in broad daylight.  On the ocean.

Bloom’s 2013 interview with Elle was referenced, in which the British actor got candid about his preference for being nudity after filming Zulu, which he said he had to get in (naked) shape for.  All of a sudden, he didn’t mind walking around stark naked.

“I got so comfortable [being naked]… It is what it is. It’s flesh and bone. It’s all we are,” he explained.

The photos spurred a slew of funny GIFs, most of which were complimentary of the actor’s…assets? Yes, as a woman I should know better, and should be angry that this is violating someone and we shouldn’t be oogling someone’s body parts.

Yet, at the end of the day, it was more or less a celebration of some guy who enjoys the paddle boarding in the nude, and who doesn’t seem to care that he could very well end up on the front page of a newspaper.

And for those of you who still feel the need to oogle, uncensored photos are still on the interweb.