Showing posts with label Deserve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deserve. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Conor McGregor"s a "Quitter," Doesn"t Deserve Rematch, Says Khabib"s Manager

QUITTERS DON’T DESERVE REMATCHES … so says Khabib Nurmagomedov’s manager who says Conor McGregor fought so poorly at UFC 229 that he doesn’t deserve another crack at the champ.  “This guy, he quit,” Ali Abdelaziz tells TMZ Sports … “How…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

UFC"s Khabib Says Conor Doesn"t Deserve a Fight, But Will Still Mess Him Up

Khabib Nurmagomedov says Conor McGregor ain’t worthy of stepping inside the Octagon with him … but would love the opportunity to kick his ass … and get paid for it. TMZ Sports talked to Khabib in NYC on Thursday … and when we asked…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Wendy Williams: I Deserve an Emmy More than ANYONE!!

There’s no better talk show host in the business than Wendy Williams … according to Wendy Williams.

So when the 2018 Emmy Award nominees were announced and Wendy received a whopping zero nominations, she was totally perplexed.

She just can’t understand how someone could watch her show and not shower her with accolades.

In an interview with Elle, Wendy Williams questions why she wasn’t nominated for an Emmy for her talk show.

“Who’s a better talk show host?!” Wendy asks.

We don’t think that she’s looking for answers; she would probably be offended by suggestions. She is asking this rhetorically.

“Don’t have one! Don’t have one!” Wendy insists. “Will probably never get one.”

“But it’s okay,” Wendy says. “You know why? Because I’ve got the power of the people.”

She means that her show is watched by many people, which she — despite her disbelief over a lack of nominations — values more than she values an award.

“This show is exactly what I would be watching if I [weren’t] doing it,” Wendy says. “There’s nothing out there forced.”

True. But, as many people, even those who watch top-notch scripted shows that were snubbed, have noticed, your average awards show voters are not the same as your average viewer.

“I do the show from a place of good,” Wendy says. “With a kind heart. And nobody to pay my bills. I can’t get slick.”

Some would question how that part about a kind heart could be true, since Wendy mostly seems to revel in the misery of the rich and famous.

“I need this job. I didn’t grow up rich,” Wendy says. “I like it here on TV. With finery.”

“I’m saying what I think,” Wendy says, defending the things that she says on television. “What I think, a lot of people think. They’re just too afraid to say it.”

That sounds an awful lot like what certain demographics said about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Not everyone’s first thought is the worst possible thing that they could say.

Admittedly, sometimes, Wendy does speak the truth.

At other times, though, she says ridiculous things that no reasonable person with the facts would ever believe.

We’re talking about a woman who had the audacity to accuse Britney Spears of being a bad mother just months ago. Absurd.

Wendy also spoke on her show about her birthday.

“When you turn 54,” Wendy says. “A lot of times you don’t have a lot of people around you that you used to know or the people that nurtured you to get to that age do you know what I mean?”

“So,” Wendy announces. “My mom and dad are here, my best friend flew in from California. She’s in the office on my couch laying back.” 

“My sister Wanda is coming,” Wendy says. “Our son, Kevin, he’s 17 and he’s in Chicago now on business.”

Some are kind of at a loss to think of what sort of business a 17-year-old could possibly have, unless he’s looking at colleges.

“You look for the things that make you happy,” Wendy says. “It’s not about gifts after a certain age.”

Wendy Williams is estimated to have a net worth of about $ 60 million. So … we’re not sure what her family could possibly buy her.

Also speaking on her show, Wendy says that she’s very happy in her relationship.

“My husband and I still hold hands,” Wendy reveals. “And we love each other very, very much.”

Less than a year ago, Wendy Williams stood by her husband amidst ugly cheating rumors.

“I turned a messy little radio career into this mess,” Wendy says. “I feel very, very happy.”

Well, she’s successful, so she should be happy.

But … being happy and having a show that deserves an Emmy are not the same thing. Though the shows most deserving of awards are not always nominated.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Ice Cube to Donald Trump, BIG3 Plane Heroes Deserve White House Invite!

Ice Cube says Michael Rapaport deserves a trip to the White House for his heroics on a flight after a BIG3 game over the weekend … and he’s sending a message directly to Donald Trump.  As we previously reported, Rapaport (the BIG3…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I Deserve an Engagement Just Like Ariana Grande!!

After dating for only about a month, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are engaged. They’re both adults and they both deserve happiness, so good for them.

But while fans are so happy for Ariana, one person is reportedly less than overjoyed: Kylie Jenner.

Seeing Ariana get engaged after just a month really rubs it in that she has a 4-month-old baby from Travis Scott … but no ring.

HollywoodLife reports that Kylie envies Ariana’s engagement and is stepping up her game when 

“Kylie is a bit jealous of Ariana and her sudden engagement,” their source reveals.

We can understand that. Though Ariana is more than four years older than Kylie, so she’s at an age where getting engaged and married is a little more normal.

The insider continues: “Kylie is now pressuring Travis to pop the question ASAP.”

That is very interesting to hear.

“And,” the source adds. “She wants a massive ring too.”

TMZ reports that Pete Davidson spent about $ 93,000 to have Ariana’s engagement ring specially made over two weeks.

Apparently, this extremely romantic story has Kylie’s ring finger feeling bereft.

The source dishes: “Kylie hasn’t stopped talking to Travis about getting married since she found out about Ariana.”

To be fair, it’s only been a couple of days since that news broke. But that’s still … a lot of alleged chatter.

“Kylie doesn’t understand what Travis is waiting for,” the insider claims.

One might guess that Travis is waiting until he’s known Kylie for a little longer, or until he’s sure that her family’s okay with it.

The source explains Kylie’s impatience: “They love each other, have a baby together and have been together long enough.”

It sounds like it’s reached the point of actually getting under Kylie’s skin.

“She is frustrated the Travis is making her wait,” the insider says.

And Ariana’s happiness is coming across a little like salt in her wound.

The source explains: “Kylie finds it so romantic that Pete proposed to Ariana after only a few weeks dating.”

It is definitely romantic. And while some question the wisdom behind it, Ariana and Pete are both (actual) adults and real sweethearts and are entitled to make their life choices.

But the source says that Kylie is envious, “and she wants Travis to step up and do something romantic for her too!”

There are many, many good reasons to become engaged to someone.

Maybe you’re in love. Maybe someone needs to get on your insurance. Maybe you both need to make certain that you cannot be compelled to testify against each other in a court of law.

But you know what’s never a good reason?

That some other woman got engaged.

Kylie and Travis have a daughter. If they get married for the wrong reasons, it may doom their relationship.

Stormi doesn’t deserve to experience her parents splitting up all because Kylie couldn’t stand to see someone else hit a milestone before she did.

We would love to think that this claim about Kylie envying Ariana’s engagement is not true.

Perhaps someone close to her simply misinterpreted her gushing over the story as her dropping hints to Travis.

If she really wants Travis to live up to that level of romance, does that mean that she’ll expect him to spend about 20% of his entire net worth on a ring for her?

Oh … that might actually be what she wants from him anyway.

We’ll find out eventually, we suppose.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Michelle Duggar Soaks Up Praise on Mother"s Day ... But Does She Deserve It?

Americans from coast to coast celebrated Mother’s Day this past Sunday, and naturally, the members of the Duggar clan pulled out all the stops to honor their matriarch.

After all, with the adoption of Tyler Duggar, Michelle is now a mother of 20, so if anyone deserves a day to relax and be pampered, it’s her.

Now, if you’re a member of the Duggars’ army of devoted fans, then you probably see absolutely no problem with that statement.

But if you count yourself among the equally sizable ranks of Duggar detractors, then you may have just thrown up in your mouth a little.

Obviously, there are lots of folks who take issue with Michelle’s approach to parenting, but the continuum of criticism is vast:

Some feel she’s harmlessly inept, a brainwashed victim of the fundamentalist patriarchy.

Others believe Michelle is something much, much worse – an abuser, an enabler, and a willing participant in a community that sanctions rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Of course, as we’re reminded every year at this time, Michelle’s husband and many children think she’s just the bee’s knees:

That’s Jim Bob’s annual creepy Mother’s Day video, and as usual, he and several of his kids acted less like seasoned reality stars, and more like members of a forgotten tribe who are vaguely frightened that the camera is sucking out their souls.

Now, depending on which of the aforementioned camps you fall into, you’re either thinking that Michelle must be one hell of a mom to have earned such devotion from her kids, or you’re marveling at how well she’s trained her children to convey counterfeit emotions.

If you’re in the former category, you might be wondering how anyone could think such awful things about such an ostensibly sweet woman.

We don’t have time to get into all of the complaints against Michelle, but here’s a brief rundown of why her toughest critics think she deserves punishment, not praise:

For starters, there’s the matter of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Now, Michelle obviously had no direct involvement in the molestation of her four eldest daughters, but there are those who believe that when she was presented with an opportunity to put and to the abuse, she did nothing.

Whatever the case, Michelle definitely helped Josh avoid prosecution, which many believe makes her an active participant in some truly horrendous crimes.

And that’s not the only time that Michelle has condones abuse.

The 51-year-old is a proponent of “blanket training” which is a technique in which children as young as 6 months old are seated on a blanket and told to stay put.

If they move, they are struck with a ruler or some other blunt instrument.

The Duggars are supporters of controversial child behavior “experts” Michael and Debi Pearl, who originated the technique.

The Pearls co-authored a book called How to Train a Child, which the Duggars reportedly consider their personal child-rearing bible.

Within a year of its release, the book was found in multiple homes of children who died at their parents’ hands.

As we said, the list goes on and on with Michelle, with some even going so far as to accuse her of abusing her daughters by forcing them to dress in floor-length skirts in all weather and no matter what sort of activity they’re engaged in.

We’ll leave up to you to decide if Michelle should be condemned or emulated.

But clearly there’s no denying that she’s a more complex figure than most of her fans would like to think.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell SLAMMED for Going Back to Rehab: Does She Deserve the Hate?

So something funny happened after the season finale of Teen Mom OG aired this week …

Believe it or not, against all odds, Catelynn Lowell became the most hated cast member on the whole entire show.

Or, OK, maybe not the most hated, but if you follow online conversations about Teen Mom, you"ll see that Cate has been getting a whole, whole lot of backlash for what happened during this week"s show.

Does she deserve the criticism for returning to rehab shortly after checking out?

Let"s investigate!

1. Treatment

Catelynn lowell instagram selfie

As we saw this season, Catelynn checked into rehab back in November after she began feeling suicidal. She had a miscarriage and it was very hard for her to handle, so she flew out to Arizona for approximately six weeks of treatment.

2. Doing Well?

Catelynn lowell purple hair

We didn’t see any actual treatment, but we did see Tyler and Nova visit her, along with other family members. As time went on, she seemed happier and happier, and everyone had high hopes that she was doing well there.

3. Not So Fast

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

But then she came home during the season finale. And we quickly saw that she wasn’t doing as well as it seemed.

4. Sad, Sad, Sad

Tyler baltierra catelynn lowell novalee hike pic

She appeared to be disinterested in everything, which, you know, depression. But this time around, fans of the show weren’t as forgiving with her behavior.

5. Poor Everyone

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

We saw her snap at Nova as she was putting her down for a nap, and we saw Tyler bite his tongue about it — he obviously wasn’t comfortable with what was happening.

6. Exhausted

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Then when they went to go check out the renovations on the house they’d bought, she sat in the corner while Tyler did business. He bit his tongue again when she explained that she was exhausted, because he watched her sleep all night as he continued to deal with insomnia.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Faith Stowers: I Don"t Deserve to Be Bullied! Jax Taylor Lied to Me!

While Stassi Schroeder defends herself against accusations of racism, fellow Vanderpump Rules star Faith Stowers is still defending herself.

Fans have been blaming Faith for Jax Taylor cheating on Brittany Cartwright. And, to be fair, he did cheat on Brittany with Faith.

Faith says that the bullying from fans is too much, and insists that she doesn’t deserve the backlash. if they’ll only listen to her side of the story. …

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Faith Stowers laments the “bullying” that she’s received from fans over social media.

“It was just tough because social media is supposed to be this platform where you can help others and show people you’re life. I did make the decision to live my life the way I did, and make the choices…”

She doesn’t deserve to be bullied, but … let’s be clear, Brittany Cartwright is one of the most beloved stars on the show.

“But it was just tough because i wasn’t able to tell [the viewers] what really happened from my side, for them to change their opinion…”

As you’ll see below, she tries to tell her side of things.

“So it was tough getting the backlash, some of her fans were, you know, saying really mean things to me…. I can act tough and like it doesn’t bother me, but it bothers me.”

First, she talks about how things got started before genitals started touching each other.

“[Jax] was Twittering, dm’ing me for a whole year trying to hang out.”

The correct word is tweeting, but whatever.

“I did not accept his advances because I, at the time, everyone knew they were a couple. They were fresh, they were new….”

She then refers to the infamous Jax Taylor cheating tape.

“What transpired was when he was telling me they were done… which was proven on the audio, and he was pretty much telling me they were done, so I’m thinking, ‘OK, I’ll give you a shot now.’”

Faith believes that those DMs crossed some boundaries and go back further than Brittany realizes.

“She does not… she might now, it goes way back, honey, it goes back.”

But what exactly was he saying?

“He was just being cute and flirty.”

And then she mentions that part of how it started was Jax Taylor’s attempt to get a threesome with Brittany and Faith.

“I mean, at one point he did proposition a threesome with him and Brittany, that was when they were dating, and I literally laughed that off ‘cause I would never… It was just interesting to see how far he went when he had a new girlfriend who was fresh; Brittany was fresh at this time.”

“I’ve always thought Jax Taylor was attractive… he was always pleasant, we went out to dinners, not just me and him, the group… he took care of the bill, he made sure people got home in their Ubers.”

So, Faith is at this point explaining why she was attracted to Jax at all in the first place. After seeing him on Vanderpump Rules, some fans have wondered.

“He was just really attentive, and you know that attracted me to him ‘cause you don’t find very many attentive men in L.A.”

L.A. is a city of millions. L.A. County has a population of over 10 million. What percentage of those people are attentive men who aren’t dating anyone?

“I respected him and Brittany at this time… never did anything. He would flirt, they all flirt…all the guys, Tom, all flirt with everyone else, they’re just fun people. I didn’t think anything of it and then he kind of just went in for the kill and it was in the middle of the day, middle of the afternoon, no one was drinking.”

She then emphasizes that Jax told her that he and Brittany were over.

“He requested a couple times to come over [prior to her finally accepting his request], he really wanted to come hang out… I said OK, because I’m thinking, it’s three in the afternoon, you’re out running errands, I live down the street from you, come hang out.”


“I hate to kiss and tell — or I think Jax would say, ‘suck toes and tell."”

There’s an image that no one needed.

“I was in a position where I wanted comfort as well. I was single… and it was just nice to have someone really be into me and just really want my attention and wanna hang out with me.”

It sounded like she really did appreciate his attentions.

“When he saw me, it was like he was super excited to see me and we just kind of embraced each other and he just kind of went in for the kill and, like I said, I was attracted to Jax.”

“He opened up to me and said really, like, deep feelings to me afterwards, which also led me to believe that he trusted me and wanted to just, like, work this thing out and apparently he was lying.”

Folks, a lot of men lie when they’re cheating. If you don’t want to be painted as a villain, do your due diligence.

“Yes, it was the one time… it could have happened more times, but… I was turning down his advances. He texted me about hanging out again and at that time I kind of felt like I needed more information, so I held off and I’m really glad I did ‘cause it could have been way worse.”

In the end, Faith feels that she’s not the bad guy here — that she and Brittany were both the victims of Jax being Jax.

“I like to open up the conversation about cheating ‘cause I feel like I didn’t cheat, I felt like I got cheated, I got ‘Jax’ed.”


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Donald Trump Lashes Out at #MeToo Movement, People Deserve Due Process

Donald Trump just went on the attack against the #MeToo movement, complaining mere allegations are ruining lives without due process. Trump just tweeted, “Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Byron Scott to Kobe: Congrats On Oscar Nod, People Deserve 2nd Chances

Byron Scott is ecstatic his old teammate Kobe Bryant was nominated for an Oscar — and tells TMZ Sports he hopes people celebrate Mamba because people deserve 2nd chances in life. Questions have been raised about how Kobe will be received at the…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham Goes on INSANE Teen Mom Rant: MTV Doesn"t DESERVE Me!

Poor Farrah Abraham, right?

Such a bright, beautiful star that’s been so held down by the hate crimes of others …

At least in her own mind, that’s the case.

Farrah … well, for the past few months, she hasn’t exactly seemed like the most stable person in the world.

It started a little bit before that whole mess where she got fired from Teen Mom OG — remember, she started going on more rants and filming those cam girl shows sometime in the early fall.

But in October, when the firing happened?

Boy, that really escalated the situation.

It was hard to get a straight story, because Farrah is incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence, but from what we gathered, the production company that films the show let her go because of her decision to go back to adult entertainment.

Now, thanks to the show itself, we’re finally figuring out exactly what happened.

And it sure is wild.

MTV has been promoting Farrah’s firing since they began promoting the new season, and last night, they shared a sneak peek from next week’s episode, which is apparently the episode where everything goes down.

In the short little clip, executive producer Morgan J. Freeman talks to Farrah and tells her that out of all the moms on both shows, she’s “the only one that’s a problem.”

She actually looks at him with a straight face and says “I’m not difficult,” and then Morgan pretty much makes the same incredulous noise we’d all make if we heard her say that.

She posted the little sneak peek to her Instagram account, and along with it, she shared one of her ridiculous rants.

Hold on tight, because this is Farrah at her wackiest.

“Never apologize for being an ambitious, confident, and strong minded woman,” she began.

“As I become the best Farrah I can be, I won’t let a man or network be little me, try to break me, lie about who I am to my core, I’m bullied, surrounded & hurt by all the manipulation, I no longer will allow as a protective mother this vulgar behavior, these crews aren’t trust worthy this ‘mtv family’ is a disgusting gang of power tripping failed producers & executives who have failed.”

… Wow.

There’s a lot to unpack already, and she’s not even close to done, but real quick, how rich is it that she, “as a protective mother,” will no longer allow “this vulgar behavior”?

Wasn’t it just like a month ago that she used her daughter’s Twitter account to promote some porn?

Anyway, next she thanked MTV “for canceling my dating show, purposely provoking made up hate to try to limit my episodes your actions have consequences like teen mom should have made you aware.”

In what will surely become an iconic Farrah quote, she added “I am the moment, the best story line, the Best Farrah I can be, and it’s disgusting, horrible that Viacom, Larry, Morgan & cast members over the 10 years I’ve worked with them always plot, schemes, spew their false, jealousy, hateful, discrimination & harass someone for their sexual freedoms.”

I am the moment. I am the moment.

Poor victimized Farrah wrote that she would no longer be allowing her family to be involved with Teen Mom, and that “it’s sad producers ruin their top leading networks show because they let their ego, politics, hate, discrimination & horrible sexual harassment behavior ruin a show.”

She then took some time to brag on herself some more, calling herself “the 1 out of 10 teen mom who over came the struggles & difficulties and excel.”

“My brand has Out shined the Teen Mom brand I’m not glamorizing teen pregnancy my brand and who I am is fashionable, with class, makeup etc, this is how I was raised & if that’s Glamorous then let it be!”

She also added that she’s outgrown the show and she’s moving on because of its “horrible producing, not safe for my childs environments, unlawful ethics and companies, depression, etc.”

“I don’t conduct myself like Viacom’s horrible, disgusting ethics & I certainly am raising my daughter to treat people better then MTV’s horrible behavior, our next generation should learn to love humans & treat each other with kindness.”

Then, fittingly, she closed out her rant with “Thanks Be To God.”

So that’s fun!

It’s obvious that Farrah is still very, very bothered by what happened, and thanks to this madness, it’s now obvious that she was fired not only because of the porn stuff, but also because of her terrible attitude.

Finally, some justice in this world.

Will you be tuning in next week to see Farrah get fired?!


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shannon Beador: David is Hiding His Wealth! I Deserve This!

After 17 years, Shannon Beador and David are divorcing.

At first, it seemed that the divorce for this Real Housewives of Orange County couple would remain amicable, for the sake of their three daughters. But that’s changed, and now Shannon aims to take everything from David. Get it, girl.

Now, a report about the couple’s court battle shows that she’s making good on her vow to go after his finances.

At the beginning of October of last year, we reported that Shannon Beador was ready to leave David. A few weeks leader, the two made their split official.

Two years after David confessed to cheating on her with a married friend, their marriage was on thin ice.

It seemed that they were basically living in the same house as neighbors, not partners. It sounded like some serious alienation.

Though David is the known cheater, it seems that problems really arose because David stopped loving Shannon when she gained weight.

That is heartbreaking, and now the couple is divorcing.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon is fighting David in court for money. Their source says:

“David is trying to be a cheapskate and Shannon isn’t having any of it.”

And at the divorce hearing scheduled for January 25th, she’s going to seek more cash.

“She demanded that he submit his current income to the judge because she believes he is grossly underestimating his net worth.”

That sounds like a very, very standard divorce.

“She knows that David has more money than he is claiming to have and isn’t going to let him get away easy.”

After the divorce announcement, the couple spent a few weeks playing nice for the sake of their children.

But even that polite facade has fallen apart.

And, from court filings, it looks like Shannon believes that David is trying to cling to every last penny that he owns.

“David has far greater access to funds to pay attorney fees, and the amount of the award for which request is made is modest relative to David’s income.”

If that’s all true, David will probably end up paying Shannon more than he’d like.

But Shannon isn’t just seeking payments for herself, folks.

“Shannon believes that David should pay for all three of their daughters’ college tuition in full.”

Well, hopefully he won’t fight Shannon on that issue.

He’s their father, and a college education is often a necessity, not a luxury.

It’s not his daughters’ “fault” that they were born, so their parents owe them the best start at life that they can provide.

And it sounds like David can provide quite a lot.

As we mentioned, this sort of financial wrangling is typical of divorce.

It’s so typical, in fact, that we’d almost be shocked if this weren’t happening.

The Beadors are rich, but not so rich that they’d each prefer to ignore a few million in order to avoid conflict. That’s for Hollywood A-listers, if anyone.

But the Beadors also aren’t so poor that their means are insignificant. So there’s a lot for them to contest.

More significantly, though, they are both dealing with complex emotions, including anger and grief. Love can turn to hate in an instant, and a lot of divorce battles have more to do with spite than anything else.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dean Cain Says Roger Goodell Doesn"t Deserve $200 Mil

Dean Cain is giving Roger Goodell a Kryptonian kick right in the ass … telling TMZ Sports the commish’s PHAT new contract is money horribly spent, cause Goddell SUCKS at his job. Roger is now SWIMMING in money … with the owners agreeing to…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Uma Thurman Hits Out At Harvey Weinstein: You Don"t Deserve a Bullet!

Fans questioned earlier this month whether Uma Thurman was keeping tight-lipped about having story of her own to tell about Harvey Weinstein, and it looks like she does. 

The Kill Bill actress took to Instagram to wish her fans a happy Thanksgiving and threw a whole lot of shade towards the disgraced movie mogul. 

She shared a picture of her character, Beatrix Kiddo, from Kill Bill: Volume II.

It was not just any picture she shared. In fact, it was a still from the scene in which her character decided it was time to go on a mission of revenge against those who had wronged her. 

The caption that accompanied the picture was just as scary. 

Thurman wrote: “H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G. I am grateful today, to be alive, for all those I love, and for all those who have the courage to stand up for others.

“I said I was angry recently, and I have a few reasons, #metoo, in case you couldn’t tell by the look on my face.

“I feel it’s important to take your time, be fair, be exact, so… Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! (Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators – I’m glad it’s going slowly – you don’t deserve a bullet) -stay tuned.”

Harvey should probably be scared because it sure sounds like Thurman is ready to dole out some truths about him. 

Uma previously spoke to Access Hollywood about a Broadway show she is starring in earlier this month and opened up about her thoughts on the scandal. 

I think it’s commendable,” Uma began her statement on the matter. 

“I have learned … I am not a child, and I have learned that when I’ve spoken in anger, I usually regret the way I express myself,” she said.

“So I’ve been waiting to feel less angry. And when I’m ready, I’ll say what I have to say.”

While the statement sounds a little subdued, the video went viral across the internet because of the way Uma acted during the interview. 

You could tell she was outraged, and it made viewers think she had some stories of her own to tell about Weinstein. 

At the time, fans made it clear they would be with Thurman every step of the way if she decided to open up about what really happened. 

“God once spoke through the burning bush,” one person wrote.

“This time it’s through Uma Thurman.” Another speculated that “If you haven’t seen this yet it seems Uma Thurman not only knows where the bodies are buried but has neatly organized all the shovels.”

“Ok let’s be real that Uma Thurman video — she’s getting a Hanzo sword made and is going to cut up the perverts isn’t she,” one person said.

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below. 


Monday, November 6, 2017

TJ Dillashaw: Cody Garbrandt Doesn"t Deserve Rematch, Bring On Demetrious!

T.J. Dillashaw says there’s NO WAY Cody Garbrandt gets an immediate rematch after their war at UFC 217 — saying “No Love” has to get in line … behind Demetrious Johnson!  The UFC bantamweight champ joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Doesn"t Deserve Child Support!

Just when we thought things were going well between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin …

And hey, believe it or not, things were going well between them for a brief moment in time!

Their relationship was terrible since just before Javi was deployed nearly two years ago now — it’s sort of why they got divorced.

Then, when he returned home last summer, they fought and fought when Kailyn made it clear that she definitely wanted a divorce — and when she’d already moved on with Chris Lopez.

Javi broke into the home they used to share, they fought some more … it was a mess.

A mess that continued when, earlier this year, she felt the need to file an order of protection against him after he allegedly threatened her upon hearing the news of her pregnancy.

But, as we saw on last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn made the decision to drop the order of protection so that she and Javi could co-parent more easily.

It was actually almost sweet.

Then, on Monday’s episode, she was served with some papers from Javi.

And just like that, the sweetness was gone.

As she explained during the episode, the papers she received was a petition for child support.

“He never came out and told me he was filing,” she said. “I mean, I always knew he kind of had it in his back pocket, but I didn’t think he would ever actually file.”

But he did file — for “child support and medical support,” meaning he wants payments from Kailyn and he wants her to pay for insurance for Lincoln.

Even though he gets health insurance for himself and Lincoln through his job in the military.

“It doesn’t make sense for me to turn around and give Javi money when he already has health insurance and I already pay for his school tuition, I already pay for him to eat here, I already pay for him to be clothed here,” she complained.

On top of all that, Javi apparently lives with his parents, which equals free childcare for Lincoln.

“So what exactly do you need the child support for?” she pondered.

She said that Javi told her he wanted child support payments to set up a savings account for Lincoln, but she doesn’t think that’s the case.

“It’s because he wants to be spiteful and he wants the money,” she insisted.

Kailyn admits that receiving those papers was “like a slap in the face,” but that nothing he does surprises her anymore.

So who’s right here? Is Javi being petty, or does he actually deserve child support?

Honestly, it’s hard to say.

It does seem strange that he’s asking for Kailyn to provide health insurance for Lincoln when we know that he does get it for free through the Air Force.

But as for the money? He might have a point there.

We have to assume that, as a Teen Mom on Teen Mom 2, Kailyn makes a considerable amount of money — way more than Javi.

And if they have 50/50 custody, she could be obligated to hand over some of that money, according to the law.

Javi may be asking for the child support to be spiteful, but he could also just be looking out for his son. In the case, the two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

But man, we sure can sense another Kailyn/Javi blowout on the horizon …


Friday, August 4, 2017

Bethenny Frankel SLAMMED by Millionaire Matchmaker: She Doesn"t DESERVE Love!

Bethenny Frankel is still feeling the torturous after-effects of her disaster of a marriage to Jason Hoppy, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t one day fall in love.

And sometimes people, celebrities and otherwise, need a little help — like with the help of a certain Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stranger.

Only … apparently that would never happen. In fact, Patti went off and shared exactly what she thinks of Bethenny Frankel.

Spoiler alert: Patti doesn’t paint a flattering picture.

Not only did Patti Stranger say that she would never take Bethenny Frankel as a client, but she says exactly why.

And it’s because she has a very low opinion of the The Real Housewives of New York City star.

At a WEtv event on Wednesday, Patti explained why she wouldn’t take the Real Housewife on as a matchmaking client.

“She’s not kind.”

Well … yeah.

It’s not that it’s impossible to be a reality TV personality without being rude.

But Bethenny is known for being a little sharp and maybe not aggressively sympathetic.

Which is sort of the stereotype for New Yorkers, but Bethenny takes it to another level.

What Patti then has to say is where this gets more severe.

“I used to date-coach her . . . When people are mean to other people, they don’t deserve love. Sorry.”


Patti’s saying that Bethenny’s general disposition and personality make her unworthy of love?

Has Patti Stranger never watched a damn Disney movie?

There are reality stars out there who don’t deserve love, but we’re not talking about Josh Duggar or Kate Gosselin right now.

Bethenny Frankel is a little intense and a lot catty, not some monster.

So are a lot of people.

She can find someone with whom she’s compatible.

Maybe one day Bethenny will find a Statler to her Waldorf.

And the two of them can hate things together.

It’ll be beautiful.

Before we try to pretend that Patti Stranger is some impartial judge, Page Six reminds us all that Patti is pretty close with Jill Zarin.

And, as we’re all too aware, Jill Zarin and Bethenny Frankel do not get along.

They also report that someone close to Bethenny didn’t think much, at all, of Patti’s statement.

In part because they don’t believe that Bethenny is in the market for any sort of matchmaker.

“[Bethenny] is doing just fine and doesn’t need anyone’s advice.”

Well, Bethenny certainly doesn’t need the help of someone who thinks that she doesn’t deserve love, right?

Considering that Bethenny’s ex Jason Hoppy was just arraigned for even more stalking charges, you might think that Bethenny Frankel would be looking for dating advice from anyone and everyone.

Like, forget the reality show drama for a hot minute — the stuff that Jason Hoppy’s been accused of is serious.

But Bethenny really seems to be the sort of person who wants to do things like this for herself.

She’s been perfectly happy giving romantic advice to Luann de Lesseps (advice that she only recently acted upon), but not everyone who’s good at dishing out advice is good at taking it.

But, yeah, Bethenny is gonna be fine without Patti’s services.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Akon Says if Jay-Z Disses You, You Probably Deserve It

Akon’s got some advice for anyone Jay-Z puts on blast — just let it go. We got the singer at LAX Friday and asked him about Jay firing off at people like Kanye and Eric Benet on his new album, “4:44” … he thinks it’s so rare that anyone…
