Showing posts with label Anyone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anyone. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Hills Reboot: Will Anyone Actually Watch This Thing?

MTV’s reboot of The Hills sure made a lot of headlines at last week’s VMAs, but whether the buzz ends there remains to be seen.

In other words, will it lead to any actual viewers?

Here, The Hollywood Gossip staff debates whether or not this latest, shameless effort to reboot and recaputre nostalgia will be a hit.

IN ONE WORD, YES by Hilton Hater

Yes, The Hills revival will be a hit.

And I need just two words to explain why: Heidi and Spencer. Better yet, I need just one nickname to explain why: Speidi.

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag entered the celebrity mainstream over a decade ago, initially appearing on The Hills as your basic wanna be A-Listers who would do anything for attention.

But that’s the thing: They would do ANYthing for attention, whether that meant trying to make it as a singer (Heidi) or stirring up every type of scandal or controversy imaginable (Spencer).

These two were Donald Trump before he became President Donald Trump: they had no shame.

They sky-rocketed to stardom just as social media was taking off, squeezing every millisecond out of their 15 Minutes of Fame and milking every comment on that platform for Likes or Dislikes.

They didn’t care and they still don’t care. Speidi was simply after attention.

That was back in 2007, however. There are millions of current MTV viewers who were too young at the time to watch or appreciate the couple’s antics.

So now that Twitter, Instagram and Facebook dominate absolutely everything at all times, we can’t fathom the heights that a rebooted Spencer and Heidi will be able to reach.

We can’t comprehend how popular (or, at least, how DISCUSSED) the duo will become in this second incarnation.

Oh, and here’s the final thing: They’re still together! They have a son! The couple that came across all those years ago as faker than Heidi’s boobs have somehow managed to find real, lasting love.

It’s sort of amazing. And it makes The Hills definitely worth watching.

NO, IT’S A BRIDGE TOO FAR by Tyler Johnson

Reboots are all the rage these days, and no one at MTV has had a fresh idea since the Clinton administration, so it should come as no surprise that the network is repackaging all its old hits.

But with The Hills, they may have gone too far.

After all, a second iteration of Jersey Shore makes sense – the original series was a cultural touchstone that made household names of its most colorful stars.

But The Hills?!

The closest thing that show ever had to a colorful star was Spencer Pratt, and that’s only because dude likes to wear tie-dye while fondling his collection of crystals.

If you’re lost in a fog of nostalgia, it might be easy to lose sight of the fact that The Hills overstayed its welcome well before it wrapped up its initial run.

The show’s best-loved star, Lauren Conrad, famously saw the writing on the wall and quit before the final season and split.

Not surprisingly, she won’t be back for the reboot.

Hell, one could argue that the concept behind The Hills was played out before the show even premiered. It was a spinoff of Laguna Beach, which was itself a lazy attempt to capitalize on the popularity of The O.C.

Despite all that the show became a hit, but that was likely due in part to the fact its target demo had far fewer entertainment options in those days.

So for the moment, The Hills are alive … but my guess is they won’t be for long.

THE HILLS HAVE A YES by Simon Delott

Reboots are so often reviled, fairly or unfairly.

But technically what we’re talking about here is a revival, where people can wax nostalgic about a show from yesteryear and see some of their returning favorites.

So … is The Hills: New Beginnings going to be a success? Maybe so. Heidi and Spencer, who are new parents, will be returning.

You know that people are going to want to check in on two of the world’s most famous hot messes in this new chapter of their lives.

Other familiar faces will be there, too, and we also should look at another revival from a similar era. Jersey Shore‘s comeback has been a hit.

It’s not dominating our culture the way it once did, but it’s making a splash in a big way, no doubt paving the way for this latest effort.

Some would say that bringing back The Hills without Lauren Conrad is like bringing back Jersey Shore without Snooki. And they’re not wrong.

But while people will surely miss Lauren, who is too busy being a mom to relive her reality television days, producing a reality series has fewer expenses than traditional television.

If there’s any entertainment value that these famously entertaining disasters can offer, this new series could run for a while.

GO HOME, 2007, YOU’RE DRUNK by Free Britney

Look, I don’t blame MTV for wanting to revive The Hills, nor can I blame the cast members for wanting to jump on board.

There’s very little risk, and what the hell else are they gonna do, come up with fresh ideas, or get real jobs, respectively?

With all due respect to the lovely Whitney Port (above) and company, obviously not. They don’t exactly have a lot going on.

Availability and opportunity doesn’t mean there’s enough nostalgia or new, capitvating material for this to stick, though.

The Hills dates back to when Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton were tabloid mainstays and reality TV was a novel concept.

In other words, it was a long ass time ago, and the show was more noteworthy in pioneering a genre than anything else.

A dramatized, quasi-scripted series about a real, likable person (Lauren) and her telegenic friends, frenemies and enemies (Speidi)?

That was something new and different.

Endlessly dramatic and fascinating, and just real enough to be relatable on some level, it became a pop culture staple.  

Looking back, it’s no surprise that this became a hit, or that it spawned hundreds of shows following that same basic formula. 

But therein lies the issue:

What made The Hills groundbreaking TV has essentially become ALL TV, and too many other shows (Jersey Shore included) do it better.

A lot of the time, Hills episodes were like watching paint dry. Its chief protagonist had enough and bailed. Even Speidi’s act got old.

No one has thought about The Hills or its stars in years. Years. After this initial buzz dies out, that will be the case once more.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Nate Diaz Undecided On UFC 230, "I Don"t Want to Fight Anyone"

Nate Diaz says he still hasn’t made up his mind about whether he’ll fight Dustin Poirier at UFC 230 in November … telling TMZ Sports, “Time will tell.” The UFC star was leaving Real Food Daily in L.A. on Tuesday afternoon when we followed up…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Anyone Believe Rockstar?!

Big Brother Season 20 may have had a slow start, but the drama and controversy is starting to kick off. 

We picked up with the HOH competition, and Angie was out for blood. She was mad at the fact that Brett lied about the hinky vote on her daughter’s birthday. 

Angie could not help but say she was targeting Brett. But things did not go her way, and she was actually first out of the competition. 

She cheered when Brett fell soon after, and if anything, it painted a target on her back. It came down to Tyler and Sam, and Tyler wanted to make a deal because he did not want everyone thinking they were working together. 

You know, Tyler has been controlling the vote for several weeks, and it’s hilarious that nobody has figured out he’s playing all sides of the house. 

Sam won the HOH and quickly laid down the law with her fellow houseguests. She said she wanted the room to herself, and that nobody would be up there with her. 

She then went on to say that she had already made her mind up who she was nominating and that she would not be holding meetings. 

It was a ballsy move but proved that Sam wanted a break from all of the scheming. 

After that, Rockstar went forward with her plan to get back at Brett. She chased him down with pots and pans and chanted about them working in an alliance together. 

The rest of the house laughed, but it was evident they were getting tired of all the screaming after it went on, and on. 

Kaitlyn then turned to Faysal for attention, and he did not want to give her time of day. He was worried that he was being played by two people close to him because the votes never go the way they are supposed to. 

Kaitlyn burst into tears for being put on blast, and Faisyal opened up about his lack of trust in many people in the house because he’s being played. 

The life coach subsequently concluded that Sam must have been the one to flip the two votes with her power, and everyone in her alliance seemingly got on board with it. 

Before we got to the nominations, there was a flashback as we got to see a heated argument between JC and Bayliegh. 

Bayliegh wanted to know whether JC is a dwarf. “I’m just a short guy,” he responded, but Bayliegh then asked if there was a difference between “a midget and a dwarf.”

JC then went into detail about how the word “midget” was offensive to him, and compared it to the N word. But the issue for Bayliegh was that JC said the full word. 

It resulted in a big bust-up with Bayliegh leaving the situation. JC later managed to talk her around, and they bonded over the things that happened to them growing up. 

At the nomination ceremony, Sam nominated Haleigh and Kaitlyn for eviction, saying that the way they pursue the younger men in the house is “the opposite of female empowerment.”

Sam backed up her claim in the diary room, saying that she was tired of women taking “the easy way.”

What are your thoughts on this episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS!


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Wendy Williams: I Deserve an Emmy More than ANYONE!!

There’s no better talk show host in the business than Wendy Williams … according to Wendy Williams.

So when the 2018 Emmy Award nominees were announced and Wendy received a whopping zero nominations, she was totally perplexed.

She just can’t understand how someone could watch her show and not shower her with accolades.

In an interview with Elle, Wendy Williams questions why she wasn’t nominated for an Emmy for her talk show.

“Who’s a better talk show host?!” Wendy asks.

We don’t think that she’s looking for answers; she would probably be offended by suggestions. She is asking this rhetorically.

“Don’t have one! Don’t have one!” Wendy insists. “Will probably never get one.”

“But it’s okay,” Wendy says. “You know why? Because I’ve got the power of the people.”

She means that her show is watched by many people, which she — despite her disbelief over a lack of nominations — values more than she values an award.

“This show is exactly what I would be watching if I [weren’t] doing it,” Wendy says. “There’s nothing out there forced.”

True. But, as many people, even those who watch top-notch scripted shows that were snubbed, have noticed, your average awards show voters are not the same as your average viewer.

“I do the show from a place of good,” Wendy says. “With a kind heart. And nobody to pay my bills. I can’t get slick.”

Some would question how that part about a kind heart could be true, since Wendy mostly seems to revel in the misery of the rich and famous.

“I need this job. I didn’t grow up rich,” Wendy says. “I like it here on TV. With finery.”

“I’m saying what I think,” Wendy says, defending the things that she says on television. “What I think, a lot of people think. They’re just too afraid to say it.”

That sounds an awful lot like what certain demographics said about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Not everyone’s first thought is the worst possible thing that they could say.

Admittedly, sometimes, Wendy does speak the truth.

At other times, though, she says ridiculous things that no reasonable person with the facts would ever believe.

We’re talking about a woman who had the audacity to accuse Britney Spears of being a bad mother just months ago. Absurd.

Wendy also spoke on her show about her birthday.

“When you turn 54,” Wendy says. “A lot of times you don’t have a lot of people around you that you used to know or the people that nurtured you to get to that age do you know what I mean?”

“So,” Wendy announces. “My mom and dad are here, my best friend flew in from California. She’s in the office on my couch laying back.” 

“My sister Wanda is coming,” Wendy says. “Our son, Kevin, he’s 17 and he’s in Chicago now on business.”

Some are kind of at a loss to think of what sort of business a 17-year-old could possibly have, unless he’s looking at colleges.

“You look for the things that make you happy,” Wendy says. “It’s not about gifts after a certain age.”

Wendy Williams is estimated to have a net worth of about $ 60 million. So … we’re not sure what her family could possibly buy her.

Also speaking on her show, Wendy says that she’s very happy in her relationship.

“My husband and I still hold hands,” Wendy reveals. “And we love each other very, very much.”

Less than a year ago, Wendy Williams stood by her husband amidst ugly cheating rumors.

“I turned a messy little radio career into this mess,” Wendy says. “I feel very, very happy.”

Well, she’s successful, so she should be happy.

But … being happy and having a show that deserves an Emmy are not the same thing. Though the shows most deserving of awards are not always nominated.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Younes Bendjima Doesn"t Want Anyone Else to See Kourtney Kardashian"s Butt!

In a bizarre display of apparent jealousy, Younes Bendjima slammed Kourtney Kardashian over a simple thong photo that she shared to Instagram.

He quickly deleted the comment, but not in time to prevent the whole world from seeing him bite the hand that feeds him.

Now, we’re learning that he wasn’t joking — as well as the reason for which he lashed out.

Kourtney looks great in this pic, right?

Too great, if you ask Younes Bendjima.

In a now-deleted Instagram comment, Younes wrote: “That’s what you need to show to get likes?”

At first, most people — including us — assumed that he was probably joking. An insider even suggested as much.

It turns out that his comment was fueled by genuine feelings of jealousy. This sounds so unhealthy.

Sources tell E! that Kourtney is frustrated with Younes’ comment.

(Keep in mind that E! is the very same network that airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians, so we’re inclined to give these words their due weight)

“Kourtney doesn’t appreciate Younes posting his feelings in a public forum and being impulsive,” the insider shares.

We would imagine not. He may be her boy toy, but he should act like a grown-up.

“She’s frustrated,” the source continues. “That he continues to get upset about it.”

And by it, the source means Kourtney having a but and showing it off.

“She isn’t going to stop doing what she’s doing,” the insider reassures the world. “And feels like he needs to understand and deal with it.”

“Younes gets jealous and can be possessive of Kourtney,” the insider explains.

Apparently, that was his motivation for commenting. Ridiculous.

“When she posts half naked pictures,” the source continues. “He gets very upset.”

Not only is modeling a huge part of her brand, but Younes also has a modeling career. He should know better.

This is such an absurd reaction to a fairly tame pic.

The insider says: “He wants her for himself and doesn’t want to share her with the world.”

Good thing for him that Kourtney is just a rich model taking photos in her bikini, and not the sex worker equivalent of Santa Claus, visiting every home on the planet in a single night.

But the source does reveal what may have been really going on with Younes to make him lash out.

“It was sad when they had to say goodbye,” the source explains. “And she returned to the States.”

So he’s not with her at the moment.

“He’s been missing her like crazy,” the insider says. “And got emotional.”

That’s not an excuse, but it might explain it.

It sounds like Younes needs some emotional hand-holding.

“Kourtney has explained its part of her job and it’s not going to change,” the source says firmly.

Good. No woman, and especially no Kardashian, should give up her career in favor of her boyfriend’s ego.

The insider admits: “but it still makes him uncomfortable and upset.”

The source does acknowledge: “He overreacted and put up a comment without thinking it through.”

“Then,” the insider says. “He realized [that] what he did made it even worse.”

Feeling bad is one thing. Embarrassing your girlfriend in front of the whole dang planet is worse.

“He was just not thinking in the moment,” the source explains. “And got emotional.”

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for men to experience possessiveness or other irrational feelings towards their partners.

This is part of why some say that men are in general too emotional to be President, but that’s beside the point.

Though some Instagram commenters engaged in gleeful slut-shaming of Kourtney for daring to have a butt, others were firmly on her side.

“Aye tbh he sayin she thirsty and other people are too,” one commenter wrote. “But I promise she ain’t thirsty bc the girl can get any guy she wants.”

The wise commenter continues, saying: “So her bf need to chill out bc she ain’t thirsty bro she with u bc she wants you so calm down for you catch these hands.”

That was all good except for the part about catching hands. Please do not threaten violence, even in jest.

“It still isn’t appropriate to post,” another wrote of Younes’ comment. “He isn’t her boss. She is her own boss.”

She sure is.

We hope that Younes can put on his big-boy pants and accept his wildly successful girlfriend for who she is.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Charlamagne Tha God, "I Never Sexually Assaulted Anyone"

Charlamagne Tha God is furious over new reports suggesting he sexually assaulted a teenage girl more than 17 years ago since he was already cleared in a court of law … and now he’s lawyered up.  “The Breakfast Club” star’s 2001 case is back…


Friday, April 13, 2018

YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Body Cam Footage, Cops Ask If She Wants to Hurt Anyone

The YouTube shooter told cops she wasn’t planning to hurt anyone hours before she continued her trip to carry out the attack … according to new police body cam footage. Nasim Aghdam’s seen calmly talking to Mountain View, CA cops in the early…


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Anthony Davis" Unibrow Shaving April Fools Prank Didn"t Fool Anyone

Anthony Davis thinks he pulled a fast one by revealing that he DIDN’T shave his unibrow — but if we’re being honest, he actually wasn’t fooling anyone … like at all.  Davis posted a follow-up photo Sunday — April Fools Day — which showed…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Taylor Swift Releases Music Video. Does Anyone Care?

Remember when the release of a Taylor Swift music video was more than just an Internet event?

Remember when it was practically a national holiday?

Those days are not all that long ago… yet it certainly seems as if buzz surrounding the artist has died down considerably since nearly the entire world scoffed as her "Look What You Made Me Do" video.

Has the music world moved on from Taylor Swift?

It"s an interesting question in light of her unveiling the video for the single "Delicate" at the 2018 iHeartRadio Music Awards.

The singer, who did win Female Artist of the Year at the show, opens the clip by being interviewed on the red carpet.

She is then handed some kind of magical note before she walks into a hotel lobby, where she’s asked to pose for a selfie by a fan prior to her bodyguards taking her away.

From here, Swift realizes she’s suddenly become invisible (yes, invisible) and celebrates by tossing off her shoes and dancing up a storm … including shaking it off on top of the hotel bar.

There has to be a message in here somewhere, right?

About Swift sort of wishing she could be invisible at times?

Next, Taylor is in the subway, crawling barefoot on to the cleanest train anyone has ever seen in the history of this transportation system.

The scene then shifts to show her up at street level, where it’s pouring rain.

(There"s a glimpse at one point of Joe’s Deli, which we"re guessing is and to boyfriend Joe Alwyn.)

At this point, Swift truly goes for it, spinning on the roof of a car and doing some splits.

She feels more free and more content than ever before, it seems.

Eventually, however, the note dissolves in Taylor"s hand and suddenly all the patrons at a bar can see her again. Darn!

And while it does seem as if Swift"s reputation has taken a hit of late, she still has quite the passionate fan base on social media.

“@taylorswift13 the music video is so pure and real i cant stop crying and the meaning behind is important i love you with my whole heart,” one person wrote in response, while another added:

"Honey the freedom and the happiness you showed in the video was everything…such an amazing reminder to be yourself and to never be afraid to do what’s right for you I LOVE YOU."

Ready to react for yourself?

Check out the video now:

Taylor swift releases delicate music video no one seems to care

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Nelly: I"m Innocent, I Swear I Never Raped Anyone!

Time has not been kind to Nelly.

And, if we’re to believe recent accusations against him, Nelly has not been kind to others in return.

Early yesterday morning, he was arrested for allegedly raping a woman on his tour bus.

He’s currently on tour with Florida Georgia Line, and the arrest happened a few hours after a show in Washington on Friday night.

According to a statement from local police, a woman called 911 at nearly 4:00 AM and reported that Nelly had sexually assaulted her.

After officers arrived on the scene and did some investigating, there was apparently enough evidence to make an arrest, and Nelly was taken into custody.

There wasn’t enough evidence to hold him though, and a few hours later he was released.

His lawyer then made a statement saying that “Nelly is the victim of a completely fabricated allegation.”

“Our initial investigation,” he explained, “clearly establishes the allegation is devoid of credibility and is motivated by greed and vindictiveness.”

“I am confident, once the scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges.”

The lawyer added that “Nelly is prepared to pursue all legal avenues to redress any damage caused by this clearly false allegation.”

So far it’s obviously a pretty serious case of he-said, she-said, right?

But now Nelly is speaking on his own behalf.

Shortly after the news broke of his arrest, he hopped on Twitter to defend himself.

“Let me say that I am beyond shocked that I have been targeted with this false allegation,” he began. “I am completely innocent.”

“I am confident that once the facts are looked at, it will be very clear that I am the victim of a false allegation.”

“I do want to apologize to my loved ones for the embarrassment and for putting myself in a situation where I could be victimized by this false and defaming allegation,” he wrote.

Nelly also thought it was important “to thank my fans for their unwavering support.”

“They know me,” he said. “I assure you I will be vindicated. And I assure you, I will pursue every legal option to address this defaming claim.”

“Thank you.”

And just in case you didn’t follow that statement his lawyer wrote for him, he added “In other words y’all know damm well I ain’t do no dumm S^*t like this..!! Love ..!!!!”

About an hour after making those tweets, he logged back on to clear up an extra bit of confusion.

“To be absolutely clear,” he wrote, “I have not been charged with a crime therefore no bail was required. I was released, pending further investigation.”

At this point, it’s hard to say who’s telling the truth.

Nelly and his team could be right, this woman could have made up this whole story.

But then again, Nelly could be doing his best to cover up his crimes — let’s be real, it’s not exactly unprecedented for a celebrity to use his fame as a way to prey on women like this.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian: ANYone Would Be a Better President Than Donald Trump!

Kim Kardashian rarely uses her platform to speak on issues affecting society.

She typically just uses it to push her beauty line or show off her cleavage.

But if Donald Trump has proven anything over the first few months of his Presidency, it’s that we aren’t living in normal times right now.

And this is what has prompted Kardashian to abnormally offer her opinion on the state of her country; and specifically the man leading it.

“We’ve worked so hard to get where we were and to have so many things that we were so proud of in our country, to just literally revert backwards is the most frustrating thing,” Kardashian tells Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, adding:

“Every single day when you can’t really believe what’s going on, the next day it’s something else even more crazy and tragic.”

It’s true.

One day, Trump is banning transgender individuals from the miltary.

The next day, he’s defending White Supremacists.

The day after that, he’s using Hurricane Harvey as an excuse to pat himself on the back, prior to announcing a tax plan that will only benefit the wealthy.

It’s a lot to keep track of.

And it all sucks, Kardashian believes.

“Anyone can run the U.S. better,” Kim tells the publication. “My daughter would be better.”

For the record, Kim’s daughter is four years old.

Over the years, Kardashian has selectively discussed pressing political topics.

In June of 2016, she slammed the Senate for failing to pass gun control legislation.

She’s also an outspoken advocate of gay marriage.

“Sometimes I feel like I want to speak out more about political issues,” she says here.

“You have to be really careful about what you say because a lot of things can be taken in the wrong context and I always want to be respectful, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Or you could try to affect change and not concern yourself with the feelings of certain people?

This isn’t the time to slam Kardashian, however.

She’s already facing backlash for dressing up like Jackie Kennedy and she earns our props in this case for taking a stand against Trump.

“It’s really scary, the world that we’re living in now,” she says. “And when you did feel safe at home, now with Trump in presidency, you just don’t feel safe any more.”

Kim, of course, suffered her own frightening incident when she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris.

But she says it’s not herself for whom she’s concerned these days; it’s her kids.

“Life scares me, just thinking of all the things that can go wrong,” she says.

“When you’re a mom you turn into this maniac that just thinks anything and everything can go wrong.”


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ian Somerhalder Sends Birthday Wishes to Nikki Reed, Will Make Anyone Believe in Love

We hope you are sitting down, dear readers.

Because Ian Somerhalder is about to make you very weak in the knees.

The former Vampire Diaries star took to Instagram on Wednesday and wished wife Nikki Reed a happy birthday.

But this mere description of Somerhalder’s actions do not do them justice. Not in any way, shape or form.

As the actor has proven time and again over the years, he takes the concepts of life and love very seriously, doing his best to appreciate every nanosecond he has on this planet.

And especially every nanosecond he has on this planet with his pregnant wife.

(Yup, Reed is pregnant with the couple’s first child!!!!!!)

Just consider what Somerhalder wrote on his social media account yesterday in honor of Reed turning 29 years old.

“Happy Birthday to the most amazing human I know… Today, we celebrate you.

“For an innumerable amount of reasons I couldn’t even begin to describe, as all of those who know you and those who even don’t know you, would agree.

“It’s your day.”

Swoon. That’s some classic Ian Somerhalder right there.

It’s not enough for him to be very good looking and a pretty solid actor.

He also must be the most poetic, profound and deep-thinking star in Hollywood as well.

“The love and light you radiate to the world shines like a beacon for all to see,” he added in his birthday tribute, adding:

“Its that love and light that guides me to the safe shores of home from the turbulent and sometimes treacherous waters of life.

“Thank you for your tireless pursuit of spreading good, being an instrument of change and seamlessly weaving the complex threads of our lives together into the warmest, softest and most magical blanket.

“Every day I get to watch you being you I’m constantly reminded of your beauty and prowess and how lucky I am to share this life with you.”

This isn’t nearly the first time Somerhalder has gushed in such epic fashion over Reed, either.

Consider what he wrote upon sharing the photo above, which the couple used to announce their pregnancy.

“In my 38 years on this earth I’ve never experienced anything more powerful and beautiful than this.

“I can’t think of anything more exciting than this next chapter and we wanted you to hear this from us first.

“This has been the most special time of our lives and we wanted to keep it between the three of us for as long as possible so we could enjoy this time with each other and our little one who is growing so fast…

“Because that’s what they do, they grow so fast. Thank you for your kind energy.”

And then there was what Somerhalder wrote in celebration of the stars’ second wedding anniversary in April:

To the most amazing human in the world. Thank you for 2 incredible years of marriage. Thank you for being my best friend, the hardest-working, kindest, most patient and most talented woman I’ve ever known.

To you my love, I say that I know we will have so many of these we can’t even count them. Partly because I’ll be so old… I love you.

Seriously. He’s perfect.

And may we also add, in less beautiful fashion that anything Ian just wrote:

Happy birthday, Nikki!!!!!!


Friday, January 6, 2017

Joe Mixon Going Pro ... If Anyone Will Draft Him

Oklahoma running back Joe Mixon has decided to enter the NFL Draft … just weeks after a video of him brutally punching a female was released, this according to multiple reports. Mixon has two years of college eligibility left … and since he’s in…


Monday, December 5, 2016

Matt Barnes -- I Didn"t Choke Anyone ... I Was Attacked & Defended Myself

Matt Barnes is adamant he did NOT start the brawl in an NYC club Monday morning — insisting all he did was DEFEND HIMSELF after he was attacked by a violent group in the VIP section.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Josh Waring: Former RHOC Star Claims He Didn"t Shoot Anyone!

Josh Waring thought he was facing seven charges related to a June shooting in Southern California.

It turns out that four more charges were added at an August 19th court hearing, and Waring fears he could be in jail for a very, very long time.

Initially, the charges included “three counts of attempted murder, three counts personal use of a firearm and once count of inflicting great bodily injury.”

Now, Waring tells Radar Online, things have gone from bad to worse, with the new charges being “battery, hit and run with property damage, evading police/reckless driving, resisting arrest and obstructing an officer, and unlawful taking of a vehicle.”

Earlier this month, Waring spoke to Radar from prison because he’s unable to post $ 1 million bail.

Is Waring responsible for shooting Daniel Lopez?

“No, absolutely not,” Waring insisted.

“I had a prior altercation that night,” he went, adding that he was high when the series of incidents occurred.

“I was using,” he admitted.

“I was under the influence, and was chased off the property,” he said, referring to the sober living facility where Lopez was shot.

“It was a mistake of bad timing,” he continued.

“Someone came back and shot up the house. Just because of the fact I had priors, I was arrested.”

In Waring’s defense, the police report notes that authorities did not find a weapon in the car he stole, but that point could be moot.

“I have four other cases on top of this,” Waring told Radar.

“One is a trafficking sales case, in which I face a max of 22 years and four months. And for the attempted murder, a 45-year max. I am facing time, which is scary.”

Waring has a history of heavy drug use and brushes with the law.  His time on The Real Housewives of Orange County was mainly spent getting into trouble that his mother, Lauri Peterson would have to deal with.

It’s not clear if and/or how often she visits her son in prison, but the former reality star has blown the whistle on Waring, 27, before.

In 2008, Peterson called the police after finding a bag of heroin in Waring’s room.  That same year, she left the show.

As of right now, it’s unclear when Waring will receive his sentence.

“I’m doing good. I’m all right.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Voice Recap: Can Anyone Stop Alisan Porter?

The final four singers on The Voice went hard after the title last night on NBC. Who would emerge with the clearest path to the crown?

Each of the finalists sang three times Monday – one cover, an original single they wrote or co-wrote, and a duet with their star coaches.

With every coach bringing one protege to the finals, the stakes were high and it felt like anyone’s game going in. But after the performances?

Let’s break down how the top four did to close out Season 10:

Alisan Porter (Team Christina) sang “Down That Road” and was praised by her coach: “You are the epitome of The Voice… You deserve to win.”

Adam Wakefield (Team Blake) took on “Lonesome, Broken, and Blue” may have seemed a little corny, but it was full of meaning and heart.

Laith Al-Saadi (Team Adam) performed “Morning Light” and his mentor called it a “charming Clapton moment” that showed off his talent.

Hannah Huston (Team Pharrell) belted out “I Call the Shots” and Adam praised it as “one of the coolest things we’ve seen on the show.

Soon it was duet time, and Adam Wakefield teamed up with mentor Blake Shelton to go old school with a performance of “The Conversation.”

While it was fun, Adam’s solo performances did a much better job of showcasing his vocal range, artistry and true grit on this evening.

Laith Al-Saadi and Adam Levine got together for a medley of “Golden Slumbers” / “Carry That Weight” / “The End” and wow. Just wow.

It was pretty epic to watch Adam and Laith somehow complement each other so well and cover half a Beatles album in three minutes.

Then it was time for Alisan Porter and Christina Aguilera, who did not opt for a massive diva event, but instead sang “You’ve Got a Friend.”

Perhaps Christina didn’t want to outshine her protege, and indeed, this felt like a match of vocal equals, friends, counterparts, and peers.

Pharrell Williams and Hannah Huston then teamed up for “Brand New,” an original song of his that felt a bit incongruous for the pair.

Finally, it was time for covers, and Laith Al-Saadi got the ball rolling with Cream’s “White Room” and he slayed it on vocals and guitar.

Hannah Huston’s rendition of “Every Breath You Take,” a jazzy, woman-scorned remake that was a bit of a risk but one she made work.

Adam Wakefield sang “When I Call Your Name,” a Vince Gill tune and a nice choice, but not something that really stood out from the pack.

Alisan Porter, conversely, seemed to put the exclamation mark on this season with her rendition of “Somewhere” that brought the house down.

It was a tour de force.

To quote Levine: “You are standing on top of the mountain right now, and I think rather than just pontificating, I’ll just say congratulations,”

To quote Xtina: “If anybody deserves to take the cake and be the winner of The Voice, it’s you… You’re an inspiration for everybody.”

“Anybody that literally has a dream and wants a second chance” should look to Alisan, her coach says. Do you think the voters will agree?

You tell us: Can anyone stop Porter? Is Adam Wakefield the obvious runner-up with Laith Al-Saadi or Hannah Huston in third place tonight? 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Leah Messer: I"m NOT Dating T.R. Dues! Why Doesn"t Anyone Believe Me?!

Yesterday, we reported that Leah Messer is most likely back together with boyfriend T.R. Dues.

Mind you, this observation wasn’t based on hearsay or some unverified tabloid rumor, but rather on a tweet that Leah posted herself:

“Some couples are just madeee for each other! You know what they say. There is someone for everyone,” Leah tweeted.

Certainly sounds like someone who’s in a relationship, don’t ya think?

But today Leah is saying that the idea of anyone even thinking she’s back with T.R. makes her laugh.

In fact, it makes her roll on the floor laughing:

“The fact that my tweet in no way meant I am in a relationship and was about another couple I seen has me ROFL. #CantDeal LOL.

“Can we not find something better to discuss in the media, ya kno? Like how I’m buying my first home with MY DAUGHTERS!”

We totally thought she was gonna end that with “US forces rolling back ISIS,” or “tornadoes ravaging the Midwest,” or “Steph Curry nailing epic threes from way downtown,” but no.

Leah wants the media to continue covering Leah, but ya know – stuff that makes her look super adult and stuff.

As for whether or not she’s living with Dues, well we don’t know but there are lots of people with inside knowledge who seem to think that they’re at least dating again.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” one insider told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Friday.

“Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Add to that the fact that Leah’s neighbors have confirmed that T.R. comes and goes from the house on an almost daily basis, and it begins to sound like there’s at least a friends-with-benefits arrangement going on.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah’s hiding something.

Leah Messer: I"m NOT Dating T.R. Dues! Why Doesn"t Anyone Believe Me?!

Yesterday, we reported that Leah Messer is most likely back together with boyfriend T.R. Dues.

Mind you, this observation wasn’t based on hearsay or some unverified tabloid rumor, but rather on a tweet that Leah posted herself:

“Some couples are just madeee for each other! You know what they say. There is someone for everyone,” Leah tweeted.

Certainly sounds like someone who’s in a relationship, don’t ya think?

But today Leah is saying that the idea of anyone even thinking she’s back with T.R. makes her laugh.

In fact, it makes her roll on the floor laughing:

“The fact that my tweet in no way meant I am in a relationship and was about another couple I seen has me ROFL. #CantDeal LOL.

“Can we not find something better to discuss in the media, ya kno? Like how I’m buying my first home with MY DAUGHTERS!”

We totally thought she was gonna end that with “US forces rolling back ISIS,” or “tornadoes ravaging the Midwest,” or “Steph Curry nailing epic threes from way downtown,” but no.

Leah wants the media to continue covering Leah, but ya know – stuff that makes her look super adult and stuff.

As for whether or not she’s living with Dues, well we don’t know but there are lots of people with inside knowledge who seem to think that they’re at least dating again.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” one insider told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Friday.

“Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Add to that the fact that Leah’s neighbors have confirmed that T.R. comes and goes from the house on an almost daily basis, and it begins to sound like there’s at least a friends-with-benefits arrangement going on.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah’s hiding something.