Showing posts with label Fool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fool. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nikki Bella Don"t Let the Pic Fool Ya ... She"s Not Back with John Cena

Nikki Bella is NOT reuniting or reconciling when it comes to John Cena … and there’s a perfectly logical reason she posted a romantic pic of them, making fans think they’re tapping in on their relationship. 
Sources close to Nikki tell TMZ … the WWE superstars a...
Nikki Bella Don"t Let the Pic Fool Ya ... She"s Not Back with John Cena

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Anthony Davis" Unibrow Shaving April Fools Prank Didn"t Fool Anyone

Anthony Davis thinks he pulled a fast one by revealing that he DIDN’T shave his unibrow — but if we’re being honest, he actually wasn’t fooling anyone … like at all.  Davis posted a follow-up photo Sunday — April Fools Day — which showed…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Mark Ruffalo Calls Donald Trump Egotistical Fool For Wanting Military Parade

Mark Ruffalo has unbridled contempt for Donald Trump, whom he believes fancies himself as a Banana Republic dictator. We got Mark at LAX Wednesday and asked about the Pentagon planning a military parade per President Trump’s order, and…


Mark Ruffalo Calls Donald Trump Egotistical Fool For Wanting Military Parade

Mark Ruffalo has unbridled contempt for Donald Trump, whom he believes fancies himself as a Banana Republic dictator. We got Mark at LAX Wednesday and asked about the Pentagon planning a military parade per President Trump’s order, and…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Ellen Pompeo Slams "Fool" Woody Allen on Twitter!

You know how some celebrities always look the same in photos? Woody Allen’s one of those. He tends to look bewildered.

And bewildered is how many feel every time that they see Woody Allen out and about instead of, you know, rotting in a jail cell. 

Ellen Pompeo is courageously speaking out and slamming Woody Allen. Honestly? “Fool” is, relatively speaking, one of the nicest thing’s Allen’s ever been called.

Ellen Pompeo quoted a HelloGiggles (love that site) tweet that read:

“A journalist went through Woody Allen’s personal journals and found he was obsessed with teenage girls.”

Pompeo quoted that tweet with, well, what we were all thinking:

“I haven’t gone through his personal journals and I knew that… shocked the people that work with this man #ambition is [blind].”

And that was only the beginning of what she had to say.

When someone in a now-deleted tweet apparently tried to suggest that Woody Allen had “made mistakes” in the past (that’s what we infer that they said,” Pompeo replied:

“I don’t call it a mistake… he married his daughter…people see what they want to see or don’t…Kind of hard not to see who this fool is.”

Like we said — “fool” is pretty much the nicest word for Woody Allen, considering the damning accusations that he molested Dylan Farrow as a child. Also he married his daughter, Soon-Yi.

But Ellen Pompeo was just getting started

Ellen Pompeo continued by targeting Woody Allen’s alleged racism, tweeting:

“And while we’re on the subject & I’m fired up has this fool ever put one poc in any of his movies ever?” and “What about Hispanic or Asian actors? Or are asians only for him to molest? You know me when I get started.”

Woody Allen’s casting tends to be about as white as snow on a golf course, but one follower pointed out that Penelope Cruz won an Oscar for her role in one of his films.

Pompeo acknowledged this, but notes that she genuinely doesn’t know about who’s in his films, because:

“I wouldn’t know because I don’t watch that bougie s–t.”

Honestly, it’s always nice to see Ellen Pompeo go off.

One tweeter mentioned to Ellen Pompeo that some people try to “separate the professional from the person.” 

You know, like going to Chick-fil-A despite their politics, or seeing a Johnny Depp film despite the abuse allegations, or seeing a film by Brett Ratner or Roman Polanski or Brian Singer or … well, there are way too many names.

Ellen replied: “You know what I call that?? Ducking predators and chasing trophies…it’s WEAK AF.”

Ellen went on to talk about how, too often, black women’s voices are ignored when they accuse a man of sexual predation. 

She cites the many accusations against Bill Cosby, the first of which were ignored for years and years and years before soem famous white women spoke out.

And, in the mean time, famous actresses who should know better — actresses whom I admire, like Selena Gomez and Blake Lively — continue to work with Woody Allen.

It takes people like Ellen Pompeo using their platforms to keep momentum going.

Woody Allen has not had his Weinstein moment yet. While many people eagerly await the day that Woody Allen is no longer among the living, it’s their hope that he’ll die in prison rather in the comfort of his home. 

He’s 82-years-old and those who want to see him brought to justice and publicly disgraced know that the clock is ticking.

Now is the perfect time to talk about this. Even the Golden Globes, with Oprah’s epic speech and Debra Messing taking a stand for pay equality, had its flaws.

James Franco, accused of having an inappropriate interest in underage teen girls, won for The Disaster Artist last night. And accused wife-beater Gary Oldman won Best Actor.

Society has a long, long way to go.

But even among other controversial and despised figures who still roam free, Woody Allen continues to stick out like a sore thumb.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Blasts Chanel West Coast for Calling Her "Ignorant Fool"

Danielle Bregoli might not be America’s sweetheart (okay, definitely not), but she’s still way more relevant and famous than Chanel West Coast … according to Danielle. We got the infamous “Cash Me Outside” girl in West L.A. on the heels of Chanel…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Posting Old Baby Bump Pics to Fool Due Date Skeptics?!

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are expecting … but the time frame in which they’re expecting continues to spark great speculation.

While it’s plausible – albeit unlikely – for her to have conceived since (or on) her wedding day, a lot of fans aren’t buying that scenario.

Austin and Joy stunned Duggar Nation three months after their May 26 wedding by announcing that she’s expecting their first child.

The sheer size of Joy-Anna Duggar’s baby bump – not to mention preexisting rumors of broken courtship rules – raised eyebrows.

Could they have engaged in premarital sex and rushed to the altar, shotgun wedding style, as a means of covering their tracks?

Since the big reveal, the couple obviously hasn’t addressed rumors that the future Baby Forsyth was conceived out of wedlock.

This week, however, Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband posted an update on her pregnancy on their joint Instagram account.

(No, Joy doesn’t have her own account, a minor but still intriguing point of contention worthy of its own article sometime soon.)

The 19-year-old Duggar and her new husband posted the above image of her bump while segueing into their anti-abortion views.

“Can’t wait to meet our baby! I got to feel it kick for the first time a few days ago,” she wrote as her caption, adding controversially:

“Soooooo amazing!!! It’s already about the size of a bell pepper and weighs around half a pound!!! #childrenareagiftfromGod #westandforlife.”

Pro-life discussion aside, the real controversy has once again become the bump photo, which some fans are certain is an older image.

One passed off subtly but intentionally, they say.

“This is an old picture,” one Duggar fan stated.

“It was the first picture they used to announce her pregnancy. Unless she is having twins, she is way too big for her dates to match.”

Some also felt that on top of the (allegedly) old photo, Joy’s quote about the baby being bell-pepper-sized and kicking was more subterfuge.

This would put the unborn child around 18 weeks, according to experts, when it begins to flex its arms and legs and increase movement.

The 18-week range would be consistent with wedding night conception (18 weeks and four days ago) and a late February due date.

Obviously, whether she conceived earlier than their wedding night wouldn’t be as big a deal with many couples as it is in their families.

There, it is a huge deal.

It’s unclear if they put as much thought into this as we’re theorizing, but if it was their way of subtly trying to quash rumors, well played.

If you watch Counting On Online, you know recent episodes have focused on Joy-Anna’s wedding planning and pre-wedding activities.

In one installment, the soon-to-be-spouses were perusing a property that was to become their first home together after the ceremony.

In turn, some fans felt the baggy clothing Joy-Anna wore for the occasion was purposely chosen with the goal of hiding a baby bump.

Not the kind of thing we can prove, and definitely not the kind of thing the Duggars would ever address directly, but fans had a field day.

That small bump, after all, gave way to Joy-Anna’s huge baby bump – and the controversy that came with it – just a couple of weeks later

Are we looking at Joy-Anna’s trickery exposed?

Maybe, maybe not, but we’ll tell you this:

No bell-pepper style hints are going to quell the rumors or cease the chatter … especially not if she keeps trying to re-use old pics.

Come on, Joy. Armchair Duggar investigators are pretty sophisticated in this day and age with their Zapruder-film level analysis.


Friday, July 14, 2017

50 Cent Fires Back At Conor McGregor: You Got Choked Out, Fool!!

50 Cent is ripping into Conor McGregor for calling him a bitch in Thursday’s press conference … mocking the UFC superstar for getting choked out by Nate Diaz. ICYMI — 50 called out Conor for using his famous “Floyd can’t read” insult (which…


Monday, April 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 2 Episode 1 Recap: Don"t Let The Zip Code Fool Ya!

Have you missed the ladies of Potomac in their absence from our screens?

If so, then The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 2 Episode 1 was most definitely the episode you were craving. It had it all: Catfights, Fashion and a whole lot of shade. 

When the episode got underway, Gizelle Bryant was trying on a new wig and implying she knew better than Beyonce.

“Becky and all of her good hair don’t have nothin’ on me.”

Yeah, we believe you Gizelle. If that was not self-centered enough, Gizelle then pleaded with her hairdresser to let her speak about her new boyfriend. 

“Can we talk about my man? … Kevin. … I dunno if we’re gonna mingle, but we’re at least gonna give it a shot.” Um, Gizelle, it sure seems like you don’t know much about your man. 

“If he comes in a short package, that’s fine. As long as not everything is short,” she concluded. 

After that, we checked in with Charrisse — who was no longer reeling from the events that paved the way for her husband to ditch her. 

“Charrisse last year was a very unhappy person and holding onto damaged goods. … Charrisse don’t live here anymore.”


Charrisse also revealed that she sent a cease and desist letter to Charrisse for chatting smack about her to Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live. 

Meanwhile, Ashley revealed that things between her and Michael were not good and part of that was down to their restaurant not doing good business. 

“We’re eight months in, and it’s been a very difficult time. … People weren’t really digging our food.” She then opened up about their dire finances, saying, “Michael has invested over 1.5 million dollars, and he’s taking care of it until we make ends meet. It’s putting a strain on my relationship.”

That’s a whole lot of money to invest in something that appears to be failing.

Ashley was not the only cast member struggling with dire straits on the financial side of things. Robyn revealed that things were not going well. 

“As a result of all of our financial challenges, our house ended up going into foreclosure.” She then opened up about her husband, Juan and his desire to become a couple again. 

“Juan wants us to be a couple again, but there’s a block up that’s preventing me from looking at our situation as a relationship.”

After that, Charisse revealed that her husband wanted to part ways with her. 

“He’s wanting a divorce.” She continued, “I decided that you know what? My children are what’s important. … We haven’t talked about it so much. … Hopefully, he gets a job.” 

Later, Gizelle stirred up some drama for Charrisse. Robyn was trying to bring the feud to an end, but defended Charrisse in the process. 

“I don’t feel like she was calling you a whore. … Didn’t she say something like, ‘I’m not going around calling you a whore?’”

“You were wrong for putting her business out there.”

However, Robyn’s words were not enough to tone down Gizelle, who went forward with some more claims about her former friend. 

“She has told me she cheats on Eddie,” Gizelle claimed. Is she lying? We have no idea. 

At the Manifest Your Destiny competition charity event, Gizelle tried to stir up some more drama. This time it was all down to a dancer named Teon who was grinding on Ashley. 

Ashley did win first place in the competition, but Charrisse was too busy turning her attentions to Gizelle. 

“I did not call you a f–king whore. Don’t let the zip code fool you, baby.” Gizelle seemed to retreat, but is she just biding her time to ruin Charrisse’s life? 

We have no idea, but we’re here for the season to find out!


Monday, October 5, 2015

50 Cent Feuds With Cast of Empire, Looks Like a Fool

50 Cent has feuded with Puff Daddy, Ja Rule, Rick Ross and even Floyd Mayweather, but he may have just picked a fight with his fiercest opponent yet – Cookie Lyon.

Yes, it seems 50 is not a fan of the hit Fox series Empire and he made his feelings clear on Instagram in a bizarre, homophobic rant:

“There are 3 million less viewers who tuned into last night’s Empire episode!!!! did you watch it?” the post said. “We could not take the extra gay stuff or celebrity stuff last night!!!!”

Beneath the re-gram (which has since been deleted) 50 wrote, “EMPIRES TV RATINGS TOOK A HUGE HIT. Ok I’ll stop now. COOKIE CALL ME BABY. I’ll tell every body to watch the show for you. LOL”

50 claims he didn’t read the original message in its entirety before he re-posted, and he claims he deleted it once someone called his attention to the homophobic content. 

He makes no apology for his Empire, however.

So why is 50 hatin’ on the show so hard?

Well, part of the reason is that his similar-themed Starz series Power is no match for Empire in the ratings game.

And it probably doesn’t help that the show took a shot at him in its second season premiere, when Cookie referred to 50 as “thirsty ass” for taking shots at the Lyon clan on Instagram.

Naturally, 50 had to prove the writers wrong, by…showing some serious thirst on Instagram.

We can’t help but think that 50 wouldn’t be bankrupt if he spent more time looking after his finances and less time looking for beef.

Watch Empire online at TV Fanatic to remind yourself why the show is stomping Power in the ratings.