Showing posts with label Wanting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wanting. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Kris Jenner Says She Loves Kanye Despite Him Wanting to Smash Kim"s Sisters

Kris Jenner still loves Kanye West … even if he does fantasize about getting with her daughters, despite being married to Kim. We got Kris and her mom leaving Nate’n Al deli in Beverly Hills Wednesday, and asked if she has any thoughts on…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Big Gipp Says Future Has a Point About Wanting Credit From Young Rappers

Future wants some respect put on his name for giving young rappers a style to run with and a way to make a living, and he’s got a point … so says a fellow Atlanta rap legend. We got Big Gipp — who’s part of Goodie Mob, Dungeon Family and other…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Mark Ruffalo Calls Donald Trump Egotistical Fool For Wanting Military Parade

Mark Ruffalo has unbridled contempt for Donald Trump, whom he believes fancies himself as a Banana Republic dictator. We got Mark at LAX Wednesday and asked about the Pentagon planning a military parade per President Trump’s order, and…


Mark Ruffalo Calls Donald Trump Egotistical Fool For Wanting Military Parade

Mark Ruffalo has unbridled contempt for Donald Trump, whom he believes fancies himself as a Banana Republic dictator. We got Mark at LAX Wednesday and asked about the Pentagon planning a military parade per President Trump’s order, and…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Miley Cyrus SLAMMED for Wanting to Be "White Again"

Miley Cyrus performed a memorable duet with Elton John at the 2018 Grammy Awards.

The singers took to the stage as a tandem and belted out a rendition of John’s beloved ballad, “Tiny Dancer.”

But while many fans took note of the duet for positive reasons, at least one viewer Tweeted that it was just another example of a white artist exploiting African-American culture.

How did journalist Ernest Owens arrived at this conclusion?

Based on a performance between Cyrus and another white singer?

We’ll let Owens explain before we attempt to interpret and/or offer our own take on this scandal.

Here is his Tweet:

Oh I forgot Miley Cyrus wants to be white again. No more Mike-Will-Made-It “and them” anymore.

Reminded everyday how interchangeable white artists can exploit the culture and then run back to safe spaces of privilege. #GRAMMYs

It certainly can’t be argued that Cyrus has undergone quite the brand makeover these past few years.

It wasn’t all that long ago she used a foam finger as a pretend penis and gyrated all over the MTV Video Music Awards alongside Robin Thicke.

Remember this duet in 2013?

Click on the link above. We’ll wait a few minutes…

It’s a little different than the link below, wouldn’t you say?

Back during her release of the album “Bangerz” and her subsequent run of concerts and live shows, Cyrus worked with producer Michael Len Williams II, known professionally as Mike Will Made It.

She wore her hair differently.

She sang songs with different kinds of rhythm and lyrics.

She went out of her way to carve out an image for herself as risque, sexy, far more R&B than pop.

Owens is basically saying here that Miley made herself, for all intents and purposes, black for a short while, just to play around and see how the brand sat with her fans.

Now, however, she’s changed course and essentially gone as white as one can go, considering she just sang a duet with Elton John of all people.

Sir Elton is a legend.

But you won’t enter any clubs in Atlanta and hear his tunes coming from the loud speakers.

Did Cyrus really exploit one culture and then run back to the comfort of her own?

A handful of Twitter users agreed with the point Owens is trying to make here; but others took the side of the following defense, made by an Internet user in response to this critique

“Oh please, leave her alone she just switches genres like all artists do. Don’t bring race into it. There are plenty of black artists that do the same.”

It actually is sort of an interesting issue and debate.

But it’s not one Cyrus cares about getting into.

She has not yet written anything back to Owens, instead focusing on the positives when thinking of her duet with John.

“Sir Elton John, I can’t thank you enough for giving me the honor of performing with you tonight at The Grammys!” the 25-year-old wrote on Instagram last night, adding:

“I’ve loved every moment I’ve spent with you over the years & will cherish each second of your kindness.”

She then concluded by addressing a shared passion between the artists:

“Let’s kick ass and keep fighting for an end to the AIDS epidemic!

“Everything you do inspires me to keep workin hard and never giving up on all my dreams ! Love you dearly!”


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Rain Brown: Wanting to Quit Alaskan Bush People?!

Considering that Alaskan Bush People is in production limbo while Ami Brown undergoes cancer treatments, we don’t know when the new season will begin.

But though the Brown family is living large in a mansion during this hiatus, you figure that, sooner or later, they’ll retreat back into the wilderness to continue filming.

Rain Brown said something recently, however, that has fans concerned. it sounds like she wants to quit the show!

We absolutely love that Rain Brown is on social media.

Her posts and photos are a great insight into her life and thoughts — sides to her that we would never get to see on a series that follows the entire family.

And as carefully as we follow Ami Brown’s chemotherapy treatments, we — and all fans of Alaskan Bush People — need to see that the rest of the family is coping during this trying experience.

Remember — cancer patients don’t go through their cancer battles alone.

Their loved ones are in the thick of it with them.

Just as when we were excited to learn of Noah Brown’s engagement finally being official and confirmed, we welcome any positive news about the family.

Rain Brown, however, the youngest of the Brown clan at just 14 years old, has revealed more than just her quirky side and fondness for equality over Instagram.

Rain Brown is depressed. And this is not a new development, either.

What’s worse, she’s often felt sidelined or ignored when speaking about her battle with depression.

No one should be dismissed because of their youth.

In fact, teens and preteens experiencing depression can be at extremely high risk, which is why treatment is so important. Hormones and a tumultuous social life can both work to exacerbate depression symptoms.

And Ami Brown’s cancer battle must also be taking its toll.

Rain’s alarming new post doesn’t refer to any of that, but you can see how it all might be an influence if she’s tired of being on Alaskan Bush People.

The picture is fine (it looks like a still from a Vine, actually; gosh I miss Vine), but the caption is what has fans worried.

“This is my I don’t really want to take this picture but I love the person who I’m taking it for look #yup #idontwannadothisanymore #hurtinginside #staystrong #stayhappy”

In case you find hashtags overwhelming, Rain wrote: “I don’t wanna do this anymore” and “hurting inside.”

Both of those tags are huge red flags — not only for her mental health, but for fans of the series who enjoy he role on the show.

Fans were quick to comment, and Rain Brown even responded. …

One fan wrote:

“If you want to quit, then stop. You will be so missed. I so look forward to your posts. If you need to get out of the public eye do it! You can’t be strong for others if you don’t take care of yourself.”

Honestly, Rain Brown is a minor, so we doubt that she ever had much of a choice to begin with and we don’t know that she gets to decide that for herself now, either.

Rain jumped in, however, and replied:

“I was actually talking about taking a picture lol.”

We have to say that “hurting inside” sounds a little more serious than posing for a photo, but it may be that her humor isn’t translating well over Instagram.

But that’s okay. She’s 14 and she’s just figuring out how to (and how not to) deliver her quirky brand of humor to her fans.

This is a relief. Though, as long as the show remains in hiatus for Ami Brown’s treatments and recovery, we won’t know for sure if the show will go on.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Justin Bieber: RUDE & UNGRATEFUL to Fans Wanting Selfie

When you"re as famous as Justin Bieber, being asked for a selfie and hearing professions of undying love from fans is an everyday occurrence.

In fact, it can probably get a little tiresome.

But that"s no reason to be a jerk.

In the video below, the singer is riding in the back of a black SUV with the window down when throngs of fans call out, pleading for a selfie.

The Biebs just kinda sits there and stares into space, then casually tosses something out the window (perhaps a shirt? A rag?).

And then, without a word or even a slight grin, he rolls up the window as if to say, "I"m done here."


Listen, we get that you can"t always honor selfies or stop to chat with fans.

Sometimes you don"t have time, or you"re just not in the mood, and that"s fine.

But would it hurt to flash a little smile or give a quick wave to let them know you appreciate them?

After all, if it weren"t for the fans, you wouldn"t be in the position to turn down their selfie requests in the first place.

Earlier this year, Justin disappointed fans when he canceled $ 2,000-a-pop meet and greets he had scheduled during his "Purpose" tour.

The singer cited depression and exhaustion as the reason, and Beliebers were mostly understanding.

However, when they discovered they could not get a refund, fans (or more likely, their parents) were rightfully ticked off.

So what was the response from the Bieber camp?

Let them pose with a cardboard cutout of their idol. For two grand. 

Well, what can you expect from a kid whose mom couldn"t control him and a dad whose brought a miserable, chained-up Bengal tiger to his engagement party?

Justin bieber rude and ungrateful to fans wanting selfie