Thursday, May 5, 2016

Justin Bieber: RUDE & UNGRATEFUL to Fans Wanting Selfie

When you"re as famous as Justin Bieber, being asked for a selfie and hearing professions of undying love from fans is an everyday occurrence.

In fact, it can probably get a little tiresome.

But that"s no reason to be a jerk.

In the video below, the singer is riding in the back of a black SUV with the window down when throngs of fans call out, pleading for a selfie.

The Biebs just kinda sits there and stares into space, then casually tosses something out the window (perhaps a shirt? A rag?).

And then, without a word or even a slight grin, he rolls up the window as if to say, "I"m done here."


Listen, we get that you can"t always honor selfies or stop to chat with fans.

Sometimes you don"t have time, or you"re just not in the mood, and that"s fine.

But would it hurt to flash a little smile or give a quick wave to let them know you appreciate them?

After all, if it weren"t for the fans, you wouldn"t be in the position to turn down their selfie requests in the first place.

Earlier this year, Justin disappointed fans when he canceled $ 2,000-a-pop meet and greets he had scheduled during his "Purpose" tour.

The singer cited depression and exhaustion as the reason, and Beliebers were mostly understanding.

However, when they discovered they could not get a refund, fans (or more likely, their parents) were rightfully ticked off.

So what was the response from the Bieber camp?

Let them pose with a cardboard cutout of their idol. For two grand. 

Well, what can you expect from a kid whose mom couldn"t control him and a dad whose brought a miserable, chained-up Bengal tiger to his engagement party?

Justin bieber rude and ungrateful to fans wanting selfie