Showing posts with label Rude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rude. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele says Kanye-Trump Meeting Was Rude, Weird

Ex-RNC Chairman Michael Steele has fully digested Kanye West’s White House lunch meeting with President Trump … and he’s ready to puke. We got Michael leaving the London Hotel in NYC Thursday and, naturally, had to ask him about what…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Slammed For Lavish Spending, Rude Behavior

Another day, another Duggar controversy.

This one involves the family’s least popular couple (with the possible exception of Josh and Anna), Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

Derick has been fired by TLC for making transphobic comments, but the move hasn’t affected the Dillards’ public profile … or their spending habits.

Despite the fact that Jill and Derick have been asking for money from fans and appear to be living on handouts these days, the couple continues to live as they did when they were the stars of a successful television series.

The Counting On cash was divided many different ways, so the Dillards weren’t fabulously wealthy, even at the height of the show’s success.

But now, as they attempt to feed two children while relying on nothing but charitable donations, it seems Jill and Derick have made no changes in their personal finances.

For example, over the weekend, Jill was a member of a friend’s wedding party.

Like the other bridesmaids, she wore gold shoes, and many fans were quick to point out that the proponent of “modest attire” likely spent a pretty penny on the fancy footwear.

The above photo was posted on Derick’s Instagram page, and like everything the former reality star does these days, it attracted a good deal of criticism:

“I’m sorry but if my husband ever bullied any child i dont think i could stand by him,” wrote one fan.

“My husband is an Officer and a Military Man he works his ASS off for his family !!! Stop being beggars and people won’t give a damn what type of shoes u wear,” commented another.

Obviously, criticizing Jill for expensive-looking shoes (that may have not actually been expensive) is a bit nit-picky, but we suppose when your money comes from fans, fans are allowed to talk trash.

And gilded heels aren’t the only questionable decision the Dillards have made in recent weeks.

Sources say Jill and Derick were spotted at the Silver Dollar City amusement park earlier this month, where they acted the part of spoiled, entitled celebrities.

Onlookers claim Derick cut lines, was rude to staff, and even rammed a stroller with his children in it into a crowd of people were standing in his way.

Not very godly behavior from a man who’s currently working to become a minister.

But don’t worry–something tells us life after reality TV will mighty humbling to Derick.

Watch Counting On online for more from the controversial Dillard clan.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Enzo Amore: Ronda Rousey Is "In for a Rude Awakening" in WWE

Ronda Rousey may be an all-time great inside the Octagon — but WWE superstar Enzo Amore says it’s gonna be a painful transition for her if and when she steps into the ring. “She’s in for a rude awakening,” Enzo told TMZ Sports.  “You ever…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Justin Theroux"s NYC Neighbor Claps Back with Allegations of Rude Behavior

Justin Theroux’s war with his NYC neighbor is actually pretty one-sided — Justin does all the damage and the downstairs neighbor’s left to deal with it … according to new legal docs filed by the guy. Norman Resnicow responded to Theroux’s…


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Justin Bieber: RUDE & UNGRATEFUL to Fans Wanting Selfie

When you"re as famous as Justin Bieber, being asked for a selfie and hearing professions of undying love from fans is an everyday occurrence.

In fact, it can probably get a little tiresome.

But that"s no reason to be a jerk.

In the video below, the singer is riding in the back of a black SUV with the window down when throngs of fans call out, pleading for a selfie.

The Biebs just kinda sits there and stares into space, then casually tosses something out the window (perhaps a shirt? A rag?).

And then, without a word or even a slight grin, he rolls up the window as if to say, "I"m done here."


Listen, we get that you can"t always honor selfies or stop to chat with fans.

Sometimes you don"t have time, or you"re just not in the mood, and that"s fine.

But would it hurt to flash a little smile or give a quick wave to let them know you appreciate them?

After all, if it weren"t for the fans, you wouldn"t be in the position to turn down their selfie requests in the first place.

Earlier this year, Justin disappointed fans when he canceled $ 2,000-a-pop meet and greets he had scheduled during his "Purpose" tour.

The singer cited depression and exhaustion as the reason, and Beliebers were mostly understanding.

However, when they discovered they could not get a refund, fans (or more likely, their parents) were rightfully ticked off.

So what was the response from the Bieber camp?

Let them pose with a cardboard cutout of their idol. For two grand. 

Well, what can you expect from a kid whose mom couldn"t control him and a dad whose brought a miserable, chained-up Bengal tiger to his engagement party?

Justin bieber rude and ungrateful to fans wanting selfie

Friday, April 8, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Rude and Demanding on Kocktails With Khloe Set?

To the shock of absolutely no one, the critically panned Khloe Kardashian talk show Kocktails With Khloe was cancelled this week after just 13 episodes.

The show actually did alright in the ratings department, which is usually all that matters, but production was plagued with problems from the start, many of them having to do with Khloe herself.

According to Page Six, Khloe was a nightmare to deal with on set.

In addition to her tendency to fight with producers over the best direction for the show (They wanted to cash in on the tabloid drama that forever surrounds her family; she wanted to land A-list guests with projects to promote.), the 30-year-old reality star was reportedly brutal to her staff.

“Khloé’s used to being on a smash-hit show and being able to call the shots,” says one source. “But it’s not like that on a small show…Eventually everyone had enough.”

This is far from the first time rumor about Khloe being a demanding diva during filming.

Considering most people in the industry are used to obnoxious behavior from celebrities, and Kocktails was a ratings boon for small, fledgling network, we think it’s safe to assume Khloe’s behavior was truly beyond the pale.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Mischa Barton: Rude! Self-Entitled! Worst DWTS Celeb EVER!

If you thought it was just nerves making her stiff, you are sorely mistaken.

Rumor has it that Mischa Barton is the most unpleasant participant to ever appear on Dancing With The Stars, and that is saying something.

Barton “is just not coming off as a nice person,” sources from the LA-based set tell Radar Online.

“It is really quite unfortunate because when she first came on the show, members of the cast and crew said they were hoping that she was going to be the person that they used to love watching on TV.

“They were actually really excited to meet her.”

On Monday, Barton faced elimination alongside Doug Flutie and Geraldo Rivera. 

When Rivera was voted off the show, “everyone hugged him, except for Mischa,” a source pointed out.

“Misha had practically no response at all to Geraldo getting kicked off.”

DWTS is a team-driven show where contestants and professionals spend hours together, bonds are formed.  So when people noticed that Barton didn’t join everyone to see Rivera off, “all that did was add to the feeling on set that Misha does not want to be there, and she just wants to take the money and run,” the source said.

“Some people are claiming that Mischa is the most self-entitled and rude celebrity that the employees of the show have ever had to work with! She does not discriminate who she is rude to either.”

This wouldn’t surprise me in the least, as I’ve watched Barton’s expressions and body language since the March 21st premiere, and she looks like she’d rather be anywhere else.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Kylie Jenner Accused of Being Rude, Ungrateful to Fans

On a January 2016 episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian addressed rumors that her little sister, Kylie Jenner had a reputation for being unprofessional on the job.

“I’ve been hearing things like Kylie makes people wait ’cause she’s on her phone,” Kardashian admitted in her one-on-one interview.

“Or if she’s at photo shoots, she brings a ton of friends.”

On March 11th, Jenner made an appearance at the Orlando opening of the Sugar Factory, attended by roughly 3000 fans.  Some even paid $ 150 for a dinner reservation and seating inside the restaurant, which is also a candy store.

“My favorite part is definitely connecting with my fans,” Jenner told the Orlando Sentinel at the event.

“I don’t do a lot of meet-and-greets, so it’s kind of the one thing where I can see everybody and just really enjoy myself.”

Star Magazine has a different version of how that night went, claiming that Jenner was a “huge disappointment” to fans, whom she made wait an hour for her arrival (the Sentinel reports that she was only 15 minutes late).

“She didn’t acknowledge her fans that much,” a source told the magazine

“She only stayed for five minutes, took maybe three selfies and left.”

Jenner isolated herself from fans, allegedly choosing to sit with her friends and not touch her food.

“No one got to meet her,” the source added. “Her friends were nicer!”

Friday, January 15, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Rude! Arrogant! Egomaniacal! Out of Control!

Kylie Jenner may be the exalted ruler of social media, but she’s quickly losing real friends and family due to her out of control ego.

According to a new report, the teenager is completely out of control …

Sources close to the 18-year-old say the immense fame she’s garnered over the past two years has gone to her head and then some.

She’s managing to alienate everyone with her arrogant attitude, and the only people who opt to hang with her these days are … incentivized.

Of the inner circle that remains, everyone is “either on the payroll or straight up using her,” says one insider source close to the situation.

We know Tyga’s after Kylie’s money, but apparently he’s not alone.

Naturally, these haters are speaking off the record, likely because they fear being iced out or cut off by Kris Jenner’s prized kash kow.

Still, one wonders if there’s some truth behind this axe they have to grind. Has Kylie grown so full of herself that she has no real friends?

“Kylie picks fights with everyone,” another insider told Radar.

“She’s the most rude and condescending person you could ever meet … it’s like she goes out of her way to irritate people just for fun.”

What does she do, exactly? Let’s just say she has zero shame.

“She’ll point out if someone’s put on weight or if they look rough,” says the source. “She gives ‘judgments’ on whatever they’re wearing,”

The celeb “loves nothing better than trashing everyone.” 

“She treats everyone like her staff,” added the insider.

“Her ego is so out of control at this point it’s unreal.”

Maybe so … but look at Kylie Jenner’s butt in jeans. Seriously, take a long look. She wants you to, because she’s the queen of Instagram.

Don’t hate the player, hate the human civilization.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

VS Model Tears Into TMZ Over Rude Questions, "Hangry" Comment

For some reason, someone let TMZ record the goings-on backstage at the Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show.

The cameraman first perused the food table, then asked all of the models what they were most excited about eating after the show.

Some played along and listed off the usual: chocolate, pizza, ice cream.

When the camera turned to Polish model Magdalena Frackowiak, though, it was game over.

"What? No guys, not with these kinds of questions, this is stupid,” Frackowiak responded.

"Ask more smart questions, not eating after the show,” she added.

I like this girl.

The cameraman insisted that he asked the question only because the girls worked really hard to prepare for the show, but then backed off because Frackowiack was OVER.  IT.

“You make me look like an idiot,” she pointed out.  

"It seems like I"m starving myself and I can"t wait for the show to end so I can eat.”

The website posted the video, declaring Frackowiak "Hangry," which is super unfair.

“You gotta watch for Magdalena Frackowiak, though,” TMZ wrote.“Chick was NOT down with food questions … we"re guessing she was just hangry."


She was preparing for a show, and the guy distracted her with a question she didn"t feel like answering.

Frackowiak was most likely referring to the awards season Twitter challenge, "Ask Her More" in which celebrities like Reese Witherspoon and Amy Poehler encouraged the media to ask more compelling questions on the red carpet than just "What are you wearing?"

Tmz pisses off victorias secret model backstage