Showing posts with label Demanding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demanding. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Kelly Ripa is a Demanding Diva, Source Cruely Alleges

When Kelly Ripa returned to Live! on Tuesday morning, she joked that our nation’s long nightmare is finally over.

But that’s the case for as long as Ripa works on the program, a new report alleges.

Because she’s the one who causes a nightmare for staffers on the show!

Production members close to the ABC program recently told In Touch Weekly that Ripa isn’t nearly as happy and as bubbly off scree as she appears to be on screen.

“Kelly is a lot to handle,” an insider told the tabloid. “People are starting to wonder if Kelly is worth all of the drama.”

She must be to ABC, considering multiple outlets have reported over the past several days that Ripa makes as much as $ 20 million per year.

This is why no one thinks she’ll actually quit, despite talk that Ripa only wants to work with two possible new co-hosts.

Even though she takes home so much money, the magazine also claims that Kelly “demands that ABC pay for her wardrobe [and] a new outfit every day, which she gets to keep.”

What other types of perks does Ripa supposedly demand?

The former soap opera star expects a “car service to drop her [three] kids off at school every morning,” according to this scathing report.

She and her husband are the parents to Michael, 18; Lola, 14 and Joaquin, 13.

This Strahan drama has placed a newfound focus on Ripa and her reputation, but an unnamed producer says Kelly “can be cold and temperamental” at work.

And that this was the case long before she got angry over Strahan leaving her show for Good Morning America.

We’ve heard for awhile now that Ripa and Strahan don’t get along, with this latest article claiming their feud is based on Kelly growing jealous over her co-host’s growing fame.

So at least she won’t have to worry about any sort of on-set competition for much longer.

After initially announcing he would transition to GMA in September, Strahan confirmed this week that he’s instead leaving Live! on Friday, May 13.

However, neither Kelly nor Michael has mentioned this important tidbit on air over the last couple days.

In other words: things are darn awkward over there. It’s pretty fascinating to watch.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Rude and Demanding on Kocktails With Khloe Set?

To the shock of absolutely no one, the critically panned Khloe Kardashian talk show Kocktails With Khloe was cancelled this week after just 13 episodes.

The show actually did alright in the ratings department, which is usually all that matters, but production was plagued with problems from the start, many of them having to do with Khloe herself.

According to Page Six, Khloe was a nightmare to deal with on set.

In addition to her tendency to fight with producers over the best direction for the show (They wanted to cash in on the tabloid drama that forever surrounds her family; she wanted to land A-list guests with projects to promote.), the 30-year-old reality star was reportedly brutal to her staff.

“Khloé’s used to being on a smash-hit show and being able to call the shots,” says one source. “But it’s not like that on a small show…Eventually everyone had enough.”

This is far from the first time rumor about Khloe being a demanding diva during filming.

Considering most people in the industry are used to obnoxious behavior from celebrities, and Kocktails was a ratings boon for small, fledgling network, we think it’s safe to assume Khloe’s behavior was truly beyond the pale.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: A Demanding Diva on the Set of Her New Talk Show?

Last week, we reported that Khloe Kardashian’s FYI talk show Kocktails With Khloe was renewed for another season.

Unfortunately, it seems a 15-episode order from a basic cable network no one’s ever heard of was enough to send Khloe on an ego trip, and sources say she’s been butting heads with producers over which direction the show should go in.

“Now that Khloe’s talk show got picked up for all these new episodes, she wants more stake in the company than ever before,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She now knows how powerful her voice truly is.”

Of course, with great power comes great insufferability, and insiders say Khloe has been openly arguing with the same production team that helped maker her show a success.

It seems the main point on which they disagree is how big of a role Khloe’s family should play in the show going forward.

Apparently, Khloe is hoping to send the message that she’s more than just a member of a famous family, and she’d like to feature more non-Kardashian guests like Tori Spelling and Snooki.

“Khloe really does not want to have her family on every single week anymore because she wants to stand out from that, which is why she had Tori on this week,” says the source.

Her producers, however, seem to feel that Kocktails works best as a companion series to Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“The producers at the network really believe that people are tuning in to the show to see the off-script Kardashian drama carry over into Kocktails,” says one insider.

“They are looking at this the same way that audiences respond to such shows as Watch What Happens Live. So right now, they are having a bit of discrepancy with Khloe as far as the future format of Kocktails goes.”

Something tells us Khloe will end up getting her way.

After all, it sounds like the producers would be the first to admit that they’re reliant on Kardashian star power.