Showing posts with label Posting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posting. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

90 Day Fiance Revenge Porn Scandal: Paul Claims Man Posting Scandalous Pics of Karine

90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days stars Paul and Karine are one of the show’s most controversial couples — which is saying a lot.

On Sunday’s Tell All special, Paul pulled the rug out from under Karine’s happy pregnancy announcement by demanding a paternity test.

Now, Paul is asking for help from fans to track down a man he says is posting revenge porn of Karine.

“This man is posting revenge porn of Karine,” Paul Staehle wrote on social media alongside the photo collage that you’re about to see.

He implores his followers: “please help Karine criminally prosecute him.”

“Report him,” Paul writes. “And send any info to help Karine to Karine to give to the police.”

“She can prosecute him,” Paul says. “And he will be charged regardless of where he is.”

To the shock of a lot of 90 Day Fiance fans, Paul then posted actual photos — censored though they may be — of the revenge porn.

90 day fiance - karine revenge porn post

Paul was apparently displeased with the responses that he got, because he seemed to lash out in a later post.

“A man posts sex videos on the internet of himself and my wife,” Paul angrily lamented.

He continued to narrate: “I try to help her get his full name for her police report.”

“And get people to help us find all the places he posted the sex videos,” Paul continued. “So we can have police help remove [the photos].”

“But,” Paul then wrote with no hint of irony. “I am the bad guy.”

90 day fiance - paul bad guy

At no point does Paul seem to provide necessary information that fans would need to report this unnamed man.

There’s no link to where this man may have posted videos.

He does not know the man’s name or link to the man’s social media.

It sounds like he’s just asking his followers to do cyber-sleuthing so that he does not have to.

For that matter, he doesn’t even say when these videos were allegedly recorded.

Did this happen before their relationship, or is this from Karine’s alleged infidelity?

As we mentioned, Karine shared happy news recently — she and Paul are expecting.

Karine has had two miscarriages that were emotionally devastating to her.

Now, she’s pregnant with what fans are calling a rainbow baby — a pregnancy following tragic miscarriages.

Then, Paul announced at the Tell All special that he’ll demand a paternity test.

That is such a hurtful thing to say, especially in public.

He did promise to raise the baby as his own, for whatever that’s worth.

90 day fiance - karine to paul

Paul also shared a message in which Karine attempted to explain how this man had reached out to her.

90 Day Fiance viewers have felt a swell of sympathy for Karine for ages.

Paul strikes many as creepy, or at least awkward. And it’s not just that he’s more than a dozen years her senior.

(Anyone else remember that time he showed up and announced to her parents his plan to take her to his hotel room?)

And then there is Paul’s criminal history, which includes an arrest for violeting a protective order.

Also, arson. Paul was on probation.

It has been suggested that Paul has a dating pattern of dating much younger women because they are naive enough to tolerate him.

To many viewers, it seemed that Paul had simply run out of gullible women in his hometown and decided to look overseas.

Paul’s strange behavior regarding this revenge porn — announcing it publicly so that as many people as possible see it — is just the latest stunt.

With this on top of his assertion that Karina was unfaithful to him, a lot of fans are hoping that Karine gets out of this relationship.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Idaho Governor Says Killing Baboons is Just as Wrong as Posting Pic

The Governor of Idaho is appalled at his former fish and game commissioner for slaughtering a family of baboons — saying not only is the killing itself wrong — posting a pic is just as disturbing.  Blake Fischer came under heavy fire after…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Still Posting About Guns, Still Pissing Off Fans

It"s been almost a month since David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 after launching a homophobic rant on Instagram.

The vile incident was spurred by a photo of Jenelle Evans shooting a gun that Eason posted just hours after the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

Fans implored him to take the photo down out of respect to the victims" families.

Eason refused, and all hell broke loose.

One would think that Jenelle would have learned a valuable lesson from her husband"s firing, but weeks later, the Carolina Hurricane is still using her newfound love of firearms to troll fans:

1. The Offending Photo

Jenelle evans gun photo

Eason posted this image as a Valentine’s Day tribute to his wife. Unfortunately, it appeared online just hours after the Parkland, Florida school shooting that claimed 17 lives.

2. Combative Dave

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

Fans begged Dave to take the photo down, but he refused. And then he went on the offensive in truly disgusting fashion…

3. Your Bigotry Is Showing…

Jenelle eason david eason

David proceeded to hurl homophobic insults at the Twitter users who suggested he delete the post. For obvious reasons, this illicited an uproar from fans, as well as from several other stars of the Teen Mom franchise. MTV responded swiftly…

4. The Changing of the Easons

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

David was fired by producers, and MTV released a statement informing viewers that he would no longer appear on any of its new programming.

5. Jenelle Tries to Make It Right

Jenelle evans attends 2017 vmas

Jenelle issued a public apology in which she lamely claimed that David “doesn’t understand Twitter” and can’t be homophobic because he once attended a party at which they were also gay people in attendance. Needless to say, no one was moved to sympathy for Eason.

6. Evans on the Offensive

Jenelle evans making silver and orange work

When her apology failed, Jenelle tried a different approach. And not surprisingly, the Carolina Hurricane now finds herself at the center of yet another controversy…

View Slideshow

Friday, January 5, 2018

Logan Paul Finally Surfaces, Sweating After Posting Dead Body Video

Logan Paul’s a man on the run, and not only from controversy. The shamed YouTube star was out jogging Friday in L.A. — the first time he’s been seen in public since posting the controversial video of a dead body in Japan’s Suicide Forest. …


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Logan Paul Apologizes After Mocking Suicide Victim, Posting Video With Dead Body

Logan Paul is the YouTube “celebrity” whom you recently became aware of when your most obnoxious nephew told you about him over the holidays.

He unequivocally sucks, but he has a massive following.

And he’s probably not going anywhere, despite having recently crossed the line between “terrible” and “ghoulish,” because 2018 is sure to be another diaper incinerator of a year.

Paul is a 22-year-old professional prankster who lives his life to amass views, but found himself smack-dab in the center of a particularly lazy episode of Black Mirror yesterday, when he became a top trending topic on Twitter … for all the wrong reasons!

For reasons that remain clear only in his brain–which has likely been severely damaged by years of violent “dabbing”–Paul and some of his friends traveled to Japan’s infamous “suicide forest” near the base of Mt. Fuji.

Here, they quite predictably encountered a dead body hanging from a tree.

Rather than respectfully mourning the loss of a human life and quietly alerting the authorities, Paul and company attempted to turn the whole thing into a comedy bit, with a video entitled–sigh–“We found a dead boy in the Japanese Suicide Forest…”

In the since-deleted clip, Paul and his friends laughed, spoke in “funny” voices, and repeatedly zoomed in on the corpse.

Needless to say, the reaction from Paul’s 3.9 million subscribers was one of near-universal disgust.

And the situation wasn’t helped much by the 22-year-old’s apology, which quickly deteriorated into a remarkably douchey humble-brag session.

“This is a first for me. I’ve never faced criticism like this before, because I’ve never made a mistake like this before. I’m surrounded by good people and believe I make good decisions, but I’m still a human being. I can be wrong,” Paul wrote on Twitter.

“I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That’s never the intention.”

He concluded:

“I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am.”

Yes, it was apparently shock and awe that led Paul to introduce his video by saying, “Buckle the f–k up, because you’re never gonna see a video like this again!”

Needless to say, Paul’s “apology” didn’t win him many converts … by which we mean he’s being savaely roasted by the entirety of the internet:

“How dare you! You disgust me,” tweeted Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul (no relation).

“I can’t believe that so many young people look up to you. So sad. Hopefully this latest video woke them up. You are pure trash. Plain and simple. Suicide is not a joke. Go rot in hell.”

“You’re an idiot. You’re not raising awareness. You’re mocking,” remarked Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner.

“I can’t believe how self-praising your ‘apology’ is. You don’t deserve the success (views) you have. I pray to God you never have to experience anything like that man did.”

“The amount of personal + social unawareness Logan Paul has displayed in THAT video is mind blowing to me. How could one w such power and influence have the audacity to put something so thoughtless online?” asked singer Rebecca Black.

“You have potentially intensified an entire family’s grief beyond measure.”

And as usual, Twitter person Pixelated Boat said what we were all thinking, tweeting:

“Logan Paul is clearly a psychopath, but so is everyone else who recreationally watches YouTube videos.”

Folks, let’s make 2018 the year we stop watching terrible people ruin lives for recreation.

We kid. It’s important to watch the evening news sometimes.


YouTuber Logan Paul Apologizes for Posting Video of Dead Body

Logan Paul is making a full mea culpa for posting a vlog showing a dead body he discovered in Japan … saying he only intended to raise awareness about suicide. The famous YouTuber posted the original 15 minute video Sunday showing him and some…


YouTuber Logan Paul Apologizes for Posting Video of Dead Body

Logan Paul is making a full mea culpa for posting a vlog showing a dead body he discovered in Japan … saying he only intended to raise awareness about suicide. The famous YouTuber posted the original 15 minute video Sunday showing him and some…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Posting Old Baby Bump Pics to Fool Due Date Skeptics?!

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are expecting … but the time frame in which they’re expecting continues to spark great speculation.

While it’s plausible – albeit unlikely – for her to have conceived since (or on) her wedding day, a lot of fans aren’t buying that scenario.

Austin and Joy stunned Duggar Nation three months after their May 26 wedding by announcing that she’s expecting their first child.

The sheer size of Joy-Anna Duggar’s baby bump – not to mention preexisting rumors of broken courtship rules – raised eyebrows.

Could they have engaged in premarital sex and rushed to the altar, shotgun wedding style, as a means of covering their tracks?

Since the big reveal, the couple obviously hasn’t addressed rumors that the future Baby Forsyth was conceived out of wedlock.

This week, however, Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband posted an update on her pregnancy on their joint Instagram account.

(No, Joy doesn’t have her own account, a minor but still intriguing point of contention worthy of its own article sometime soon.)

The 19-year-old Duggar and her new husband posted the above image of her bump while segueing into their anti-abortion views.

“Can’t wait to meet our baby! I got to feel it kick for the first time a few days ago,” she wrote as her caption, adding controversially:

“Soooooo amazing!!! It’s already about the size of a bell pepper and weighs around half a pound!!! #childrenareagiftfromGod #westandforlife.”

Pro-life discussion aside, the real controversy has once again become the bump photo, which some fans are certain is an older image.

One passed off subtly but intentionally, they say.

“This is an old picture,” one Duggar fan stated.

“It was the first picture they used to announce her pregnancy. Unless she is having twins, she is way too big for her dates to match.”

Some also felt that on top of the (allegedly) old photo, Joy’s quote about the baby being bell-pepper-sized and kicking was more subterfuge.

This would put the unborn child around 18 weeks, according to experts, when it begins to flex its arms and legs and increase movement.

The 18-week range would be consistent with wedding night conception (18 weeks and four days ago) and a late February due date.

Obviously, whether she conceived earlier than their wedding night wouldn’t be as big a deal with many couples as it is in their families.

There, it is a huge deal.

It’s unclear if they put as much thought into this as we’re theorizing, but if it was their way of subtly trying to quash rumors, well played.

If you watch Counting On Online, you know recent episodes have focused on Joy-Anna’s wedding planning and pre-wedding activities.

In one installment, the soon-to-be-spouses were perusing a property that was to become their first home together after the ceremony.

In turn, some fans felt the baggy clothing Joy-Anna wore for the occasion was purposely chosen with the goal of hiding a baby bump.

Not the kind of thing we can prove, and definitely not the kind of thing the Duggars would ever address directly, but fans had a field day.

That small bump, after all, gave way to Joy-Anna’s huge baby bump – and the controversy that came with it – just a couple of weeks later

Are we looking at Joy-Anna’s trickery exposed?

Maybe, maybe not, but we’ll tell you this:

No bell-pepper style hints are going to quell the rumors or cease the chatter … especially not if she keeps trying to re-use old pics.

Come on, Joy. Armchair Duggar investigators are pretty sophisticated in this day and age with their Zapruder-film level analysis.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Jason Aldean"s Burrito Troll Got Fired for Posting This ...

The ex-burrito roller who trolled Jason Aldean did more than accuse him of being cheap — he called the country star a “bitch” and insinuated he was racist. TMZ obtained the since-deleted tweets from the fired employee of Black Sheep…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Jill Duggar: SLAMMED By Fans For Posting Bizarre Photo of Son

Jill Duggar is no stranger to criticism.

The first Duggar daughter to get married and start a family of her own, Jill has taken considerable flak for the unortohodox fashion in which she and her husband, Derick Dillard, have chosen to raise their children.

Much of the uproar surrounds the missionary work that Jill and Derick have performed in El Salvador.

It seems like a strange source of controversy — after all, who could get upset about a young couple helping the less fortunate? — but Jill and Derick weren’t entirely truthful about their time in Central America, and their deceptions may have put many at risk, including their own children.

Jill and Derick were never licensed missionaries, which means they were never trained for life in an impoverished village.

Taking young children along on such an excursion is risky under any circumstances, but it’s especially dangerous without proper training.

Add to that the fact that Jill and Derick ignored Zika virus warnings and got pregnant with their second child shortly after returning o the States, and it’s not hard to see why fans often call the young couple’s responsibility into question.

The latest controversial move by Jill and Derick pales in comprison to their actions in Central America, but nonetheless, it’s being taken by many as evidence that the young parents are in over their heads.

It has to do with the seeming innocuous photo above.

Jill posted it to her Instagram page over the weekend, with a caption reading: 

“We had such a great time at our friend’s place the other day @farmlandadventures Thanks for having us out!”

In other posts, Jill indicated that the children enjyed a petting zoo, a hay ride, and a walk through a corn maze.

And how could anyone take issue with such an innocent day of family fun?

Well, believe it or not, the complaints have to do with the tortilla in young Israel’s hand.

It seems on-lookers who witnessed the Dillard’s family day noticed that the tortilla was frequently placed on baby Samuel’s head, presumably in order to pervent sunburn.

Upon hearing this, some fans criticized Jill for forcing her son to wear food on his head instead of a hat, while others applauded her for improvising.

“No, you can’t find a baby hat on a farm but you can use common sense and be prepared. When you take 2 babies out for the day in the open when it’s obviously very warm and sunny, you pack hats hats and sunscreen, warm clothes in case the weather turns, even if you don’t end up needing them,” wrote one irate fan.

“Sorry but a tortilla? Really? Imagine how hot that would get, his head would be fried.

Another pointed out that this is far from the first instance in which Jill has demonstrated questionable parenting habits:

“She also thinks that feeding a growing and active toddler cold tomato sauce right out of the can is appropriate. There are pictures of that, too – not just one time but at least on two separate occasions,” the commenter wrote.

“That’s why I said she’s not the brightest bulb. She thinks that people won’t notice abuse and neglect – or she thinks that because she’s a DUGGAR!”

Far be it for us to defend Jill, as we agree that some made some highly dubious decisions in the years since she became a mom, but this situation seems more than a bit overblown.

Folks, let’s save our torilla related outrage for the times when they fall apart, spilling the contents of out Cheesy Gorditas into our laps.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Friday, July 14, 2017

DMX Released from Jail After Posting $500k Bond

DMX is out of jail … posting $ 500k bond after he was charged with multiple counts of tax evasion. Nicholas Biase, a spokesman for the U.S. District Attorney’s Office, tells TMZ … the rapper pled not guilty to 14 counts of tax evasion. He…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Ex, Pilot Jones, Says Rob Kardashian Went Too Far Posting Her Nudes

Blac Chyna’s alleged ex-bf might be getting ready to spill more of her secrets … but he still thinks Rob Kardashian’s revenge porn stunt was wrong. We got Pilot Jones leaving Rostrum Records in L.A. — where he’s currently filming a reality…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kardashian Family Upset with Rob Over Posting Blac Chyna Naked Pics, You"re Hurting Your Child

Rob Kardashian has crossed the line by posting pics of Blac Chyna’s vagina on social media and the public back and forth between them is causing long-term damage to Dream … this is what the Kardashians are telling friends. We’re told the…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian"s Instagram Shut Down After Posting Blac Chyna Nudes, Moves to Twitter

It seems Instagram has had it with Rob Kardashian’s revenge porn against Blac Chyna, ‘cause they just shut down his page. Rob tweeted Wednesday … “Since Instagram shut me down everyone peep my twitter lol” … and then proceeded to post the same…


Rob Kardashian"s Instagram Shut Down After Posting Blac Chyna Nudes, Moves to Twitter

It seems Instagram has had it with Rob Kardashian’s revenge porn against Blac Chyna, ‘cause they just shut down his page. Rob tweeted Wednesday … “Since Instagram shut me down everyone peep my twitter lol” … and then proceeded to post the same…


Rob Kardashian Posting Nude Chyna Pics Probably Did Not Violate Revenge Porn Law

Rob Kardashian’s revenge against Blac Chyna — posting pics of her vagina and breasts — would seem to violate the revenge porn law … but that doesn’t seem to be the case. As we reported, Rob believed Chyna was cheating on him and he went on the…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ariel Winter: Posting Racy Photos Is NOT Slutty!

Ariel Winter knows a thing or two about posting racy pictures on social media.

The 19-year-old Modern Family actress makes headlines on weekly due to her latest snaps, but that’s not to say she likes the attention. 

We know: Everyone likes attention, but Ariel wants the world to know that she’s not that kind of girl. 

She takes issue with the fact that males take risky pictures and have little fanfare. The star opened up in a revealing chat with Yahoo Style. 

I feel like people put so much emphasis on it. Guys, all the time, go on their Instagrams and take pictures nude with guitars in front of their stuff. No one says anything. Nobody cares,” said Winter.

“When we try to be free and post what we want, it’s like, look at that slut on social media. That’s not what it is. We’re proud of our bodies. We’re proud of who we are. We’re made the way we are. Why do we care? If I take a picture and I think it looks good — if it’s a little revealing, whatever.”

On top of that, she had some harsh words for her haters, saying: “If people don’t like it, unfollow me. If you’re so offended, why do you look at it? Don’t take the time to hate on me. Just unfollow me and follow someone who covers every part of their body to their toes. I don’t care.”

Um, okay then. There is no denying that you can get upset at what people are saying about you, but it does appear that Ariel has a thick skin and does not allow the naysayers to drag her down. 

Winter also took a jab at celebrities who take self-imposed exiles from social media, noting that the key to it all is finding the right balance. 

“Just don’t open it for a few days. Just leave it be. Sometimes I’ll go days or weeks without posting. I try to update my followers on what I’m doing. It makes me feel closer to them. I’ve never felt the need to take a break from it like that. Just put your phone down and enjoy the things in life,” she says.

Is it just us or does Ariel sound wise beyond her years? Celebrities who grow up in the spotlight have a knack for going off the rails at some point, but it seems that Ariel has her priorities in check. 

She dealt with fame “just by going through it. I’ve had a lot of time now to just go through the highs and lows of it. The people around me keep me grounded in what’s going on. I’m aware of it, but I’m not invested in it. It’s not taking over my life.” 

“I focus less on the celebrity aspect of my job. I’d love to continue being an actress, but I didn’t get into the industry so I could be on magazines.”

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Monday, January 9, 2017

Duggar Family: SLAMMED For Posting About Evils of Money

The Duggar family is very, very wealthy.

They’re not “Trump rich,” but they’re much closer to “Kardashian rich” than most of their fans realize.

In addition to their reality TV empire, the Duggars have launched a wide array of business ventures that serve to both bring in extra income and keep their sons-in-law marginally employed.

Despite all of that, it seems the Duggars are still firm believers that all money is sinful – even the rare bills that have never been used as a cocaine straw or found their way into s stripper’s g-string.

The Duggars have never been shy about expressing their religious beliefs on social media, even when those views are sure to attract controversy.

(We imagine Jessa wasn’t exactly shocked when folks took issue with her idiotically comparing abortion to the Holocaust.)

This time, however, the arguments are not against the message, but with the people who shared it:

Duggars on Money

The Duggars posted the above image to their official Facebook page yesterday, and some fans are accusing the well-heeled clan of hypocrisy:

“And that is exactly why they were exposed for the fakes they are. Their love for fame and fortune,” wrote one follower.

“If ratings start dipping, marriages are rushed and courtships develop and progress rapidly. It’s all about the ratings, which translates to ‘it’s all about the money,"” commented another.

Others rushed to the Dugs’ defense 

“That’s right – it’s not money (which just a tool) but the love of money. Great reminder,” wrote one fan.

Fans have long been confused by the Duggars views on money, and it seems this meme didn’t help to clarify matters much.

They’re obviously ambitious when it comes to stacking funds, and one of their stranger beliefs is that getting debt is a sin.

But clearly they’re not all in with capitalism, as they’re quick to quote the Bible on the topic of the evils of currency.

We guess their views on greed are just another item on the long, long list of things we don’t really understand about the Duggars.

Watch Counting On online to help make these folks richer, and thus, more conflicted.


Monday, December 19, 2016

50 Cent Accused of Child Abuse After Posting Bizarre Video

50 Cent hasn"t exactly been killin" it in the life choices department lately, and his parenting in particular has drawn a tremendous amount of criticism in recent months.

Back in October, 50 threatened to kill his son Marquise on Instagram.

Now, he"s drawing fire for a video in which he appears to punch his youngest "son," Davian, in the head.

We had to put that in quotes because Davian isn"t really Fiddy"s son, but rather a young fan whom the rapper says he "treats like a son."

We guess that would be a good thing, were it not for the fact that in Curtis Jackson"s world, treating someone like a son means pummeling them in the head.

The rapper posted the clip below on Instagram with a caption reading:

"Getting my young bull ready."

Ready for what? The concussion protocol?

Fif doesn"t appear to be hauling off and hitting Davian full-force, but it bears repeating that he makes contact with the kid"s head multiple times, at one point hitting him so hard that he bumps into the wall behind him.

Mr. Cent has long been a boxing aficionado, often commenting on the sport on social media, and even feuding with Floyd Mayweather and other fighters.

(Floyd and 50 have buried the hatchet, but the rapper has since taken to throwing shade at Bernard Hopkins.)

So we understand that he takes a genuine interest in the sport, and this isn"t just an excuse to knock an 11-year-old around.

Still, it might be time for 50 to hire a coach for the kid.

We"re sure he can afford it.

50 cent accused of child abuse after posting bizarre video

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tina Knowles -- OOPS!!! Silly Me, Posting Elevator Pic of Solange & Jay Z! (PHOTO)

Tina Knowles has some big regrets today … after posting a pic of Solange in an elevator with Jay Z, reminiscent of perhaps the singer’s greatest hits. Beyonce’s mom immediately yanked the pic down, after realizing it brings back memories of…
